Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 27 No. 62 - Beloved Jesus and Magda - December 26, 1984


A Study in Christhood by the Great Initiator
A Torch of Responsibility
Remembering the Odyssey of Twin Flames


Most beautiful ones of the Light, I beheld you in the beginning, I behold you now—and the glory of the Light of God is upon you.

When you first came forth and had placed upon you the garments for your realization of identity in octaves below the causal body, your raiment was transparent, your heart flames visible, and the jewels you wore were solely the jewels of the chakras that appeared. (Contrary to some belief systems on earth, the colors of the chakras we have released in this order constitute the immaculate matrix for the seven stars of Elohim appearing in thy temple. <1>

I am Lanello, delivering to you now [through our Mother’s vessel] the dictation of beloved Jesus for the fulfillment of your path in this season of striving and in the Light appearing.

Remember, then, the firstborn Son.

Remember, then, thy ordination as king and queen, Father/Mother Presence—thou and thy twin flame.

Remember, then, the odyssey of the pearl and the mystery of the star sapphire lost beneath the waves of doubt and fear, and the soul forever diving to the depths to find the lost pearl and the lost sapphire.

Thus, understand: The pearl is always the symbol of the soul, and the sapphire of the Great Blue Causal Body Star in the heavens. Thus, the glory that was with you in the beginning is a glory that has receded from the lower form.

I have described your appearance in golden-age cities, etheric cities of light on Venus and other planetary homes. The descent below the etheric matrix and garment has been fraught with despair, deprivation, loss of memory, the going out of the Way.

My Admonishment and My Rebuke

Children of the Sun, I, Jesus, summon you through our Messengers—twin flames who hold now the arc and the flame on this altar of myself and dearest Magda: 

Understand the wholeness as Above and so below, and receive my admonishment and my rebuke. For I must rebuke the wayward self that has gotten itself so far out of the way of the divinity of the sapphire star. And I must rebuke the self that still persists in the selfish pursuits after having seen and heard and listened to the Light of the Word descending.

Thus, I caution you to reckon with the equation. How easily the Light is lost, how easily it slips through the fingers and through the body temple. That which is gained seemingly so easily is not, in fact, so easily gained.

We Have Paid the Price, Now You Must Pay the Price

I, Jesus, have paid the price. Magda has paid the price. And these two witnesses have paid the price. Beloved, understand that the gifts so naturally, divinely naturally received have been hard-earned and won by those who stand as your sponsors.

Thus, recognize that the conclusion of a quarter of Summit University is the transfer of a torch of responsibility. For these weeks together, these many weeks, as in the prophecy of Daniel <2> (weeks, then, being the division of time and space in the number seven of Elohim and the seven chakras) represent a finite segment of eternity, even as they represent eternity itself, for you have passed through the eternality of thy causal body. Thus, you have ascended to eternal life and descended to the scene of accountability—the scene of karma.

Now understand, beloved, that the passing of the torch [as it were, a mantle] is from our shoulders to your own and to those of your own Christ Self. When you are released this Monday morning from our tutelage, know that you go forth with the wherewithal, the know-how, and our momentum that you might begin to pay the price. And that is the responsibility for the descent from the etheric octave; for all karma is made in the mental, carnal, fleshly, emotional levels of being.

Understand, therefore, that this opportunity of my grace upon you, the grace of Magda and our beloved Mother Mary, is a consummate gift. It is the launching of a star, if you will it so. And if you choose to take that star as a football under your arm and run once again on the playing fields of the world saying, “Shall I do this? Shall I do that?” you will come to the understanding that football is a serious game, fraught with danger and broken bones—it is where you roll in the mud. And this is the way of earth.

Thus, understand it is meet for thee to reinforce the Light we have given that you might, when sure of that accountability—sure and understanding of the very posture of the body and the very attitude of being on the defense simultaneously with being on the offense—when you have internalized and crystal-ized a certain fortitude of your own Christhood, then, then it is safe to go forth among the people and do those things that are a fulfillment of the great descending cycle of the Great Divine Director.

Reaching Out to Your Twin Flames Each Two Thousand Years

Beloved ones, I must give you the understanding, lest you lose the precious pearl and the precious sapphire, that during past ages, after your leaving off from the place of perfection, each two thousand years we have come with a profound message and sacrifice of our very life to reach out to your twin flames, to woo you back to the great temples of the Brotherhood and to the school of Maitreya.

You must understand that your father and mother, even Adam and Eve, are in a sense the archetypal pattern of many twin flames who went forth from the mystery school, lured by the temptations of great interest and dominion in the political, economic, and social realms that were presented by the Serpent, representing that band of angels who are the scribes, who are the sophists, who pose as the sages but are not the true wise men from the East.

Thus, you see, there will always be the temptation to master another round of worldly knowledge that is seen as the key to enlightenment, the key to the resolution of the world’s problems.

Blessed hearts, people have had great knowledge and science and invention for tens of thousands of years. Have they saved the world from self-destruction? Have they got to the very core of life and being? Recognize a long, long history of millions of years of trying to solve the problems of the Matter equation without, sans, the garment of the etheric temple.

Weave the Deathless Solar Body

I admonish you then, first and foremost, to weave the Deathless Solar Body. If the people of India had known that the noxious gas was to come, would they not have put on themselves protective garments and oxygen masks, or would they not have removed themselves? <3> 

Understand that when you go forth without the wedding garment, without the Deathless Solar Body, you are subject and prey to the noxious gases of the astral plane that are spewing out the world around. Believe me, it is easier to slip and fall than it is to navigate oneself safely across the dark passages of the astral plane without the wedding garment.

Thus, do not take so lightly so great a salvation.

We have deliberated, our Mother [the Virgin Mary] with us—Magda and I—concerning what we might give to you of the highest and best fruits of our own wisdom and experience, seeing as we see the long continuity of the evolution of thy soul and all that we have encountered. Blessed ones, if it were not so treacherous, the earth would be in the golden age today and you would be walking as masters among men.

We speak, then, of the treachery of the ways of the world and the subtlety of the loss of Light and of the many who have come through these halls and gone forth almost drunken with the new wine of the Spirit and therefore not on guard.

The Challenge to Retain the Light

I say with Saint Germain and the Goddess of Liberty: Hold fast what thou hast received! Value it above all else, and know that now the challenge begins to retain that Light so easily gained by the overshadowing of those who gladly and joyfully make their presence felt in the halls of Summit University.

This is the beginning of a trek for each one of you. This is the beginning of a life wherein you daily face in an accelerated manner the returning cycles of past karma. All who are ardent chelas, who understand the meaning of the gift of the ascension to a planet, will surely avail themselves of the highest and best opportunity to serve and, by way of serving, to gain greater strength in the Light.

Your own Messengers would confess to you in this hour their own frailty in the very beginning of their search and their own frailty on the Path as they did encounter the most difficult karmic situations, which always must be brought to the fore in one’s final embodiment. And this Messenger Mark, through whom I speak in this moment, would tell you that without the overshadowing and care and compassion and wisdom of Mother Mary, he considers that he would not have made it on the Path.

The Search Is Ended—the Path of Self-Mastery Is Begun

Thus, beloved ones, you were magnetized here because you are among the old souls of the earth who must have an understanding, who have a driving inner desire to know where they have come from and why they have an understanding of life beyond a narrow spectrum of physicality and empirical testimony.

Beloved ones, you have sought and you have found. Some are caught up with the hypnotism of the search itself. They prefer to keep on seeking and therefore, in not finding, to have the excuse for not settling down to the mighty work of the ages.

I trust you will know and hear me—that I AM the Witness that you no longer have the excuse not to apply the Truth, for you have reached the goal, the search is ended, and the path of self-mastery is begun.

We have provided what we consider to be the safest matrix here and at the Royal Teton Ranch for your building of the temple, for the resolution of inequities within you, for the mastery of your psychology and, thus, the building of the Deathless Solar Body.

You see, at this moment you are not all [entirely] tethered to the etheric body because of rents in the garments of the lower vehicles. That etheric body is the Deathless Solar Body. It is now become a part of thy Christ Self—that higher manifestation of it. And if you would avail yourself of its complete enfoldment and protection, you must anchor in the Light and raise that Light and know the meaning of the burning of the sacred fire in the spine and in the chakras, burning the debris and rising, rising, rising until literally the crown itself is on fire.

You ought to have this as the goal and realize that unless and until the sacred fire is actually burning in the temple, you have not attained to that point of equilibrium where your immortality is secured, as in heaven so on earth.

Human Error and Angelic Intercession

Beloved ones, it ought to be a sign to the whole evolution of the planet how easily an error of those individuals who do not necessarily represent our Brotherhood can result in mass death and confusion. Do you realize how many areas there are on earth this day in the physical octave which, if they were upset or triggered, would cause death to millions and tens of millions? 

Think of all of the installations of nuclear weapons. Think of the many plants that generate electricity by nuclear power. Think of the many plants that manufacture poisons. Think of the coming of earthquakes or cataclysm and the rupturing of pipes and systems and, in serious cataclysm, the setting off of those weapons that are positioned around the globe. Then you will begin to understand that, physically speaking, you are dwelling on a literal powder keg.

Consider that it is the intercession of the angelic hosts and the Great White Brotherhood through the dynamic decrees of the chelas that actually sustains the balance and has prevented that cataclysm—even prophesied by certain psychics—from taking place. Beloved ones, they cannot figure out the timetables because the timetables are governed by the cycles of the degrees and the cycles of the decrees of the chelas of the sacred fire.  

Thus, come to an understanding of the value of thy position as a pillar in the temple of my God. Recognize the value of the altar and the value of the casting into the flame of those obstructions and inner conflicts and inner knots that are present to thwart the divine plan.

The Great Gift of Our Heart: The Coil of Fire

Now I come with Magda and we offer unto you the great gift of our heart. And we desire, therefore, to explain this gift. In the past we have noted that some who have desired to give of themselves were not fitting candidates because of momentums of the human consciousness. A portion of the self desires to serve; the other portion of the self desires to be in the world, whether because of its karma or because of habit or because of desire—all of which amount to the same thing: the cause/effect cycles in Matter.

Thus, there is an expression of a willing heart. Thus, there is the pulling back from the level of the subconscious by the not-self that will not say die. And the soul betwixt the two is not able to resolve [the dilemma]. And therefore, because of the pressure of its own karma, the soul must go forth—out the door, out the gate. It must separate itself from the fiery altar because the very not-self is so resistant to the descent of the Great God Self.

  Now, beloved ones, this presents a serious problem for the community as well as for the Messengers. For the Messengers have no desire to wrestle with those who have not wrestled with themselves. And therefore, they cannot retain as a part of their staff and as a part of the community of co-workers those who have these unalterable divisions and these dichotomies.

This, therefore, is our commitment and our gift—that those who find they have the division within the members, pulling this way and that—which the apostle Paul spoke of so understandingly, so personally and so poignantly <4>—may then call to us and ask for the transfer of the coil of fire.

Note the word: coil of fire—the coil of myself and of beloved Magda representing the Alpha, the Omega. When these are meshed, they form the divine caduceus. These two coils are of gold. They are of gold as you would visualize golden wire of the purest, finest quality of gold with no alloy.

Thus, this brilliant, sun-fire gold coil meshed together forms the caduceus of Alpha and Omega. It is not large. These coils are precisely the size large enough to surround each one’s physical spinal column from the base unto the crown.

Now, those sincerely desiring to pass over the dark night and the astral plane of their karma and downward momentums, those who desire to transmute all of this through divine service and chelaship, those who would vow the vow of obedience, chastity, and poverty may therefore appeal for this gift. <5> We will supply it.

And by the coil of gold, by this coil of fire, beloved hearts, and by your pursuing the path of the novitiate, of the holy brother and the holy sister of the divine order, you may reach that point, by the coil and by service, of the transmutation of those elements of being that pull in all directions as horses going in diverse corners who will not submit to the discipline of the driver.

Beloved hearts, this has been the knotty problem. This has been the point of confusion. Thus, those who desire to give the most, often have the least to give because there is not this resolution. On the other hand, those who have the most to give and the greatest developed potential professionally often desire not to stay because their desires are to capitalize upon their attainment in the world itself. So you see, beloved hearts, there is a realization that outer attainment is a temptation away from the central altar and the central flame.

Now, we would not interfere with free will by our message this day. We come in answer to your calls to enable you to better come into alignment with your free will by having a superior knowledge and a wisdom, a perspective spanning the ages, and a rightful equation of what truly is in the world.

The Equation of the Mystical Body of God

Souls are being lost at a rapid rate today. Souls are truly being lost and extinguished. This is the burden of the heart of my Mother. This is the burden of the heart of the Fa,tima message.

The prayers of the righteous and the work of the labor of love of the Keepers of the Flame can and shall save the earth. But I must tell you, it is also an equation of number. This number is not many numbers. It is of the number one.

The one is the mystical body of God. The body of God has its components, its cells and organs. From the head to the feet, ye are the mystical body of God. God requires all of His members to be in manifestation. Thus, the numbers are always One. You are the One, I AM the One, we are One, and you form one Circle of Light.

The Gift of Mother Mary’s Circle of Light

I would comment to you, then, upon the power of the gift of the Circle of Light from the heart of my Mother initiated in this quarter. <6> This Circle of Light was retained for you unto the end that you might receive the maximum initiation and Light that your bodies could bear. This, then, was accomplished magnificently last eve, and I desire to witness to the great beauty and power and alchemy that has occurred over Washington, D.C., and at inner levels.

You must understand that this [formation of the Circle of Light by the Messenger and devotees] was and always will be an exercise in consciously ascending to the plane of the etheric body—leaving, therefore, the lesser bodies under the automated control of systems set in motion—and journeying consciously through the etheric body (again, the Deathless Solar Body) to various places on earth for the completion of the work at hand.

This vital service cannot be overly praised, nor should it be underestimated. When you come into a realization of the all-power of God within you and its potential to change the world, I trust you will have the perspective to put all things in their proper place and arrive at the conclusion of the I AM Law of Life for your life.

Where Are the Temple Builders?

Thus, beloved ones, we have already outlined the divine plan and the destiny for the spiritual path and the life of lightbearers. We have pointed to the highest way and the highest goal. The temple must be built. Where are the temple builders? The land must be farmed and tilled and the Ranch must be tended and all must be in readiness for the descent of avatars and for earth changes that I trust will come about as smoothly as the violet flame can be smooth.

Beloved ones, there is an urgency in your individual lifestreams for the seizing of the torch of victory, and there is an urgency on the planet. I point out once again that those things that hang by a thread that are dangerous to mankind are only one category of danger. All other categories—of the economy, the political equation, et cetera—also hang by the thread.

Our Vision and Our Desire


      Our vision is to see now the mighty [Victory’s] Temple of Light <7> and the cathedral built at the Inner Retreat and to have there twenty-four hours a day services for the nations.

      We desire to see representatives from every nation who are the highest lightbearers eventually arrive there, once they have scoured the very earth itself to give the teachings to every lightbearer.

      We desire to see the manifestation of the SUN itself in the spiritual unity of nations.

      We desire to see the Call and the Word and the ancient intonations resumed that were given in the early days of Atlantis and Lemuria.


Taking Heaven by Force through Genetic Engineering

Even now, in the realm of genetic engineering, what is proposed—to engage now the human genes and to give them to animal genes and to combine the species— is abhorrent to the Lord God. <8> For the imprisoning of human genes in animal form is the imprisoning of a portion of the race itself, a portion of those genes which are actually endowed with a certain formula by the I AM Presence.

Thus, this is the taking of heaven by the violent who take it by force. And they take it by force through genetic engineering. And thus you see the prophecy of Daniel coming to pass in many areas—the abomination of desolation standing in the holy place where it ought not. <9> This statement from the Old Testament has numerous interpretations connected with the violation of the temple in those eras. But I speak to you today of the violation of the temple of man and the abomination in the violation of the genes and the DNA chain.

Beloved ones, these things are not merely on the drawing board. These experiments are being conducted and they are a living fact of today. Realize, then, that one of the causes for the Flood and the sinking of Atlantis was the combining of these genes in such a horrendous manner as to create half-man/half-goat creatures, et cetera. And these things became proliferated to such an extent that the very wombs of women were used as experimental laboratories for the bringing forth of all kinds of grotesque creatures. And the hour is coming in the earth when, through the absence of the standard of the Christ mind, women shall be offering their bodies in all manner of foul experimentation.

The creation of life without the God flame in the test tube and all manner of implantation of animal parts within the human body is the collective degeneration of consciousness that all might become animals once again.

Where Will the Lightbearers Position Themselves?

And therefore, where do the lightbearers position themselves? How can you in any way allow your seed or your blood to be mixed with those evolutions who are of the animal creation? They are already in the earth. You have called them the godless. They are without the threefold flame. Therefore the cry went forth from the ancient prophets: Come apart and be a separate people elect unto God! 

The separation of the seed of Christ must come. For, you see, the giving of the seed of Christ in experimentation is truly the end of evolution. And thus, cataclysm can be held back for the lightbearers, it can be held back for the coming of the golden age, but it cannot be held back when these practices are allowed to continue. There is no further purpose to an evolution that then consists of half-animal/half-human and is endowed with a divine spark by those children of the Sun, the profligate ones, who have abandoned their divine calling and who have gone to lie with the animals.

Beloved hearts, the desolation of the world and the outpicturing of Death and Hell in the quarters of this planet, in the quarters of the nations, is unbelievable. It is beyond belief. You have no awareness of how our angels must look upon the degradations, the sodomy, the perversion of the life-force, bringing upon it the act of karma itself of this AIDS disease. Beloved ones, this failure of the immune system is due to the violation, the denial, and the hatred of the Mother Light. And this disease itself becomes a threat to the race.

Thus, the karma descends for infamy. Where shall the lightbearers appear? Where shall we multiply the race of the I AM lightbearers? You must see the handwriting on the wall. You must look at what is happening today and you must ask yourselves as you consider yourselves in the office of the Lords of Karma: 

What will you do with this planet in thirty years or fifty years? What will happen to a planetary home where this runs rampant and there is no stopping to the development of nuclear weapons that hang from satellites threatening every man, woman, and child? Every dumb beast, every fowl of the air and fish of the sea is threatened with the revolving of these satellites.

To Secure a Protected Platform for the I AM Race

Beloved ones, I come with a plea from my heart and I say set aside the desire for personal indulgence and achievement and recognize that the goal at the present hour is to secure a protected platform for those who recognize themselves as being of the I AM Race from every evolution on earth, those who recognize how precious it is to have the divine spark and those who desire ultimately that this divine spark shall not go out on earth again.

   I tell you, if this planet goes down to the level it was before Sanat Kumara came to reinstate the path of the lightbearers, there shall not be given a second opportunity. The edict that went forth, which Sanat Kumara stopped—that the earth should be extinguished—will go forth. Beloved ones, it is a serious crossroads in the life of a planet and a solar system, and we must lay bare before you these facts so that you can make right choices.

I assure you that I withdraw in this moment all tension and all pressure you may feel from my message. I cannot withhold the Truth. I am sent by the Lords of Karma, I am sponsored by the Lord of the World. And the reason we have several Masters sponsoring each quarter in these times is because of the great darkness abroad in the land.

Beloved hearts, let me assure you that if this work were not going forth and this organization were not solvent and able to deal as it deals justly with all those who desire the Light, if we did not have a Messenger and you could not receive initiations, the history of this earth would be markedly different in this hour. You must understand that you are a part of the pillars of eternity. <10> You are a pillar in the temple of my God. The Ascended Masters can do nothing for the planet without willing instruments.

Thus, you have chosen to answer our call. We have chosen to call; you have chosen to answer. There is a meeting of hearts. There is a divine embrace. We give you our love and we desire you to understand that, above all, we determine to secure the safety of the soul of each and every one of you.

Having secured the safety of the soul, we desire to secure the safety of the mental body, the functioning of the mind as a cogent identity. Then we desire to preserve the functioning of the desire body that you might retain the desire to be who you are. Then we must secure the safety of the physical body that all of these may be secured in the physical octave, which is the scene of your karma where you must be to balance that karma.

Cataclysm Shocks the Psyche, Damages the Inner Bodies

Beloved hearts, you may wonder why I speak in this wise. You see, cataclysm of a severe kind—the rise and fall of continents or nuclear war—is such a shock to the entire system and the psyche (which term I mean to indicate the soul) that in fact there is damage to the inner bodies when an individual goes through such calamity.

Some of the setbacks you have experienced have been because you have been on the scene and been in the situation of being a victim of types of holocaust and cataclysm that have occurred on the planet due to just the very experiments of the black magicians that are occurring today. They are determined to experiment with the nucleus of the atom and with the very nucleus of the genes.

Thus, whether in organic or inorganic matter, there is the manipulation of the sacred fire that is intended to be sealed and opened only by meditation and by the love of the heart. Understand my words—that “the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force.” <11> 

Understand that there are those who force the chakras, force the Light, extract all that they can from the bodies of the lightbearers. These are the black magicians who come as the rock stars. These are the black magicians who come purveying their chemicals for the destruction of the body through all manner of drugs and dope.

Beloved ones, it is almost a cause of the reeling of the mind and the senses to contemplate what actually is taking place on earth—the rapid devouring of souls, city by city, nation by nation. From the jungles to the most icy climes, this consciousness travels.

The Need for Perpetual Prayer and Meditation:
Become Aware of World Pain

Thus, how do you survive? You survive in a cylinder of self-protection—the noninvolvement by refusing to consider these things too often. This is natural. All people do it, tending to focus on what they are able to give and able to do, what their personal responsibilities are, what their personal karma is. Understand, therefore, that to become aware, as the Messengers are aware, of the pain of a planet demands that one alter one’s lifestyle. This is why it is necessary to come apart.

If you are to be sensitive, if you are to make the perpetual call, if you are to spare the Messenger and her four lower bodies in being on the altar, if you are to be there with the solar ring, then, beloved hearts, you will begin to become more and more sensitive, more and more aware of the need for perpetual prayer and meditation.

Will you not, then, take the book of myself with Kuthumi to study the perpetual practice of this art? <12> Prayer, meditation, and dynamic decree—a living ritual of the Trinity in your life.

Will you not begin to be aware, then, that you were created as an individual and a God-identity for more than just self-concern and the living of a reasonable life of happiness, privacy, the pursuit of the professions, and so forth? 

Pilgrims Seeking No Continuing City

Realize that you were created to become an avatar. You were created to become a Christ. You were sent forth to take on the world consciousness of the Lord of the World and to have your affairs and your energies so in order that you could give a more than ordinary service.

I must tell you these things, beloved hearts, because you will ask me in the hour of your transition why I did not make it plain, why I did not speak forthrightly, why I did not determine to take hold of you and remind you that you descended to this planet in order to ascend—for that reason alone! And in having avowed that solemn destiny, you must be reminded and called out of the very weight and density that you went forth to consume.

Beloved ones, each day the balancing of karma finds you a little higher in vibration and consciousness until all of you—all of your identity, all of your individuality—is one day in the etheric octave and you are there and secure and need no more to go out from the central altar of being. This is the only safety that can truly be considered as permanent and as ultimately secure.

All things are in transition.  

I urge you and I encourage you to consider your position on this planet as temporary. I urge you to consider yourself as a pilgrim, to seek no continuing city <13> save that which is necessary as a dispensary of the Teachings and the Path, to consider yourself here for a moment in eternity and to consider that everything on the earth hangs in the balance according to your decision.

This is the Truth. This is the Reality. I shirk not from its statement to you, beloved hearts, for the fallen ones who have raised themselves up in the positions of psychology and being cult watchers have accused anyone who cries out with the message of the Messiah to be truly attempting to brainwash, to control.

I tell you that if you should so interpret my message, you will lose the greatest opportunity that you have had in ten thousand years and more! 

Seek Union with God, with Twin Flame, with the Messengers


      I, Jesus, come as your brother. I come, if you will, as your equal, as your co-servant. I lay aside my garments. I wash your feet. I embrace you. I hold you close to my heart and Magda adorns you with roses and floral offerings. You are a part of us and a part of our bands and those of Sanat Kumara, and we will not leave you alone! 

   As long as you place yourself in our aura, we will remind you of all that we have passed through to gain a victory and to pay the price for you. We will remind you that there are just as many who will follow on the coattails of your Christhood as there are who follow us.

Thus, seek the union with God, with twin flame. Visualize the sphere of wholeness. Enter it and be a fireball for God on earth, and watch how the planet will change.

If there is any distress to the Messenger, it is the absolute knowledge that where the call is made by her, there is change—the distress being that she cannot be perpetually at the altar to make those calls.

You are also the hands and feet of the Ascended Masters. You are also the hands and feet of the Messengers. You can make the call in the name of the Two Witnesses. You should make the call by the authority of the mantle and the office and the protection of the Messengers of the Great White Brotherhood that no harm may come upon thee.

Thus, this office of the Two Witnesses is safeguarded, and all who speak in the name of that office receive the angelic hosts who guard it as a protection of their lifestream and their service. You may also call and should call for the armor of Archangel Michael’s legions and the seraphim of God.

Beloved ones, every call is answered. Let us roll back the timetables of the dark ones and let us secure the victory for the Light! 

Now beloved Saint Germain comes to place upon your shoulders that mantle which signifies you have completed this level and, in so signifying, gives to you the momentum of his own determination, protection, and wisdom.

May you see your Teachers face-to-face. May you see the supernal spheres and inner octaves. May you see what lies ahead. May you see your beloved twin flame. May you look up and see the face of your I AM Presence. May you know your Christ Self.

Know Me as Your Brother and Friend, and Be Like Me

I, Jesus, had my victory. This is your hour and the fulfillment of the prophecy that went forth in the beginning that thou shouldst return to the heart of the Father.

Oh, study my life—the records that you have of me, both in these writings as well as in that which has come forth in my dictations and from others of the ascended hosts. Truly gather, as you gather the most magnificent wild flowers in summer at the Inner Retreat—gather the precepts, gather the understanding.

For once you know me as your brother and friend, once you understand your present capacity to be just like me, your life will gain that intensity that comes with the new birth, with the infilling of the Holy Spirit, and with the igniting of your threefold flame with my own. These things are the promises of my Father through me unto those who truly love.

Blessed hearts, I plead with you. I plead again. Feed my sheep! Feed my sheep across the earth. Feed them before it is too late.

We release the breath of the eternal spring that is hope eternal for all life. In you lies our greatest hope for the world. May it be consummated by love and by faith.

I shall now use the Emerald Matrix used to transfer the blessing of Omega to bless you also from the heart of Magda and Mary.

Let us continue the Path we have begun and which we have determined to finish. I turn to the last page that shall be written by you in your Book of Life on earth, and I inscribe at the last page F-I-N-I-S. I put the seal of the finish upon this book that you may know that I am holding the flame for the fulfillment of all cycles. And I hold the immaculate heart matrix for the completion of thy round.


The Lord’s Prayer at the Altar of the Holy Grail

      O Seraphim of God, O legions of angels of the Father, come now to earth and help my own in every walk of life.

      I pray to Thee, O Father. Hear my call in this hour of desperation on earth. I, Jesus, pray that through these hearts they may be saved.

      Send the twelve legions from the heart of the Central Sun, O Father! And send twelve legions again until every lightbearer on earth has a new angel and a new face in heaven to contemplate.

      O God, let them not become overconfident but supremely aware and therefore always positive in the present victory.

      Mighty Victory, I call to you with your legions of Light. Come again! Come again and assist these, my beloved. Secure the divine plan for them.

      I stand at the Altar of the Holy Grail physically in the very heart of my twin Messengers and I deliver to you the very heart and essence of my lifeblood.

      O earth, hear my call and respond! Hear my call, O earth, and respond in the name of Alpha and Omega.

      I bow to the Light of God within these hearts and the Light of God within the heart of every servant-son on earth.

      I bow to the Light. I breathe upon it the breath of the Holy Spirit.

      I intensify that flame, for I AM determined, O Father, that this earth shall be brought Home through these, thy blessed ones.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus and Magda was delivered by the ascended Messenger Lanello through the unascended Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, December 7, 1984, in the Chapel of the Holy Grail at Camelot. It was the concluding address to the students of Summit University Fall Quarter 1984, sponsored by Mother Mary, Jesus and Magda.

1. The seven chakras, their colors, rays, and the seven chohans who initiate the light of the Elohim in the seven spiritual centers of their chelas are as follows: base-of-the-spine chakra, white, fourth ray, Serapis Bey; seat-of-the-soul chakra, violet, seventh ray, Saint Germain; solar plexus, purple and gold, sixth ray, Nada; heart chakra, pink, third ray, Paul the Venetian; throat chakra, blue, first ray, El Morya; third eye, green, fifth ray, Hilarion; crown chakra, yellow, second ray, Lanto.

2. Dan. 9:20-27. See The Scofield Reference Bible, p. 914, n. 1.

3. On December 3, 1984, a storage tank containing methyl isocyanate (MIC) at the Union Carbide pesticide plant in Bhopal, Central India, leaked a cloud of noxious gas which spread over the city, killing more than 2,500 people and leaving an estimated 100,000 permanently disabled.

4. Rom. 7:15-25.

5. See Kuthumi, January 27, 1985, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 9, pp. 95-96, on the Order of Saint Francis and Saint Clare in the Aquarian age and the interpretation of the vow of obedience, poverty, and chastity.

6. See Mother Mary, August 26, 1984, Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 27, no. 51, pp. 437-38.

7. In his June 3, 1960, Pearl of Wisdom, vol. 3, no. 23, p. 3, El Morya announced: “A mighty Temple of Victory is to be built in this nation for all mankind, dedicated to the Presence of Almighty God! It shall be called ‘I AM’ the Temple of Life’s Victory”—the “first temple of the Great White Brotherhood known to the outer world since Atlantean days.” Jesus’ vision of the building of the temple and the cathedral at the Inner Retreat is an indication that the time is approaching when Victory’s Temple is to be built.

8. In November 1983, a team of scientists headed by Professor Richard D. Palmiter of the University of Washington in Seattle reported successful injection of the human growth hormone gene into fertilized mouse eggs, producing mice which grew larger than normal in size, and which also manufactured the human hormone in several of their organs. See “Metallothionein-Human GH Fusion Genes Stimulate Growth of Mice,” Science (November 18, 1983), pp. 809-14.

9. Dan. 9:27; 11:31; 12:11; Matt. 24:15; Mark 13:14.

10. See El Morya, May 9, 1971, “The Pillars of Eternity,” in Masters of the Far East on the Pillars of Eternity (Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 14, no. 19), pp. 75-77. Rev. 3:12.

11.. Matt. 11:12.

12. Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation, Summit University Press.

13. Heb. 13:14.