Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 28 No. 11 - Beloved El Morya - March 17, 1985


Chela—Christed One—Guru
Offices on the Path of the Individualization of the God Flame


Blessed knights and ladies of the flame, children of the Sun, be seated now in the lap of infinity of the World Mother.

The Right of the Evolutions of God to Conquer and Win

We bow before the Light of Archangel Michael and the legions of Light who are also the guardians of our service and who, without question, respond to protect all whom we sponsor. Thus, it is a hallowed love we share with the mighty beings of Light who have defended with the Manus the right of the evolutions of God to conquer and win their immortality on earth.

The Office of Chela Waits

I would speak to you, then, of your office of chela.

The office of chela we diagram on the Chart <1> as the lower figure. The chela is the one in whom there blazes a literal furnace of violet flame as is depicted—one striving on the Path, one who is dedicated to make his temple the temple of the living God, and of the Father, the Mighty I AM Presence, and of the Son descending.

The chela is the striving one.

Thus, we consider all who defend our Teaching and our Messenger and who are faithful in the service we have outlined to be a part of that level and that hierarchy. The office waits and you may so qualify yourself by intense calls to the violet flame and the will of God and the request that you have revealed to you what are those things which must shortly be passed into the flame for you to know the true protection of the mantle of chela.

Blessed ones, the chela is striving on the path of personal Christhood. And when that Christhood is bestowed, then he wears the mantle not only of the chela or disciple but also of his own Holy Christ Self.

The chela, before becoming that Shepherd, does become—on occasion, from time to time, and often—the vessel of his Christ Self. By and by, as this becomes a perpetual vigil of the hours, the mantle descends and the Christ does not leave that one, even if that one may temporarily lose his balance or become out of alignment.

You see, an office, once granted by the Lord God, is not withdrawn as one would snatch from you a cape, then drop it again, then snatch it again. This is not the way of the Great White Brotherhood. When we see fit to bestow the mantle of chela, we stand by that chela.

Thus, not all who are students of ours do we count as chelas. For a chela is someone with whom we share our very life and breath. Thus, a relationship of trust must be established.

Passing the Initiation of the Office of Christ

In the same manner, the one who has been seen consistently to strive to outpicture that Christhood does eventually, by initiation of Maitreya and Jesus and his own Christ Self, attain to a certain equilibrium in the manifestation of Christhood—not giving us the ups and downs of inconstancy, not being here one day and there another.

Thus, the passing of initiation in each office is required. And thus, you see that the Christed ones must also be equal to the task of bearing that Christ Light.

Beloved hearts, this office of Christ formerly occupied by your Messengers and still occupied by your Messengers is the true assignment of yourselves. You, the direct initiates of our call, are expected not to remain chelas forever—forever seeking the Truth but never coming to the knowledge of that Truth, <2> to borrow a phrase from the apostle.

Chelaship may be comfortable because the chela may yet depend upon the Christed One or the Master. I admonish you that those who have our direct word and blessing must strive not only to rise but to pull down the full power of the office of Christhood.

When you, therefore, are initiated directly by me through the Messenger, it is a goad to compel you to a higher consciousness, to the Mind of Christ—to the strength of that Mind, to the love of that Mind, to the wisdom and the courage of that Presence!

You may also receive chelaship from the teachings and from one another, but the action of initiation to Christhood must come from the embodied Witness.

The Office of the I AM Presence and the Mantle of Guru

Now, with the mantle of the Guru Sanat Kumara placed upon this Messenger by Padma Sambhava, <3> the Messenger has been required to occupy and hold the office at all times of the I AM Presence. For to have one holding that Word, I AM THAT I AM, in embodiment is the absolute requirement and necessity for the sustainment of an outer activity of the Great White Brotherhood. And this mantle and office did beloved Mark occupy and own before his ascension, and does he still own in this hour.

Now, beloved hearts, for want of those who desire to excel—with all of the challenges that this acceleration compels—to the level of the Christ, you see, the Messenger must descend the spiral staircase of the lighthouse tower and position herself in the office of Christ on behalf of the community. This produces in itself a certain stress and strain for all concerned. For although we desire to release the Light of the Summit from the I AM Presence, yet the Messenger must function at the level of your Christhood—for want of understanding or realization or whatever the cause may be that you yourselves do not take that position.

Thus, beloved hearts, the Christed ones <4> of this organization—and there is no limit to that number that ought to be Christed ones—should be known as the shepherds of the people, as the ministering servants.

And they should have developed within their hearts the discrimination (that faculty for decision making) to implement right action not only for themselves but for their departments and areas of service. This discrimination and dependability allows the Messenger to perform the necessary work for you and the world from the level of the I AM Presence. And this is how hierarchy ought to be counted in this order.

Beloved Kuthumi has called you to the Order of the Brothers and Sisters of Francis and Clare. Understand that striving in this order, whether through the path of the brahmacharya <5> or the path of the householder and the family member, must be pursued with the goal in mind of the attainment of the mantle of Christ—of the “occupying till I come.” <6> Do you understand?

When the Masters descend to the level of Christ, then, you see, your office is fulfilled in heaven and on earth. When you present to God a magnet of the Christ consciousness as a community, then you draw down the Universal Christ in the Ascended Masters.

It is necessary, then, that the decision-making process, the listening to the Word, the execution of the Word, the action of the Word become the goal of those chelas striving to move from their centeredness in the violet-flame-transmutation level to the point of personal Christhood.

The Christ is the Word incarnate within you! The Christ is your Real Self! Thus, you must resist the temptation to indulge the lesser self that opposes that Light.

Some prefer not to push. Some prefer not to heave and ho and to strive. Some yet prefer a comfortable niche of what they think is chelaship—to find a nook and cranny and to simply perform the tasks they are given and to do what they are told.

Beloved ones, it is wonderful to have loyal and obedient servants, but this loyalty and obedience must also include the understanding that the office of chela embodies within it, by definition, the one striving to become the Christ.

Thus, it is a question of looking at the goals of the world, what they are, and seeing how people in the world become complacent. When they own their own home and car, have a good job, a few children, and so forth—whatever they have envisioned—they usually rest at that point and when you see them, they desire nothing more.

Well, let us pray that that complacency of the attainment of the visible goal is not somehow transmitted to the chela, who then thinks that because he is chela, he may enjoy a life of a chela without further responsibility!

I tell you as the Chohan of the First Ray: You will one day lose the mantle of chela if the very mantle itself is not employed by you to divide the waters of the human consciousness, to exorcise from you all that inhibits the manifestation of your Christhood!

Just as the Christed ones are striving to be one with the Father and to embody the I AM, so all who move forward in the scale of hierarchy maintain their present office while striving to embody the elements and the jewels of light of the next.

Thus is the link of hierarchy sustained by those who have the capacity to live in the present, to take dominion over the past and past karma—personal and planetary—and to live in the future, where they perceive and look upon the goal daily and see themselves already robed in white and reigning with the saints in heaven. <7> It is necessary to be able to face and to contain the past, present, and future compartments of time and space and thus to one day transcend them all at the point of Infinity.

Now, beloved hearts, let us look at what the office of Guru, the office of the one who must embody the I AM THAT I AM for the community, does entail. The consciousness of the I AM THAT I AM has been well described by the prophet Habakkuk as the LORD God revealed it to him and as he said, “Thou art of too pure eyes to behold iniquity.” <8>

The I AM Presence is the Spirit of God immutable—absolute God-purity, the absolute fount of the perception only of that which is Real. It is therefore the office of the Christ to behold Good and Evil both in the absolute sense and in the relative sense, to counsel and instruct you, and to send forth recommendations to the heart of the Father for the release of Light unto those striving ones below.

Now, if the beings of Light who surround God in the Great Central Sun did not hold the immaculate concept, if the next rings of Christed ones did not retain the perception of all goings-on of the universe, then the central authority of God Himself could not be sustained as the Knower of the All and the One and the Light.

The just judgments come forth from that I AM THAT I AM because it is pure Light. The one in embodiment holding that concept of purity for you, for the earth, for the community—because of that very concept and presence—can take you on the journeys of initiation through the circle of Light, can be the recipient of the transmission of the Light of the Central Sun in the initiations you receive, can give to you the living flame of the altar of God that you absolutely require for your ascension.

If you will allow the Messenger to fulfill that office, to deliver the Word, to bring forth the Light directly from God for the healing of the nations, then the earth shall truly have a new dispensation of salvation through the Great White Brotherhood. If you rise to the occasion of the office of Christhood, all will go well.

Bearers of the Mantle Must Defend the Church

Now I would like to speak to you of the application of that office as it pertains to such events as the [media] attack upon the Church. It is the chelas and the Christed ones who must guard the citadel, who must protect Camelot and the Ranch, who must take necessary action in counsel.

It is not meet for the Messenger to engage these adversaries on their own ground, on their own terminology. The I AM Presence is not on trial. Neither is the Guru. Neither is the Messenger. They are on trial and they exhibit who and what they are. And the authority of the Father for the judgment of these fallen ones has eternally been conveyed to the one who occupies the office of Christ.

Thus, the decrees have been given that your Christ Self might enact that judgment. Thus, you are the ones who move into action and determine what actions must be taken for the defense of the privilege of the earth to have access to the Mighty I AM Presence through the office and the mantle that we have instituted, which was instituted by God before us.

The Messenger Lives in Deference to the Mantle

It is always true that the mantle is greater than the person, but the person has the opportunity to so identify with the mantle of the office as to become the fullness of it and thereby to move on in the chain of hierarchy. As this is true for yourselves—the eternal hope of the open door, the eternal freedom to pursue at your own pace the initiations of Maitreya—so it is also open to the Messenger.

The setting forth of the Law of the Lawgiver is also this office. Thus, our dictations are not intended for those who are in the world and who have not even approached the level of being student. The setting forth of the Law and the Light and the release of dispensations is absolutely essential, and so is the stepping down and the interpretation of that Word by the Holy Spirit through yourselves to those who must have presented to them that which they can take in of this Word.

Now, in regard to this media attack, the Messenger has informed you that according to her office, she has neither viewed this television series nor set eyes upon the newspapers that have been published. For in the very midst of the fray, she must hold that balance.

Some have criticized her or thought perhaps she was being an ostrich, burying her head in the sand, not wanting to hear about anything of a destructive nature. I can assure you this is not a condition of the human consciousness, but it is the protection of the mantle of the office by its wearer, the wearer being obedient to our request.

This you may observe, therefore, in the Messenger: that the life is lived in deference to the mantle. And however much she may prefer to do something another way, to befriend this individual or that, it is the deference to the mantle, what it allows—the deference to the mantle, seeing to it that it is not trampled upon in incorrect activity—that does guide her action.

Thus, the keeping of the mantle is the result of the effort of the one who understands and feels the presence of the mantle of the Great White Brotherhood and lives by its Law. Thus may you be true to the mantle of chela even before you receive it and therefore become so worthy that it is almost perfunctory on graduation day that the robe of the graduate becomes the mantle of chela.

It is the same for those striving for the office of Christ. It is the imitation of Christ, it is the practice of the Presence of Christ <9> that establishes in your life not only the reverence for that mantle which is shortly coming upon you, but also the respect for the officeholder who does already wear the mantle.

Criticism of the Staff in the Mystery School

Now, I find within this staff that there are some who have come here with what they think to be unusual abilities of an intellectual nature or of a technical nature. And they have considered themselves more qualified than our servants who wear the mantle of chela or of the Holy Christ Self. And therefore, they have taken it upon themselves to correct or criticize their department heads or those who have gone before them in the devotions, the decrees, and the contributions that have kept the very flame of this organization until the new ones could arrive.

Blessed ones, when you challenge those who wear the mantle of staff, in this manner of criticism, you are impugning, therefore, the office of Messenger, who has given the assignments, as well as of the Darjeeling Council. And I counsel you today that you are moving in treacherous waters to allow yourselves to be so seized by the conceit and pride of the carnal mind when, in fact, you have known from the beginning why you were coming to this mystery school—for the very defeat of that mind and to become the humble servant and chela at the altar of Serapis, at the altar of Christ, being willing to take the first and necessary steps of putting on the mantle of student. Thus, I will shortly speak with those who have retained that propensity to be critical of this staff.

Catherine of Siena, Humble Defender of Pope and Church

It is necessary for you to be aware of the humble life of Catherine of Siena which was lived by this soul, your Messenger, who deferred to the mantle of the office of the Pope when the bearers of that office were profoundly corrupt and truly betrayed that office. <10> This is the necessary test of the soul who will bear the mantle of that office. Thus, it has been told to her by Jesus that she does wear that mantle representing Christ to his Church by the very fact that she did not turn against one who misused it—but instead upheld the office, “occupying till I come.”

It is all well and good for you to praise and support a perfect person, but, beloved hearts, that is not the reality. It is the mantle that is the power. It is the office whereby the individual may be the instrument of God.

Therefore, we may trust that the Messenger will cling to the mantle and not be fooled, whether by her own mistakes or by those of any other, but will hold that immaculate concept for all and not rely on the arm of flesh <11>—neither upon her own, nor upon yours, nor upon those who come saying, “We are indispensable! We are your saviours! We will promote you. We are necessary to your victory.”

Once you have felt the weight and the protection of this mantle, you rely upon it. And the mantle of Messenger as the mantle of the I AM THAT I AM is a mantle that embraces all chelas and all Christed ones and does include the sponsoring of diligent students preparing themselves to become chelas. Thus it is the mantle of the office whereby the dispensation of the organization is secured.

Thus, understand that this mantle must be worn by someone in physical embodiment, and the mantle of Christ must be worn by the many. But when the disciples became apostles, as spokesmen of Christ, they wore his mantle of Christ and they moved in the Spirit of the Christ consciousness. Even though from time to time there may have been error in their expression or in their doctrine, they had to receive the mantle in order to do the work of the Lord—and the Lord is the I AM THAT I AM. Thus, [in logical progression] the Christed ones are becoming the embodiment of the Great God who is Guru.

The Christed Ones Become the Elders of the Church

Now, I trust you will understand that it is necessary for those striving in this order of hierarchy to volunteer and apply to become what we will call Elders of the Church—Elders, then, applying as a word that refers to the elder brothers and sisters who are the Ascended Masters. The Elders of the Church may consist of those who are in a position to make decisions, to give counsel, to defend the Church, to be its spokesmen, and to be those who determine the security of the Word, the Work, the chela, the staff, and the Messenger.

I ask you to consider that a council of such elders ought to be acting in concerted fashion in this hour to defend the posture and position of this organization and should submit its deliberations and advice to the Messenger in order that these proposals might receive the higher guidance of our counsel, the wisdom, and the necessary caution which we would convey.

I, beloved ones, counsel you, then, as your Chief that when this circle is formed, I will place the circle of the Darjeeling Council with you, and those of you who have not attained necessarily to the fullness of the office may indeed have access to those who do in a circle of Light and in a devotion to the decrees to the Holy Christ Self.

I am therefore appointing Edward Francis as the liaison between this council and the Messenger, and I am appointing Gene Vosseler and Susan Krister to form the nucleus of that council here in Camelot. I ask for those of you who feel able and constant, who would determine to serve in this body, to come forward in this week to declare yourselves, that we might seal such a body in our absence as the Messenger goes forth on this mission.

This group of individuals needs to assume the responsibility for the direction and the course of Camelot and the Royal Teton Ranch, as well as for its defense. They must have sharpened swords of the Word, be capable in the dynamic decree, and truly know what action ought to be taken in this science of the Spirit, the decree work, and in the physical domain.

I commend you, then, to the study of the words of Archangel Michael. I commend you to the calling of looking beyond the immediate manifestation of the media to the cause and core behind it, to its ramifications, and to the destructivity of the fallen ones.

All things are in the crucible of change. Thus, transmutation and the violet flame can shortcut what may be decreed by karmic law for the earth or even this organization. Let the violet flame become your swimming sea of Light within and without—the very air you breathe and the song you sing. May it be fiercely punctuated by all of the calls to the blue lightning of the Mind of God and the judgment and all things that you have been taught. May you rely upon our legions and our presence and the decree to deliver you and the Light in this age.

I promise you this: Neither God nor the Great White Brotherhood will ever desert the one who stands steadfast and makes the call. Listen well: stands steadfast and makes the call. One must have both steadfastness of purpose and the immediate response of the call. This is the Alpha and the Omega of your protection. We stand by it. We obey the Law as we must also remain true to the mantle of our office.

And we say to you, beloved ones: We expect you in the halls of Luxor at the conclusion of this embodiment! And we expect mighty fruits to be borne by you of achievement for the securing of the Great White Brotherhood, that this generation of Light, this office, this I AM Race shall not perish from the earth!

To the victory of the Light in God-government and the economy, I am pledged.

I seal you now in the fire of the will of God.

Will you join me in the holy communion of angels.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered through the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 3, 1985, at Camelot, following the address of Archangel Michael (published as last week’s Pearl of Wisdom).

1. The Chart of Your Real Self, representing the I AM Presence (upper figure), the Christ Self (middle figure), and the soul evolving in Matter (lower figure). See Mark and Elizabeth Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain, Summit University Press, pp. 228-37; 301, par. 2.

2. II Tim. 3:7.

3. On July 2, 1977, the Ascended Master Padma Sambhava announced: “I make known to you the dispensation of God, the Great Guru, and of all Gurus who serve to represent Him, that although for many a month and many a year the Mother of the Flame has resisted the appellation ‘Guru,’ we shall not permit it any longer. For the mantle must be upon the feminine incarnation and, because there are many changes taking place in the forcefield of earth, we must have, then, the acknowledgment of the open door of Guru through a Mother....In the transfer of initiation, and very severe initiation of the Gurus that has been given to her, there has been made possible a more than ordinary incarnation of the Ascended Masters through your Messenger. It gives me, then, good joy as I am privileged to make known to you that the Ascended Masters come as a living witness to proclaim in this hour that the Guru/chela relationship can now be sustained in this octave through the flame of heart of Mother.” See Padma Sambhava, “The Great Synthesis—the Mother as Guru,” on the 6-cassette Freedom class album Only Love (A7742); single cassette B7745.

4. Christed ones: ‘anointed’ ones. The word Christ is derived from the Greek Christos, meaning ‘anointed’, from chriein ‘to anoint’. “That was the true Light which lighteth every manifestation of God that cometh into the world”—i.e., “That was the true Anointed One who anointeth every manifestation of God...”(John 1:9).

5. Brahmacharya, as taught in the Vedas, is the first of four stages in man’s life—the period of strict chastity as a celibate religious student. The second stage (garhasthya) is that of the married householder with worldly responsibilities. The third (vanaprastha) is retirement and meditation, the life of a hermit or forest-dweller. The final stage (sannyasa) is that of renunciation, when one is bound by neither work nor desire but follows the path of a wanderer, freely pursuing knowledge of Brahman.

6. Luke 19:13.

7. Rev. 3:4, 5; 6:9-11; 7:9, 13, 14.

8.”Thou art of purer eyes than to behold evil and canst not look on iniquity...” Hab. 1:13.

9. See The Imitation of Christ by Thomas à Kempis, and The Practice of the Presence of God by Brother Lawrence of the Resurrection.

10. Catherine of Siena (1347-1380), patron saint of Italy, has been called the “mystic of the Incarnate Word” and the “herald of the Holy See.” Recommended reading on the life and teachings of Saint Catherine (available through Summit University Press): Igino Giordani, Saint Catherine of Siena—Doctor of the Church, trans. Thomas J. Tobin (Boston: St. Paul Editions, 1980). The Dialogue of the Seraphic Virgin Catherine of Siena, trans. Algar Thorold (Rockford, Ill.: Tan Books and Publishers, 1974). The Prayers of Catherine of Siena, ed. Suzanne Noffke (Ramsey, N.J.: Paulist Press, 1983).

11.. Jer. 17:5.