Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 29 No. 10 - Beloved Sanat Kumara  - March 9, 1986


Teachings from the Mystery School
The Retreat of the Divine Mother
at the Royal Teton Ranch


In the heavenly hierarchy there are appointed mentors of the Spirit unto souls striving, surviving, intensifying Light here below. These mentors function under the offices of the four quadrants, whose hierarchs you have been told are myself, Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, and Jesus the Christ. <1>

Thus, under these Teachers, as we serve on all the rays, are individual tutors quickening communion through illumination and love, who accompany souls especially devoted to a greater Light. These tutors are almost omnipresent. They accompany such souls close to the Christ Self and with the voice of conscience proclaim the right—and reason with the soul for the highest office and decision. Especially do they reinforce the inner will and determination to fulfill the individual divine plan.

Sometimes it is necessary in the life of a soul to take a meandering route while friends look on in dismay at choices and decisions made. The soul will unerringly, because of the presence of the tutor, elect the path of progress best made through the balance of karma, through the fulfilling of old commitments and the rendering of assistance to Life.

Whatever develops the flame of the heart and increases the light of the chakras, this too is the amplification of God’s will until one day that soul, filled with the light of Love, yet surfeited in the pleasures of the world, may return to a path that more likely represents the higher calling perhaps so obvious to friends and yet not yet, in the timing of cycles, the path that is to be chosen.

This knowledge, beloved ones, should not give to you any excuse for taking the detour on the path of Life. It is given to you that you might have compassion for others as well as for yourselves and your own past.

All things that have come upon you in this life have presented a certain necessity, else you yourself should have departed quickly. The necessity for the repetition of lessons is not always understood by schoolchildren. They cannot understand that when they think they know something they must rehearse it again. There is a certain satiation of the soul that must come about through the spiritual light and fire, the reinforcement of the fibers of inner being.

Beloved ones, in the simplicity of the God flame there is also a nobility. Thus, trust your heart to the keeping of the Christ Self and know that you also have a friend. And when you call to Archangel Jophiel and call for greater wisdom and the breaking of the barriers of the mental body and the pressing beyond to the Higher Mind, there is also a mentor who is sent—ofttimes an angel, sometimes a Master graduated from earth’s schoolroom.

Therefore it is possible to increase in learning, to increase in knowledge by application. And through the Holy Spirit’s gifts of wisdom and knowledge there may come to you a quickening far more quickly than would be realized in the ordinary course and patterns of human learning. For, you see, human learning is to a certain extent the programming of the computer of the mental body; but divine awareness comes with a flash of light and the steady stream of the crystal cord. It is an awareness that is a permeation rather than a repetition. It is an infusion rather than the rehearsal of sums and words and figures, all of which, of course, are necessary for the building blocks of the mind.

Beloved ones, by devotion and the love of heart and the diligence to the Law of the One, you may indeed unfold the flower of eternal Love in this hour. Following the path of the rose of the heart with Nada and Rose of Light and the saints such as Thérèse, you come quickly and approach the path of the ruby ray.

Four lines of ruby fire. When they are in the square, they present the maximum challenge. When they form the diamond, we see the transcending of the square to the Light of the heart. These four lines cannot be askew or tossed as pickup sticks on a table.

Visualize now in your mind these four lines as you would place them with your hand. <2> Visualize your hand putting in place these four lines of ruby fire. Thin lines but intense, they mark the sign of the base of your pyramid of Life. They mark the sign of a path of overcoming by Love, pressing through the lower vehicles of the four lower bodies and centering in the heart by the raising of the Mother flame from that four-sided and four-petaled base chakra.

All things that are troublesome, all things that are wearisome, all things that defy explanation may be resolved in the divine flame of Love forevermore and forevermore.

I am come this day, and Lady Venus with me. We come to bless and heal. We come to anoint severally and specially the chelas who have approached our altar through this fall quarter [1985]. We come for blessings and healing to our staff and students and community worldwide. We come to extend the rays of love from Venus and from the Central Sun. We come for the qualification of Light and the unity of purpose. We come to assist at the Royal Teton Ranch, and we ask your assistance also in the laying of the foundations to fulfill Morya’s plan and the cycles of the Cosmic Clock which tick loudly.

Therefore know that we are in readiness and we are in motion to fulfill all things. Thus the Light has gone forth and dispensation from brothers and sisters of Light of Venus. To consecrate this Inner Retreat, this entire Ranch to the flame of Love, is truly their desiring. And as they come to assist, it is for the fulfillment of all Love’s promises to all Lightbearers who shall gather there—fulfilling the imperfect, the incomplete, the longings of yesteryear, but raising them to a higher point and goal.

Therefore, let there be surcease from trouble and being troubled in the soul. Let there be the infilling of the being in this hour with gentle love, with love so gentle as to accustom the soul to itself. And when the soul is at home in the gentleness of Love, the love increases, the love intensifies, the love becomes gentility, and from gentility a strength and from strength a wisdom and from wisdom the power of Almighty God present and alive within you.

Love, then, is the Great Central Sun Magnet. Love is never without white fire or the trinity of the threefold flame. When we speak of Love, we speak of an enveloping light that surrounds and becomes the dominant force of the other three comprising the square. Likewise with Wisdom. It becomes the enveloping cloud of golden yellow light, yet within is the Purity and Power and Love.

Blessed hearts of the seven rays and the root races, blessed hearts who are angels who have come once again to enter the path of shepherding, teaching, preaching the Word—you also are called to be tutors of the Lightbearers of earth with the World Teachers and the hierarchs of the ruby ray.

O Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of earth, O Buddha from the Sun, expand now and reach forth. Touch these souls in the profound sense of becoming. Touch them for the quickening. Touch them with a ruby fire that there might be seized from them now, by the quality of the ruby ray, substance to be taken—and not to be taken lightly—for that darkness must be removed ere the precious flowers can grow in the garden of the soul.

We have heard the call for the clearing of Darkness. We have heard the call for the clearing of world condemnation. <3> Legions of Light move, for this force of action will surely deliver an open highway to Saint Germain. Let it increase. You need no invitation to gather in the Holy Grail and set yourself to the task of the alchemists of the age.

Earth is changing ever day by day. The Light does increase. The Darkness is thereby uncovered, and when uncovered it is just as quickly swallowed up—if you will not tarry in its burdens or the hooks that are indeed rusty. For they come from far beneath in the astral plane in the holes of Darkness and Death and Hell.

Therefore, beloved, as quickly as the gross Darkness, and the force of the anti-Mind that you feel, does come upon you, recognize it is [that this chemicalization (or backlash) is the result of] the marvelous work of your alchemy and therefore rush to send into it [into that Darkness, into that sinister force] billows and streams of cosmic Light descending. For these are already preparing the way for winter solstice and the opening of the womb of the Cosmic Virgin, the Divine Mother who does send forth, oh, such souls of Light to be caught up by you in arms of Love!

So the opening of the door of the temple of the Divine Mother and her Inner Retreat is also come. And this Inner Retreat, positioned now as a vast center of Light, is indeed above that “Place Prepared”—prepared, of course, by the Divine Mother—the entire area of the Royal Teton Ranch.

The Mother has waited long for the coming of the Buddha out of the heart of Shamballa. She has waited long for your coming. And she does hold the balance of ancient civilizations that have occurred, both on Lemuria and Atlantis and those long forgotten upon this continent as well as in other areas of the earth.

This great and vast temple of Light, beloved, has been prepared over aeons. It is the place of the gathering of the culture of all nations and peoples. It is the place of the drawing together of many lifewaves. Therefore minister to them, understand them, feed them the teachings of the path of their own resolution, their own calling, and their own tradition.

In the very heart of Lady Venus, who keeps the flame of Mother Earth with you, there the flame of the Divine Mother of Love does abide. Thus Venus, initiator with the Holy Kumaras of the path of the ruby ray, does position herself in this hour in the Retreat of the Divine Mother over this Ranch in the etheric octave, arcing her heart’s love to the retreats of the earth, to the Goddess of Liberty, and to every soul who must journey there.

I pray you will call to beloved Venus in the name of the Trinity and the fourth—of Sarasvati, Lakshmi, Durga, Kali. I pray you will understand that in the heart of every manifestation of feminine being these four personages of God as Mother are in balanced manifestation. Every mother of Light above and below is Mother according to the degree of her entertaining of Her Being, internalizing these aspects of the Mother.

The Mother has much to teach her children and requires all of the tutors assigned by us, the restoration of the culture of heaven, and the best of earth. We seek not to re-create human patterns but to show the cultivation of Light behind every expression, however great or meager, of the peoples of earth.

 May your songs to the Divine Mother echo far into the night and welcome then Lady Venus, who with me does also welcome the Mother and her team and all Keepers of the Flame of Europe and the earth who continue to make possible the stumping of the nations.

Your welcome home to the Inner Retreat the very next time you are there, beloved, will be in the arms and heart of Venus. Remember to call to Love, to call to Chamuel and Charity and Heros and Amora, to call to the Holy Spirit and millions of angels of love of Venus for the resolution of all problems assailing your mighty endeavor in this age.

Blessed ones of Summit University, the mantle and the cape of Saint Germain upon you are blessings to your heart. <4> With the scepter I hold, I touch you now and every heart of gold who has upheld our standard in these months. So it is done.

May angels now serve to you the Communion prepared, that there might be a passing to you, beloved ones, of the very substance and essence of our Light.

Receive, beloved, our Love. And visualize the strong arc of golden light from the Royal Teton Ranch to the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, <5> spanning then the hemisphere and providing the escape and the open door for souls to approach the throne of grace in the etheric temple of this Retreat of the Divine Mother.

Once Omega did place a focus of her retreat over La Tourelle. So, you may know that that entire retreat and forcefield, removed at the hour of the passing of this property to other hands, has been held in the etheric octave until the announcement of the opening of this vast retreat of the Mother over this wilderness land, over this park and ranch.

May the world rejoice that the temples of the Divine Mother of Lemuria may come again and that her bells may be heard and hearts may be won because they are taught by you with angels—by Love and Love forever.

I seal you in the living flame of Love.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’ver All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Sanat Kumara was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, December 15, 1985, in the Chapel of the Holy Grail at Camelot. It was the concluding address to the students of Summit University Fall Quarter 1985, sponsored by Sanat Kumara and Lady Master Venus.

1. Offices and Hierarchs of the Four Quadrants. On the path of the ruby ray, Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama, Lord Maitreya, and Jesus Christ hold the offices of the hierarchs of the four quadrants. These offices (embodied by the Four Cosmic Forces) are noted in Ezekiel 1:10 and Revelation 4:7 as the Lion, the Calf (Ox), the Man, and the Flying Eagle. As diagrammed on the Cosmic Clock, Lord Maitreya represents the Father on the 12 o’clock line (etheric quadrant) in the office of the Lion; Lord Gautama, the Holy Spirit on the 9 o’clock line (physical quadrant) in the office of the Calf; Jesus Christ, the Son on the 3 o’clock line (mental quadrant) in the office of the Man; and Sanat Kumara, the Divine Mother on the 6 o’clock line (emotional quadrant) in the office of the Flying Eagle. See Sanat Kumara, The Opening of the Seventh Seal, in 1979 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 22, pp. 121-28, 201-8; diagrams, pp. 136, 142, 186, 274-75.

2. On the Cosmic Clock, connecting the numbers 12, 3, 6 and 9, forming a square dissecting the circle on those points.

3. Clearance of world condemnation. On December 8, 1985, the Messenger inaugurated a series of seven Sunday services of invocations and dynamic decrees to the sacred fire for the clearing of individual and world karma in the misuse of the seven rays and their corresponding chakras and lines on the Cosmic Clock. The week preceding this dictation was dedicated to the clearing of Keepers of the Flame and the entire earth body of the perversions of the 12 o’clock line and the crown chakra—especially the momentums of personal and planetary criticism, condemnation, and judgment—and to the restoration of God-Power to the Lightbearers through the causal body of the Great Divine Director.

4. Traditionally, at the conclusion of Summit University Level I, Saint Germain, Gautama Buddha, their angels, or one of the Ascended Masters places a mantle upon each student—sometimes gold and sometimes violet—with a five-pointed star on the right collar, which is made permanent the hour the student completes all of his assignments. When the grades are tallied, the mark of attainment is embroidered upon each robe by angelic hosts of the Buddha.

5. The retreat of the God and Goddess Meru is located in the etheric plane over Lake Titicaca.


On December 13, two days before Sanat Kumara’s dictation, a Keeper of the Flame was driving her six-year-old daughter to school in Bozeman. About five miles outside of town, the child suddenly exclaimed, “Mama, look at that city up in the sky! You know, there are no cars in the streets.” And then she laughed, “But there are fairies along the streets.” Later she said, “And, Mom, the air—you should have seen the air [aura]—it was all gold!”

“...And Jesus saith unto them, Yea; have ye never read, Out of the mouth of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise?” (Matt. 21:16)