Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 29 No. 41 - Beloved Zarathustra - August 31, 1986

Conclave of the Friends of Christ

Becoming the Teacher of Righteousness

Sealing of the Students of Summit University Winter Quarter 1986

I come to you in this hour, beloved, as the sponsor of winter quarter Summit University 1986 with Sanat Kumara and the Lady Master Venus. We transition now at the point of the nexus, continuing our fiery vigil with the students called to spring quarter 1986.

Thus, beloved, you have kept the vigil of the sacred fire for the holy purpose and the guardian action of the shrine of cosmic freedom on earth—for this is indeed what we who are of the seventh ray and the servants of the sacred fire on all rays call this mission, this Holy Grail, this Camelot. Thus, the focus of cosmic freedom on earth is tended and must be tended perpetually by guardian spirits, angels, and sons and daughters of God in embodiment.

Beloved ones, those who are the servants of the sacred fire who have come through all the world’s religions and the inner path of the mysticism which the sacred fire does teach understand the calling of the flame of freedom and understand, beloved, that the call to action is never more impelling than when that sacred fire and that freedom is at its moment of maximum peril midst a lifewave, an evolution, and a planetary system.

Beloved of the Light, summoned, then, to defend freedom of religion in America, you have come for the very real, the very acceptable purpose of first consecrating that flame of Liberty, Divine Liberty within your own hearts. For you have been taught at inner levels, even as you have known from the beginning in your descent from the heart of Helios and Vesta, that you were born of fire, that your destiny is the sacred fire, that your calling to be in embodiment on this earth is to expand that flame of God-freedom that begets individuality—the freedom to be, to know, to become, to understand the fullness of that which is God, the Almighty One where I AM THAT I AM.

Therefore, you have known of the hour of the coming of the Lightbearers of freedom. For in each two-thousand-year dispensation under one of the seven rays, there are individuals serving on all of those seven rays. But parenthetically and fully they are wrapped in the flame of that dispensation—the first ray bringing the first dispensation, the second bringing the second dispensation, and so on.

Thus, beloved, priests and priestesses of the sacred fire serving midst these evolutions have tended the seventh ray and the altars of freedom where the highest freedom is the ritual of order in divine service—in the realm of both Church and State—always tending the flame of the heart, that freedom might live and be the joy, the initiative, the impulse and the impetus of every endeavor and action.

The flame of freedom, as the light of Omega that complements Alpha, is that charge that brings to the first-ray determination and the inner blueprint a momentum, a rhythm, a thrust of the three-quarter time of the heart that brings all together in a fiery vortex who are a part of the mandala of action.

And the action of which you are a part, O priests and priestesses and freedom fighters of the ages, is this Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, called thus by beloved Pallas Athena, patroness of all lovers of freedom in all ages.

Beloved ones, therefore understand—for you have asked and I answer—why you have been called to Summit University in these quarters of our sponsorship. It is to this end, beloved, that you restore the ancient fires upon the altar of your own being, for a number of reasons.

Some of you have held positions of priest and priestess, as on Lemuria and Atlantis you tended the altars of the Divine Father, the eternal Logos, and the Divine Mother. Beloved ones, to restore the ancient memory, to teach you how to draw down from your own causal body the attainment that has not been exercised by you perhaps for thousands of years—this has been our purpose. It is for the gathering of those who once knew the Ancient of Days as Ahura Mazda, as Sanat Kumara, as the Holy One of God, the Great Guru, the sponsor of Life and Light in the name I AM THAT I AM.

Let the name Yahweh be known! And let the personification of this Holy One of God in every culture and religion be recognized as the one and the same, the sponsor of your lifewaves and your evolution.

Thus, I AM Zarathustra. And I was sponsored by him long ago in the land of Persia to bring once again to the knowledge of the sons and daughters of God the awareness of the great hierarchy of Light, the Great White Brotherhood, the hosts of the archangels, who surely did come to the king and queen as proof that I was indeed the messenger of the Light. <1> The messenger of the Light, I say! First and foremost, be the messenger of the Light, and learn to define what is the Light on the seven rays of God.

Thus, it was to teach the sons and daughters of God not only of the heavenly hosts and the forces of the Almighty One, but of the anti-force of the false hierarchy of fallen angels and reprobate ones—rebels who came in defiance of the Christhood of the newborn children of the Sun. It was to prepare this people for the eventual Armageddon which you see outplayed this day in the nation of Iran. Understand that the entire Middle East is besieged by the forces of Darkness pitted against those of Light.

It is always the dark ones who introduce their fanaticism and arrive at the conclusion that it is just to kill one’s brother or sister for the sake of the Light and the Word. This is their mockery of the true religion of the Ancient of Days. It is a hollow mockery and it is fed by the vultures who desire as vampires that energy, that sacred Light, the very Life-essence of the children of the Sun.

Thus, beloved, understand what is missing the world around, why there is fanaticism in circles of belief systems, whether political, religious, or otherwise. The missing element, beloved, is my reason for coming this day. It is the violet flame of that sacred fire. It is the violet flame of the seventh ray. Introduce the violet flame and see how people begin to unfold their arms, to relax, to rejoice, to love one another, to be able to retain the principle of the white fire of the inner flame—the lily sealed in the very heart of this magnificent purple-violet-pink flame flower.

Beloved ones, one can be absolutely committed and stern with oneself—disciplined in following the path of purity unto God—through any religion. This is something between thy fiery spirit and thy God. This way of the intensity of the white fire is yours to espouse by free will at the altar of God. Such is the nature of the determination to hold the flame as a fiery sword and shield for the binding of all Evil which oppresses the people.

But, beloved, when you step down from the altar and move with the brethren, move with the children of the Sun and the people of God upon earth, you must give to them the freedom to be who they will be, to serve their God, to follow their principles. And you must trust.

Faith is the great sealer. It is the sealant of the will of God in society. For free will, you see, to perpetuate and promote right action must be supported by trust in the Almighty, in his hierarchy of Light, in his mighty archangels, and in his cosmic purpose for every individual.

Those who fear the consequences of anyone’s exercise of free will do not understand the Law. And it is this law of karma and reincarnation that has been carefully removed from many of the sacred scriptures so that the individual is not mindful that instantaneously, if he exercise free will and make wrong choice to injure life, the karma will be upon him, and he will limit himself and bind himself by the very free will he has exercised.

Trust in the Law and the Lawgiver will allow each one to play his part and to play out his very inner self. Every man is a living tree. Let all behold the fruits of every man’s tree and therefore judge whether that man’s righteousness is the righteousness of the human or of the divine. Let the trees grow side by side and let all look and see, as shoppers in a mall, to understand what is to be desired, what is to be rejected.

Thus, Christ-discrimination is learned through the exercise of free will and the law of karma, which becomes the tutor of every living soul. And the inner Guru, who is Christ the LORD in you, does teach continually. Even if the outer mind block that teaching, the soul is maturing and ripening under the interaction of itself with God, with the law of karma and with its own actions.

Beloved ones, the trust must also lie in the representatives of the Great White Brotherhood, the sons and daughters of God and embodied angels and initiates of the sacred fire who themselves exercise the law of that Light descending, who are messengers of the Light and on each of the seven rays preserve that Light through the dynamic decree of the first ray, through the wisdom of the second, through the love of the Holy Spirit and its ruby-ray action in every field on the third, through the full power of the purity of God in pure example on the fourth, teaching by their lives lived unto the Truth in the light of the fifth ray of science and healing, where the proof of the Law allows all to see, even empirically, where is the exactitude of the geometry of God in Matter.

Then you come to its manifestation in the sixth ray, beloved. The sixth ray is the power of service and ministration, this according to right-mind­fulness and love. Therefore, the fruit of action is seen. In the seventh ray there is a weaving with the first in God-government, based on the freedom of the individual to be represented and to elect his own representatives according to his perception of their ability and attainment to wear the mantle of the Light.

Beloved ones, you must understand, then, that sons and daughters of God exercising the holy office of their own Christhood are God’s representatives, mitigating or accelerating the return of karma. Thus, you may pray for mercy, staying the hand of returning karma upon those who know not what they do, whom Christ forgaver. <2> Or you may ask for the acceleration of God’s justice upon the seed of the wicked who do indeed know what they do and do malign and tamper with Life again and again.

Blessed of the Light, thus God has always sent mediators who occupy the office of anointed ones or Christed ones on earth. These are the souls whom we are contacting in this hour in every nation. For though they have the inner Light and the inner attainment, beloved, their systems of belief or philosophies have not taught them this science of the spoken Word that you know, have not taught them of the path of initiation under the Great White Brotherhood. Yet in their hearts the fire does burn, as in ancient times they kept the vigil of the flame and their loyalties were unto the Light.

This you see in time of duress, when their entire career or profession may be on the line, when they may choose to stand for Truth, and therefore often stand alone, or whether for the preservation of self they will compromise and leave off the defense of Truth and go the way of their human personality.

Those who under stress choose to uphold the person of God and the light of Truth are seen, therefore, as having come down through the ages unspotted by the contagions of Darkness in the stream of history and events that have surrounded them. Beloved ones, these are the souls we contact through the universities of the Spirit of the Seven Chohans of the Rays.

Thus, you were called to Summit University to focalize a sacred fire. And those who have completed this quarter in a cycle of thirteen will now understand, beloved, that in order for you to be effective in this life you had to come to a circumstance of challenge—such as the challenge you have seen here at this crossroads faced by the Church and the Messenger in this winter quarter. You had to come to the place where the urgency of the moment demanded that you intensify the Call and bring down from your causal bodies those gifts and fruits of attainment that have not been in your hand for thousands of years simply because the moment of necessity was not combined with the Cosmic Christ illumination that would show you how to meet that necessity through the pure God-power of your I AM Presence and causal body.

Now, beloved, there are many other reasons for the calling of students in the quarters sponsored by myself with the Holy Kumaras and the Mother of Venus—such as the neglect of the sacred fire in past ages, such as the memory of that neglect and your soul’s petitioning the LORD God on inner planes to give you another opportunity to understand the responsibility of your life in keeping the flame of freedom on earth.

Some have karma with the Gurus of our order, where they have left off the levels of initiation of the sacred fire for their unwillingness to perceive Light and Darkness and to understand that unless you are willing to face that confrontation head-on, there will come a place in your life where you cannot separate, neither in yourself nor in another, that which is Real and that which is unreal.

And, beloved, this is a most dangerous state of consciousness, to consider that that which is wholly unreal within oneself is reality, and then to decide that the beautiful reality of the shining Presence of God in the Friend, the Teacher, the Messenger is in fact not real at all. This inversion of Light and Darkness is the ploy of the fallen angels. They come with their glamour and the magnetism of Darkness in the aura. And yet, beloved, they tell you this is to be desired, this is right, this is Light, this is Truth.

Thus, mankind have had false teachers and false prophets. And for want of the standard-bearer in their midst, they have been convinced of this reversal of Truth and Error. Beloved ones, it is most difficult to undo what one has learned from childhood, either through well-meaning parents or those who were ignorant, or those teachers that have not shown what is the standard in society, blessed ones—as they misread and therefore misrepresented social forces appealing to the human and denying the individual Christhood. Moving with these social forces in systems of society without understanding whence cometh the beast and where it is taking you is most dangerous.

The contemplation of life as simply a superior animal evolution, the seeking of governments to sustain creature comforts instead of protecting inalienable divine rights—the right of the individual to become God—this is where the purpose of life leaves off and betrays the inner walk with the LORD God in the Garden of Eden and the first Mystery School and earlier golden ages.

Thus, understand why we do call you to Summit University—because we must raise up standard-bearers capable of bearing the standard. And what is the standard? The standard is in the Chart of the I AM Presence, the Holy Christ Self, and You—the figure of the temple of the living God, noble as bearers of the seventh-ray violet flame. The standard is the walking Tree of Life—this Chart become the living reality of your Presence, your divinity, and your self walking toward the Sun.

Souls at inner levels see this mystical presence. And they define right action by the inner standard you carry in the flame of the heart and by your outer actions and words which proceed from the fount of the inner standard. And that fount is Christ Truth. Truth is the standard for the exercise of the nobility of the freedom of the seventh ray.

Beloved ones, it is not always easy to define right action based on a set of laws or standards or rules. How do we define right action through all of the nuances of life, through all of the separate situations that confront us? Beloved, a most sure way to learn what is right action is to study the lives of those who have overcome, revolutionaries of the Spirit who have confronted the specters of the not-self, who have known who is Christ and who is Antichrist. And do you know, beloved ones, a high percentage of people on earth this day do not know who—and they did not know on Good Friday. And the story is told that they said, “Give us Barabbas.”

Whether or not that is historically true, beloved, it is so often the case that the people rally around those who carry a false banner and do not indeed keep the standard of that Christ. And why do they rally? Because the false standard requires no sacrifice, no discipline, no surrender of something in order to walk up the steps and stand with the LORD and Saviour Jesus Christ and to be with him at the right hand of God.

You cannot have all these things of the creature comforts and pleasures of life and the full support of a socialist system of government that on the inner planes appears as a planetary beast <3> with many tubes coming out of this giant beast, all feeding the lifewaves of earth through the navel—a false mother in effect feeding the people rather than cutting that umbilical cord and allowing them to seek and find the crystal cord to their own I AM Presence and to draw down all of the ingenuity, the handiwork, the talent, the perfecting of the way to meet their own needs through the LORD God Almighty.

It is the inalienable divine right of every man, woman, and child to maintain direct contact through Christ, the Mediator, with this beloved I AM Presence. When, therefore, governmental systems, religious bodies, movements of the masses say, “Come this way and you will have all things given unto you,” remember that they deprive you of the path of becoming the Christ where you are. They deprive you of that moment of aloneness—be it a desperate moment, a painful one, even one of disillusionment—when you must cry out to the living God and be reconnected to that Divine Source because you have left off from the way of the Tree of Life.

Beloved ones, there is a moment in every life when the individual must feel bereft and alone, moving into adulthood and knowing one can no longer depend upon human parents but one must become the divine parent who I AM—that moment of saying, “I AM truly launched from the heart of God. Now I must stand beneath my own vine and fig tree.”

Beloved ones, it is a delicious moment to go hungry, having forsaken and rejected the mess of pottage that the world offers perpetually. It is a moment of the fresh mountain breeze. It is a moment of suddenly realizing the immensity beyond the mountains and the skies, beyond the stars—of Be-ness itself—and to realize that that Be-ness is contained all inside, even if that inside and that Be-ness be in this moment a threefold flame, one-sixteenth of an inch in height!

Because you have that something, you can become that All-in-all. You can enter the heart of the flame in the acorn of self and know that because God is there and is that fire, you will be all that you are and that in fact, in embryo, in potential, you are already that God, one in the Universal Mind.

Beloved, this perspective is that which was held in the heart of Jesus in this day commemorating his descent into hell to preach to the evil and foul spirits and the tormented, to preach to them this message of freedom and the Universal Light that comes to us all from Ahura Mazda, Sanat Kumara.

Beloved of the Light, understand that this message comes to all but not all receive it: the receptivity, the desire, and the willingness to give up the false props of civilization contrived by the fallen ones must be there—self-contained. God has given much good to civilization. And the pioneer spirit is always the key to the expansion of the causal body here below.

But they have inserted through the media, through the control of the press and the food itself these dependencies upon chemicals and drugs and everything else but the living God. With their lips they recite, but in their hearts they are far from him. They may praise the LORD in time of abundance, but they may not know who the LORD is at the hour of death.

Thus, beloved, the Teachings of the Great White Brotherhood must be seized and become self-realized by the wise bearers of the sacred fire who have come to the halls of Summit University. You must know that life here below depends upon your example, your compassion, your pure regard, your determination not to let one of these little ones be lost.

Beloved, when you enter the first day of geometry class, do you know what is about to be taught to you that has been handed down from Pythagoras? You do not know what you should be taught. But you have come to that class trusting that the teacher knows his subject. As it has been said by your Messenger Mark, so many upon this planet consider themselves to be experts in spiritual matters. They think that spiritual laws must be self-evident truths. But if they were self-evident, beloved, we should all be in the next octave of Light.

Thus, when you know the Truth, remember, you are a teacher to those who know not what you know. The first requirement is to be certain that you do know what you know and know it well and can impart it logically from premise to conclusion, that the Teaching itself might become unto the pupil a law that upholds the standard of individuality.

Beloved ones, you must understand that when the subject is unknown and not always sought after, those who would be students if they knew better may not be students. And they must be convinced that they need to take this course in the divine geometry of Being, renewing their awareness on the outer of that which they have known on the inner.

Therefore, you have heard of and read the book of the greatest salesman in the world <4> who comes preaching the pure Word of the living Christ by example. You understand, then, that the desirability, the practicality, the necessity, and the benefits of the Teaching must be proclaimed. You must plant the seed of some awareness on the part of the would-be student that this is indeed the very understanding and the teaching and the knowledge he must have to get on with his life and to conquer himself and to fulfill his mission.

This is the responsibility of the teacher. The teacher is not passive to wait and wait for all eternity for someone to say, “I finally see that I need this teaching.” Beloved ones, at that moment the student is already becoming the teacher, for enlightenment is self-Beness in the Teaching itself. That student will teach himself. Understand this. That student will take all of the information and the books and the tape recordings, ravenous, and will devour them.

Beloved, all parents must take the part of assuming for the child what the child needs to know. And the child does trust. And when the child rebels, the parent is not taken aback, does not refrain from correction and hitting home again and again on those points of the Law which the parent knows full well the child must have as an armour to face life in this world.

Beloved ones, understand the meaning of becoming the teacher of righteous­ness as Ecclesiastes was. It is understanding what is the next step of the individual, what is the space into which he must move, providing the key and the answer that the step may be taken and showing that that step is indeed in divine order.

Thus, I speak to you of telling the world of the value of the Teaching in an age when planetary rumblings and earth movements have almost become a part of the same background din as wars and rumors of wars <5> and diseases and plagues. There is such an accommodation by the human consciousness, even a sleepfulness in the watch and the vigil, that the danger signals are no longer registering on the outer mind and people may be buried in one night in an entire village <6> because they have ignored the clear warnings and the signs of the times.

Beloved, there are Lightbearers in pockets and groups all over the planet who have been convinced that they do not need the Teachings of the Ascended Masters—in fact, that they do not need a teaching or a Master.

Beloved, it is up to you who have voice and expression and the fire of the eye and the heart to go after the Lightbearers and to convince them that there is a path and a knowledge with which they must be acquainted, no matter what else they do.

It is not that they need organization or membership or affiliation here or there or anywhere. What they need is self-knowledge. Self-knowledge is wanting in the schoolhouses and universities of this planet.

What is the Self? Who is the Divine Reality? Who is the Divine Fire within?


O beloved, when the individual comes to this true and profound self-know­ledge, he may seek to become a part of a community, such as this one, of like-minded individuals for the forging of an age and the turning back of world darkness, or he may not. He may choose to be a pioneer here or there across the planet.

Be not attached to this aspect. But rather be concerned that the self-knowledge is grounded in the vision of the Chart of the I AM Presence and that it does not neglect the fundamentals of the understanding of the heavenly hosts and their availability through intercession, of the fallen angels who come to tear the initiate from his path of the violet flame and Saint Germain, of the law of karma and reincarnation, of the fact of each individual being a mission—“You, a Divine Mission”—that the mission can be found, that it can be fulfilled through the sacred fire, through the mantra, through the Word, and that there are helpers, divine intercessors—that man, woman, and child are not alone.

Beloved ones, the fundamentals of geometry are sufficient for proving many magnificent equations of the Law. Missing the numbers and the understanding of the relationships of numbers, angles, sines and sine waves, the individual cannot remain centered in the Law of the One. Give to the people the tools of Divine Truth. Give them wisdom for wise dominion in their lives. Give them practical understanding where they are. But remember the role of the gardener, tending the soul in the garden of Life.

If you know that an individual is not well grounded, that the roots have not gone deep enough into the profound wisdom of God that undergirds the Matter cosmos, then you must remain, even from afar, in prayer vigil to keep the flame for that one until that one has passed beyond the dangers of the sinister force that lurks to pluck that one before this grounding has occurred. This is the meaning of the feeding of the sheep and the lambs of God, whether directly in person or in profound prayer where you groan and travail and continue to strive until you know the battle is won for that individual.

Your increasing awareness of life and how life is imperiled on this planet, beloved, will make of you surely the most consecrated lovers of the sacred fire the world has ever known. It takes but a few examples in your own inner life of seeing the great victory of your call on behalf of a soul in turmoil or torment, and then seeing on the other hand the absence of the call and the falling of one you have loved. To know that the Law works, that God works when you work, and that the spoken Word is absolutely efficacious enables you to accept, if you dare, that God in you can accomplish all things.

If you dare to accept this truth of the science of the spoken Word, then I say you are of all souls most wise. For many who see the power of the Word retreat and deny, even as those who remember a past life retreat and deny. Thus, the fearful and unbelieving, even when shown God-Reality, will not seize it for fear of what demands this Reality may make upon their current status.

Yes, there is a thinning on the way up the mountain. You will not find crowds at the summit. But you will find those who have found their way by the Law and who have survived.

I speak this day to the survivors of planet earth from this altar of the Holy Grail, from the altar of the Royal Teton. And I speak to those who would be survivors and who will not be unless they accept the call and the calling of the sacred fire and of Sanat Kumara. Understand, beloved, that while the sands continue to descend in the hourglass and time and space appear real, there are some who could be survivors who will not be, for their cowardice would not allow them to receive the transfer of the sacred fire.

Thus, the Law honors free will. And free will is the mark—the mark of the sons and daughters of God. The exercise of free will rightly is, then, the mark of that son, that daughter who has chosen the path of the initiates.

I AM Zarathustra. And when you have completed the course of the chohans, you may find your way to my classroom in the retreat of Lord Zadkiel. We teach prime movers and revolutionaries. Thus, we call. Thus, we say: The choice is yours.

Students of winter quarter Summit University, the mantle is upon you and the seal of Saint Germain. You have come. You have successfully passed your course. Now let the fire gained be sealed in your heart forever. I seal it by the authority of Sanat Kumara, but only you may keep it.

Thus, beloved, keep the flame of Ahura Mazda! In his name I bow to the Light within you, which is indeed brighter than when you came. Praise the LORD I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Zarathustra, the concluding address to students of Summit University Winter Quarter 1986, was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Holy Saturday, March 29, 1986, during the 5-day Easter conference, Conclave of the Friends of Christ, held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California, USA.

1. For more on Zarathustra, Messenger of Ahura Mazda, see: 1985 and 1981 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28, no. 17, p. 228, n. 1, and vol. 24, no. 13, p. 152, n. 2.

2. Luke 23:34.

3. The beast. Rev. 11:7; 13; 14:9-11; 15:2; 16:2, 10, 13; 17:3, 7-18; 19:19, 20; 20:4, 10.

4. See Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World (New York: Bantam Books, 1968). (A “must” reading for Keepers of the Flame!)

5. Matt. 24:6; Mark 13:7.

6. On November 13, 1985, the Nevado del Ruiz volcano erupted, causing a mudslide that in one night swept away or buried 20,000 to 23,000 people in Armero and Chinchiná, Colombia. The sudden eruption of Mount Vesuvius in A.D. 79 buried the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum, Italy, killing at least 2,000.