Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 29 No. 63 - Beloved El Morya - November 18, 1986


Freedom 1986
“Lightbearers of the World, Unite!”
The New Day Is Consecrated


When the Comforter is come, none other is needed. Therefore, let the non-Comforter depart this park! And let the nonconforming freedom of the Spirit unveil the living presence of our Lord the Maha Chohan!

Beloved, I bring the cool winds of Darjeeling, most happy to be midst this gracious company who have assembled here for the victory of Life.

Beloved, in your heart’s desiring do not desire those things that are the unlawful fruit that may not be plucked from the Tree of Life or from the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil. Let it be, O beloved of my heart, that the victorious flame which you bear and which I bear shall be an unfed flame, feeding not upon lesser desires or the associations thereof. But let this flame be fed by a living Spirit.

In the beauty of the presence of the LORD, the Maha Chohan, may the dove of peace abide in your heart.

These words I speak are with the understanding that the heart requires the flame of peace from the representative of the Holy Spirit. For, beloved, the heart that has truly loved, and loves still, is assailed by the force of anti-comfort and anti-peace that is abroad in the world to challenge the living flame of freedom, round whose banner we gather in this hour in the name of the beloved Master Saint Germain.

May all know how I love him. May all know that the Darjeeling Council does rise in this hour as I proclaim his presence here and among you. [36-sec. standing ovation]

Most beloved Saint Germain, we the Darjeeling Council do salute you in this hour of the reigniting of the Statue of Liberty and the rededication of Liberty’s flame.

What recognition is this, O beloved, that the light of the Divine Mother should be so recognized in the heart of an ancient land that is indeed the place for the return of that Divine Mother. Therefore, beloved, in the presence of the Master who have saved a nation and who have saved a Church, <1> let all know the depth of his heart of love.

(Will you now be seated as I continue my address.)

Chelas of the will of God, I come to you, then, with a message of joy in new beginnings, for it is a new beginning for our blessed Master. His light and presence in the earth coinciding in this hour with the salutation of millions of Americans and the profound love they hold for the Lady with the Lamp does also signify new opportunity in the flame of Portia and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood for each and every individual lifestream.

So I have called you. So I have sent my message to tell you of the import of this conference. And therefore, some who have not been present at all in this life or for many a year have felt this calling. The call, beloved, is the call to your soul to understand that a new life has been given to you, each and every one.

How precious is this life! How profoundly it is understood by the soul who has passed through the fiery trial and emerged again to live and to live again and to know the breath of freedom and to cherish and to defend freedom of speech and of religion, of assembly and the press—and the freedom to be in the heart of the living Guru.

Beloved ones, as this nation was so dedicated in the beginning with Saint Germain as its Guru and the original Chela, George Washington, so you may understand why the fervor and the calling in your heart is here. It is because, beloved, you have said in your soul to me and to the Lords of Karma before taking embodiment:

“O El Morya, life on earth without you is not worth having or cherishing—life without God-government or these freedoms. Truly we will go in the flame of the will of God as did our Saviour. And we will give our life that freedom, as these four and the principal of all—the Master/disciple relationship—shall not perish from the earth.”

So you have retained that hope. You have sought and sought again and you have searched the world around to find my gaze that would look upon you whereby you might know right from wrong and the way in which to walk.

My own beloved chelas, each summer another cycle turns for me to address “Chelas mine.” This summer brings me to the greatest hope that I have seen in many a year. With hope comes challenge, beloved. And with challenge comes the necessity for harmony of the heart and being and the synchronization of the co-workers for the building of that which we envision.

With hope and challenge and harmony and striving, we see, then, the vision as a silhouette upon the horizon as it was four centuries ago and two—early in the nation’s history when the builders came and the mystics and the masons and the lovers of freedom. And second and third waves came. And then came those who came only for self-gain, for they had heard of the gold and the wealth of a nation and they saw economic opportunity. And they also were welcomed to build upon this foundation and then, as the pyramid should rise in their life, to realize that economic freedom is truly the foundation of all others.

Thus, the fervor of our Lady Liberty, despite all religious indoctrination to the contrary, has captivated a nation for a century and many aeons. Beloved ones, think of the miracle of the adoration of this people of the Divine Mother who holds a torch of illumination which is the key to unlock the golden door of freedom.

Think, beloved! No people so intelligent nor scientific should wax in such great fervor for a mere statue. This is the beauty of it all—that every soul who has witnessed the lighting of the torch and of the whole body of the Mother this day has seen the Goddess of Liberty as the Sun behind the statue.

This is the cause for rejoicing, beloved—that a nation has known the Great Mother Initiator who is responsible in the name of Gautama Buddha for the igniting of the threefold flame, for the initiation of the heart, for that special dispensation balanced by Saint Germain where this people could forge a Union as no other union has ever been formed in any other nation.

To the special hearts of this people I send my devotion to the will of God. The hope that is in my heart is a fervor of necessity. For whereas the building is abuilding at the Inner Retreat, there is also the dark contrast of despair and a nation and a world heavy in the dark cycle of its karma.

Thus there are many necessities which call, beloved. And they call us to the mountain of God. The demand for the Guru/chela relationship has produced the demand for the place and the land that could contain it all and all who would come. Elohim, in their foreknowledge of the need of the hour and the direction of cosmic forces to this reunion of the soul with the living Spirit, have indeed prepared that place secured.

As has been said before, we cannot bring forth the fullness of the divine plan in this place or even in this city. Beloved, understand why the persecution of new-age religions. It is not of the religions. It is the fear and the frenzy of the coming of the Word of God incarnate.

Do you understand, beloved, how Herod sent his henchmen to kill all of the male babies born at the appearance of the Christ? Do you understand how the one who was the true one fled into a new land?

Thus realize many are slain this day as they seek in frenzy to find the one, the living Messiah, who is the turning back of their Darkness. They are superstitious as were the Herodians, and indeed, beloved, they have seen the sign of the appearance of the Christed One—the coming of your Holy Christ Self and of the sign appearing in the heavens.

Thus, it is an hour to understand that reactionary forces will be present as the Light emerges—chemicalization within the body, the soul, and the mind, fierce attacks upon the family and the child as the seed of Herod multiplied regularly aborts these descending ones.

It is well to listen when the Messenger speaks to you. It is well to know the warning and the warning signs. Do not be dismayed, whatever assails thee, O my love. For truly thou art beloved and I have known thee from the beginning. Count every point of oppression, count each deliverance of the blows of hell as the sign of coming sainthood in thine own being, as the sign of Light and Morya with you, who says:

“O my child, know this initiation in the heart of the Buddha. Know the way of nonresistance in life—to agree with thine adversary quickly whilst thou art in the way with him <2> lest he turn and rend thee in the latter day.

“O my child, know the ways—know the ways of the seed of the wicked, but know better the ways of God. Follow thy God, for thy God is Love. When Love, then, is assailed, truly go to the heart of hearts of the First Love in the beginning.”

Take five minutes or an hour or a day to magnify Love in your heart that your vision might be true and decisions affecting lifetimes might be correctly made. Study the work of Chamuel and Charity. Draw the circle of fire <3> about this Union, this Community of the Holy Spirit ensouled by the LORD, the Maha Chohan, in this hour.

As America is enfired with the presence of Liberty, know that this new day is consecrated here and now through your hearts by this presence of this wondrous being [the Maha Chohan, who is the representative of the Holy Spirit] who is the Master of the Seven Chohans of the Rays. Know, then, that the greatest desiring of his heart is to see you and behold you as one.

Thus, this night the Holy Spirit’s cloven tongues of fire are for the consuming of misunderstandings and disagreements and complaints and burdens and absence of vision that causes the soul to want to tarry and to make demands for a lesser comfort when the whole cup of comfort is waiting. Feel the presence of this Spirit in and through you as you receive from our servers holy bread.

Beloved ones, I break the bread of my body this night. I would be a part of each one of you and you a part of me. I commit myself, as the Chohan of the First Ray, to be at your side each step of the way Home. My love for you is beyond measuring but not beyond your ken. For you indeed are my own and your cups have been filled before with my presence—for the journey ahead, all the way to the ascension.

I have come to embrace you. And I have come a great, great distance to be here in this hour. Meditating upon the bread of my Life which I would share with you, so receive now this Holy Communion.

[Holy Communion is served during the playing of “Panis Angelicus” by César Franck.]

The bread of my Life, beloved, is the body and the essence of all that I AM, all that I have devoured of God and all that he has devoured of me. This living bread which I have broken for you is my Christhood. It is the experience of every life and test, of the record thereof and the genetic code of my evolved Christhood. When you receive Communion from a Master, beloved, it is truly the giving of the Self. All that I AM is the All that I give and the whole loaf. For God will replenish the supply.

Thus, Camelot, then and now, is this bread. This morsel you have taken as a disc of light from heaven, moistened by my Spirit, is the all and the circle of that which we love as Camelot—a dream, a life, a goal, a mystical union, a place in heaven with an extension on earth.

Thus, beloved, as you accept me as a part of you, so I AM. And I do accept you as a part of myself so long as you follow the will of God. Realize, beloved, that your acceptance of myself in this hour is a very precious initiation that I AM enabled to give by the love of Alpha.

Understand, then, that I do have the dispensation to assist you unto the hour of your ascension. I pray you will not forget my Teaching, my Presence, or my Love. For this Church that we are building together is the temple of man, and the cosmic wafer is the dais on which you stand. And one day you will look and see in the retreat of Luxor that dais where you stand in the hour of the ascension flame—infusing, suffusing white fire—and you will remember the moment of this Communion when an Ascended Master who loves you, who has been willing to pay the price that The Summit Lighthouse might endure, that the Church Universal and Triumphant might move on, did come to take you by the hand and lead you to the heart of God.

Mistake not the mundane for the spiritual nor the intellectual for the mystery. Be on guard to retain the holiness of the moment and never leave it, for the quality of holiness is the attraction of seraphim, who are the greatest guardians of health, purifying, protecting the body.

Beloved of the Light, I have given to you, all inside of you, the matrix of our Camelot and all that is to be. It is indeed a divine plan of the Great Divine Director for which we have lived and served and given our lives century upon century.

You know, then, that this walk has been given that you might realize your soul as a living tabernacle, as a tent that could contain without number souls of Light. For you to know yourself as the living Church and the living Camelot—this is the mystery which Christ brought. And when John saw the whole of the Holy City descending, <4> it was descending into his heart. He knew himself then as the embodiment of the city of God. All temples made with hands, all earthly endeavors are to teach this lesson of the soul.

Many lessons have been taught and learned by you here in this place. The Chapel of the Holy Grail has been suspended as a light and a vibration out of the Central Sun. Once miracles have happened, they are so often taken for granted, beloved.

Do you know that it is by the will of God that this place is suspended in this city for your service in answer to the call of Lord Jesus to come to Los Angeles? And so the Messenger was also ridiculed in her trial for following the call of the Lord Jesus to this city. But you have heard the call and you have not ridiculed, and therefore you have become a portion of that Christ.

Beloved, the work to which the Lord sent her is almost finished in this city. All things have happened here to you and to the Messenger that did indeed happen to the Lord Christ and his disciples.

You may chronicle these events and know that your coming has been for these years of the fourteen stations of the cross that began for the Messenger, according to my direction to her, on June 27, 1972. Since that hour she has passed through the age of the thirty-third cycle unto the ascension of the beloved Mark, unto the seeking and finding you from every corner of the earth by every missive of her heart, by every dictation and Pearl and call and prayer.

These stations year upon year, beloved, have been a magnificent experience of the expansion of spheres, not alone of her being but of your own as well. You may count the blessings and the experiences, the tests passed and those you prepare to take again in this fourteen-year cycle, and know that the new life I bear is based upon the beginning again of the Woman and her seed passing through, this time, not a sorrowful way of personal or planetary karma but in the full embodiment of those fourteen stations in the God-victorious spheres of the Great White Brotherhood. All saints of the holy Church do lend their causal bodies to the coming fourteen years.

I urge you, then, to plan your life, for in these years a tremendous victory can be won. And the year 2000 may turn. And the world may turn. But whether or not, the Word will not pass away. <5> For the Word is becoming permanent within you. Though the sands of the earth and time and space may flee, yet my Word in you shall live forever.

Therefore, beloved, having been the harbinger of the initiation of this cycle, I also come to seal it. And therefore, I address you.

Beloved Lord Gautama Buddha, beloved Saint Germain, beloved Maha Chohan, good company of knights and ladies of the flame, with the lighting of the torch of Liberty, there is this day recorded in the County of Los Angeles the final sale of Camelot. [43-sec. standing ovation]

So that not a tear in your eye or a lament or a looking back should take you from this joy of victory, I have already placed, you see, my bread of Life as Camelot inside of you! [21-sec. applause]

We take the essence, beloved, and leave the rest! Someday you will remember those words when the Maha Chohan does call you beyond this octave to other spheres.

Beloved, this connection was made in Gemini quite suddenly, as I determined to answer the call of Archangel Michael and the final call made finally by the Messenger. Beloved, in the twinkling of an eye of God, so there did appear that which was the plan.

And so another university from across the sea shall occupy this place—a Japanese university. And therefore, I tell you that the karmic cycles turn. To the winner, then, belongs the mountain of God. And all march on in the karmic cycles by which they are impelled to be in their time and their space—in their place on January 1, 1987. <6>

So, beloved, expect the unexpected. And this, too, has been learned by our instrument. Swiftly, then, the seasons fly. And sometimes only I know the reason why!

“I will be who I will be,” said Yahweh long ago to Moses. “I will reveal myself in the course of events.” Thus, the Messenger has said even recently to chelas who would know the will of God, “Do not ask me, for I do not know. But observe the day and the hour when Camelot is sold and chart your course following the events of Morya.”

I tell you, the Messenger has learned this from many long years of knowing the Guru. The revelations of God are in action. As you see action, then, do not question that action but follow it. Find the thread of contact whereby there is a unity in your heart with that which is the movement of those of us of the Darjeeling Council who are committed to this—this moving forward and upward and onward.

Therefore, that the light of Maitreya might expand in every heart, that you might be safe and secure in every way, especially in the spiritual path, I bid you, beloved, Vondir! You shall see me again in the mountain of God, where I call you and call a world of Lightbearers united to come to the Heart of the Inner Retreat for the summer of 1987—and to know that for many of you there will be henceforth no descent back down the mountain.

So, beloved, I have given to you my heart. And now I depart.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by El Morya was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, July 3, 1986, during Freedom 1986, a 5-day international conference for spiritual freedom held at Camelot, Los Angeles County, California, USA.

1. In their dictations, the Ascended Masters have been known to revert to the vernacular of the times of a past life. In the 1500s, have was sometimes used in place of has as the 3rd person singular. El Morya was embodied as Sir Thomas More, 1478–1535.

2. Matt. 5:25.

3. See Archeia Charity, October 5, 1975, “The Fire of Love Descending to Implement the Judgment,” 1975 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18, no. 40, pp. 206-7; or Vials of the Seven Last Plagues, Summit University Press, pp. 37-39.

4. Rev. 21:2, 9-27; 22:1-5.

5. Isa. 40:8; Mark 13:31; I Pet. 1:24, 25.

6. See 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 42, n. 5.