Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 30 No. 41 - Beloved Apollo and Lumina - October 11, 1987


Freedom 1987
A Journey to the Heart of the Sun
Crown Chakra Meditation—Behold! Cosmic Beings


Apollo and Lumina AM I, left hand and right hand of the God consciousness of illumination, enlightenment, wisdom’s petals unfolding. We address you, beloved, in a great amphitheater in the heart of the physical sun that is the Sun behind the sun, a spiritual sphere beyond all matter yet congruent with the etheric octave.

As your eyes are closed now, sense yourself in the heart, even in the eye of a white-fire/yellow-fire sun that is spinning. It is a vast inner space and here you may know the Presence I AM THAT I AM. At your level of awareness in the etheric octave, beloved, we Apollo and Lumina stand before you, represen­tatives of Helios and Vesta, Alpha and Omega.

This bringing of your presence, even this entire company, is for the purpose of your being entirely apart from vibrations of earth. For these moments, beloved, experience freedom from pressure, from weight, from ignorance, from tensions and the agitations and aggravations of a planet of a comparatively low vibration in many quarters and an astoundingly high vibration in the hearts of unascended masters and devotees such as yourselves.

Earth, then, is an admixture, a swirling combination (vanilla and chocolate, as you say), many times black and white but then melting together. Therefore, beloved, know surcease as you come apart. This is an ageless, timeless, spaceless dimension; therefore, you shall not advance during these moments. Though the world continue on her spin, you are beyond spin and in the center of the eye.

Coming, then, to the very center of the causal body, the first ring of illumination’s golden flame does present to you the understanding of what is to be lowered into manifestation. Visualize the entire solar system as a span of the causal body spheres in the etheric octave. And realize that from the center to the without, you are desirous of lowering into manifestation, even from the center of your heart, causal bodies of Elohim, Father/Mother God manifest in the seven rays.

Thus, beloved, to bring this center of inner peace, inner space, inner time (where space and time are not) to the earth does require a daily celebration of the heart of Helios and Vesta. Simply sing the mantra three times, incorporate it into each service and resume the meditation of the white-fire/yellow-fire sun above you. <1>

Each day as you pour forth your love, no longer through your heart but through the crown, you will see the opening widening, beloved, widening, indeed, until it becomes as a shaft—more than a crystal cord. You are one with the space you now occupy in this etheric journey.

The result of your calls is this, beloved, that a great strength and strengthening has accrued to your finer bodies. The etheric body of each of you now has either a faint or stronger pattern of your Deathless Solar Body, depending on your participation in the decrees given, depending on your capacity to absorb Light <2> of dictations.

Understand that as I am pressing into this crown chakra [that of the Messenger], angels are pressing into your own. Thus, you may also take the first two fingers of your right hand and press them into the very center of the crown of your head. You may do so with as much physical intensity as you can withstand. For this will draw the blood and the light-essence thereof to this center even for a physical and clearing action, thus strengthening, yes—but reaching full capacity to bear the Light-weight of Elohim descending, not yet. It is something worth striving for.

Thus, we charge this Messenger to continue these services and therefore to draw you closer and closer through the chakras to the heart of Elohim. It is a present possibility, beloved, but we have determined to proceed with caution, assisting you in the purging of the astral body and the binding of the dweller. Thus, day by day we shall attend until the week from today when we shall see how seven centers have increased.

Now then, beloved, much is gained, much is gained. Few times in modern history has there been a gathering such as this that has sparked such awareness, such love of Freedom.

Mind you, beloved, though I have removed my hand from this chakra, you may not remove yours from your crown chakra. Let the intensity build. It is for a purpose. The Divine Guru Sanat Kumara has recommended this exercise; for, you see, the fire of the heart does return by the right hand to the crown and does descend again to the heart. Thus a new circulation of spirituality does ensue even as the first two fingers of the left hand are placed at the heart chakra.

Know, then, that you are complete by this fiery vibration. And if you will look at these arms you will see in the curve two halves of a whole signifying that the whole body of man is intended to be the caduceus action. Now while you press your two fingers into the crown and thus release substance not of the Light into the flame, as well as activate a flow, I shall continue my message.

Blessed ones, the gain is a mutuality of hearts, a weaving together of a bond, the clearing of much debris. We repeat, then, we Elohim, who know the destiny of earth (both on the high rise of the high road and on the low descent of the low road), could desire a continuing of this decree service for the dispelling, mitigating or perhaps eliminating of those prophecies of Fátima and others. Therefore earth now continues in the violet flame glow.

We, Apollo and Lumina, containing the Mind of God, now allow you to experience the peace of the percentage of the upper layer of the mental belt where the Light has penetrated and a certain clearing has taken place. Beloved, this action of the Light, approaching a percent of the entire belt, is as a fiery golden lining. It is an anchoring into that belt of the etheric octave that has not been accomplished heretofore.

Know the power of fire in this percentage, beloved. Think not that it is little, for a grain of Light may be for the leavening of an entire system. Light is greater than all Darkness.

One percent of the mental belt of the planet cleared and transmuted as a result of the prayer vigil and conference—for this there is a clap of thunder and a shout of joy from the heart of Elohim! And you ought to appreciate the meaning, beloved. For that one percent includes at that level all prior records of infamy in that one percent of all past ages. Therefore, beloved, it is a work that is established and can be sustained.

I claim the mental belt for the Mind of God in the Christ Self of all! O Holy Christ Selves of all people, I claim the mental belt for thy coming! Enter now, occupy! And these shall fill in the mosaic of that Light. Oh, let it portray the etheric pattern and heaven! There is a closing of the gap. And for some, beloved, there is indeed a sense of an inner connection renewed.

So, soul of Light, rise to the level of the heart. Rise now.

You are beholding on a very large platform Cosmic Beings, majestic figures, some robed in gold, some in white and other hues of secret rays. They are here, beloved, in the center of the Sun. You see them now as recessed from a Cosmic Council meeting, some in clusters in conversation, others with students. These are beings you have not seen before. And they impress upon you their stature, their loveliness and attainment in God, their fierceness and their strength.

Now look at their flashing, fiery eyes. I wish you to gaze into the eyes of these masterful beings, that you might see the expression of those who have the Mind of God and in seeing it, carry that vision with you. May it be with you when you fall asleep and upon your awakening day by day. For in seeing these eyes, beloved, you will also desire to enter the Mind that sees, the Mind that knows, the Mind whose All-Seeing Eye is expressed in these masterful presences.

Some of you have looked upon saints in embodiment and have said in your heart in this or past ages, “I see that Light, I know it is a purity. I would have it, I shall have it.” And you have been inspired to be like that one you saw. Now let all see what is your individual God-potential.

Beloved, it was in the counsel of such company that Moses was wont to declare, “I have said, ye are gods.” <3> Seeing these beings, you should no longer have an estimate of self as being anything less than God and rather view the lesser portion in the physical domain as an extension that is not clothed upon with the inner majesty. Thus seek to outpicture and be like them. Draw it from your I AM Presence. Draw it from the spinning white-fire/ yellow-fire suns.

To this end the God and Goddess Meru placed their causal body spheres at the Royal Teton Ranch, and the causal body of Hedron [was also placed there during Gautama Buddha’s New Year’s Eve dictation <4>]. To that end, that you might embody your Godhood. I say, Ye are gods and all of you are sons of the Most High! Be it, beloved.

Now in the heart of Helios and Vesta, by Love’s wisdom and Wisdom’s love there is stripped from you small-mindedness, pettiness, self-limitation, the demons of prejudice, want, fear, poverty consciousness, all those belittling, self-intimidating conditions. These extend to gossip, backbiting, criticism of others, all of the chattering of the human nonsense. We have desired to strip from you that which most detracts in your own behavior patterns from your dignity of selfhood in and as God.

God in you is the one God. There are not gods many. Seeing, then, your expression of Him you ought to cry out in awe, “What hath God wrought! Multiple manifestations of Himself! Yet He is the All and the One.” This is the nature of Elohim—all-encompassing Light. Now you know, beloved, that it is within our own auras that both you and the sun are suspended.

We are Elohim, God, of the Second Ray. And all of Cosmos is suspended in our God consciousness of illumined action in this hour. It is a vertical line drawn that takes on the curve of space itself. Therefore, it is an infinite circle. Therefore, beloved, the line drawn is this: All evolutions are illumined to right action, all lifewaves see the righteousness of Righteousness and his Law.

Therefore, those who choose to embody illumination shall be in the heart of hearts of Mary the Mother. They shall enter the Immaculate Heart and there participate in the healing of worlds. Those who deny illumined action for Christ in all little ones and the desperate, oppressed and poor of earth, these, then, shall bear the full weight of the Judgment of Elohim.

The vertical bar of the cosmic cross of yellow/white fire is drawn. Thus, it is the hour of choosing. When the horizontal bar is drawn by Elohim, then, O then shall the fourth woe <5> descend! Therefore, hasten ye, O ye seed of the wicked, and bring forth fruits meet for repentance, <6> even a converted and contrite heart that does bow before Elohim.

Thus, in the sign only of Alpha to Omega we seal this conference, we seal the crown.

Now, then, gently yet with the speed of light, you are becoming more and more congruent with the physical octave of earth. Nevermore shall you go out from the Sun within the sun.

There is stamped upon you the smile, the beaming smile of Helios, the joyous smile of Vesta. Shall you ever look upon the sun again without this smile? I say, nay. For the very thought of Helios and Vesta and the inner space will give to you perpetual gladness in the Light.

Light! light! light! light! light! light! light! Sealed, then, are your chakras by Elohim. Rejoice, for the hour of fulfillment is come!


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Apollo and Lumina was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet at the conclusion of the Sunday evening service of July 5, 1987, after midnight, at FREEDOM 1987 in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana.

1. White-fire/yellow-fire sun meditation. For the beginning and the continuation of the meditation on the sun, see vol. 30 no. 39, pars. 1, 2, 27, 28, 33; vol. 30 no. 40, pars. 23, 24, 39-41.

2. Christ consciousness

3. “Ye are gods...” Ps. 82:6; John 10:34.

4. Causal body spheres of the God and Goddess Meru. See Jesus Christ, December 25, 1986, “The Coming of the Divine Teacher,” 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 78, p. 682, or 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol.30 no. 1, n. 1. Of Hedron: see vol. 30 no. 1, pars. 1-3, 62.

5. The fourth woe. See vol. 30 no. 24 p. 242, pars. 33-35.

6. Matt. 3:7, 8.

The New Day
by Vesta


Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Helios and Vesta!
Let the Light flow into my being!
Let the Light expand in the center of my heart!
Let the Light expand in the center of the earth!
And let the earth be transformed into the New Day!