Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 30 No. 44 - Beloved Apollo and Lumina - November 1, 1987


Freedom 1987
Elohim of God Stand Guard
The Crystal Chalice at the Two-Thirds Mark


Elohim of God from the Great Central Sun, we are come, Apollo and Lumina. For our canopy of golden illumination’s flame waits as a cap for the raising of the chalice.

But this cap, beloved, as a dome of golden light, does descend in this hour, magnetized by the love of your hearts in this day of a Divine Union on earth as in heaven, <1> on this day when the Cosmic Christ of Jesus has delivered to you an understanding of the hindrances of the fallen ones for two thousand years. <2>

Therefore, know, beloved, that as this chalice does rise and has risen that two-thirds of the way to our octave, we await the completion by the breakthrough of resurrection’s flame. For at this two-thirds mark, beloved, is the point of self-transcendence through the Law of the One in the Great Pyramid.

May you whose hearts sing unto the mystery of Divine Love of the I AM Presence know that in this hour Elohim of God stand guard. In the name I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara, we stand guard! <3> Therefore, may you do likewise in these coming days and weeks and months as the power of your word, O Lightbearers of the world, shall surely multiply and cover the earth.

Let us vow together, then, that we shall see change as world transmutation. We shall not cease together. For through this divine experience of these many days in the heart of Gautama Buddha, we can say that through the heart chakra we the Seven Elohim of God are one with you by the heart magnificent of the Lord of the World and the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood.

Therefore, come, our son and daughter, that we may seal thy life in our own.

[Mr. and Mrs. Michael David Reed kneel before the Messenger at the high altar.]

Now let these angels of Elohim so mark this place in the son of man that the Christ may appear and in them the opening of the way for the return to the divine marriage on earth. Thus, by the cross of white fire, the white-fire/yellow-fire sun and the Ruby Ray, thou art one in Maitreya’s heart.

And to all this company we say: Go in Peace, go in Joy, go in Love. Go in watchfulness, in tender caring for all little ones. Go in the fierceness of the vigilance of seraphim and Archangels. Go be! Go decree! Go, our beloved, pierce the night by Love’s holy Ruby Ray!

Amen, above and below. Alleluia, amen! for the sealing is come. And the mighty sealing action level upon level shall be fulfilled if you attend the call of the resurrection flame with diligence until you hear next by the word of Elohim that the crystal chalice has met the golden dome canopy over the Heart of the Western Shamballa.

Unto all is given our gift of Wisdom’s love. May you prosper in this way of salvation.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Apollo and Lumina was delivered through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, July 13, 1987, at 1:20 a.m., at the conclusion of FREEDOM 1987 held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana.

1. On Sunday afternoon, July 12, 1987, Michael David Reed and Erin Lynn Prophet were united in holy matrimony by Rev. Sean C. Prophet at the high altar in the main tent erected in the Heart of the Inner Retreat for FREEDOM 1987. Edward L. Francis gave away the bride. A reception, dinner and waltz followed, at the conclusion of which Apollo and Lumina gave their dictation which included their blessing of the newlyweds.

2. The Messenger’s Sunday morning sermon was “On the Defense of Religious Freedom: Who Did Hinder You...?”

3.We stand guard. This affirmation is reminiscent of the words “O Canada, we stand on guard for thee” found in the Canadian national anthem, “O Canada,” words by Robert Stanley Weir.