Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 30 No. 64 - Beloved Elohim Peace -  December 3, 1987


Saint Germain Stumps America
The Two-Edged Sword of Life
The Responsibility to Defend Life and Liberty


Peace unto the Lightbearers in the earth!

I AM Elohim of the Sixth Ray, come following Archangel Uriel to this state for the anchoring of the presence of the two-edged sword of Life. Therefore, for this mission to this heart of a nation I place a pillar of fire in the earth that does also vibrate in consonance with the living power of Christ so established by Uriel.

O legions of Light summoned by the Lord, attend these who would preserve Life and Liberty and embody the universal Light.

Therefore, come, O mighty ones of the Ancient of Days, legions who march with the army of the Faithful and True. Encamp thyselves round about the borders of a nation, the quadrants of a planet. And let peace be known as the power of Light, the infusing presence of angels of Uriel and my bands. So they do precede the coming of the Lord Christ in a most unusual manner into the hearts of all those who stand for Truth.

Awake! I say, O nations of the earth. Awake! to a cosmic opportunity and responsibility to preserve, to defend, to multiply Life. Life that is God in thee therefore necessitates a recompense from those Above and beneath.

Angels sounding a note introduce a vibration quivering the planetary atmosphere and aura. It is the gentle passage of a Light, and it is indeed for transmutation, for preparation and for the alert.

O beloved of the Light, the forces who come through the Four Horsemen, even the fourth, the pale horse, those which are unleashed out of the pits, <1> these are [to be] bound in answer to the calls of those in embodiment.

Fear not and fail not to make the call unto thy Christ and mine. For a circle of fire does establish a spiritual forcefield that we would see become physical. Yet how can anything become physical unless there be those who understand the meaning of being the vessel of the power of God in an age when that power has been abused and misused to the detriment of children and youth and all life.

Therefore, out of the Heart of the Inner Retreat where our forcefield is established I have come. For it needs be that a people unalert and unawakened who yet follow a false doctrine in religion, in the economy and in the government must come to an understanding that there is a Light of Freedom and that Light of Freedom is available.

Seven Archangels who have bowed before the throne of the Almighty and vowed to serve all Lightbearers in the nations, all people of goodwill—Come forth now! For as it is written, the time is short for the realization of this Light and the Light that no man hath seen on land or sea, the Light that is indeed the equation of the I AM THAT I AM.

Let the Light pierce the hearts and the chakras! In the heart of God, I, Peace, Elohim, declare it. And let the piercing be for a clearer vision and an understanding of the part that each one must play in the deliverance of a planet and a people.

The news of returning karma has been rejected by evolutions in many centuries. Therefore, hear the Word of the LORD! For the quenching of war and rumors of war <2>—these things that one day do appear as the surfacing of planetary karma—must come about by the sword of Peace that is raised by the living Christ, by the sword of Truth that is raised by the Divine Mother.

Let the fire go forth for the devouring of all that is unreal, for a planetary transmutation. And see that it does proceed out of thy mouth, <3> beloved. For this infilling Light is indeed unto the victory of all Life. Yet the record is clear and I remind you, for by the reading of history and the running with that record the illumined and enlightened ones may avoid the repetition of history as karmic cycles do recur.

In the living Light of the Word, then, know that the hour of the prophecy of Saint Germain is nigh. Let those who understand the meaning of shepherding nations and shepherding a people draw together their hearts, until by the crystal and the crystallization of their devotion they may create a chalice over this state, mighty indeed, a receptacle that shall be as a reservoir of Light to the people in time of trouble. That time of trouble long ago prophesied <4> is nigh, yet need not be.

Thus, we come. And in our Presence may you know what is Real and what is Unreal. May you vanquish Unreality by the Reality of God externalized within you. May you rather understand the piercing sword of the sacred Word that does send forth not only a message but a mandate from angelic hosts of Light, bands of angels of the seven rays who call to you now and say:

“O people of God, come up higher! Come into the Union of the Divine One but rest not in your labors. Go forth to save that which is lost. And in the economy of Life raise up a strong and sure defense on behalf of the entire world and planet.”

Unto the living heart, the Sacred Heart of thy Christ and the Christ of Jesus, I commend you. Forget not the call of Jesus to the disciples. For there is a time to take up the sword <5> and a time to lay down the sword, a time to enter into heights of cosmic consciousness beyond the planes of maya and illusion, beyond the forcefield where battles are waged and wars are fought and epidemics take life—and a time to be in the midst of my people “to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and the opening of the prison to them that are bound....” <6>

Precious ones, in the veils of illusion some yet suffer from unreality. And there are those who suffer in a large way from their delusions of grandeur and grandiose schemes and ancient battles and scores that fallen angels have come to settle, using the people of Light and mankind as fodder as they do wage their ages-old controversies across the planets.

I remember well and paint before you the akashic records of the era before the sinking of Lemuria when wars were waged by the gods in the misuse of the sacred fire. And by “gods” I mean those fallen angels embodying by their own free will a left-handed path of Darkness and Death. Thus, a false priesthood and those who betrayed the living Light of the Divine Mother by their misuse of the Light, Energy and Consciousness of God did wreak that havoc that caused the sinking of continents. And past golden ages have descended to the state in which we find mankind this day. <7>

Let those who know the Truth, then, be a pillar upon the Rock of Christhood. Let them demonstrate by their works and not mere words that Christ is able to defeat every darkness of War and Death. Let there be a summoning of the will and inner forces as people in the earth in this hour discover that those in embodiment are they who must make the call and clear the way for heaven’s intercession.

We, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, declare to you, O America, so sponsored by Saint Germain, that upon you is a great gift, an opportunity, a responsibility, and the record in akasha and in the Book of Life of many of you who have made the vow to defend Liberty in this hour of maximum peril.

Thus, look to the mountain and to the vision and implement it with all practicality and the Holy Spirit. Thus shalt thou and thy members survive unto the New Day and thy Ascension in the Light.

I AM Peace, Aloha [is] above me. Therefore, by twin flames of God we seal this place and all desiring to be centered in the heart of cosmic peace. [intonations, 35 seconds]

Melchizedek, Ascended Master, I summon you for the victory of Life and for the training of my own in the royal robes of the priesthood of thy order.

Let the devotees from all walks of life strive to embody the violet flame and the science of the seventh age, which is the Alpha and the Omega of religion and science for Aquarius.

Out of the Word is sent a river of Light for the devouring of Darkness, a river of Peace for the devouring of War. May you be instruments of it and preserve a planet and a people.


“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance O’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Elohim Peace was delivered by Elizabeth Clare Prophet on October 18, 1987 (after midnight) at the Hyatt on Capitol Square, Columbus, Ohio, where she was stumping for Saint Germain’s Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.

1. Rev. 9:1-11; 11:7; 17:8.

2. Matt. 24:6; Mark 13:7.

3. Rev. 11:3-5.

4. Dan. 12:1.

5. “And he said unto them, When I sent you without purse, and scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing? And they said, Nothing. Then said he unto them, But now, he that hath a purse, let him take it, and likewise his scrip: and he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. For I say unto you, that this that is written must yet be accomplished in me, ‘And he was reckoned among the transgressors’: for the things concerning me have an end. And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough.” Luke 22:35-38

6. Isa. 61:1.

7. For more information on the misuse of light that caused the sinking of Atlantis, see The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 260-66, 300-304, 306, 316-17, 480-81.