Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 31 No. 60 - Beloved Heros and Amora - September 17, 1988


Love Must Prevail
Angels, Elementals with Sons and Daughters of God:
The Unbeatable Force of Divine Love in Action

The Ruby Ray Judgment of the Violators of Children


Now, it has been said that Love, even Perfect Love, casts out all fear. <1>  We say, let it be done as it has been spoken. Let fear be banished from the hearts of the devotees of the Ruby Ray of the Sacred Heart of the Universal Christ.

Thus, beloved, for us to speak is to create, to create is to be, and to be is to become the fulfillment of the matrix of Creator in the creation.

We say, let there be Love!  Thus, there was and is and shall be Love–this Love born of the healing fires of cosmic Truth this day.

And out of the love of hearts of two Sons [El Morya and Kuthumi] who have taken shaft of the First and the Second Rays [blue and yellow] to create their emerald matrix [green], there does come, then, to earth truly the new heaven and the new earth seen by John the Beloved. <2>  It is the very unique expression of the causal body of each one. <3>

Thy habitation above is the Holy City, the Holy City as the Retreat of the Divine Mother <4> and, yes, that Holy City that is all inside thy causal body of Light. <5>

We decree Love where love already abounds, where love is a ruby magnet and a fire that does magnetize [Love] from our hearts, does pull and attract even components of a nucleus [of our God-Mastery] whereby a planet, aye, more than a planet can be turned around.

What do you think?  We are Elohim. In the mode of God  we come. Our Consciousness is God. We create out of the Holy Spirit.   And where we send Holy Spirit there does come change, sometimes abrupt.

O do temper our Love by violet flame!  Send your foot soldiers and legions, O bhikkhus, O monks, O religious, O spiritual devotees of the love sign of Aquarius. Send your troops and your decrees marching and the elementals at your command hither and yon in every city where Love would abide.

Blessed hearts, Love is a fire <6> to be contended with, but in contending with Love only Love wins. Yes, Love does win out. Love outlasts every other vibration. Understand that the coming of Love is the dividing of the way.

We are entrusting to your care and custodianship for the remainder of this conference a diligence in invoking the violet flame, for as you send violet flame to the city of your abode, so Love shall follow. As you send love to the planet, Love shall follow.

We desire not to trigger cataclysm by Love’s fires, not yet. For Elohim are not ready for the changing of worlds, for there are Lightbearers to be carved out of the rock of the astral plane by the acetylene torch of Love, by every means available. Let Lightbearers be cut free by the sword of the Ruby Ray. O wield it!  O call it forth!

Come forth, great cosmic honor guard, legions who bear the sword of the Ruby Ray on behalf of the Buddhas of the Ruby Ray. Come over this Heart. Show your marching formation, wielding swords of Ruby Ray as in a cosmic dance approaching that of Shiva you then flash that Ruby Ray in every direction, spherical and beyond all dimensions.

O earth, prepare, for the Love Ray does come and it does intensify.

Beloved, as we speak our legions are preparing your aura, preparing it to receive an extraordinary impetus of Love.

Love, O my own, must be guarded, tended. Watch out, beloved, for Love will seek every nook and cranny and crevice to flush out every force of anti-Creation which is anti-Love.

Learn to wield the fire of Love and you will solve many, many problems that have seemed unsolvable. Blessed ones, problems in business, in health, in livelihood, in direction, in affairs, these can all be solved with Love if and only when you invoke the violet flame for the transmutation of all conditions of consciousness that are a misqualification of the Third Ray.

It is necessary that finally there be some who will approach with directness and dispatch the initiations of the Third Ray. Let us no longer go around so mighty a fortress as Love, so blessed a path as the Ruby Ray.

There is nothing, in fact, of which you are not already capable [that is taught] in the very first classes conducted by the representatives of Sanat Kumara on the Path of the Ruby Ray and Ruby Ray initiations. All of you are engaged already in some form of service. As recently as in the last hour you have rendered service to a cosmos. In so doing, you have surrendered that hour to this activity rather than to another. You have sacrificed some other occupation or preoccupation to engage in it. And I must say, considering your present level of development, your measure of selflessness is also noteworthy.

If, then, the four sides of the ruby cube are already being fulfilled by you, <7>  would you not care to know from the heart of Maitreya how with slightly more effort and even less pain you can enjoy merging with the very essence of Love?

Beloved, the forces of hatred upon earth and in the earth ‘mongst all who have betrayed the Great God of Love are almost unparalleled. There are few places where there are evolutions of the advancement to which some attain on this planet that have such a momentum of anti-Love, which is an absolute hatred of God the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Mother.

This, beloved, is focused four ways against the Child–the Child that is in the center of the circle undergoing the Eighth Ray initiations of the secret chamber of the heart. I tell you, beloved, the hatred of fallen angels and of hell itself is pitted against children and the archetypal Manchild <8> on planet earth.

Therefore we come with a fierceness. Therefore we come with the Ruby Ray judgment of the very dregs of the denizens of the astral plane. And we come, beloved, for you have responded to the Mother’s call to give that violet flame and to give it again and again. This violet flame you have invoked since the first call of the first cassette went forth, <9> though it has been used, it has also been garnered in a reservoir of Light. This entire momentum, therefore, shall be used for twofold purpose:  the binding and the judgment of a considerable percentage of those who are the attackers of youth and the child and the child in the womb.

Beware, then, ye violators of children, no matter what form that violation does take!  Feel, then, the hot breath of the Elohim of Love and of the Holy Ghost. For the violation of children and youth, therefore, you receive this night thrice the judgment of the Holy Ghost. That judgment goes directly to the physical level of your evil and to the astral mire of your misqualified energy of the Mother. <10>

Thus, beloved, there is no more heinous crime than the violation of children. And thus, beloved, it is the studied assessment of Elohim that this judgment shall remove from the planet a considerable weight. It is our desire to see that perhaps the Cosmic Council or Alpha and Omega or the Lord of the World shall find in this action a unique alchemy that shall be of supreme usefulness to beloved Saint Germain.

We are Elohim of all cosmos. May we be the first to applaud the victory of Keepers of the Flame and friends of the Light in this violet flame experiment. And may we say, beloved, that to increase and multiply it can only bring to earth greater mitigation and mercy, clearing the way not only for Kuan Yin and her assistance in delivering to you the secret-ray initiations but also for any number of hierarchs who have not descended to earth for whom you have actually woven a violet flame carpet, making it once again lawful to place their feet upon this earth, not to mention, beloved, the blessings to elemental life and the hope to many hearts who are enslaved under totalitarian regimes.

Blessed ones, it is only a beginning, but what a beginning and what promise. May you become as the “greatest salesman in the world,” <11> taking those violet flame tapes [to many, many souls] as your auras are so heartily charged with the Seventh Ray; and, by the sheer enthusiasm and joy, lightness and freedom you carry, ignite something that is catching and that will catch the world and draw them into Aquarius and therefore allow them to lock gears with a new dispensation and vibration.

I pray that you will devise the most ingenious means of self-perpetuating the sending out of these violet flame cassettes even to the extent of drawing up a list of spiritual souls and Lightbearers known to you and praying for them daily to be cut free by Elohim beginning with Astrea–cut free, therefore, to be free to invoke freedom’s flame so that when after a fortnight <12> you do send to them that cassette they will receive it as though they had been waiting for it all along. Just remember, the violet flame begets more lovers of the violet flame.

Look at the statue of Kuan Yin. <13>  Is she not pouring out an endless stream of violet flame, a violet flame river?  Is not the river of the Divine Mother of Aquarius a Seventh Ray movement of ribbons of light of every possible shade and gradation of mercy and justice and freedom and alchemy?  And is not the violet flame twinkling with the diamonds of Saint Germain?

Blessed ones, when you build a momentum and the momentum builds itself, it is not a time to cease but to accelerate, to increase and to see how the violet flame again and again goes into that harder and more recalcitrant and more dense substance [to transmute it by the rolling momentum of your decrees]. Those who chase the violet flame with calls to Astrea and Archangel Michael do have indeed the great advantage of troops and legions of the First Ray who can hardly wait to respond to your call to clear the way for Saint Germain.

Blessed ones, is it asking too much while your hearty voices are gathered in such a charged place as this to ask you to produce the third violet flame cassette during this conference [19-second applause], thus charging it as the Third Ray offering with all of the love of all of the dictations and of all of your hearts, and of the healing momentum that you already feel so tangibly?  We would indeed be very grateful if it were possible to accomplish this task.

Now, beloved, the alchemy of the Kuan Yin mantras <14> that is added to this violet flame provides, indeed, the secret-ray action of the violet flame [and] does afford you, then, a tremendous power of transmutation through the fullness of the attainment of Kuan Yin and does give a tremendous boost to Kuan Yin whereby through many hands and hearts reaching out to her in the West she might also increase in her manifestation of the Amitabha Buddha. <15>  Thus, beloved, you render Kuan Yin as well as the planet a great service.

Our call, then, is for a million souls as devoted as this nucleus. We must have it, beloved, and it is now more possible than ever. May each one here appoint himself a committee of one to multiply himself, to call so intensely that the barriers of this hate and hate creation shall come down and souls shall step forth who have never before been free from that human hate and hate creation to recognize who they are in the Light of Aquarius and to identify the violet flame river as the very natural vibration of their own soul’s path.

O the hour is come, beloved, and we attend it with the full power of our Godhood. Know, then, that our Presence is a healing action whereby all of Elohim in this hour desire to render to Mother Mary and to Saint Germain and Portia and to Lord Gautama and all of those of the Great White Brotherhood the maximum assistance.

Now, then, your auras have been changed, beloved. They are charged with the Love Ray. And by a sacred alchemy at this moment you are prepared to absorb and absorb and absorb this Ruby Ray action. [1-minute 45-second pause]

For this action I invite you to offer to the heart of your Father “The Covenant of the Magi.”  (Decree 30.08 in the pink section.) [intonations, 53 seconds]

Our twin flames recite this eternal covenant of the Son with the Father with you.


The Covenant of the Magi
by El Morya

      Father, into thy hands I commend my being. Take me and use me–my efforts, my thoughts, my resources, all that I AM–in thy service to the world of men and to thy noble cosmic purposes, yet unknown to my mind.

      Teach me to be kind in the way of the Law that awakens men and guides them to the shores of Reality, to the confluence of the River of Life, to the Edenic source, that I may understand that the leaves of the Tree of Life, given to me each day, are for the healing of the nations; that as I garner them into the treasury of being and offer the fruit of my loving adoration to Thee and to thy purposes supreme, I shall indeed hold covenant with Thee as my guide, my guardian, my friend.

      For Thou art the directing connector who shall establish my lifestream with those heavenly contacts, limited only by the flow of the hours, who will assist me to perform in the world of men the most meaningful aspect of my individual life plan as conceived by Thee and executed in thy name by the Karmic Board of spiritual overseers who, under thy holy direction, do administer thy laws.

      So be it, O eternal Father, and may the covenant of thy beloved Son, the living Christ, the Only Begotten of the Light, teach me to be aware that he liveth today within the tri-unity of my being as the Great Mediator between my individualized Divine Presence and my human self; that he raiseth me into Christ consciousness and thy divine realization in order that as the eternal Son becomes one with the Father, so I may ultimately become one with Thee in that dynamic moment when out of union is born my perfect freedom to move, to think, to create, to design, to fulfill, to inhabit, to inherit, to dwell and to be wholly within the fullness of thy Light.

      Father, into thy hands I commend my being.

   It is a blessed covenant, beloved. Do you understand that when you enter the retreat where you are taught step-by-step the lessons of the initiations of the Ruby Ray to come, it is this covenant that you make with your Father?  And thereby the Magi of old become guardians of the unfolding Trinity, fleur-de-lis, within the heart, and thereby Ruby Ray angels attend thee. It [the covenant] is a commitment to the Path of the Ruby Ray. It is a gentle surrender to the gentle presence of Love.

O Thou Gentle Presence, how powerful. What strength profound in the peace of Love. Love is a thing in itself that simply is, that fills the atmosphere. Across a cosmos the love of two hearts cannot be diluted, but when separated by a cosmos two hearts may string a cord that binds and that resounds with love.

We the Elohim of Love embrace this planetary home, this solar system and galaxy. But in this hour we concentrate forces of Love for the binding of the forces of anti-Love on earth to see what free men and women will do, aided and abetted by violet flame decreers, by Keepers of the Flame of Love who understand that if earth is to win, if earth is to have her Victory, Love must prevail.

Now and in every hour of thy day let this new Love of the Divine Mother fill all thy life, and let our Love embrace you and hold you tight that you do not stray from the purity of Love’s message, vibration and Be-ness.

Gather ye, beloved, gather ye into your hearts all who need our Love. We say to you, each and every one, we will fill your cups daily with love, every chakra and chakra of the secret rays. The moment you empty out love to give to another, we shall fill the cup. Let us experiment together. Will you try it, beloved?  [“Yes!”]

We are, in fact, most anxious to get started with this experiment accorded us by the Cosmic Council. It is for merit, beloved–meritorious love in service. If you have not given the full measure, do it now, for, beloved, never have you had in your evolution in these Matter spheres cohorts [such] as Elohim of Love to fill your cups with Love.

Remember, beloved, that in the marketplace of life those who are the subtle ones will attempt to steal your cups of Love. If you allow them to succeed, we shall no longer be allowed by cosmic law to fill again your cups with Love. Love is for the giving to Lightbearers and not to those who have squandered, denied and defiled Love. Thus, beloved, take care. Give to the God Flame in those who bear the God Flame and establish a network of Love upon the planet.

This is not an easy test, beloved, nor shall you find easy any test remaining in your course to the Sun. For this reason we have come from many angles to this conference, and all who shall speak have been selected that you might be fully and amply prepared to achieve your Victory and to do so with honors.

Give love and receive Love. Do not misqualify it and you shall increase in the pocket of an Elohim. <16>

O elfin ones and gnomes, O salamanders and undines, we have not left you out. Yours shall also be a path of Love’s initiations and as you assist Keepers of the Flame you too shall earn your stripes. Those whom you, elementals, therefore serve who do attain the ascension, they shall in turn endow you with a threefold flame. Thus, elemental life [17-second applause], thus, elemental life, you who have attended [and tended] the sons and daughters of God, know, then, that for all of your giving and all of your service the hour draws nigh when those to whom you have given so much may turn and give to you what they have long desired to give.

Thus, beloved, if you have not thought of too many good reasons why you should take your ascension and make it secure, think upon this, that all elemental life upon this planet do attend the ascension of the sons of God, for only through your Victory may they also be endowed with a divine spark and eternal Life. And it is again by the power of resurrection’s flame which you invoke this weekend that you shall establish the buoyancy and the increase whereby the resurrection can come to many more souls of Light and elementals. <17>

We are Elohim, sponsors of builders of form. The hierarchs of the elements <18> and all who serve under them are our obedient servants. When we give the word, then, and recommend their service to yourselves, I can assure you they come with a trust and even an innocence, though many have become cynical by mankind’s own cynicism.

Beloved, you need elemental life to accomplish your goals and to be prepared. Thus, the rewards are mutual. May you find renewed joy in the cooperative oneness of angels, elementals with sons and daughters of God. This trinity is the unbeatable force of Divine Love in action.

Elohim have delivered a sufficiency of Love and we withdraw, for earth has reached the level of saturation until you yourselves increase the violet flame and the Astrea exorcisms.

It would be our desire to return in each quadrant of the year to increase this action. May the autumn equinox find you ready to receive us again. [intonations, 39 seconds]


This dictation by Heros and Amora was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 30, 1988, 10:37-11:21 p.m. MDT, at FREEDOM 1988 in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Available on 90-min. audiocassette B88097; on 1-1/2-hr. videocassette HP88061, with dictation by Kuan Yin. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Heros and Amora’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. Love casts out fear. I John 4:18.

2. New heaven and new earth. Rev. 21:1.

3. El Morya and Kuthumi, 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 58, pp. 449-54; no. 59, p. 455-62.

4. Retreat of the Divine Mother. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 34, p. 260 n. 11.

5. Etheric pattern of the New Jerusalem over the Inner Retreat. 1981 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 24 no. 6, p. 71; no. 29, p. 323; 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28 no. 6, p. 63. See also 1985 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 28 no. 10, pp. 118-19; no. 29, p. 379; 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29 no. 67, pp. 589-99. Rev. 21:2, 10-27.

6.”Our God is a consuming fire...God is Love.”  (Deut. 4:24; Heb. 12:29; IJohn 4:8,16)

7. being filled in with Ruby Ray development of the heart chakra and the Eighth Ray chakra (the secret chamber of the heart) by the four cardinal precepts of sacrifice, surrender, selflessness, and service, which are the key to balancing the threefold flame in the four quadrants, fire, air, water, earth, representing the four lower bodies:  etheric, mental, emotional, physical.

8. Manchild. The Christ Child aborning in the heart and those souls who are born as Christed ones, having already undergone in a previous life the initiation of the alchemical marriage–i.e., the fusion of the soul with the Holy Christ Self through the Path of the Ruby Ray; a holy child who has received the Holy Spirit in his/her mother’s womb.

9. Save the World with Violet Flame!  by Saint Germain 1, 2, 3 and 4 audiocassettes. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 49, p. 400 n. 6; no. 50, p. 408 n. 11.

10. Whosoever offend one of these little ones. Matt. 18:6; Mark 9:42; Luke 17:2. Blasphemy against the Holy Ghost. Matt. 12:31, 32; Mark 3:28, 29.

11. Og Mandino, The Greatest Salesman in the World (New York:  Bantam Books, 1968), available through Summit University Press.

12. after two weeks of calls and dynamic decrees to Elohim to cut them free to receive the violet flame and heavenly hosts of the Seventh Ray

13. A 5-foot 3-inch golden statue of Kuan Yin stood on the altar in the main tent at the Heart of the Inner Retreat throughout FREEDOM 1988. With her left hand Kuan Yin is pouring a stream of liquid from a vase, traditionally symbolizing her willingness to give to all who call upon her the water of Life, the nectar of wisdom and compassion. In her right hand she holds a willow branch, representing her power of healing. The willow branch has been a symbol of healing in China since the third century b.c. The Chinese believe that a willow branch placed in clear water will keep away evil spirits. Kuan Yin is wearing necklaces, which denote her attainment as a bodhisattva, as well as a rosary with which she calls upon the Buddhas for succor. The small child standing to her left signifies that she is the protector and bestower of children. In Taiwan it is also believed that Kuan Yin is depicted with a baby because she was a mother in one of her embodiments. Kuan Yin is standing on a dragon, which symbolizes either China and the divine lineage of the Chinese people as “seeds of the dragon” or the elements of the lesser self over which Kuan Yin takes dominion. In China the image of a dragon represents royalty, power and the supreme God or, in the case of serpentlike, evil dragons, passion and the lower elements of self. This statue of Kuan Yin is now on the altar in King Arthur’s Court at the Royal Teton Ranch.

14. Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 46, p. 373 n. 13.

15. Kuan Yin as an emanation of Amitabha. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 26, p. 215 n. 1.

16. Pocket of an Elohim. Hercules, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 47, pp. 444-45.

17. Jesus’ gift of resurrection flame to elemental life. In his March 29, 1964 dictation, Jesus announced that “the cycles of Nature,... lowered into manifestation through the elementals, are endowed with my momentum of the flame of resurrection this day, that from this day forward the elementals shall never again have the sense of death.”  ElMorya explained in his April 10, 1964 Pearl of Wisdom that although the flame which Jesus had imparted did not confer immortality upon the elementals, “the elementals–feeling now a lesser measure of humanity’s discordant vibrations–will be able to express more God-happiness, which, it is our hope, will in turn be communicated to mankind.”  Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Climb the Highest Mountain, 2d ed., pp. 464-68; cassette B8116.

18. Hierarchs of the Nature kingdom, the elements they govern, and the elemental beings who serve with them:  Oromasis and Diana, fire element, salamanders; Aries and Thor, air, sylphs; Neptune and Luara, water, undines; Virgo and Pelleur, earth, gnomes.