Vol. 31 No. 63 - Beloved Mighty Cosmos - September 25, 1988
The Sword of Mighty Cosmos
Intercessor Before the Five Dhyani Buddhas
I AM Mighty Cosmos. Out of the rings of fire surrounding the Central Sun I descend. My sword is a sword that does divide the Real from the Unreal in the cosmic secret-ray manifestation of thy life. I come because you have need of me, even as Sanat Kumara does come for your need. <1>
I come, therefore, standing on the six o’clock line of your individual Cosmic Clock, and I direct your attention toward the reality which I now reveal to you, that for many the difficulty to move beyond the first seven rays <2> into the initiations of the Eighth Ray and [of] the Eighth Ray chakra, [which is] the secret chamber of the heart, has been and remains an insurmountable difficulty.
I come, therefore, wielding this sword <3> for the binding of those barriers self-imposed [as well as those] superimposed by fallen angels, all of whom are alien to the mansions of God. This stumbling block, therefore, between that [six o’clock] line and the entering in [by the sons and daughters of God] to the center of Being by means of the eightfold, eight-petaled chakra must be removed by Divine Intercession.
I AM that Intercessor by the grace of God.
Now manifesting with me you see suspended Five Dhyani Buddhas–[five] Buddhas bearing [sacred] fire of secret ray, Buddhas wielding sword of secret ray. Therefore, beloved, they stand and wait as initiators at the half hours of seven, eight, nine, ten and eleven [on the Cosmic Clock]. <4>
Make thy peace with the Cosmic Virgin in the heart of the Goddess of Liberty, Mother Mary, Kuan Yin and so [with] others of our bands who represent the Feminine God and others who represent the Masculine Ray in [their] adoration and therefore [their] Self-realization, of the Mother.
O come forth, thou prince, it is thy hour of incarnation!
Come forth, O prince, for thy hour is come!
Thus I call to earth a soul destined for the divine calling of embodying, then, such Motherhood of God as to embrace the five secret rays on behalf of ye all, a soul who has volunteered solely because you have need.
Is the sacrifice too hard, beloved, for you who are in embodiment to recognize the needs of other Lightbearers and to give a life that is lawful and needful to give because of your karma? [“No.”]
Think, then, beloved, [that] for want of this givingness a soul of Light descends from heaven having no karma compelling that one but only the desire to love you and to be in your midst that Presence of the Intercessor which I AM, for it is needful to have such an one in physical incarnation surely in addition to the Messenger. For surely you should not desire to see the short-circuiting of the cosmic circuits in the body of the Messenger for the necessity of containing so much Light <5> to compensate for your neglect.
Thus, beloved, some do elect to descend for the “very love of thee” <6> even when you do not love yourselves enough, even when you, so loved by Hierarchy, begin to take for granted all protection and graces and dispensations almost as spoiled children, forgetting that all that we do, we do as demonstration that you might see an example and say, “This must I be. This must I become. Thus, I will relieve a cosmic one and be in the earth a flame, perhaps not a cosmic flame today or tomorrow but ‘the third day’ I shall surely be that cosmic flame.” <7>
Blessed ones, when you call for my secret rays you may also call for my cosmic flames:
Flames of secret rays in the hearts of Dhyani Buddhas, reveal thyself! And therefore, Flames, consume the force of anti-Desire <8> that should <9> in the untransmuted self repel rather than attract thy manifestation. |
I shudder to think what life should be upon this planet without Hierarchy and without yourselves. And I rejoice to think, as does every hierarch, just what life can be in its fullest sense when you come to that awakening, that awakening, that awakening of Lord Gautama Buddha, the full awakening to the full spiritual potential to be God and cease your denial of that manifestation in your Messenger or yourself or in anyone who is a Keeper of the Flame of God!
O blessed hearts, outside of the centeredness of Mighty Cosmos’ consciousness you do not have a co-measurement of just how much self-limitation you confine yourselves to until some of you are so boxed in that you can scarcely be effective in a given day’s opportunity for life.
Now, therefore, piercing through, quickening conscience, I come. For this sword must descend now to take from you the block between the six o’clock line and the six-thirty line and the six-thirty passageway [through the heart of Padma Sambhava] to the center of your Cosmic Clock.
I give you a moment to make your peace with your God and to whisper the prayer of surrender as to what I, Mighty Cosmos, may be allowed by your free will to deliver you of, specifically at that point of the secret[-ray] entrance to the Eightfold Path and [the secret] chamber [of the heart]. [personal prayers offered; intonations by the Master]
It is done. Sword of Mighty Cosmos, angel of Mighty Cosmos, perform thy work! The Light has shot forth. Therefore, none who have so received my cosmic ministration may ever claim ignorance or inability to embrace Eightfold Path of Divine Wholeness.
I raise my sword and I say: from this hour on know thy accountability to pursue thy Godhood for the one and the many; and if the tempter should ever tempt you again to believe you have no need of Community, Guru or Teaching, remember thus and so say it:
Even if I have all attainment of Cosmos, I have need to serve for the sake of mine own humility and inner integration with God. Therefore, thou shalt not tempt me with spiritual pride nor with its opposite, worthlessness, loss of self-esteem. My [real] self is the God Self, needing and having no other. I AM the bride of Cosmos. My veil is a veil of Cosmos’ secret rays embroidered by Five Dhyani Buddhas of my heart, God’s heart. Therefore, I shall serve, for God in me and in all hath need of my living flame of Cosmic Christ service. In the name of Mighty Cosmos, I shall keep the flame of cosmic service. In the name of the ascended Mother of the Flame, Ich dien! <10> |
This dictation by Mighty Cosmos was delivered by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, July 2, 1988, 12:42-12:57 p.m. MDT, at FREEDOM 1988 in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Dictation available with that of the Goddess of Liberty on 81-min. audiocassette B88099; on 2-hr. videocassette HP88068 with dictations of the Goddess of Liberty, Serapis Bey, Archangels Gabriel and Michael. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Mighty Cosmos’ direction for clarity in the written word.]
1. “You have need of me.” Sanat Kumara, 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 44, pp. 353-60.
5. Light: the Universal Christ Consciousness and the light-emanation thereof
7. Third day I shall be perfected. Luke 13:32.
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