Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 31 No. 67 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - October 9, 1988


Concerning Maitreya’s Mystery School
The Line Is Drawn, the Standard Will Be Kept
Wesak Address 1988


Blessed children who are also my sons and daughters, I am ever with you in this Heart of Shamballa, always desirous to reveal myself to you and so doing daily. But so very often you do not know the signs–you do not hear me, you do not see me.

Thus, as I speak to you, I speak many thoughts. I speak from my heart and I give you the distillations of a year’s meditation in the One, for this moment is our celebration of Wesak.

To that end, then, I have come, and I have already used the power of the full moon in Capricorn to fix in this place a spiritual forcefield and power. This alchemy of the Buddhas is not known to you but, being desirous of initiating cycles for each and every Lightbearer of earth, I have chosen to work through the Great Causal Body of the Great Divine Director, who does amplify joyously for me the Cosmic Hierarchy of Capricorn to this end. <1>

Welcome to my heart, beloved. Welcome. The joy of being together in this moment does far surpass the cycles that we did not elect to use in May, <2> for it is a moment of spiritualization of consciousness. Thus, I would draw you close now.

I would instruct you, beloved, concerning Maitreya’s Mystery School, which is reflective of the Teachings given in the etheric retreat of Shamballa. I would remind you and exhort you to consider that the pace of discipleship is not held back for the recalcitrant ones nor for those who believe that by some inner standard, which they set, all things should continue [as they were] in this Community.

It is important to understand that in our messages of a year ago it was clearly stated that for many Lightbearers there would be a final opportunity. <3> I can tell you that there are those who have been Keepers of the Flame who have failed [to exercise] that opportunity in this year; and [they have] not [done] so because they have not known the Law nor understood the principles of Love but because, beloved, they have indeed thought themselves an exception to the rule. [They] placed themselves in an inverted position on that magnificent twelve o’clock line of God-Power [on the Cosmic Clock] and determined to judge in the sense [of being] able to say to one another how things should be, how they are not as they should be, how this is right and this is wrong and this is acceptable and this is not.

Blessed ones, first and foremost I desire to tell you that it is a most dangerous dogma to enter into this type of gossip and condemnation concerning the Messenger or the activity or to so imply without so naming. Rather it is always well to be direct and if you have anything to say, if you are not humble at least be polite enough to address your concerns and questions in the form of [a stated] desire to know what indeed is the explanation for this and that which you have observed. I can assure you that those explanations will be given and will surely be afforded you [in response to your forthright inquiry].

Far better that you seek to understand the way of Maitreya’s Mystery School and the path of discipleship unto perfect love than by your own private understanding to tear down [our representatives] and also to tear down [thereby] the aspirations of others. Each one, after all, has his own free will and may pursue his own course in life without the necessity of downgrading, especially to newer souls, those [disciplines, as requirements of the Law,] that are the very stumbling blocks whereby in spiritual pride [said] individuals have failed to accelerate into the heart, the eightfold chamber of the heart, with Lord Maitreya.

Blessed ones, you will recall that fourteen months ago at Wesak I did place upon the Messenger my mantle. <4>  I can assure you, therefore, that you always have recourse to my mantle. This mantle is for the very purpose of the setting of the standard of the Sangha, of the Community, of the Path, of the Teaching to be outpictured and of each one’s very personal relationship to me.

Surely you understand and know, and if you do not I will tell you so, that this Messenger has no desire to stand between yourself and myself but only to provide a transparent glass and a mirror if required, a means whereby you can with certainty hear my word, ponder it and so adjust your courses in order to pass your tests.

Therefore, beloved, come into my heart and know that in so stating that such opportunity should be given I did speak out of the mouth of the great Cosmic Council and of the Lord God. These are not dictums either of myself or of my beloved Messenger, and therefore understand that there is not a place where I can go [where I may] ask for your infractions of the Law of Life to be overlooked, to be set aside.

All must understand that we have accelerated this Community [to a level] commensurate with the necessity of every soul (who is intended to be a part of it and who is a part of it) for initiation unto the ascension, because for that very reason you, supposedly, are here.

Refine your goals. Establish purity of heart. If you do indeed desire the ascension, then I say to you, it is well to accept, or to come to an understanding so that you can accept, the role of the Messenger in transmitting to you those Teachings, those soul testings, those initiations which will be absolutely required of you–such initiations which cannot be passed either out of the body at night at Luxor or at the Western Shamballa nor between embodiments.

The critical factor of being in physical embodiment to balance physical karma is nowhere more critical than in this Community, for we have called you out from among the billions of souls inhabiting this planet because each one of you has the immense opportunity to set an example for a lifewave, a group soul–[for] individuals on a certain path and chakra, those working out a certain mandala of service. Each one of you has been called to be shaped by the wise Masterbuilder to become a keystone in an arch which shall be an open door whereby many may pass through.

The perfecting of the Law and of the Wisdom and of the Love <5> of the heart, then, whereby the threefold flame can be balanced, whereby those initiations can be passed, ought to be thy meditation day and night.

It does require, beloved, sponsorship from at least one Ascended  Master for you to be seated here today, for you to be counted as a Keeper of the Flame in Saint Germain’s fraternity, a communicant of Jesus’ and Mary’s and Saint Germain’s Church Universal and Triumphant [which is] my own dear Church.

Know, beloved, that unless sponsored, an individual does not do well on this path. That sponsorship is an immediate bracing of the soul and the individual by the figure-eight flow of the Buddha to hold that one in alignment with his own inner blueprint and to steady that soul when choices must be made to control that energy in any of those seven chakras and to release it according to the divine plan.

What does not matter so much is the attainment you already have. This, so to speak, is as “money in the bank.”  What matters most  is the attainment you lack, which [lack] has been there for, [i.e., because of,] the pitfall, the weakness, the shortcoming whereby over and over again you could not mount that spiral to round out the attainment gained and fill it in with that which is necessary for balance.

Blessed ones, it is easy to develop a most unreal picture of oneself on the Path when in the presence of so great a company of ascended hosts and in the physical aura of the Messenger and in a retreat situation where the land itself is guarded by Cosmic Beings. Thus, in this happiness and comfortability and opportunity for striving (especially when the five faculties of the soul based on attunement with the Five Dhyani Buddhas has not been developed) [it is easy] to consider that one is far more advanced than is actually so according to the inner coils of Light, the strengthened spheres of secret rays around that heart, that secret chamber therein.

So, understand, beloved ones, that in the mystery of God what must be recognized in all humility is that whatever one’s attainment, the Path is precipitous and one must seek and seek diligently daily a greater God-mastery, a greater humility, a profound devotion to one’s God. In this seeking and in this finding, beloved, you must come to understand that you are sponsored because you have greatest need, because you have made mistakes before and because your elder brothers and sisters are concerned lest you miss another cosmic cycle when, for you, at last the door has opened again.

We cannot stress enough how important it is to maintain the consciousness that “I am here by the grace of God and I will be certain that in the cups of the moments, the minutes and the hours I will perfect, I will perfect, I will perfect my soul in those areas that have been my downfall too many times.”

Blessed ones, there are individuals connected with this activity whom we have called, for whom tremendous negative karma has been set aside [by our sponsorship]. One never knows when, because of the repetitious failure on a single point of the Law, the mercy of the Law that has held back the descent of that karma for thousands of years will say, “The hour has come. Thus far and no farther. Let the judgment descend.”

Blessed ones, the Law is embodied by the Lawgiver and the great Manus. <6> When that edict comes forth out of the Law itself, there is no longer intercessory power on the part of any mediator, ascended or unascended, nor protest nor justification nor pity nor the seeking of popularity by protesting too much and convincing the many of one’s rightness. Not any of these things may turn back the inexorable Law of Karma, which law, beloved, does become doubly severe when individuals have had many years of opportunity to invoke the violet flame and have enjoyed its liberating power, not mindful of the great grace that is being accorded so very few–not because the Law would restrict it to the few but because the many have not elected to take this option. And sometimes the many have not elected because it has become the turn of those who have had it [the violet flame] to sponsor them [the many]. Yet sponsor they do not, but retain the momentum of violet flame for their own [exclusive] usefulness, prosperity and enjoyment.

Thus, in the endless chain of the figure-eight flow, sponsorship must extend; and when you become co-sponsors with us of the next rung of Lightbearers on the rung of the ladder beneath you, then those in embodiment who cannot see or understand us will embrace the path of the Seventh Ray of Aquarius because they see you and they see that though you may not be perfect or without fault, you are humble before your God, a joyously obedient servant, one who does not neglect the creative fires of Being on the altar of the heart.

Thus, beloved, concerning the mantle that I have placed upon the Messenger, that mantle is there whereby the office of Guru from Padma Sambhava through Maitreya to myself to Sanat Kumara may be extended and must be extended to all who are a part of the Mystery School, whether as staff or members of the worldwide community of affiliates.

Blessed ones, know the law that governs the life and office that is shared by the Messengers, and that is that there may not be a sustained relationship between the Messenger and any student on the Path if that student is not diligently fulfilling the requirements of the Guru-chela relationship. These requirements are most basic and should be obvious. But, beloved ones, some will not see, for they prefer themselves to be in the seat of the scornful judging rather than receiving the proffered gift. <7>

Know, then, beloved, that there does come a time when the unprofitable servant, <8> or chela, having so flaunted the Law and [so] flaunted our Brotherhood, must be informed by us through the Messenger that it is no longer lawful for that one to be in a direct relationship to us through the Messenger and therefore of no further purpose for that individual to be affiliated with Maitreya’s Mystery School, whether here at the Inner Retreat or in any of our centers throughout the world.

Blessed ones, this means that the standard that is set for the Guru-chela relationship must be held, it must be sustained. And the hour does come (and it is individual) when, by the longevity of affiliation with the activity or in the Keepers of the Flame Fraternity or in our Study Groups or on one’s own, due to the amount of preparation and knowledge [that should have been garnered by the individual] through the Teaching itself, if the individual is not willing to carry a certain burden of Light, which ought to be his joy, [is not] willing to pay that price [for the Ascended Master sponsorship of his chelaship] by also bearing a certain portion of the burden of the activity itself as well as [of] his own karmic accountability–if that willingness to be the burden-bearer in Father, Son and Holy Spirit is not present–then it is time to say we can no longer invest energy in that individual nor require the Messenger’s heart to be burdened by such an association.

When, therefore, it does become necessary for us to sever the tie and to so decree it and to so require the Messenger to declare it, I can assure you that it is always a most profoundly painful experience for the Messenger, who, regardless of what anyone may think about the fiery nature of this soul, is most patient and long-suffering with the repetitive ignorance and the repetitive infractions of the Law of Love that some individuals manage to manifest with extraordinary frequency.

Blessed ones, if you could see the long history even of your relationship to this Messenger, you would discover that this one has endured with you sometimes for five and eight thousand years during periods when you have scarcely made any spiritual progress, so determined were you to remain [in] and to affirm that ego-centered self-righteousness.

Blessed ones, the hour has come for you to be fully prepared to “hold up your end of the bargain” and not consider that you are here or anywhere on the planet in this activity to “write your own ticket” as to what you will and will not do. You have mistakenly misapprehended the relationship that you, by grace, enjoy with the Great White Brotherhood. You have misunderstood the fact that the Great White Brotherhood does choose its chelas and [that it is] not the other way around.

A chela may elect to prepare himself to qualify for chelaship under any one of the Lords of the Seven Rays, but that acceptance does come after considerable periods of proving and reproving. For the Ascended Masters are all too wary [and “weary”] of the members of earth’s evolutions who have taken the cup and then after using it, dashed it and lost the light, wherefore the sponsoring  one has had to pay the price and forfeit greater cosmic service. The sponsoring, therefore, of a disciple is a very serious matter for an Ascended Master and for a true unascended Master.

We repeat that the function of the Messenger in this relationship  is as mediator and instrument, but neglect not to see and know the mantle of the Guru when that unmistakable vibration is transmitted to you [through the Messenger].

Now, beloved ones, it is a primary law in service that when one is receiving such spiritual sponsorship, blessings and initiations that one provide for, physically, the means wherewith our instrument may personally and organizationally perform that service. Some have come also with a subtle criticism in their hearts, “We will not pay. We deserve to receive this Teaching free. Why should there be money exchanged?  We have given for many years.”  This rebellious attitude, beloved, is demanding that the parent or authority or guru figure not only bear the karma of the individual, which is the very fundamental definition in the [Guru-chela] relationship, but also [that the sponsoring ones] pay the physical price for this to take place.

Beloved ones, it has ever been that the chela does bring fruit to the feet of the Master. This fruit is the gain from one’s tree of life realized through following the Path. That fruit is laid on the altar to multiply the abundance of Community so that the very same service given that individual may be given to ten thousand more.

If you expect our mantle–which as you have been told is a very ‘heavy’ mantle on the Messenger–to be the forcefield which does bear and set aside your personal karma, which it is indeed to every faithful steward, then you must understand that in exchange for having the load of karma lightened and a reprieve and an opportunity to gain your God-mastery through such unprecedented sponsorship [of the ascended hierarchy], you will have to pay the physical price. And if you are not able, it is because you have not taken the Teaching itself to use it to establish the balance of your own economy, living therefore modestly so that the demands and payments with which you surround yourself do not deprive you of meeting the most important responsibility of all [–the equity of the Guru-chela relationship].

Jesus himself spoke of those who demanded an immediate earthly reward and he did instruct his disciples privately saying, “Verily, verily, they have their reward.” <9>  The meaning of this is [that] those who demand [of the Great Law] a physical reward have it instantaneously, but this is their full reward and there is none beyond it. There is not, in addition, a spiritual or a heavenly reward. Thus, one picks one’s reward and accordingly what is most valuable [to] the individual [is what he selects and what he receives].

Is it not a pity, then, that there be such shortsightedness as to think that–so long as you have a Messenger in physical embodiment [and] you have a physical person who does assist you in bearing your karma daily, even as you assist in bearing the mantle of the office and defending it[–you should choose the material instead of the spiritual reward]?

Is it not a pity, then, that so great a gift should be turned aside by a sense of injustice, “I demand my rights”?  Blessed ones, so you have received what you have asked for. But understand, where the support [of the chela] is not given, so the blessing [of the Guru] cannot be assimilated. And this is not some edict of a hierarchical being; it is the Law itself that operates independent[ly] of all of us.

Thus, the ability to assimilate Light which we send forth <10> comes from a profoundly loving and balanced heart, a sense of nonattachment, <11> a sense of the pearl of great price. <12>  Jesus told that parable because it was necessary to tell it–that a man should go and sell all that he had and go and buy that one pearl of great price.

What is the pearl the symbol of?  It is, yes, the symbol of a soul weaving greater and greater manifestation of causal body here below. But the pearl of great price does symbolize also the kingdom of God. It is the causal body of your Ascended Master sponsor. When you have given all to receive that sponsorship, which means to make yourself one-pointed in service in that Guru-chela relationship which you treasure beyond all [others], then you have, you see, not only the mantle of the Master bearing that karma for you but also, day by day more directly, the access to that Master’s causal body.

Blessed ones, one cannot retain one’s sense of injustice and enjoy the nobility of Divine Justice. [Some] things exclude other things[–i.e., they are mutually exclusive]. As God-Love in your temple must exclude all hate and hate creation, so Divine Truth must exclude all error. But if your hatreds are more important than your Divine Love because of that root of pride in the dweller-on-the-threshold, <13> then you will find in moments of your own human wrath that that hate and hate creation does fill all of thy house to the utter exclusion of the pearl of great price:  and so the blessing is gone.

There is no thing that the Great Law of Love does require of thee which thou canst not fulfill with a willing heart, [with] the jaw of your Lanello, [and with] the determination and the application astutely of the scientific principles of the Call. You have the knowledge for the binding and the casting out of the dweller-on-the-threshold. <14>  And if you are not successful, you have a telephone, you have a pen and paper, you can walk and you can knock on the door of our Messenger and you can say, “I need you. I cannot overcome this beast alone. Will you please help me?”

Have you ever been denied that help except perhaps when you were unwilling to first give it your best and your all?  Has heaven or earth ever denied you reinforcement when you yourself truly put your hand to the plow–when you [yourself] were engaged fervently in the mighty work of the ages?

I tell you, beloved, if you ever think that help has been withheld from you, then try me this day. Come before me, as I have placed my Electronic Presence over my statue. <15>  Come to me–as I AM in the heart of the Messenger–and ask and ye shall receive the help deserving of effort already made. And if that effort has not been sufficient, I tell you, you will so know it, you will see it, and though you may be ashamed before the vibrations you have entertained, you may [then and there] cast them into the [sacred] fire.

Blessed ones, some who have failed and been denied are no longer here. But I say to all who are here:  out of my heart, as the Law allows and only as it allows, I shall intercede for you this day. And if you truly desire to “get right” with your God, with the Hierarchy of Light, with your true Reality and with this Messenger, then I say, this is the day to so declare it and so do it and to put [into the sacred fire] all the rest of that which has beset you from sinister forces, mind manipulations, projections you know not of (and these have stuck to you because of the sticky substance of your own self-attachment). If you can cast all that into the blazing fire of the Divine Mother and the Buddha this day, I say, you may move forward as a respectable and accountable member of our bands.

But, beloved ones, the hour is; and it is high time that the line is drawn and I do draw that line and I say:  the standard will be kept and you will be told why your actions do not meet the standard; and if you do not change, there must be a severing of the tie.

Blessed ones, six months ago at Christmas you learned of the burden of the Diamond Heart and were called to share that burden. <16>  It is this that is critical to the Brotherhood, that those who do not carry their own burdens and some portion of the burden of the Messenger and the activity so burden that Messenger and that activity as to be a point of danger in the very life and embodiment of the Messenger and the continuity of Community.

In your heart of hearts not one of you desires to be a detriment to the Path. Thus, if in your ignorance you have been so, I pray you receive full enlightenment of the Holy Spirit. And if you have so maligned and so entered into that vibration of despite, let it be known. For these things must be personally confessed that the Messenger may make the call and, in the gladness of her heart’s love, call on the law of forgiveness for you. If you have wronged the Messenger or the Community it is not enough to confess to the Karmic Board, for the one you have wronged must also give you that forgiveness. Thus, beloved, let us come clean, for eighteen months remain ere the decade of the 1990s does begin.

Speaking to you, then, on the progress of planet earth since Wesak last, we do not see that sufficient progress has been made in the larger evolution, but we do see considerable progress on the part of some Lightbearers who have become truly shining lights and some even burning lights, for they have understood, they have intensified.

We find that others, no matter what we could say or speak in all of the dictations of these fourteen months, do not move from their lethargy, their sleepfulness, their intransigence–too dense to sense the danger [are they], too dense to sense the intercessory power of God to meet it. It is as though they were toadstools or rocks in the woods, and epochs should come and go and they should remain oblivious to extremes of Light and Darkness and unable to applaud the Victory [of the saints marching in].

The increase, then, has come to Lightbearers. And those who have Light <17> in their hearts (though perhaps not an extraordinary momentum) must, by the perception and the sensitivity they have by that Light, come into an era of fulfilling the mandate of the Law, as so ably described by our beloved Kuan Yin in her dictation. <18>  This ought to be studied by those who seem unable or unwilling–incapable, lacking the strength to come up higher.

There is a way to come up higher. It includes casting oneself upon the rock of Being. <19>  It does include entering in to a fiery coil, even if one knows not where that coil will take him. Thus the element of trust in one’s relationship to one’s own God Self is absolutely essential. You may think that you absolutely trust your God Presence, but each time you deny that Presence’ intercession, you reveal the absence of trust, placing more trust in human beings or in one’s human self. Thus you exclude and cut out the ministrations of the Divine Helper, of your God Self, your Holy Christ Self, your Messenger or the Hierarchy.

It is very important, therefore, that those who perhaps feel nothing, see nothing (and have not what they consider ought to be sufficient proof for this path) give this path a diligent try for six months, using the decrees, loving the Community, entering into service that balances karma and then taking note six months later  [as to] what is one’s spiritual progress. Some who enter this service and ritual, yet do not give with the fiery intensity of their hearts and thus do not reap the benefits, will therefore in the end declare the experiment unsuccessful.  It will be successful if you desire it to be, and if you desire to prove it unsuccessful you will surely do so. The matter is out of our hands because of the sovereignty of free will.

It is an hour of turbulence in the Mideast. <20>  It is an hour when there must be a lancing of Iranian and Iraqi hate and hate creation directed against the Lightbearers of the world. It is an hour to be alert for the potential for war. <21>  It is an hour to recognize that inasmuch as the proclamation went forth from Alpha–that dispensations were unto the Lightbearers and are unto the Lightbearers and not unto the fallen ones <22>–the jealousy and envy of the fallen ones of the Lightbearers does intensify and [as the energies of] the so-called powers that be in the earth and on the astral plane wane and as the Lightbearers increase in Light, [the fallen ones] will move, enraged, to tear from the Lightbearers [unless they are challenged] their victory and their ascension before the very patterns of Love can be fulfilled.

I recommend that from the Heart of [the Western] Shamballa you recognize that whatever else may be transpiring in the world, the judgment of the seed of the wicked, of their conspiracies, their hidden agenda and their Evil practiced against the children of God must be placed before the Lord daily through the giving of the judgment calls. <23>

Unless the right hand of Almighty God stay the action of the seed of the wicked, beloved, the Lightbearers shall find themselves in a confrontation where the temporal power is on the side of the wicked. And if those Lightbearers have neglected to fortify their auras and temples and chakras with intense Light, they will find themselves unable to be a chalice for the heavenly hosts and for the Victory.

It is indeed a divine reality that where there is no defense, spiritually or physically, the Great White Brotherhood itself is unable to place its grid of light through all octaves of Matter into the physical plane. It is this equation which is upon you individually, upon this nation and all nations. And this is what must be squarely faced.

I know and I am convinced that if you right your heart with your God and with our Hierarchy, you shall be found ever in the right hand of God and sealed in the mantle of the Divine Mother. But if you make the mistake of asserting your prideful intellect in spiritual matters you know not of nor have the ability to assess, the price you will pay will not be the immediate loss, though this be great, but it will be that in the day when you need the afflatus <24>–the entire Holy Spirit of our Hierarchy–you will suddenly sense that you are naked and bereft. <25>  In that hour, beloved, when confronting the hordes of Darkness, you may cry out but it will be too late.

Thus, the call of Saint Germain and the warning ring true: Be prepared! <26> This preparedness is first and foremost spiritual. This preparedness must be extended to every domain.

Though you may not realize it, I have given to you the most essential instruction for the bonding of this Community in such a fiery vortex of Love. It is this Love from the Heart of the Western Shamballa that I desire to release at the very final moment of this conference. And in that Love all who are of the Love shall be bonded. Yet in that Love, which is the Ruby Ray, all who are not of Love shall be excluded.

Blessed ones, this action has waited far too long and it ought to be a cause of rejoicing. For it is, therefore, the call that says, “Choose ye this day whom ye will serve” <27>–whether Love shall be your Master or the force of anti-Love sweep you away to some other place, not prepared.

I seal your hearts that you might receive the beloved Alpha and Omega and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray.


This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, July 3, 1988, 1:55-2:48 p.m. MDT, at FREEDOM 1988 in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. “Darshan and Wesak Dictation by Gautama Buddha” on 90-min. audiocassette B88101; dictation included with those of Alpha and Omega and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray on videocassette HP88070, 2 hr. 18 min. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Gautama Buddha’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. The Great Divine Director is the initiator under the solar hierarchy of Capricorn on the 12 o’clock line of the Cosmic Clock, focusing the attribute of God-Power.

2. Gautama’s Wesak and Saint Germain’s ascension day May 1 addresses were deferred until FREEDOM 1988. Archangel Gabriel, 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 52, p. 419.

3. Final opportunity. Gautama Buddha, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 24, pp. 248-49.

4. Mantle of the Lord of the World upon the Messenger. Gautama Buddha, 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 24, p. 247.

5. attributes of the Trinity manifest in the three plumes of the threefold flame

6. The Manus (Sanskrit, progenitors or lawgivers) are the sponsors who ensoul the image of the Universal Christ for a lifewave, or root race. According to esoteric tradition, there are seven primary root races–individual groups of souls who embody together and have a unique archetypal pattern, divine plan and mission to fulfill on each of the seven rays. See glossary in Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. 424-46.

7. Seat of the scornful. Ps. 1:1.

8. Unprofitable servant. Matt. 25:14-30; Luke 19:12-27.

9. They have their reward. Matt. 6:1-6, 16-21.

10. as the Universal Christ consciousness which we send forth

11. Nonattachment to the fruit of action. The principle of nonattachment is basic to Buddhism as a corollary to the teaching of Gautama Buddha in his second of the Four Noble Truths, i.e., the cause of suffering is inordinate desire (see 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, p. 496 n. 3). In Gautama Buddha’s Pearls of Wisdom series “Quietly Comes the Buddha,” dictated to the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Lord of the World teaches on the virtue of nonattachment:  “He that is great among you is the servant neither of self nor of passion’s pall, not of desire save the desire to be the Buddha for humanity,... not of self-centeredness save the centering of the self in God....The tenth perfection of the law is the balance between desire and desirelessness. It is the point of the fusion of the active and the passive....The Perfection of Indifference is the zeal that determines the quantity of energy entrusted to your care. The three-times-three will be the nine, the ninety, the nine hundred, the nine thousand, the nine million, or the nine billion according to your ability to show indifference alike to mockery and to praise, to pleasure and to pain, to poverty or riches, adulation or indignation. This is the tenth perfection of the law–indifference to the gratitude or ingratitude of mortals, indifference to their cursings or the garlands of their approbation” (1975 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 18 no. 21, p. 109; no. 29, pp. 144-45; or Quietly Comes the Buddha, pp. 46, 127-28).

12. Pearl of great price. Matt. 13:45, 46.

13. Dweller-on-the-threshold. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 21, p. 170 n. 6.

14. “I Cast Out the Dweller on the Threshold!”  by Jesus Christ, 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 52, p. 422 decree.

15. During FREEDOM 1988 a life-size statue of Gautama Buddha was set up on a special altar to the left of the main altar. Those attending the conference were invited to kneel before the statue to pray, confess or meditate. The statue depicts Gautama in a state of meditation with a gentle smile upon his blessed face; the Lord of the World is crowned, seated in a lotus posture, his eyes closed.  The Messenger explained that the altar was a physical focus of Gautama Buddha’s retreat centered over the Heart of the Inner Retreat, known as the Western Shamballa, which is an extension of his etheric retreat over the Gobi Desert. Photographs of this statue are available through Summit University Press, 5”x7”, 8”x10”.

16. The Order of the Diamond Heart. 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 nos. 83 and 84, pp. 629-46.

17. the balance of the Christ consciousness

18. Kuan Yin, 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 61, pp. 471-80.

19. Casting oneself upon the rock. Matt. 21:42-44; Luke 20:17, 18.

20. Turbulence in the Mideast. On July 3, 1988, at 12:54 a.m. (MDT), 13 hours prior to Gautama Buddha’s dictation, the crew of the Navy cruiser the USS Vincennes, mistaking an Iranian Airbus jetliner for an Iranian F-14 fighter jet, shot down the aircraft over the Persian Gulf, killing all 290 people on board. The downing occurred while the Vincennes and other American Navy vessels were engaged in a sea battle with Iranian gunboats, during which the Vincennes sank two of the boats. According to the initial explanations of the Vincennes’ captain, Will C. Rogers III, the ship’s radar detected the aircraft departing from Iran’s civilian-military airport at Bandar Abbas. The plane was reportedly flying outside the civilian air corridor at an unusually low altitude, descending towards the Vincennes. The aircraft was also believed to be emitting both civilian and military identification radio signals. When the aircraft failed to respond to multiple warnings or to change its course, Rogers concluded that the plane was on a retaliatory mission and ordered the launching of two surface-to-air missiles in order to bring the plane down. Following the incident there was speculation that the ship’s highly sophisticated Aegis air-defense system had malfunctioned.

While President Reagan called the incident “a tragedy,” he said it was an “understandable accident” because Rogers had believed his ship was under attack. Iranian foreign minister Ali Akbar Velayati called the incident a “barbaric massacre” and Iranian president Ali Khamenei threatened to avenge the civilian deaths. Fearing Iranian reprisals, U.S. forces were reportedly placed on heightened alert throughout the July 4 holiday period.

The final investigative report on the incident released August 19 countered the initial accounts given by the crew. The report said that the Iranian aircraft was actually climbing steadily inside the civilian air corridor and transmitting a civilian identification signal. The investigation board concluded that the Aegis system had worked properly but radar operators under the stress of combat had misinterpreted the data on the radar screens and had relayed faulty information to Captain Rogers. Adm. William J. Crowe, Jr., chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, indicated in a briefing on the report that factors contributing to the tragedy included the Airbus’s nonresponse to repeated warnings and Iran’s negligence in allowing the airliner to enter the zone of the sea battle which was taking place at the time. Defense Secretary Frank C. Carlucci accepted the board’s recommendation that no disciplinary action be taken against Captain Rogers or the crew.

21. Astrological indicators of the potential for war in the near future can be seen in a number of current and approaching astrological configurations. The Ascended Masters teach that through Divine Intervention and calls to the violet flame in the science of the spoken Word, the negative conditions foretold in astrology and other prophecies can be mitigated and in some cases entirely averted before they become physical.

Conjunctions, squares and oppositions of Saturn and Uranus have coincided with the major wars of this century, including World War I, World War II, the Korean War and the Vietnam War. These two planets formed a conjunction in the late degrees of Sagittarius on February 13 and June 26, 1988, and will do so again on October 18, indicating the likelihood of a major war. After the Saturn-Uranus conjunction of February 13, 1988, at 29 Sagittarius, Saturn and Uranus formed a nearly exact conjunction at 0 Capricorn on February 15. Saturn and Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules) act to precipitate and crystallize. Therefore, the influences of war signified by the Saturn-Uranus conjunction in Sagittarius tend to be more concrete and physically expressed when these planets are in Capricorn. Uranus and Saturn retrograded (proceeded in apparent backward motion) into Sagittarius on May 27 and June 10, 1988, respectively; in the last two months of 1988 these two planets will reenter Capricorn in close conjunction with each other–Saturn on November 12, 1988, and Uranus on December 2, 1988.

Of even greater importance, on February 22-23, 1988, Saturn and Uranus formed a nearly exact conjunction at 0 Capricorn with Mars at 0 Capricorn and Neptune more loosely associated with these three planets at 9 Capricorn. Saturn-Uranus-Neptune conjunctions are extremely rare. This conjunction joined by Mars marks the formal starting point of upheaval on the planet which could bring a number of profound changes, including war. On February 22, 1988, the Maha Chohan said that the conjunction of Mars, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn represents “the deliverance of the Holy Spirit’s initiations to a planet....This [astrological] configuration is the testing of the four lower bodies of a planet and a people” (1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 29, p. 225).

In addition, transiting Pluto will cross the Soviet Union’s Sun at 14 Scorpio in opposition to the U.S. natal Sun at 10 Taurus between 1989-1990. This presents a mortal and warlike challenge to both nations and will activate planets in the U.S. and Soviet charts and form volatile combinations capable of producing war. These may be triggered by transits of Mars, which make conjunctions, squares or oppositions to the transit of Pluto close to the Soviet Sun at 14 Scorpio. One such transit, although by no means the only one, will occur on November 27, 1989, when transiting Mars and Pluto form an exact conjunction at 15 Scorpio–only a degree away from the Soviet Union’s Sun at 14 Scorpio and opposed to the U.S. Sun at 10 Taurus.

Sunspot indicators of the potential for war. There is also a relationship between the 11-year sunspot cycle and wars. Major wars tend to follow the peak of the sunspot cycle, although they occasionally precede it. The number of sunspots is rising and is expected to reach its peak late in 1989 or early in 1990. The cycle is rising towards the projected maximum number of sunspots faster than has been recorded since sunspot cycles have been charted beginning in the mid-1800s. It is too early to tell whether this will result in the most powerful cycle on record, but preliminary data suggests that could be the case. The sunspot maximum will be likely to combine with and amplify the other astrological cycles of war.

For an in-depth analysis of astrological portents for war, economic turmoil and earth changes, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet’s February 13, 1988 lecture, “Saint Germain On Prophecy from 1988 through the 1990s–The Astrology of World Karma,” on 2 videocassettes, 3 hr. 50 min., GP88019; 3 audiocassettes, 3 hr. 51 min., A88024.

22. Dispensations confined to the Lightbearers. 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 24, pp. 242-49; 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 3, p. 33 n. 2.

23. Judgment calls. 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 23, p. 202 decree; no. 53, p. 422 decree.

24. afflatus [Latin, act of breathing on]:  a divine impartation of knowledge or power; the miraculous communication of supernatural knowledge; the imparting of an overmastering impulse, poetic or otherwise; inspiration.

25. “They knew that they were naked.”  Gen. 3:7; Rev. 3:17.

26. Be prepared. Saint Germain, 1986 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29 no. 75, pp. 647, 648, 649; 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 37, pp. 370-71; 1988 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 31 no. 20, p. 166 n. 6.

27. Choose you this day... Josh. 24:15.