Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 31 No. 80 - Beloved Hercules - November 26, 1988


The Harvest
A Step of Attainment
The Chain of Hierarchy Moves On!
“Sustain and Raise Up That Pillar of Blue Flame Daily!”


Hail to Thee, Thou Divine Mother in heaven and on earth!  Hail to thee, O Light shining in the temples of the Keepers of the Flame worlds without end!

To the Light above, to the Light below we bow.

Legions of angels of the First Ray of the Holy Will of God have preceded me to this place as with Amazonia WE ARE, I AM THAT I AM, the Alpha-to-Omega of the Elohimic God consciousness of the First Ray.

Therefore we have descended as the corridor [through the astral plane] has been cleared [by angelic hosts] and established [by the decrees of Keepers of the Flame].

Therefore we find room once again in the heart of a Messenger and of disciples becoming the incarnation of the Word of God of the First Ray.

Let it be known, therefore, that our bearing of the cross of the karmic burden of Keepers of the Flame and Lightbearers <1> has resulted in much good, individual by individual, and therefore of necessity [it has resulted in much good] in the Community of the Holy Spirit that is the Mystical Body of God upon this planet and extending beyond. (So the northern lights have illumined the way and mark the place of our descent from cosmic heights. <2>)

We note, however, as is often the case when a portion of karma is borne for the individual, that in this same fourteen-month cycle the blessed Guru who is the sponsoring Master and the Chief of the Darjeeling Council of the Great White Brotherhood, Lord Morya El, the Chohan of the First Ray, has lost the dispensation to intercede in many instances on behalf of his chelas. <3>

Therefore, as we have said that it is a two-edged sword, we would point out that not only is experience the best teacher but karma itself is the best teacher. For karma borne by the individual as dictated by the Law and by the Lords of Karma does provide a co-measurement of oneself [and one’s attainment] against the backdrop of Threefold Flame, Holy Christ Self, I AM Presence, the Great White Brotherhood as well as one’s peers upon the planet.

Thus, when the [karmic] weight lightens it is easy to assume that one has less karma and just as easy to forget that the lightness, at least in these fourteen months, has been caused by the bearing of the burden of your karma by this Elohim of the First Ray.

Thus [in your] taking for granted [such a dispensation], there does occur a forgetfulness concerning the devotion [that would ordinarily be] necessary to sustain the two-way street of Light between the heart of the chela, the chela of the will of God, and the heart of the Messenger of the will of God who is El Morya.

Blessed ones, I should have thought that my bearing of this cross would have allowed you to serve in a greater way the one who loves you most. El Morya truly is the eye of the needle that must be threaded by the thread of light from your heart.

Morya, then, is the keystone in the arch of The Summit Lighthouse. By his giving of his diamond and his mantle and his causal body to the founding of this activity in 1958, this blessed one did literally open the door through the Messengers and all who came after them to all other Ascended Masters and hierarchs who have sponsored this activity and all the Lightbearers who have been drawn to it.

Thus, beloved, it is not simply the loss of the intercession of a single hierarch most beloved [that you suffer from the Karmic Board’s “no-new-dispensation-policy” for Morya in regard to his chelas] but it is a compromise [of the planetary service as well] of the very one who is responsible for the establishment of this activity.

You realize that El Morya stepped forward to sponsor these Messengers because Saint Germain himself had been denied new sponsorship by the Lords of Karma for having [had] so many [students and others] misuse the light of the violet flame and the dispensations that he had [been] given for the United States and Europe and to various individuals around the world. <4>

And so you see, beloved, there have been sponsoring Masters in these hundred years and more who have stepped forward [to assist certain ones or the planetary evolution] and then again you have not heard so often of them, thus signifying that they were able to accomplish only as much as those who would receive them would give unto them, would take the proffered gift, would multiply it, and would fulfill the law of the First Ray concerning the path of chelaship.

Thus, beloved, it is our concern that all have a centerpoise of realism–realism as to the absolute God-Reality that is unlimited potential for yourself to realize the Good, the God, and His Will and realism regarding the human consciousness that oftentimes will indulge itself as far as allowed by [the] authority or parent[al] figure.

Children in the playpen of life are some and some of you. Others more mature must watch, must be the watchmen on the wall and take care that the children maintain the standard whereby they lose not the contact with Reality through the sponsoring one, especially when they are taught and truly God-taught that the condition of the flesh on this planetary home is that 99 percent of the population are separated from the true and lasting and everlasting voice of the Holy Christ Self, for which reason Sanat Kumara has sent forth representatives of himself as a living Guru whereby the infant child humanity might sustain a tie through the heart of that Guru even to the heart of their Holy Christ Self.

Thus, envision the beloved El Morya, the right hand extended to your own, the left hand holding firmly the hand of [your] Holy Christ Self–and the pure will of God, and the Diamond Heart of that will within his own heart chakra, being the electrode and the nexus [sustaining the tie to your Holy Christ Self] until the thread from your heart should increase and thereby [allow you] to sustain that tie midst the turbulent astral seas and the moments when the sudden karmic descent may disrupt [your] individual communion [with your Real Self].

“Master, save us or we perish!” <5> Such was the cry of the disciples of Christ Jesus. “Master, save us or we perish!”  And so it is the cry of some who are awake who know that it is the first order of this hour and every hour to seek once again the sponsoring of your Lord Morya El; for it is even by his sponsorship that I, Hercules, could also sponsor you.

Blessed ones, this Messenger has desired to see Morya restored by the hour of the Feast of the Epiphany, <6> when the three wise men did visit the Christ Child. Morya being somewhat more realistic and understandably a bit pessimistic, as anyone would be sharing his plight, has requested that the students might move toward his restoration to full opportunity by August 8 next.

Blessed hearts, Morya gives the date. I tell you the reason. It is because it is the very latest hour when your beloved Master may move and move again to assist you when you will require his assistance as you have never required it before. Thus, beloved, you may take the desire of the Messenger and work toward that date early in the new year and see what comes of your efforts, but I tell you, it will take [a] tremendous effort [to make it happen]. And now I shall unveil to you why of necessity the effort must intensify on the part of the Lightbearers.

Some weeks ago as the Messenger did stand offering invocation assisted by our servant, even before this very altar, we did reveal the opening of the pit, <7> the very pit itself in the Pacific Ocean, there beneath. I tell you, the prophecy of the opening of this pit is written in the Book of Life and that page is now open. Therefore, I tell you, out of that bottomless pit there does come, in that year noted by our Lord Alpha, upon planet earth and certain other planetary bodies that which has been stored there of the astral creation of all evolving lifewaves in that cycle preceding, long cycle.

Thus, Mercy’s dispensation of [having long ago] sealed that place where the energy veil of mankind does dwell does become a new mercy–a mercy of the Law that does provide opportunity [(through the opening of the pit)] to the lifewaves who desire to ascend, to accelerate, to enter resurrection’s coil, [and therefore to fulfill the requirement of the Law] to now stand, face and conquer in the very heart of the living Christ those conditions of their own human creation, those [karmic] conditions [of their own astral creation] which they must overcome if they would move up the spiral of being in the ascending process.

Thus, Mercy is as Mercy does. Mercy holds back for the benighted evolution, a humanity gone astray and children of the Light at play and sons of God who have not taken to heart to incarnate the Word after [the example] and in the footsteps of the Lord Christ [Jesus]. Thus all have to some extent indulged [themselves] while there was not a necessity to meet day by day that miscreation.

And this is the theme of my message to you, that though the mercy of the Law come to give time, time and a half a time to the individual and [to] a lifewave to attain to that Christhood, it is human nature, superimposed upon the soul, that the soul, then, does dally and tarry saying, “All things will continue as they were. I shall not fret. I shall not fret. I shall not fret.”

Thus, blessed ones, the room given for personal Christhood is a room, [i.e., space in time], that has been occupied by those who have sought instead that Light inverted for all manner of sensual pleasure. And the history of the descent of the evolutions of this planet is clearly written. You know it well. Therefore, I say, the opening of the bottomless pit is the new mercy, the new covenant. As Morya and we of the First Ray put it simply, “Pay as you go.” <8>

Now there does descend upon the earth, and there has been abuilding upon the earth in these numbers of weeks, a rising level of the muck and mire [of the astral sea containing] all manner of beast and creature and insect life and the most horrible forms of devil and entity. Truly the bowels of hell are outpouring.

And, beloved, the earth is now covered with this emission and only the areas of the high Himalayas where the true Masters abide and this area where we have established our Inner Retreat do retain the opening into the octaves of Light and the protection by walls of Light from this rising Darkness upon the earth.

And you who hear me may wonder, but I tell you, I speak to you out of the mouth of God <9> as I AM THAT I AM ELOHIM and as I AM sent to you in this hour.

You may comprehend, then, why it was the recommendation of Saint Germain that Keepers of the Flame leave the coasts. <10>  It is because the weight of this effluvia is heavier at sea level [and more so] even as it does continue to rise. And we take note that it is far more difficult in this hour for Keepers of the Flame both at sea level and anywhere upon earth to maintain the same Light which they did keep three and five years ago.

But, beloved, the most awful sight to behold is to see how the mankind of earth do embrace these dark forms, do dance with them, move with them, do receive them, for they are of them and they [themselves] are out of the depths. They are from beneath even as you are from above, but not all. <11>

Therefore, beloved, understand how the Law does move and how all must enter in to the Law. Understand that I may extend to you a dispensation for the bearing of your karmic burden only as you are able to sustain a rising coil of blue-flame will of God to the level of your own Christ Self. To that end, though not known by the Messenger, the El Morya tapes have been begun. <12>  I explain to you, then, that I can and I shall, according to the Will and the Law of the LORD God, bear the burden, and a certain percentage of the karmic burden, of those Lightbearers who can sustain and raise up that pillar of blue-flame will of God daily.

Blessed hearts, I would acquaint you with this challenge by giving you a certain co-measurement. It has taken to this hour from the moment this prayer vigil began, as The Harvest, for yourselves assembled to clear and open the passageway to the octaves of Light of the abode of Elohim; and all of the calls [that have been made], and the clearing that has been done, have been to that end. And this was the requirement that we might both speak and offer our assistance so needed in this hour, not alone to yourselves; but in assisting you we do also assist our dear El Morya.

Now you may understand why we have called for the great crystal chalice of Elohim to be established in the Heart of the Inner Retreat as the open door and passageway [for angels descending and ascending <13>] from the Elohimic level to the Keepers of the Flame: <14> We have banked the fires of the resurrection and our Presence against the day and the hour when by cosmic law and the prophecy of the Book of Life this bottomless pit should be opened.

Thus, all manner of Darkness and dark and foul thing that does fly or creep or crawl on the face of the earth may be seen on the astral plane as a part of this rising tide. Therefore, beloved, the strengthening of that chalice, the sustainment of it by [daily] calls to the resurrection flame is most necessary.

This is the hour, beloved, when for some there shall be an understanding truly of what is the dark night of the soul when personal karma does cover the face of one’s own world. Know, then, that the eclipsing of the Sun of the Mighty I AM Presence can come, [which is the Dark Night of the Spirit]. <15>  It can come to those who have not taken the opportunity of this thirty-year dispensation to build, to weave, to intensify a coil of fire from the soul in the seat-of-the-soul chakra unto the heart of Christ, unto the heart of succeeding levels of the universal consciousness of God.

It is for this reason that we say, let all of the dictations of this thirty-year spiral be published quickly and forthrightly. Let those who desire counseling receive it from us directly from the very first Pearl of Wisdom unto the last from FREEDOM 1988.

For if there be those who have not had the dispensation for thirty years on the outer, I tell you, this dispensation has been on the planetary body and you may have entered into its path and pursuit through other forms of meditation and worship which, though they did not contain the whole Truth or nothing but the Truth, did indeed serve you well to take steps of separating out from the miasma of the lower planetary astral consciousness.

Thus, beloved, to be able to retrace the footsteps taken by your Mark, who is truly a link to the heart of Morya, to be able to do so through his dictations and all the Pearls of Wisdom unto the present, this will afford you a systematic and step-by-step weaving of the Deathless Solar Body, which you are called and impelled to do to be true spiritual survivors in this age. Therefore plan well to have them even as we have counseled our Messenger to plan well to publish them.

Blessed hearts, we have left no stone unturned to provide these stepping-stones from the beginning to the ending of your thirty-year, thirty-cycle opportunity. The final three years, beloved, are your own alchemy for the victory of Christhood, building on the foundation that has been given.

Let us say, then, beloved, that to maintain this retreat and fortress of Light will require a vigilance and a diligence you have not comprehended before nor have you thought necessary. It is not that you have not given great portions of yourselves to the Light and to the Godhead. It is that the planet itself by comparison is in a greater state of the outpicturing of Darkness and a great heaviness does hang over every land. Peoples are agitated in every nation and this is the sign of the alchemicalization [that does take place at the end of an age and a dispensation].

This alchemicalization, beloved, will be enhanced as you use the violet flame cassette three, soon to be placed in your hands, we trust. <16>  It is the challenge to the astral plane. But remember, beloved, as that violet flame dispensation goes forth it will be for some a license to miscreate as freedom’s fires move across the land. May you heed the warning given by Saint Germain <17> and may you keep in the inner temple and the inner court of Morya the vigil of the blue flame, the vigil of your calls ratifying the judgments of Almighty God true and righteous, on earth as in heaven, through the heart of the Christ. <18>

And as you call for the binding of that beast of the not-self, known esoterically as the dweller-on-the-threshold, as you hold this balance for the Lightbearers even as you hold a balance as the “Great Teams of Conquerors” <19> go forth for the binding of the seed of the Wicked [One], you will see that that violet flame can create a blessed alchemy of universal freedom, but only because there be some who recognize that the balancing of the Threefold Flame of the heart is the very foundation of this endeavor and your success–your spiritual success on the Path.

The vigil to be kept with Elohim, <20> then, is to keep open the passageway to our octave so that in order to reach you instantaneously we may not have to first send legions of our cosmic forces to carve a pathway through the rising tide of the astral plane. Do you see, beloved?  This balance of Alpha and Omega in the Northern Hemisphere from the Himalayas to the Northern Rockies does still provide the means of anchoring the Masculine and Feminine Rays in this octave.

Blessed ones, the physical area of Lake Titicaca is covered over with this astral substance, and therefore you see that this outpost, [i.e., the Royal Teton Ranch], of Lake Titicaca–of the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru and the focus of the Feminine Ray to the earth here in the Northern Rockies <21>–must suffice until the dark period of earth’s travail does pass and a golden age may dawn–or at least a new age approaching a golden age–when by the very purging of the physical planet the weight will lighten.

Blessed ones, consider what fallout shelters or survival preparedness you make to be a crystal cave in the heart of the earth, a place of alchemy, even the tomb of the Lord Christ where you work out the problem of being as the alchemical changes take place on the surface, as there is the venting of the momentums of Darkness, as people are unable to deal with this rising tide of astral effluvia and therefore enter periods of insanity, profaneness and the blasphemy against God [which is prophesied in the scriptures of East and West for this Dark Cycle of the Kali Yuga]. <22>

For they lose their sight in this astral smog and muck and they do not have discrimination to know who is the representative of Absolute God-Good and who is the representative of the Evil One, and one will appear as the other to them. And therefore, watch and pray that you judge righteous judgment, <23> that you enter into the heart of your own Christ Self.

You must plan to be prepared to keep the Flame [of God] unending while you have life and breath, that all who live upon this planet may make their choices in the final decade of this century whether to serve the Light with everlasting love or whether to serve the Darkness with an everlasting contempt for the Light and the Lightbearer. <24>

And the warning went forth and it was sounded through God’s Messenger to the people:  Beware the rising tide of Darkness. Preserve the Light. Preserve the Safety. Preserve the Community. Preserve the Word of God. For though this heaven and this earth may pass away, yet the Word of the Logos shall live forever in the hearts of the Lightbearers who keep the Flame. <25>

And my Word shall be engraven upon spindles threaded in gold, and upon this thread shall the everlasting Word be recorded so that at any hour this Word may speak in the heart–from all of the speakings of the Word since the Word did come forth to create from the heart of Brahman. And whatever is the need of the hour, that speaking of the Word shall be heard by the Lightbearer from within.

This prophecy written in the Book of Life, beloved, that I have read to you does point to the hour when the communication of God is through the Threefold Flame and the Holy Christ Self.

Now you have been given by the Lord Sanat Kumara and others of our bands a means and a method of ascending the fiery coil of being and the spiral [rising] from the seat-of-the-soul chakra, [your soul] making safe passage through the samsara of the electronic belt, through the desire body, tarrying at the level of the solar-plexus chakra to pass the test of the ten. <26>

Thus, I speak to you the tenth day of the tenth month of the year–and it is an omen for good, for your victory in the desire body and by that solar plexus becoming the instrument of rivers of water of Life <27> flowing through to heal and bless–for all of thy desiring is in his Law and in the meditation and in the Works and the Word of his Law day and night.

Thus, beloved, surfacing from [the seat-of-the-soul chakra] beneath the conscious awareness, one must then face the challenge in one’s soul of the dominant carnal mind, the dominant mental body where the computer of that mental body, programmed by the prevailing educational systems [and the] parental and authority figures of the time, does become a dictator over the soul who would emerge.

This soul is sensitive yet not fully awakened, aware yet not possessing her full faculties of discrimination. The soul knows by an inner knowing and by a feeling but cannot always explain, for want of the fullness of the Logos within, the logical step-by-step explanation of her posture [vis-a-vis this tyrant].

Therefore the soul as the negative polarity of the I AM Presence is confronted by the intellect, which is the inversion of the positive polarity of the Mind of God in Christ. Thus, in the Matter spheres this plus-minus condition of consciousness is the situation in which the soul must find herself, must gain self-worth, self-recognition and know that the way of the inner sensitivity to the pulsation of Life is superior to the intellectual, rational methods of the computer mind.

Thus, the soul weaving her wedding garment and gaining skeins of Light must bypass this intellect that is subtle and clever and establish that fiery thread to the Mind of Christ. So the cry went forth:  Let that Mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus! <28>  To be carnally minded is the Death of the soul. To be spiritually minded is the eternal and everlasting Life and Peace of the soul. <29>

So let the soul be forewarned of the intimidations of this carnal mind, not alone within the temple of her abode, not alone within the entity called self, but in fallen angels and others such as mechanization man who have developed that intellectual mind to such extents as to be able to intimidate and belittle that soul who is about to become the handmaid of her Lord, her Saviour, her Holy Christ Self.

Though your souls have met their master in this [intellectual] mind in previous lifetimes, only to awaken [after passing from the screen of life] to this realization [thence] to be caught up, even if momentarily, in the heart of the Divine Mother, your souls have reincarnated again and again only to be put down [by the same carnal mind] as though under the weight not only of the cross but of the tombstone itself.

Blessed ones, I give you, then, a gift and it is to your soul the cumulative self-awareness–as though [you were] reading the story of your life, of many scenes–of each and every time you have been traduced, for you have allowed yourself to be traduced, by someone or another’s intellect and that carnally minded consciousness which is of the flesh and of the physical-mental functioning of the outer self.

Thus, beloved, my gift is the cumulative awareness, the discernment [of the whys and wherefores of your soul’s meanderings through the labyrinth of the carnal mind] and what your Teachers and the Great Gurus have taught you concerning [life’s journey], those lessons learned and then forgotten.

This is a wise gift recommended by Solar Logoi, for if we may not carry all of your burdens, we may give you the most expedient means for you to rise beyond the entanglement with the not-self and the not-self reasoning, [thence to eliminate the cause of the burden].

You shall then be tutored by angels of Jophiel’s band. You shall receive illumination. You shall no longer be naive or sleepful or slothful or allow yourself to take on the robes of [the] over-self-confidence of the ego mind. But you shall understand that you are an identity in God, yet a shorn lamb, but not all. And you are rising step by step, coil by coil up that pole of being.

You have one goal:  union with Christ, union in the Living Flame of Love. Bypass all else, all byways. This is a key to your journey through the labyrinth of the subconscious and the electronic belt. Follow by the heart. Follow by the heart flame. Follow by your love of Saint Germain and Morya and Mary and Kuan Yin and Kuthumi and all who love you. Follow their heart by your heart sensitivity which you, then, must develop daily.

Follow straight as an arrow of Love to the heart of your Christ Self and know that my name is Hercules and by my name you can pass every test aright and, without inordinate pain of passage, [soar] to rarefied heights of consciousness.

You can do this if only you will attain a sense of co-measurement of the relationship of the soul to the untransmuted karmic self, to the electronic belt, to the dweller-on-the-threshold, to the Threefold Flame of the heart, to the Holy Christ Self, to the Community of the Holy Spirit, [and] to the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood ascended.

The sense of the realism of self:  glean it and call it forth from the heart of Lanello!

Mount [up] as with eagle wings but do not skip steps. For each step, though difficult, is the stepping-stone to the next and you need a sound and firm foundation in order to meet the challenges of the next. Some, listening, then, to the intellect, have cleverly skipped those steps, or so they thought or so they made it appear to others.  Lacking the roots and the grounding or the humility to begin again and to begin again and to begin again where there is a weakness in the building, they have positioned themselves as though standing on air instead of [on] terra firma and upon the Rock of Christ.

Blessed ones, an attainment truly won, even if it be the first step, will not be taken from you by any, not through the ravages of astrological cycles or of clever thieves in the night. A step of attainment truly won can become the white stone and the white cube and even the chief cornerstone in the temple.

Fear not to perfect the first step. Fear not to go back. Fear not, for you build for eternity, and each stone you carve is a stepping-stone to the Central Sun. You create your path stone by stone which you then walk upon as star to star the markers of the homeward journey point the way to the heart of Alpha and Omega, to your Christ, my Christ.

Think on these things. Understand the usefulness of Community when all for one and one for all may build, may sustain, may defend a physical retreat that is meshed with the etheric octave as no other place on the planet. Defend it, yes, from astral encroachment of every kind.

Let the joy of the Lord sing in your hearts. May the melodies of heaven be not far from your throats. May your lips be formed about the mantras of Kuan Yin. May your bodies be light and your souls take flight.

I AM Hercules. Amazonia does stand in the heaven-world beneath. It is a congruency of the Divine Mother of Elohim of First Ray establishing a polarity with me in higher octaves from that place beneath you which you equate with the lower astral plane and Death and Hell.

As time and space and heaven and hell have no direction according to compass, yet for want of other expression, up is heaven, down is hell, so we say there are levels of density and levels of etherealization. [Therefore] Amazonia, her Mother Flame, does now take up the occupation of those lower worlds so that should you trip and fall and make your bed in hell, behold, you shall find, as the LORD hath said, I AM there. <30>

Thus, the Mother Elohim of all rays of Elohim do seek to sustain that heavenly realm in another dimension while the astral plane does rise. Never the twain shall meet, yet those who contain the heavenly consciousness of the Divine Mother shall abide under her shadow as under the shadow of the Almighty of Elohim of the Feminine Ray.

And therefore even in the midst of meeting and defeating old karma and old forms of consciousness, they may remember that the Divine Mother in the heart of the earth does truly abide and sustain [the Comfort Flame] for those who may reach her by the mantra, reach her by the Hail Mary, reach her through any heart of any Feminine being.

Thus know the requirement is the same in both directions: I, Hercules, bear the cross hourly and daily for those who reach me at the level of the Christ Self.

I wish you Godspeed. I send you all courage and encouragement. From the point of realism, then, accept the intercessions of Saint Germain and the violet flame Masters but take not for granted that freedom. For, for every gift received and used you will one day give answer to the Law of Love in being called upon to provide that very same gift from your causal body to another evolution that does follow you up the mountain.

Thus, to internalize the gift in the hour when there is yet time for God-mastery is truly the Word and Work of the wise ones:  for they know that they shall have preserved in their cosmic bank account of the causal body that momentum whereby to stretch forth the right hand to the one beneath and to maintain the firm grasp to the one above.

Thus, the chain of Hierarchy moves on!  And I, Hercules, pull up the entire chain of being of this planet by the Lightbearers who maintain consonance with my heart!

You who do, then, maintain your Holy Christ Self awareness and the clear tunnel of being as a cylinder of blue flame from your soul to that level of Cosmic Christ consciousness of your Holy Christ Self–you, then, shall be truly the open door which no man can shut <31> to the descent of Hercules and the ascent of souls who will tug upon your garments and, because you stand and still stand, will be strengthened, will make it, will enter in.

Thus, be patient and not impatient with them. Be tolerant and not intolerant, for you have been there before when Lord Morya El pulled you up!

I speak to the wise, the strong and the loving. To bring back El Morya to your side you now must become him as intercessor, not alone for the reasons declared but because when the hour comes for the consideration of his return to the front lines midst his chelas, he must gather those who have sustained his Electronic Presence and present all to the Lords of Karma and the Cosmic Council. And it is by you that he shall return to the place he loves most:  to the heart and soul and mind of his chelas.

O Thou Divine Mother in heaven, O Thou Divine Mother in the earth, O Amazonia, I AM, WE ARE ELOHIM of the Will of God!

And so we sustain it for all of a cosmos, for all who will reach us through the Avatars sent, through the Buddhas sent, through the Bodhisattvas sent!

Purusha. <32> It is done.

The Triumph Is unto Those Who Love Supremely.


This dictation by Hercules was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 10, 1988, 11:11 p.m.-12:08 a.m. MDT, during the six-day conference The Harvest held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Available on 90-min. audiocassette K88032; on videocassette with dictations of Heros and Amora and Mother Mary, 2 hr. 20 min., HP88091. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Hercules’ direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. Hercules carrying the cross of the burdens of the Lightbearers. On August 10, 1987, Hercules announced, “I have strapped upon my back a wooden cross representing the burdens of the Lightbearers. Yes, I carry this cross. And you will see me as though I were a carpenter in his trade. And upon my back that cross shall remain for this fourteen-month duration, giving you the opportunity, as the karmic weight may be lifted from the Lightbearers, to draw them into the circle of their Mighty I AM Presence. Beloved ones, it is a two-edged sword:  For when the Law no longer allows me to bear this cross, what then will come upon them when suddenly their karma returns again?...

 “Therefore, beloved, those Lightbearers who are to come into this activity, let them come in the next fourteen months. For when that burden of karma descends again, unless some mighty miraculous dispensation occur from hearts of Keepers of the Flame, I tell you, they must have the wherewithal [of a Light invoked and sustained in their electromagnetic field] to meet it. It is as though there were a mini-dispensation. As Jesus Christ bore this cross for two thousand years, thus I may also bear it, but only for the Lightbearers, for those who have elected to bear the Light now for fourteen months. Thus, in a mini-cycle, beloved, many may come to understand those fourteen stations of the cross. And they may walk them. And they may emerge triumphant.”  1987 PoW, vol. 30 no. 47, pp. 442-43.

2. The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, is a luminous phenomenon thought to be of electrical origin which can be seen in the Northern Hemisphere at night, especially during the time of the equinoxes. On October 10, 1988, at about 1 a.m. there was a spectacular display of northern lights in the sky over the Royal Teton Ranch, which changed in intensity from moment to moment. The mountain ranges to the northeast were silhouetted in stark relief by a flow of white light suffusing into a layer of green light with shafts of ruby shooting upward.

3. El Morya loses dispensation to intercede. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 77, pp. 581-82, 583-84, 585, 586.

4. Saint Germain’s dispensations for Europe and the United States. Saint Germain On Alchemy, pp. x, xv-xxvii, 137-38; Saint Germain On Prophecy, pp. 33-39; 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 73, pp. 563, 570 n. 5.

5. “Lord, save us:  we perish.” Matt. 8:25; Mark 4:38; Luke 8:24.

6. Epiphany, January 6, 1989.

7. Bottomless pit. Rev. 9:1-12; 11:7; 17:8; 20:1-3.

8. Pay as you go. ”Pay your karmic debts as you go and thus earn your dispensations.”  See El Morya, 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 72, p. 584.

9. Ex cathedra: Latin, “from the chair” [of Peter]; by virtue of or in the exercise of one’s office:  with authority; i.e., out of the mouth of God.

10. On Thanksgiving Day, November 27, 1986, Saint Germain said, “The divine experiment is past. Let the reality be now!  Let those Keepers of the Flame living on these coasts, from Canada south, be no longer here beyond the end of 1988. Understand, beloved, the unpredictability of the carnal mind. There are no guarantees, even from our level, else life should be a predestination and all should sit and do nothing. Depending upon the vigilance as never before of our Keepers of the Flame, depending on the Light invoked, so shall the protection be and so shall be the forestalling of cataclysm as well.”  1986 PoW, vol. 29 no. 75, p. 651.

11. “Ye are from beneath; I am from above: ye are of this world; I am not of this world.”  John 8:23.

12. El Morya, Lord of the First Ray:  Dynamic Decrees with Prayers and Ballads for Chelas of the Will of God 1, 94-min. audiocassette with booklet, B88125; when ordering, indicate slow or fast version.

13. “And he [Jacob] dreamed, and behold a ladder set up on the earth, and the top of it reached to heaven:  and behold the angels of God ascending and descending on it.”  Gen. 28:12.

14. Crystal chalice of Elohim. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 76, p. 580 n. 1.

15. The dark night of the soul is the test of the soul’s encounter with the return of personal karma, which, if she has not kept her lamps (chakras) trimmed with Light (Matt. 25:1-13), may eclipse the Light (Christ consciousness) of the soul and therefore its discipleship under the Son of God. It precedes the Dark Night of the Spirit, the supreme test of Christhood, when the soul is, as it were, cut off from the I AM Presence and must survive solely on the Light (Christ consciousness) garnered in the heart, while holding the balance for planetary karma.

 The sixteenth-century mystic Saint John of the Cross described these initiations in his work “The Dark Night”:  “This night...causes two kinds of darkness or purgation in spiritual persons according to the two parts of the soul, the sensory and the spiritual. Hence the one night or purgation will be sensory, by which the senses are purged and accommodated to the spirit; and the other night or purgation will be spiritual, by which the spirit is purged and denuded as well as accommodated and prepared for union with God through love.”  Saint John writes of the initiation of the Dark Night of the Spirit:  “Since the divine extreme strikes in order to renew the soul and divinize it (by stripping it of the habitual affections and properties of the old man to which it is strongly united, attached, and conformed), it so disentangles and dissolves the spiritual substance–absorbing it in a profound darkness–that the soul at the sight of its miseries feels that it is melting away and being undone by a cruel spiritual death; it feels as if it were swallowed by a beast and being digested in the dark belly, and it suffers an anguish comparable to Jonas’s when in the belly of the whale. [Jon. 2:1-3] It is fitting that the soul be in this sepulcher of dark death in order that it attain the spiritual resurrection for which it hopes.”  The Collected Works of St. John of the Cross, trans. Kieran Kavanaugh and Otilio Rodriguez (Washington, D.C.:  ICS Publications, 1979), pp. 311, 337.

 For the Messengers’ teachings on the dark night, including readings and commentary on the writings of Saint John of the Cross, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Living Flame of Love, 8-audiocassette album, 12-1/2 hrs., A85044; “The Dark Night of the Soul,” on two 60-min. audiocassettes, MTG7412, MTF7413. See also Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail, pp. 173, 368-69.

16. Save the World with Violet Flame! by Saint Germain 1, 2, 3 and 4 audiocassettes. 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 49, p. 400 n. 6; no. 72, p. 560 n. 1.

17. Fallen ones abuse dispensations of freedom. Saint Germain, 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 72, pp. 549-54.

18. True and righteous judgments. Rev. 16:7; 19:2.

19. Cosmic reinforcements in the service of Elohim engaged in the Battle of Armageddon on behalf of the Lightbearers of the galaxies. Call to them daily!

20. Elohim vigil. El Morya, 1988 PoW, pp. 584-85.

21. Royal Teton Ranch as outpost of the God and Goddess Meru’s retreat. On December 25, 1986, Jesus announced that the God and Goddess Meru had come from their retreat at Lake Titicaca to “establish a corridor of light from the etheric retreat over the Royal Teton Ranch to the etheric retreat of the Feminine Ray at Lake Titicaca. By this corridor of light, beloved, we open a highway whereby your calls may reach South America in time. This light sealed in the heart of the God and Goddess Meru will be released so as not to be requalified by the human but so as to liberate and enlighten. These Teachings published in the South American languages and preached to the people will be the vehicle to anchor that light. Pray God that many shepherds respond and cease their rivalry and come out from among them to deliver the Word of this age.... Blessed ones, the God and Goddess Meru tarry here now. Their great momentum of victory over witchcraft, Death, Hell, and black magic is brought to bear in this hour on the threat of suicide worldwide as an open door to the devastation of the Fourth Horseman approaching. They are ready to turn back and bind the entire momentum of this force in answer to your call....The God and Goddess Meru, having stood thus far in etched profile in golden garments of light, have now placed themselves within golden white spheres. These spheres rise from this place to be sustained above it as their Presence with you.”  1986 PoW, vol. 29 no. 78, pp. 681, 682.

22. Kali Yuga is the Sanskrit term in Hindu philosophy for the “age of darkness.”  It is the last and worst of the four yugas, or world ages, comprising a cosmic cycle and is characterized by strife, discord and moral deterioration. The present dark age, or Kali Yuga, is believed to have begun on February 18, 3102 b.c. (with a duration of 432,000 years). For a different calculation of the duration of the yugas which sets the present age 285 years into the Dvapara Yuga, see Swami Sri Yukteswar, The Holy Science, 7th ed. (Los Angeles:  Self-Realization Fellowship, 1972), pp. 7-20. See The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 82, 143, 359 n. 19; or pocketbook edition The Lost Teachings of Jesus 1, pp. 115, 189, 268 n. 19. Dark Cycle. See 1988 PoW, vol. 31 no. 72, p. 561 n. 3.

23. Judge righteous judgment. John 7:24.

24. Awake to everlasting life or contempt.  “And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people:  and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time:  and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book. And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.”  Dan. 12:1-3.

25. My words shall not pass away. Matt. 24:35; Mark 13:31; Luke 21:33; I Pet. 1:25.

26. The Ascended Master Djwal Kul teaches in his Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura that “the solar-plexus chakra has ten petals–five with the positive charge focusing the thrust of Alpha in the secret rays and five with a negative charge focusing the return current of Omega in the secret rays. Thus to the evolving soul consciousness, the solar plexus is the vehicle whereby the initiation of the test of the ten is passed. This is the test of selflessness which always involves the test of the emotions and of the God-control of those emotions through the Divine Ego which can come into prominence in the soul only as the result of the surrender of the human ego.”  See Intermediate Studies of the Human Aura, pp. 83-90, also published in Kuthumi and Djwal Kul, The Human Aura, pp. 161-69.

27. Water of Life. “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”  John 7:37, 38. “And he showed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.”  Rev. 22:1.

28. “Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:  who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:  but made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:  And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross.”  Phil. 2:5-8.

29. “For they that are after the flesh do mind the things of the flesh; but they that are after the Spirit the things of the Spirit. For to be carnally minded is death; but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Because the carnal mind is enmity against God.”  Rom. 8:5-7.

30. “Whither shall I go from thy spirit?  or whither shall I flee from thy presence?  If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there: if I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there.”  Ps. 139:7, 8.

31. Open door no man can shut. John 10:7, 9; Rev. 3:8.

32. Purusha/Parousia. 1988 PoW, p. 228 note.