Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 32 No. 48 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - November 4, 1989

The 12 Labors of Hercules
True Education
A Program for the Education of the Lightbearers of the World
The Torch of Illumination for the Education
of the World’s Children Must Be Taken Up
by Every Keeper of the Flame

 Pilgrims of the Sun, I, Gautama, address you in the sunset centuries of your progress in these Matter spheres. I come, then, in the warm glow of satisfaction that the hour of the harvest for your souls is nigh. Thus there is an intensity of work needed to complete the anchoring [of the Word in form], to nail in the final nails, to set the last stones of the stupa <1> of the Buddha that you build.

In these hours we pause for the contemplation of Love’s mystery that we have known together, that has kept us together, the bond of Love as the blest tie that has bound us to the Almighty One and the Central Sun in hours of the burden of Darkness, when the Darkness was so thick that the Light was not even visible in the twinkling of a single star.

Blessed ones, when one comes to the fulfillment of millions of years of the mission in these outer spheres, one does begin to contemplate [the nearness of the ascension] and one realizes that as for the many who will be left behind [when one ascends], they will not necessarily know or sense one’s Ascended Master Light-Body presence though one should be with them and at their side day and night. For have not even you, our best servants, sometimes not known when we were standing by because you felt so alone in the misery of your own sense of sin and self-worthlessness?

Therefore, in these hours the avatars and adepts and their disciples and bodhisattvas contemplate what they shall leave as a record that a civilization may continue to mount the spiral staircase. <2>

I, then, have chosen to speak to you of the pressing need of earth in this hour, though I desired not to stress you or to place undue pressure upon you that would make you feel compelled to go out on the morrow to take up the Call that I send. [For I fully understand that under the current circumstances most of you are not able to do so, at least not until you have completed the projects and preparations that Saint Germain has assigned to you. Nevertheless, remember when in your sanctuaries, the Call compels the Answer and the “effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much.” <3>] For my Call must be given in this hour no matter what the circumstances of the current burden of the Lightbearers of earth. For the Cosmic Clock has struck and the hour has come when I must make the sign and raise the hand, even the hand of the Lord of the World and of the Buddha of the Ruby Ray as we form a polarity in manifestation in this place. <4>

And I must say, beloved, that the hour has come in the name of Casimir Poseidon and the God and Goddess Meru that the torch of illumination passed to this Messenger in 1973, a torch of illumination for the education of the world’s children, <5> for their illumination, for their preparation [for their sacred labor and the path of initiation that lies ahead], must be taken up by every Keeper of the Flame!  For the level of ignorance, of absence of true academics and true studying and learning in this nation, beloved, having reached an all-time high, must now retreat!  It must now go down, beloved, for no greater infamy does the Law allow upon the youth of the world without grave karma unto those who stand by and allow it.

At this moment it is the interest of lawmakers and others, president and governors included, to take hold of the reins of education in America. Blessed ones, according to their capacity they extend effort, but I tell you, the education of the heart is that which is lacking. The contribution which can and must be made by the initiates of the Great White Brotherhood [in this Community of the Holy Spirit] to set straight the course of the education of children from conception through age thirty-three must be the first priority beyond survival itself and equal to the preservation of the Teachings.

With illiteracy mounting, <6> how many will there be [in decades to come] who are able to even read or study the Teachings?  And among those who can hear them, how many will understand the Word or the inner meaning?  Thus, a great crime has been perpetrated against the youth of this nation and of other nations as well, beloved, but nowhere so great as in America today. [Therefore America suffers the karma of neglect and of gross neglect:  “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required; and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more.” <7>]

In other nations where standards of achievement are higher and the children have far greater skill and understanding to enter the Aquarian age of science, there is yet the lack of the tutoring of the heart and the education of the heart in the sense of the development of the God-potential. Without that development, beloved, which is truly assisted through the Montessori method and other educational discoveries of the century, the development of the threefold flame does not come about. That threefold flame not being developed, a child is not able to expand either the heart capacity or the mental capacity for learning.

Not only the structure of education but the proper training of teachers is the priority of the hour. Therefore I assign you, when the door of time and space as opportunity does allow it, [to assume not only the responsibility of training teachers from every state and nation but also that of] putting together your program for the education of the Lightbearers of the world. And this program must truly be fit for all evolutions of earth.

I urge, therefore, that the large corporations of this nation sponsor a revolution in education [in the public schools] and [that they also] begin their own private schools for children from the early months and years through high school so that they might be given that private education, sponsored and funded by [the corporations] themselves so that America’s youth [may enter the job market as professionals qualified to serve at the] level of industry and science and productivity [needed by these corporations].

It is not enough to give money, beloved. There must be a giving of the heart and there must be a shouldering of the full responsibility of opening such schools that are geared to the needs and the goals not only of modern civilization but also of the spiritual path. Thus may the souls of the youth not fall into depression and into every byway of temptation and be overcome by the false teachers, the serpents and the fallen ones who have surely positioned themselves or their tools in all of the schools and colleges and universities. For they are in the majority, though they are not universally in control.

So, beloved, the blessed hearts who have served in this underpaid profession have had a calling from God but in many cases they have not had the training that is necessary [to bring out the God-potential of their students]. Some have been able to enter the retreats of Jesus and Kuthumi and Lord Maitreya and they come [to their classrooms] with the fiery spirit of the disciplined ones. These are the teachers who have left their mark upon many who are successful today, who will always remember them as their best friends and dearest mentors. But these are few and far between. Most children today are in an impersonal situation where the lack of respect for education and for professionals in education has manifest as a sense of frustration and lack of self-esteem on the part of teachers, many of whom have gone on to other professions [and better pay] rather than be selfless servants [to ungrateful students and parents], a path [of sacrifice] for which they are not prepared.

Blessed ones, without the development of the heart chakra and the conscious tie to the Brotherhood of Light, the best that can be offered both teachers and students is an outline of the Teaching itself and the lessons that you can write that these children ought to have. And therefore in following that particular [course in a non-sectarian history of religion class, which ought to be a part of every high school curriculum], those teachers may experience, absent their own path of initiation, the overshadowing presence of the initiates of the Brotherhood.

You see how very important it is, therefore, for those in embodiment who have a calling on the Second Ray to dedicate their lives and the victory of their ascension to the restoration of the true teachings [concerning man’s reason for being on earth] that were in the schools in past golden ages and whereby all Lightbearers and evolutions did complete their rounds and ascend to the Great Central Sun.

The [retrieving of a lost] generation and more from all of the burdens that have been discussed by Rex <8> and by the Messenger (when you dealt with the labor of the slaying of the nine-headed Hydra of Lerna) <9> can only come about through the warfare that must be waged against [the attackers of youth in order to forestall the outcropping of these astral] conditions [into the physical plane]. This is a process of exorcism [and a slow process at that, inasmuch as the youth themselves are not engaged in this warfare of the spirit but ignorantly align themselves with one or more of the Hydra’s heads].

If the youth are to be delivered of these conditions, there must be a positive affirmation of that which ought to be, and that [requires the statement of] the Law and the Teaching itself, which must [be illustrated with] examples [drawn from life]. And nowhere is [the story of] karma [and reincarnation] learned better than from the scriptures themselves, which are a history of a mighty people, and from the Shakespearean plays, [which Francis Bacon set forth to tutor generations of Aquarians-to-come in the mysteries of life–of birth and death and karma and free will and decision making and the consequences of words and deeds].

Realize that there are many ways to teach the Teachings without crossing the line of the separation of Church and State. And the ingenuity already expressed by our faculty and those who have taken up the calling to teach the children of Keepers of the Flame is commendable indeed.

You can see how deadly are the fallen ones who oppose divine education. You may know, therefore, that those fallen angels of Jophiel’s bands and other fallen angels of the Second Ray are the very ones who have moved with great ferocity against the opening this fall of the Thomas More School. <10>  We laud the effort of [the sponsors of] that school. It is most necessary as the Omega manifestation of the Alpha nucleus [already established] in the schools at our headquarters.

Let it be understood, beloved, that these are [intended to be] the archetypal schools [for all children of the Light nation by nation] and they are yet in the experimental stage, as all education must be. For what works is what we must keep and what does not work [is what we] must cast aside. And therefore, dealing with the children of Keepers of the Flame–amongst whom are Lightbearers, those burdened with karma, both ordinary and advanced lifestreams–and their karmic situations all in the same classroom does give one the broadest spectrum of the lifestreams and lifewaves that will be found upon planet earth in the decades and generations to come.

Therefore there is a way. And if you will apply to me and Maitreya, to Jesus and Kuthumi, to the Holy Kumaras and to the Solar Logoi and Sponsors of Youth, and also to Mother Mary and Kuan Yin, to the Karmic Board, and so forth, you will find that we will enter in and show you that there are definite [and individual] approaches to the education of children, who come down the different evolutionary paths with varying backgrounds and that which they have in hand as attainment and that which is lacking in their lifestreams.

All of the possible callings that they could have in life–those careers and those trades and those sacred labors that they may bring forth–must be discovered early by many means. [Children must be allowed to experiment; they must] be exposed at all levels of their education to the [building blocks needed for the] job opportunities that the future holds so that the earlier they demonstrate a liking for a certain calling, a predilection [for a certain type of activity] or a carryover [from a past life] of some genius in a particular area, the earlier they can excel and accelerate [in the skills required to attain the goal] and thereby have that sense of self-esteem [that comes from individual accomplishment].

Thus it is too late to begin [to prepare] for one’s profession in the teenage years. It is too late, beloved, and yet some do not even begin until later in life. The best time to be training for one’s future calling is in the very earliest years. And that is why the Montessori classroom ought to be equipped with every possible stimulus to bring out of [the pupils’] Causal Bodies and out of their souls at a young age an appreciation for the various activities that people engage in on planet earth and which may afford them a livelihood.

The torch of illumination is like the thousand-petaled lotus. It has an infinite number of flames. And this torch of illumination that you may see at inner levels, now held in the right hand of the Messenger even as it is sealed in her heart, has those petals. And each one of you who would become sons and daughters of illumination and sponsors of the education of the youth of the world under the God and Goddess Meru may apply to receive a single petal. And thus you [may qualify yourself to] bear an element of the torch, the torch itself being, as it were, the torch of the Goddess of Liberty. For the Goddess of Liberty’s torch is the torch of illumined action for which America was once known.

But if the [neglect of the integration of body, soul, mind, heart and spirit] keeps up in the schoolhouses of the nation, you will surely see that these generations of children who have been subjected to all sorts of programming and interference with [the unfoldment of their spiritual destiny through] their genetic code and then the process of development by [incorrect and even harmful] educational methods will simply not be able to carry forward Saint Germain’s dispensation that has been bequeathed to America [of freedom, of true religion under God <11> the Mighty I AM Presence, and of applied science and representative government].

Perhaps more than any other single factor, the cause for the loss of the dispensation of America could be, beloved, the absence of the preparation of the children and youth and their inability [to receive] the torch of freedom that is passed to them for their generation [and succeeding generations] for their success [on earth] and their victory [in the octaves of Light].

Thus, beloved, one must foresee the era coming when for want of self-knowledge these children will have to bow to those of foreign nations and foreign peoples who will come and sit in positions of power and control in the major industries of the nation and even in the houses of government [for the educational inadequacies and the consequent inabilities of Americans]. And thus you can see before you a prophecy of the subjugation of a mighty people by foreigners [who will take over] merely by entering into the job market and pushing out those children who simply [cannot compete].

There are many ways that nations are conquered and one means is by foreign wealth and power taking over the lands, the banking houses and the [financial institutions] that have to do with the economy of the nation. Another way, of course, is by superior intelligence, superior skill, superior mental agility, even the understanding of the strategies of takeover without a war being fought or a shot being fired. <12>

Thus it has ever been the goal of the fallen ones to promote their own in the very best situations of research and study that those who are trained on the path of defiance against God [might take their] place of power [in each generation] to rule over the children of God and the children of Israel, who have themselves allowed [this world domination by a power elite made up of the fallen angels] to happen again and again, beloved.

And therefore how could the Holy Kumaras bequeath to a civilization the dispensations of the seeds of a golden age?  How could the Great Divine Director sponsor the coming in of the seventh root race in this hemisphere, especially in South America, when the educational methods are not in position in the classroom [to allow the] pinions of the mind [to take flight in original creative thinking and] when these souls who should come [into embodiment] with the full joy and expectancy [of bringing forth gifts from their Causal Bodies for the Aquarian age would only] languish [in the schoolhouses] for want of being given the illumination for which they hunger and thirst?

Not to be able to feed them the full cup of the knowledge of the Law and of the righteous use of the Law, this is immorality to the nth degree!  It is immoral, beloved, not to prepare for the coming [of the souls of the seventh root race] in this way.

Thus, the nucleus of teachers, of faculty, and of parents in this Community has come together to solve the problems not only of education, not only of the spiritual path but also of the psychology of themselves and their children. You have experimented for many a year [and you have had major breakthroughs and a successful application of your methods in the classroom]. It is time to organize, to codify, and to have in [your files and ready to go] a tidy record of all systems you use, of all demonstrations of Montessori materials, of all that you would take with you of the Doman method <13> and the best of educational methods being used today in every nation that excels [in giving their youth a well-rounded education, as well as those methods] that have been used in past ages.

It is not alone the faculty and the parents to whom this assignment is given. For I tell you that many of you are a part of the mandala of the God and Goddess Meru, of Casimir Poseidon and of the Messengers’ assignment to be at Lake Titicaca within a hundred years and to be in that retreat as the hierarchs of that retreat. <14>

And as the God and Goddess Meru have said, even to the Messengers, do not come to our retreat, do not take your leave of this earth if you have not fully implanted in the earth the records of education that must be carried forward. For [unless you lay this foundation while you are in embodiment] your jobs [at inner levels] will be impossible and you will not be able to bring this planetary body into a golden age; for [unless you establish it now] the plume of illumination will have been missing, will have been wanting [by the time the foundations for that age must be set upon the shoulders of a new generation of Lightbearers]. I tell you, beloved ones, it is necessary [for you and the Messengers] to occupy the retreat of the God and Goddess Meru, for it is necessary for the cosmic cycles to move on.

And therefore in the nation that is the one nation [among the developed nations] sponsored by the Ascended Masters we have the least development of the mind, and sometimes of the heart, of this generation. To whom, then, shall we go and where shall we give the dispensation for a golden age, for an Aquarian age?  Where shall we give the dispensation of the advancement [of learning, which necessitates] building upon [the foundations] that should have been laid but have not been in the last twenty-five years and more?

Blessed ones, the better part of this century has seen the quality of education diminishing [in the United States]. You know well from the many lectures that have been given by the Messenger and others what are the faults of today’s educational systems. <15>

Blessed ones, those faults are not as apparent as they should be to those reformers who have come [into embodiment] sparked by Saint Germain with the desire to take up this cause. This cause will be won not by overlords and administrators but by the individual teachers in the individual classrooms. For when those teachers have the heart and the fire and the full development [of the Christ Mind and the necessary command of their subject], and especially when they are initiates of the Great White Brotherhood, the success of their students year in, year out on their college boards, on their exams and in their academic standing that is rated above their peers will attract the attention [that success always attracts] whereby other schools will desire to adopt those methods.

Therefore it is absolutely imperative that big government not control education but that education and the schoolhouses of the nation be restored to the control of the parents, the teachers, and the members of the community where those schools are found. And this [bureaucratic control] is the root and the core of the problem, as you know, for thereby the serpents have entered the schoolhouses of the nation and have imposed upon them all of their methods for the manipulation of the minds of the children.

This is what you must decree for, this very point–[for divine intervention concerning the fallen angels] who have entered the lives of the children and the college students, [for the interdiction of their ungodly deeds] and for the restoration [of the right and the responsibility] to the people themselves [to educate the soul, the mind, the heart, the spirit, and the body of their children]. For whatever their imperfections, [the people] do know what is best for their children. And they will know better what is best when they see the examples of personal victory [child by child] and the accomplishments [of the parents and faculty of these] Montessori schoolchildren.

And I say to the youth who have been a part of this school and who are a part of it in this year, do not lament [the fact] that you are given intense study and work assignments; do not gripe [about your lot]. But realize that this school has turned out graduates who are victors, who excel and who go beyond their peers. And you must be examples as well of what the child can bear and what the child can do and what the child can realize. For unless you set a new standard of what the youth of America can rise to, who will ever know that children can be given so much more [than they are being given in public and private schools today] and that they will relish [the challenge] with joy [or that some will have the understanding] that working the works of Maitreya as children and youth is the greatest calling and the surest demonstration in their lifestreams that they will attain the victory of the ascension at the conclusion of this life?

Blessed ones, there is far too much emphasis on sports in the American schools. There is far less time spent in the classroom by children [than that which is necessary for them to take their place in society as responsible adults]. There is far too little concentration on detail and the basics. Without a knowledge of history [people fail to make right decisions and therefore] civilizations fail. Do you not understand that all decisions in government and in politics are made on the basis of a people’s self-knowledge of its history and of the history of the planet and the propensities and the predilections of the human mind and of the race itself to go this way and that way in dealing with power and power struggles?

I tell you, America is about to be lost this day because several generations have not studied and therefore not known the real history of both the United States and the Soviet Union; [nor have they studied] the history of war on this planetary body. There-fore they have made decisions which they never would have made had there been dedicated history teachers in the classrooms who [knew their subject and] could write their own curriculum and could give to the children a true knowledge of how freedom was won, how America was won, how a planet was won for this age by Saint Germain[–and how Mother Russia and Eastern Europe and China and North Korea and Vietnam were lost to World Communism]. The histories that are not taught, even the histories of the saints as the Ascended Masters who have served in secular [as well as spiritual] positions throughout the ages, would provide the proper role models and the profiles of character that these children can reach for.

Thus I appeal to the children of this Community to recognize that this year you with your teachers are charting a new course of education for the youth of America coast to coast. And when they see what you are accomplishing they must stand up and take notice. And when you arrive at those institutions of higher learning so much better prepared than the average student, they too will have to take notice.

Therefore let the youth and the children of this Community give their daily decrees [for the God-solution to the problem of the] false gurus who have entered the classrooms and the false hierarchy that has brought down education in America and still controls [the public] school system by holding the purse strings of government handouts.

You do not need so much equipment; you need heart!  And you need the communication of the heart. And you need to understand that every good teacher in every private and public school should insist that the children in that school do not partake inordinately of sugar and that the sugars they do take in come from fruits and natural foods. The destruction of children through sugar is the foundation for the temptation to every other form of drug, nicotine, marijuana, alcohol, et cetera. Therefore, beloved ones, there must be the proper nourishing of the heart, the mind, and the physical body else children do not have the mental strength [or the emotional calm] to learn.

Therefore may you, the children in this Community, have the courage to be who you are and to demonstrate who you are and not feel the [need to] go after [and imitate] those other lifewaves and evolutions in this area or anywhere on the planet that are simply not on the same course [and not on the same wavelength] that you are.

It is an age of imitation in childhood and the teenage years. I, Gautama, say to you and I charge you, do not imitate the ways that are not the way of Jesus Christ and of your own Holy Christ Self. Dare to be different!  Dare to accelerate!  Dare to work hard!  Dare to contribute to your Community by the Flame of the Holy Spirit. And dare to be as that great son of America Abraham Lincoln. Dare to burn the midnight oil to study, to be prepared, to be approved when I, Gautama, shall call you into positions of responsibility.

Who, after all, shall I call if it is not these youth who have had every advantage and have been given every understanding of how to protect themselves with the call to Archangel Michael?

I tell you, beloved children, more hangs upon your determination to achieve than you can even begin to know or realize. And if you could spend time in the public schools of the major cities and in the ghettos of this nation, you would be so burdened that you could not even wait to return to the Ascended Masters’ retreats for your education. And you would see how discouraged and how burdened [some of] the children are and how they drop out [of school], for [their teachers] have not found the key to unlock [the minds of] those whose learning capacity, as they call it, the IQ, is simply not great enough to grasp [the material] in spite of [the best efforts of] their teachers. And [then there are] those who learn in spite of their teachers.

But those who need their teachers and can only learn because of them often do not learn due to the fact that the teachers have not understood that there are keys that unlock the mind and the heart, the genetic code and the soul pattern of each and every child. And it takes love and it takes time and it takes tenderness for the healing of the [psyche of those] burdens that accrue from a child’s [karmic] background and upbringing. [It takes patience and caring and discipline] to bring that one to the point of flowering and to the [point of truly desiring] to become educated and to study and to have the self-esteem [and the will to work to be able to compete for] those jobs that are rewarding and move people along [to ever new and creative challenges for lifelong achievement and self-mastery].

Beloved ones, there is arising in this nation a subculture of individuals who are dropouts in life, beginning with the dropouts in the schools. They are also dropouts in the job market. But they are dropouts because they sense their own worthlessness[–because no one has succeeded in giving them the sense of their inherent self-worth in God]. They do not try [because they have no reason to try] and so they wind up on the dole and in front of their TV sets. They wind up being the homeless, [the street children,] who do not even have a place to live.

When [you see] more and more of the population drifting into that mode of nonmental activity [(a mental laziness due to the fact that they have not had the proper mental stimulation since birth and, in addition, they have been fed a diet based largely on sugar)] and that [greater and greater numbers are unable] to cope with [the daily challenge of] earning a living, you can see that this [is a sign of] the beginning of the end of a civilization.

Poor education has also compromised the military [establishment and the defense] strategy of the nation. It has compromised those who govern and make laws who have not understood even the basic freedoms and the consequences of the laws they write [that curtail those freedoms. Some of them] have not known their history, [some of them] have not known the Constitution, and [some of them] have not had the [most basic] understanding of legal concepts.

[Poor education] has compromised industry. It has created waste. It has created a materialism [that enslaves a people when it should liberate them] and a surfeiting of the markets with worthless goods that please the eye, which the poor and the uneducated therefore use their hard-earned money to buy in order to gain some sense of self-esteem, [some happiness] by owning these baubles and trinkets. [Poor education] has compromised [the quality of] life in every area. And I, Gautama, say to you that soon it will compromise this civilization entirely.

In the name of Mighty Victory, in the name of all that the legions of the Second Ray have stood for, in the name of the Buddhas and the bodhisattvas, I, Gautama, give the Call to the octaves of Light in this hour even as I give the Call to your hearts. And I call to many [servant sons and daughters of God ascended and unascended who abide in realms of glory] and I call to Almighty God on behalf of those many saints who do not have the necessity to reembody, and I say, if there is to be a world [that is free, that is at peace, whose people are enlightened] and [if there is to be] a golden age for Saint Germain, some who have graduated from earth’s schoolrooms must return!

And if these sons of Light whom I call–some who are ascended ones [and some who are] unascended masters of great attainment who have refrained from reembodying–are to embody, beloved ones, then those of you [who are so blessed as to be] in this Community must make haste to resolve your psychology, to accelerate your chakras, to balance your beings [by right mindfulness and right diet] so that you may provide them with sound four lower bodies and a sound genetic system liberated from the drugs and the chemicals and the burdens upon the body.

Thus, beloved, as I make the Call, the Call cannot be answered by those of Light at inner levels unless it is first answered by those [of you who are] in embodiment; for unless you see it as your priority (beyond the commitment to fulfill the requirements for your divine plan and the ascension) to provide bodies for those souls [of Light who may answer my Call] and to bring them into embodiment and to provide the proper spiritual and academic education for them [once they have safely arrived]–the education of the heart, the head, and the hand so that they are balanced [and fully integrated with Life, as Above, so below,] and therefore ready to truly take on a world and reverse the tide of this descending Darkness–[unless you see and do these things, we cannot sponsor or recommend the incarnation of these advanced souls].

Blessed ones, not only do I call but Padma Sambhava calls, and he calls in this hour as I have not seen him call before. He does cry unto God for dispensations from those in embodiment and from those ascended and unascended at inner levels [that they might] come forth and volunteer to be those who will carry that torch of illumination and will carry it through the Flood and the Darkness and the Cataclysm and the War and who will still be standing in the new era and the New Age to see to it that life, quality life, educated life, life that has as its goal the complete fulfillment of all callings and the divine plan in Matter and Spirit, may continue on planet earth.

Beloved ones, it is a dreadful situation. And it is a sign of the [karmic neglect of those who have occupied the] century and it is the [sign of the] takeover by the fallen ones [in every area of life] and of the darkening hours of planetary karma that more have not responded to the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and the activities that have sponsored them in this age.

We pray fervently, therefore, that this period of burden that is upon our Community and our Church shall swiftly pass. We pray and stand with you for the fulfillment of your projects. And we are determined that the opportunity for life to fulfill its reason for being shall remain on planet earth. For if that opportunity for life to fulfill its reason for being is lost, beloved, then there shall be no further purpose to continue this lifewave or this evolution; for I can tell you already that a second dispensation such as that which was given long ago to Sanat Kumara <16> is not in the offing for this planetary body.

Therefore it is the seed of Sanat Kumara and others who must come forward from inner levels to accomplish this cause–the cause of Christ illumination and Buddhic initiation to an age and to ages to come. There must be some who will take the torch, internalize it and then pass it!  If the youth be lost, I pray, tell me:  Who shall pass the torch?

I have asked you the question, beloved: 

Who shall pass the torch?

[“I will!”]

By your affirmation I also affirm, “I, Gautama Buddha, will.”

Thus, my beloved, let us keep the vow, for only the true marriage of heaven and earth can bring about the needed results and the success in this field.

Teachers, one and all, students, one and all, you must be both by your calling as disciple and bodhisattva. Each and every one of you does have a torch of knowledge to pass, some more developed than others. And if you feel you are lacking in [some elements of] that torch, beloved, I shall tell you where to begin.

Begin with self-knowledge.

The first self-knowledge you must have is that of your Reality. Study it in the Teachings. When you are grounded in the self-knowledge of your Reality, then you must know the unreal self. Your self-knowledge must then be of that unreal self and of that unreality. He who knows both and stands poised between the two, he who knows how to daily affirm his Reality that will swallow up his unreality, that one, beloved, is a wise man and a wise woman and a wise child. That one call Teacher. That one follow. Having thus attained to self-knowledge, that one may master any field [of knowledge] as an additional bequeathal to his students and to those who require the gift.

Let everyone who stands as an example, and each and every one of you does, for you represent the Great White Brotherhood wherever you are–let every one of you be an example of those who dared to have self-knowledge and who may therefore give to others the self-knowledge of their Reality and the self-knowledge of their unreality.

I, Gautama, have set your sights very high. I assure you that the priorities have not changed. But we come because life moves on and dictations must be dictated in the cosmic moment of their crystallization.

You ought to consider why in the astrology of the hour so many great Cosmic Beings have determined to speak. Would you not say, beloved, that there is another astrology of the Divine Mother <17> that does also impel the release of Light of the Great White Brotherhood even as you chart the astrology of the karma of a planet and her evolution?

Therefore take heart, for stars of benevolence do shine in your Causal Bodies, [which are also] in your charts. Invoke them and be ready to receive a blessing, outpouring without limit, of abundance, of opportunity and of the way out that you shall lead; for I decree it for all lifewaves who desire to better their lot. May you find by the ingenuity of the Holy Spirit the way to inject in [the evolutions of this planet] by a spark divine [not only] that desire to better their lot [but also the means to accomplish it].

This is true education.

By the cross of the Ruby Ray, I seal you unto the victory of your crown. May it be the crown of everlasting Life. <18>


This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, October 4, 1989, during The 12 Labors of Hercules held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. [N.B. Bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Gautama Buddha’s direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.

1. See vol. 32 no. 47, p. 645 n. 7.

2. See vol. 32 no. 34, p. 490.

3. James 5:16.

4. Throughout this dictation, Gautama Buddha sustained the Alpha polarity on the 12:00 line and the Buddha of the Ruby Ray sustained the Omega polarity on the 6:00 line.

5. 1973 PoW, “The Radiant Word,” vol. 16 no. 6, pp. 24, 32; 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 5, p. 39 n. 10.

6. Illiteracy in America. In 1986 the U.S. Department of Education estimated that 17 to 21 million American adults cannot read. Experts project that 23 to 27 million adult Americans are functionally illiterate. 35 million more Americans are considered semi-illiterate, lacking skills beyond the eighth-grade level; of the 2.4 million students who graduate from high school each year, as many as 25 percent cannot read or write at the eighth-grade level. For further information on illiteracy in the United States and the “progressive education” and reading methods that have led to the decline in the skills of American students, see Erin Lynn Prophet’s exposé “Restoring Literacy,” delivered January 1, 1989 (see note 15).

7. Luke 12:48.

8. In his dictation on October 2, 1989, the Ascended Master Rex spoke of a rescue mission for youth. “All who would set free Ascended Master Youth and the youth of the world must understand that you will [have to] deal with and meet the challenge of all forces of Hell that have invaded their temples, all forces of drugs and [the others] of the nine heads of the hydra-headed beast....You have seen the degradation of the bodies, minds, souls and spirits of the youth of this planetary home even beyond [the] degradation that was seen at the time of Atlantis. There is not a dry eye among the angelic hosts who as they walk the streets and highways of the world contemplate the disintegration of the four lower bodies and the souls of those who have been taken over by drugs, by dialectical materialism, by World Communism, by greed, [by sensuality, and the bottomless pit of their desires]....The prayers for the youth must be affirmative prayers for [them to be] cut free [from] the addictions [that are] upon them and [for] their deliverance by holy angels....Call, beloved, for you have the maximum opportunity as never before to rescue souls, whom, I tell you, if they are not soon rescued will become castaways and only drift in outer darkness.”

9. In Greek mythology, the second of the twelve labors of Hercules was the slaying of the nine-headed Hydra of Lerna. The Hydra monster inhabited the swamp at Lerna, a holy district on the coast of Greece, terrorizing the area until Hercules was sent to kill it. Each time Hercules cut off one of the Hydra’s heads (one of which was immortal) two grew in its place until his nephew Iolaus brought him a burning brand to cauterize the necks and prevent new heads from sprouting. When all the heads had been cut off, Hercules buried the immortal head, still hissing, under a great rock. In teaching given on September 30, 1989, during The 12 Labors of Hercules, the Messenger explained that the nine-headed Hydra represents the International Capitalist/Communist Conspiracy and the Money Beast attacking the Lightbearers and youth through nine means. These are charted on the lines of the Cosmic Clock as follows:  12:00, Pornography; 1:00, Drugs; 2:00, Alcohol; 3:00, Nicotine; 4:00, Sugar; 5:00, Misuses of the Sacred Fire; 6:00, Rock Music; 7:00, Gossip; 8:00, Fantasy and Escapism. Through decrees and invocations to the hosts of the Lord, the Messenger and congregation began work on these nine perversions and the false hierarchies behind them opposing the victory of the Lightbearers throughout the planet. It is an ongoing labor that requires the continual fervent prayers of Keepers of the Flame.

10. The Thomas More School, sponsored by Keepers of the Flame, began in Bozeman, Montana, in 1988 and moved to the Community of Glastonbury in the fall of 1989. Dedicated to excellence in education, the school serves students from preschool through high school with a curriculum that includes instruction on Ascended Master law and incorporates Montessori and Doman teaching methods.

11. Pure religion undefiled before God. James 1:27.

12. See Sun Tzu, The Art of War (London:  Oxford University Press, 1963), available through Summit University Press.

13. For information on the Montessori and Doman methods, write Mrs. Nancy McNabb, Box A, Corwin Springs, MT 59021.

14. See vol. 32 no. 19, p. 215 n. 2.

15. Summit University Press albums and cassettes:

Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Education and the Attack on Youth

1.            Education in the Age of Aquarius 8-audiocassette album, A7616, 11 hr. 28 min.

2.            The Education of the Heart 16-audiocassette album, A83095, 23 hr.

3.            The Education of the Heart 2 audiocassettes, B8031-2, 1 hr. 48 min.

4.            The Freedom of the Child 4-audiocassette album, A83131, 5 hr. 30 min.

5.            The Key to Unlock the Genius of Your Child Lecture from Family Designs for the Golden Age. 2 audiocassettes, MTF7422-MTG7422, 1 hr. 22 min.

6.            New-Age Children–The Coming Avatars Lecture from Family Designs for the Golden Age. 2 audiocassettes, MTF7423-MTG7423, 1 hr. 17 min.

7.            The Manipulation of Youth:  Education and Family Life 2 audiocassettes, B7802-3, 1 hr. 30 min.

8.            The Attack on Youth:  Drugs, Alcohol, Nicotine, and Sugar 3 audiocassettes, B7800-2, 3 hr. 6 min.

9.            The Right to Live in the New Age:  Marijuana–The Death Drug 4-audiocassette album, A7928, 4 hr. 26 min.

Other Summit University Press Releases

10.          Restoring Literacy by Erin Lynn Prophet. 2 audiocassettes, A89006, 3 hr.

11.          How to Stimulate Your Child’s Brain Growth and Development with Andrew Pudewa. 4 audiocassettes, A88137.

12.          An Introduction to the Order/How the Order Controls Education with Antony Sutton. 2 audiocassettes, A85102, 1 hr. 15 min.; videocassette, 8410-01, 1 hr. 15 min.

13.          Rock and Roll in America:  Open Warfare by the Seed of Darkness upon the Children of Light by Sean C. Prophet. 4 audiocassettes, A87069, 5 hr. (See also 1987 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 30 no. 36, pp. 327-68).

16. Sanat Kumara, 1979 PoW, vol. 22 no. 14, pp. 82-86; Elizabeth Clare Prophet, 1989 PoW, vol. 32 no. 30, pp. 419-20.

17. Surya, 1985 PoW, vol. 28 no. 24, pp. 311, 318-19, 323.

18. See vol. 32 no. 23, p. 257 n. 4.