Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 34 No. 13 - Beloved Astrea - March 31, 1991


“I Enlist Your Help!”
Scouring Out Southern California
The Sword of Blue Flame
Cuts through the Astral Plane


I AM Astrea. I come to caress your souls. I come with legions of Light of our bands of the Fourth Ray. Ten thousand upon ten thousand angels of Light, all wielding the circle and sword of Astrea, gather in this city, beloved. They salute you!  They greet you!  Welcome them in their joy of Victory!  [43-second standing ovation]

Surely they have come on special assignment, beloved, for this is a coordinated effort between the hosts of the Lord and you who have formed a chalice. As your minds have concentrated in various degrees of concentration upon this music, <1>its vibration was used for the anchoring in the physical octave through you of a chalice of Light, of the fire of seraphim, of the action of the Great Kali, as you sometimes call me–the Great Blue Starry Mother, who does come, therefore, to clean out this city in all levels.

Beloved ones, we are here to cleanse the soul chakra of a nation and the nations. We have come for the binding of demons and discarnates who work ill against the entire population and the environment. We have come to rescue souls who ought not to be caught on the astral plane, who ought to be in the retreats of Light. We have come to unburden this city.

As I have told this Messenger, since this organization has quit the city <2>there has not been the [necessary] weekly cleansing at the Friday night service, inaugurated by the Goddess of Liberty under the Order of the Golden Lily. And therefore, the weight that many of you feel here is a weight of an accumulation of discarnates. They weigh upon you personally.

It is as though the entire city were packed–as packed as cans of sardines, as you would say–with discarnate entities, who have no reason to be here except [for the fact that] the Keepers of the Flame have not mustered in a concerted effort the whirlwind action of the circle and sword of blue flame to whisk them away!

Keepers of the Flame on planet earth, I address you:  These are the last times. Souls who cannot navigate out of the lower planes simply accumulate in that bewildered state or [else they are] caught in the grips of a deathly stranglehold by forces of Darkness. This planet could fare much better if you would take seriously [just] how important it is for you to come together in your groups wherever you can locate yourselves across this city and give those calls to me.

We are here, then, forty days and forty nights for the single purpose of scouring out this Southern California and beyond. Our mission extends to the whole planet. Understand, then, that the whole planet is affected by what goes on and what comes out of LA. So it is, beloved.

So you can see that a few hours of work can deliver you from burdens upon your bodies that cause ill health, that cause a loss of supply and the ability to deal with your lawful debts. These [conditions] moving against you come in the form of these entities, who siphon from you your light.

It is well, beloved, to give your investment [of spiritual energy] at that Friday night [Ascension Service]. This is the hour when the portals of octaves of Light open and our angels may escort many to those cubicles and schoolrooms where they will make much greater [soul] progress. Therefore, these having left the city, you will find that the winds of the Holy Spirit may bring to you good tidings of the Central Sun and angels and higher vibrations, and once again you will know the peace that you have known here before.

Beloved ones, we ask little and offer so much. If you would only give your call to me, to Astrea–that number 10.14 in your decree book, beloved–and give it daily with full fervor, you would see just what ten thousand-times-ten thousand legions of Astrea might do for you personally and for this city. After all, we have prophesied mitigation. That prophecy will come true only through our chelas, even our angels in embodiment.

Some of you are angels, beloved, most blessed, some of you children of the Light, others in the stature of sons and daughters of God. All of you on this path are precious. And each of you in your own evolution, drawing down our Light multiplied by your Christ Flame and Causal Body, will find fulfillment, giving much needed assistance to the evolutions here [and you] will find your own karmic load lightening. For as it has been said again and again, there is no greater way to balance karma than to join forces with one or more of the Ascended Masters and to diligently assist that one (or more) in fulfilling his purpose and cause.

I am one such feminine being of Light. I am a mother of ages. I have succored you and I have cared for this activity. And if you would know its secret, it is the daily determination of the members of this staff and those Keepers of the Flame throughout the world who keep the flame of Astrea that has kept this Community protected and free of infiltration by forces of Darkness. May you understand that it is well to keep a city, but begin with your own household. <3> Now be seated as I speak to you on this occasion of my outpouring of Love.

My Love comes as the blue lightning. It comes as the Ruby Ray mingling with it and the white fire. Thus you see, our colors appear as patriotic colors. We are patriots of a cosmos!  We are patriots who come forth from the Central Sun. We are lovers of freedom and we espouse that freedom on behalf of all souls.

Therefore, long ago I fashioned my circle and sword of blue flame, for no soul is free so long as unseen forces may attach themselves as barnacles to the aura, to the consciousness, to the organs of the body, draining light. This is no freedom, beloved!  And because they are all invisible, you imagine that the pains and the conditions and the adversities that you deal with are some product of the malfunctioning of your bodies. Well, the malfunctioning of your bodies is due to unseen energies and forces and vibrations. That is where you must begin.

Beloved hearts, I wield this ceremonial sword that you might understand that the teaching went forth long ago through Helena Blavatsky concerning the use of the physical sword to deal with malevolent spirits. <4>  This is what I desire to see you do, beloved.

Understand that when you take steel and the sharpened blade of steel, you will cut through malevolent spirits on the astral plane. You can wield this sword, beloved ones, and you will notice how the dark ones flee, how they hide under the bed and in the corner and rush to the basement when they see you come!

This sword, beloved, or a smaller one that is handy for travel, can be used by you when you enter public places, such as hotel rooms where you must rest. You first make your calls to Astrea to clear the records of that room. Beloved, you have no idea what takes place in hotel rooms and the records that are there.

I speak of life and death, beloved!  I speak of those who take their lives in suicide, who take drugs and bring with them teeming hundreds of entities of marijuana or cocaine.

And after the occupants leave, the room is cleaned, the beds are made, the linen is fresh, and you enter and you know not that you have entered a place that is literally crawling with all forms of entities.

You may wonder why you do not feel so well. You think it is the air. You think it is anything except the astral manifestation. Think never to lay your body to rest without taking that sword of blue flame, without taking its physical counterpart, calling to me and to Archangel Michael and other hosts of the Lord and asking that that entire place be cleared. You can so clear your home and forcefield.

Have you noticed how dogs seem to bark into the air in this direction and that and there is nothing there?  They see the astral plane!  They warn you!  They are your protectors. They many times have blue-lightning angels overshadowing them and they sense their mission in defense of your life.

Or perhaps you have noticed how you will have a sudden mood change. You may become angry. You may become sad. You may become depressed. Yes, it may be the product of medication or wrong diet; but more than this, the forces of Darkness produce these conditions. All is at peace and suddenly there is an explosion of argument and anger in confrontation within the family or between two individuals who love one another deeply.

All of these things must be seen by you objectively. You must come to the realization, beloved, that you are dealing with “principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.” <5>This verse refers to hierarchies of fallen angels with whom you deal daily. They move against your most cherished hopes and dreams and dash the cup of light before you can drink the elixir handed to you by a seraphim of God.

Thus, beloved, it was taught very clearly and is known in the ancient traditions of the adepts that the discarnate entities <6>that are malevolent may be injured by the blade of stainless steel. And therefore, they may be cut in two, they may be bound by that action of the sword. You must understand that this is a spiritual work and not a physical, and yet this does span the physical and the astral [planes].

When you see children having tantrums, remember to check their sugar levels and do not let them overeat sugar or even fruit itself. Their energies will drop, the entities will ride in. You can clear them of entities but you must also clear them of their vulnerability to these energy drops that they might not be therefore vulnerable to discarnate entities.

This [steel sword] is what you wield at your Friday night services. This is what you use.

Beloved ones, do you have a loved one who is burdened by any form of addiction to drugs or alcohol or nicotine or even sugar itself?  If you do, beloved, and this person is not on the Path and would not understand [how to make the] call, I say to you, find the sharpest and most recent photograph of that one, even taking that one’s picture, [or better yet] have a photograph taken of yourself standing with that loved one.

Then place that photograph, eight by ten, large enough, on your altar and take that sword and cut around it daily as you call for that one to be delivered of every single demon or discarnate that is siphoning that one’s light, that is taking light while enjoying the addiction through that [one’s] body.

As you have understood and heard this day, these drug entities [that hang on to] discarnate entities who [themselves] were addicts before they passed from the screen of life and entered the astral plane (and this applies to alcoholics and alcohol entities as well) do tie into [the lifestream] and lock into the spinal cord at the back of the neck of the addict in physical embodiment. There could be as many as one hundred discarnate entities latching on to a single individual!

If you could see this, beloved, your compassion would burn within your heart and you would understand why that loved one has not the ability or the strength to move away from that addiction; for each time that one will try to be free, along come the entities projecting into his emotional body, into his physical body and brain the desire and the need to partake of that substance again.

I tell you, the purveying of drugs throughout this nation is surely a conspiracy of fallen angels of other planetary systems to destroy the opportunity of the Lightbearers to merge their minds with Christ. Understand such a warfare of Light and Darkness. It is Armageddon in full swing as the youth of the world are crucified in the streets of the world.

I need your help!  I enlist your help!  I say, try me. See what will take place when you use the circle and sword of blue flame!  See how a hundred entities can be bound by our legions in answer to your call, as you give that decree to Astrea. I am the Starry Mother. You will see how that loved one can be cut free and kept free and how that one will return to the dignity of a child of Light and find his mission before it is too late.

How I have stood by mothers and fathers who have wept because of drug-related deaths or suicides!  Would to God they would have known this teaching!  Would to God that the ministers in the churches would have accepted it!

Beloved ones, they [the false pastors] know it is true but they are threatened to the very roots and foundations of their powered and moneyed positions and therefore they do not yield–they do not yield to woman, beloved. Because a woman has been the instrument of this teaching in this hour, they will have none of it!  This is the false hierarchy of males. The true hierarchy of males, of whom you are a part, beloved, is the hierarchy of sons of God who truly embody the Masculine Ray and the Alpha flame.

Thus, my beloved, if you would keep the vigil for a loved one or a number of loved ones, know that the power of the [circle and] sword [of blue flame] will work as you pray for them each day and for every other child of God on this planet who is similarly enslaved!

I, Astrea, make you this offer:  Pray for your loved ones, put as many photographs as you like upon your altar. And when you pray for them, pray also for all others upon this planet who can be delivered by Astrea. I will place my Electronic Presence over all of them, a billion times over if needed and more. This is the capacity of a Cosmic Being [who is one with God, hence fully God in manifestation]. I need only the call of single hearts on earth.

Mothers and fathers and teachers and citizens of planet earth, I appeal to you!  God has endowed me with the power to deliver the pure in heart and all upon this planet!  May your voice utter the spoken Word that is needed.

Do you understand the principle, beloved, that we must have those in physical embodiment to speak the decree [in the power of] the spoken Word?  If they do not do it, if you do not do it, we are not authorized to enter this octave. This is your octave, this physical octave, and what happens in it is up to you and the call you will make. God has given you [two things–]free will and planet earth. He will not take back that free will by entering in to do [for you] those things which you are ordained of him to do.

Your call to us compels the answer from our realm of Light. We come instantaneously. We await it!  We nudge you!  We give you the thoughtform to take out your decree books. The single prayer, beloved, will authorize us to help a million souls. If you cannot give the decree to Astrea thirty-six times, give it three times, but give it rather than not give it at all.

I extend my right hand to you now, first and foremost.  I wield this sword and from it there does go forth at inner levels Light rays that pierce through you, delivering you of many substances of which you have no knowledge, substances that burden you, ties to the underworld that you need not retain. This I do, beloved, and I do it again and again through the Messenger at the altar of the Holy Grail at the Royal Teton Ranch in Montana. This is the mighty work of the ages. It has been the work of mystics in all centuries.

Look at yourselves in this room. This body of Lightbearers, not vast but concentrated, focused and dedicated, can mean the deliverance of a city and a planet. This is in your hands. This is in your hearts.

God will not coerce you or force you in any way, because the joy of free will is truly the joy of cosmos, and that joy is the motor of life. That you can decide to do or not to do, to be or not to be, that surely is the greatest nobility in the universe–that you may walk in the dignity of your right decisions and learn the consequences of your wrong ones and know that you may undo the wrong and replace them with the right as God does guide you and as you learn and become the wise ones, taking wise dominion over yourselves.

With God nothing is impossible to you. <7> This you must hear and you must know it!  And this you must affirm, even to the very depths of the subconscious and the unconscious, whose programming has limited you for many a year. Speak it into the heart of every problem:


      With God, my Mighty I AM Presence, nothing is impossible to me!  Therefore I shall do his will through the heart of Astrea and set a planet and a soul of a nation free!

      This is my vow. This is my prayer at the altar of the Most High God. This I give for all those who give their lives in the Middle East and everywhere upon earth. Regardless of the side or allegiance, let all servants of God know that I stand with them this day with the sword of Astrea to cut them free and to defend their right to life in this octave!

      Therefore, O God, I bow to the cause of peace and I demand the exposure of the causes of war that are not legitimate, are not moral and are not decreed by the King of kings and Lord of lords.

   This city was once a part of ancient Lemuria. Many lifestreams have returned to finish what they did not finish in the Motherland. First and foremost, for the conclusion of the purpose of that age, the Mother must return in full manifestation on planet earth. That [representative of the] Divine Mother [who was called to keep Her flame on Lemuria] was denied incarnation and retreated to higher octaves. Little by little in these centuries of the long night of woman, that Mother has appeared. She is appearing

through her sons, through her daughters, through her avatars.

As you become more and more the expression of the Mother, the cycle shall come full circle. The return of the age of the Mother and of the Holy Spirit, this is the sign of Aquarius. Let mothers and fathers equally manifest her presence, and all people. And may you exercise her presence in defense of all little ones.

I tell you again as you have heard it [before], none are so crucified upon earth in this day as the little children!  Little children in every nation–they are bereft of the true love of the living Christ and the Divine Mother.

Feed them!  Console them!  Teach them!  Teach them how to read and write. Teach them the inner sensitivities of the heart. Teach them to know angels and elementals–gnomes, salamanders, undines, sylphs–all those who service the garden of God upon earth. Teach children to be sensitive to Mother Earth, to balance their bodies, to tie into their intuitive faculties [in order that they might] be the full expression of the Mother.

Guard them, beloved. Their inner sight is assaulted through television. Their bodies are destroyed by a high content of sugar and caffeine in the drinks that they drink.

O blessed ones, without the strength of a balanced physical body strengthening the mind, where shall the chalice of that child appear when he comes to his teenage years and later on?  If the body have not the strength and the balance, the soul’s option for Christhood may be lost for an entire lifetime.

Take care of these little ones. They are your leaders and your fathers and mothers of tomorrow. O feed my sheep, these souls who come trustingly; yet parents and teachers often know not what they do in not dealing with them as they should.

I am Astrea. I will not leave you. This experiment that we bring, this opportunity for Lightbearers in this entire area, will be exceeded by another more grand with greater options if you take up this one and make good on it. Thus are initiations given to those who take them. Thus are they idle when souls cannot respond.

All is in your hands, beloved, in this hour. May you know the fruition of your Inner Christ.

I am always your Starry Mother. My legions come in answer to your call. They are responsible for a high percentage of your victories and your progress on the Path, for they continually keep you cleared of forces not benign.

My beloved, how much you are loved!  May you sing my decree to me that I might do some inner work for you before I move to higher octaves.


The Messenger:

Let us turn in our Heart, Head, and Hand booklet to the Astrea decree and sing it. From this moment till the music begins, you may make your calls to Astrea. [Congregation gives calls to Astrea.]


Decree to
Beloved Mighty Astrea


In the name of the beloved Mighty Victorious Presence of God I AM in me, Mighty I AM Presence and Holy Christ Selves of Keepers of the Flame, Lightbearers of the world and all who are to ascend in this life, by and through the magnetic power of the sacred fire vested in the Threefold Flame burning within my heart, I call to beloved Mighty Astrea and Purity, Archangel Gabriel and Hope, beloved Serapis Bey and the seraphim and cherubim of God, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life–fire, air, water and earth!  to lock your cosmic circles and swords of blue flame in, through, and around my four lower bodies, my electronic belt, my heart chakra and all of my chakras, my entire consciousness, being and world.

Cut me loose and set me free!  (3x) from all that is less than God’s perfection and my own divine plan fulfilled.


O beloved Astrea, may God Purity
Manifest here for all to see,
God’s divine Will shining through
Circle and sword of brightest blue.


Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Blaze now, raise now, shine right through!


Cutting life free from patterns unwise,
Burdens fall off while souls arise
Into thine arms of infinite Love,
Merciful shining from heaven above.


Circle and sword of Astrea now shine,
Blazing blue-white my being refine,
Stripping away all doubt and fear,
Faith and good will patterns appear.


Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Raise our youth now, blaze right through!


Come now answer this my call,
Lock thy circle round us all.
Circle and sword of brightest blue,
Raise mankind now, shine right through!

   And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest!  (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!  Beloved I AM!

Note: To sing this decree, use the following pattern: verse one, chorus one; verse two, chorus two; verse three, chorus three. To offer this decree as a prayer, begin with the preamble, then give the entire decree once through, using the first chorus after each verse. Give it a second time, beginning with the first verse and using the second chorus after each verse. Give it a third time, using the third chorus after each verse. Repeat this pattern as many times as you like, then conclude with “And in full Faith...”


 This dictation by the Elohim Astrea was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, February 18, 1991, at the Los Angeles Hilton and Towers. Astrea’s dictation is available with Lady Master Nada’s on videocassette (120 min., HP91038). Each dictation is also available separately on audiocassette:  Nada (67 min., B91051); Astrea (71 min., B91052). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Astrea’s direction for clarity in the written word.]

1. The first movement of the Piano Concerto in A Minor by Edvard Grieg was played before Astrea’s dictation.

2. Following the sale of its Los Angeles property, Camelot, in July 1986, Church Universal and Triumphant moved its international headquarters to the Royal Teton Ranch, Montana. The move from Camelot to the ranch was completed April 8, 1987.

3. Prov. 16:32.

4. Malevolent spirits and the sword. Helena Blavatsky in Isis Unveiled writes, “Some daimons, or elementary spirits, are afraid of sword, knife, or any thing sharp.”  In her teaching on this phenomenon Blavatsky quotes from “De Daemon” by Psellus:  “Any hard substance striking them can make them sensible to pain; and though their bodies be made neither of solid nor firm substance, they feel it the same....If you divide him in two, he will feel the pain as would any living man....One thing, however, distinguishes him from the living man, viz.:  that when a man’s limbs are once divided, their parts cannot be reunited very easily. But, cut a demon in two, and you will see him immediately join himself together....But every rent made in [his body] causes him pain nevertheless. That is why daimons dread the point of a sword or any sharp weapon. Let those who want to see them flee try the experiment.”  (Isis Unveiled, vol. 1, Science, pp. 362, 363)

5. Eph. 6:12.

6. When the Elohim Astrea speaks of using a sword to “cut through” discarnate entities, the entities she is referring to are conglomerates of misqualified energy or disembodied individuals who have chosen to embody evil. Astrea is not referring in general to individuals who have passed on and are on the astral plane. As a rule, the sword is not used on disembodied individuals but may be used in self-defense if one is attacked by a disembodied person who, for instance, is a murderer or vampire. Entities that are focuses of sinister forces may attack disembodied as well as embodied individuals. There are many different kinds of discarnate entities, such as the entities of liquor (Spirita and Spiritus); marijuana (Delta 9/Cannabis Sativa); suicide (Annihla); anger (Infurio and Riptide); gossip (Carpia and Harpia); fear (Phobia); depression (Depressa and Manik); gambling (Luciana); and weeping (Weepa).

7. Luke 1:37; 18:27; Matt. 19:26; Mark 10:27.