Class of the Resurrection Lightning
Rise to the Higher Calling in God!
Salvation through My Sacred Heart
The Fire of Pentecost
for the Judgment of Abortion and the Abortionist
It is I. I AM come this day to show thee my Body of Light–no longer the nail prints, no longer the marks of the crucifixion, for I AM in the Light and the glory of the living Christ, whom God has placed where you are as I AM.
I AM that living Christ come to you and I come to my own who have the temple of the heart and would bid me enter.
I AM the Faithful and True. <1> My armies with me, I descend this day for the Resurrection and the Life of all souls seeking entrance [to the physical octave] through the portals of birth. We come to support woman and her mission in bringing forth the Divine Manchild in every child whom God has made.
I AM Jesus, your Master, and you may call me Rabboni <2>if you will. I come, beloved, in answer to the Call, the heartfelt calls of millions who desire to undo the curse of death upon woman that has now these eighteen years <3>been extended to the child in her womb, that portion of herself more precious even than her own soul: the soul who should become even the living, breathing awareness of Almighty God.
I come to bind the Death Rider through you, beloved. May you be the voice of the ones who have been silenced, who wait and who weep and who mourn a lost opportunity to be at your side, to be as children in your arms, to be in my churches throughout the world this day and in those of religions other than Christianity.
They long to be cradled by mothers and fathers. May it be so. May it come to pass, as you have prayed, that all souls who have been aborted may now be received because the people are awakened, because there is enlightenment by the Holy Spirit!
And I promise you that on the day of Pentecost 1991<17> you shall know the descent of the Holy Ghost with the full fire of the judgment upon the seed of the wicked<18> who have descended from Herod to snuff out the Christ Flame in those who come to rescue a world and are denied entrance by their hand.
I promise you that on the day of Pentecost, if you will prepare yourselves, you shall receive some glory of my Causal Body of Light and you shall keep it if you are ready to keep it. And you will know the empowerment of the Holy Spirit <4> as the disciples knew it, as the apostles knew it, as the inner circle knew it.
Empowered by that Spirit, you shall do what others have not done and that is to turn around the consciousness of the nation and the nations.
I, Jesus, call you. Feed these my lambs and deliver them to their earthly habitation! Let the abode that is the temple of man and woman be sanctified! Let it be purified and let the uses of the sacred fire be purified. And let there be the knowledge of the Lord within this temple, which is my temple.
For my house has become a den of thieves! <5> And I cast the moneychangers (who run their abortion mills) out of the temple of the living God! For they have committed the sin against the Holy Ghost that is not forgiven until it be forsaken and forsaken ten thousand times ten thousand. They have much to do ere they shall be received as one of these my little ones.
Blessed hearts of Light, I enlist you in the army of Christed ones to go forth and claim life on behalf of those who are helpless. I ask you and I implore you with the same fervor with which I implored Peter: Will you feed my lambs? <6> [“Yes!”]
My beloved, it is a higher calling and I tell you of this higher calling. For to stand in defense of life and not be moved and not descend into fanaticism or anger or hate and hate creation but to manifest the fullness of the living Christ that is the fire of the Divine Mother and even the “wrath” of the Great Kali–this is to have the center of God-free being! And it does come, beloved, because you pray on your knees to me for my Sacred Heart to be your own heart.
This is the day of salvation through that Heart. If you desire to win this Victory, and win it fully, that a nation and many nations might be spared the karma of the murder of their own children, then I say to you, you must have the engrafted Word! <7>
You must have my Sacred Heart. You must desire this burning heart within you and visualize it within your own breast and know that that fire burning will be a sign unto all those who are of Antichrist. And the line of division will be drawn, even more than you have seen it drawn before.
Beloved ones, to succeed in the defense of life demands that you espouse the higher calling in God and in Christ and that you be willing to sacrifice “all these things” for that calling!
I tell you, those who have mouthed the right words have not been willing to sacrifice the human consciousness to win the Victory. And therefore the forces who speak in my name do not have the fervor of my flame and they have not succeeded in preventing 25 million abortions in the United States of America in these eighteen years!
Blessed ones, know it, and know it well: we come upon a threshold [in the abortion of human life such] that should this continue and continue and continue, God will not spare the karma of a mighty people. For as you have been taught, the Lord God prefers that the chastisement be upon those whom he loves that they not be allowed to advance their [unjust] cause any longer, lest in so advancing it they might believe that their cause is just. Therefore the Law, the Law itself,<19> must [chasten the children of God and] stop the evildoer.
And those who would marshal themselves in defense of life must also know that they have not done enough or given enough or risen to the true heart of my beloved Saint Joseph–my true and noble father. They have not risen to claim his violet flame and to use it.
They have not called upon Saint Michael the Archangel with the necessary fervor that his legions might be empowered by those in embodiment to go forth to slay this dragon of Antichrist that does devour the holy innocents and beings of great Light who have endeavored to enter into the community of nations but who have been forbidden–forbidden by the fallen ones and that ignorance that is still all-pervading through the nations [concerning the crime of abortion].
And those who are the blind are they who will not see my own life in every newborn child. Lo, it is I! And I smile at you through the eyes of the newborn babe. And therefore those who would deny me have done so [by aborting that babe], yet they are they which testify of me. <8>
Let those liberal clergy in all nations and in all world religions who have denied the life of God in the offspring of his sons and daughters know that they shall face the judgment of the false teachers and the false pastors and the false prophets, and they shall not escape their karma!
Suffer, then, the little children to come unto me and unto you. Let there be the “Life Begets Life” family counseling centers. And if you will, take counsel together to form adoption agencies that you might offer to receive children of those who are not able to keep their babes [and give them to those who will love and care for them].
Blessed ones, there need to be offices, there need to be adjuncts to our Teaching Centers and Study Groups where the information of the Ascended Masters [on “Life Begets Life”], of Saint Germain concerning the soul, and such teachings as the Messenger has given to you [on abortion] <9>are taught to those who come. You need to put a sign on your door and let it be known that you are there to counsel others [concerning the sanctity of life from conception].
There are many mental health practitioners and psychologists in this Community. There are those of the professions who can serve and give of their free time on a part-time basis to counsel young women and families and to assist them in [family] planning <10> and show them the reality of the continuity of the soul. [They can teach them] that the soul needs and desires and is ordained by God to come into embodiment at that moment, that cosmic moment in eternity that is ordained for that one by my Father and by my Mother, [who are] also your Father and your Mother.
For we are of one seed and that seed is the eternal Christ; and to deny it in yourself is to deny it in me, and to deny it in me is to prevent it from manifesting in yourself, beloved.
And therefore let the false doctrines come tumbling down! And let the false doctrine that the soul is created at the moment of conception be stripped of its “reality”! And let us go back to first principles. Let us go back to Origen. <11> Let us go back to my words written in akasha, which come to you by the Holy Spirit.
Every one of you may receive by the Holy Spirit–if you will sacrifice [in order] to receive that Holy Spirit–my words originally spoken and written in the sand, written in akasha. Your Holy Christ Self is one with my Christ. There is but one universal Body of Christ, in which we all share, and therefore my words are already written in your heart. So the Holy Spirit may deliver them. So your Messenger may interpret them.
But the Lord God is speaking to his people this day and I AM speaking to their hearts! And they must be shown the folly of their ways in the squandering of the Light that is in their chakras. They must hear the Word of the Lord! They must see the Lord himself! And they must live because they both hear and see and have the witness! <12> And you do have the witness as the testimony of myself.
Therefore, you who know the Everlasting Gospel that I deliver in this age for all time, you who know what doctrines must be stripped from those individuals who are devout and yet know not their limitation and the limitation that has been put upon them by orthodoxy, you, beloved, must rise to the higher calling this day!
I have called you for many a month and many a year. Understand that there is a ceiling upon those [serving under the yoke of orthodoxy] who would serve me and love me and who would save my own. It is the prejudice of the mind. It is the fear to believe those things that I speak to them in their hearts, fear that they will be found in disfavor with the Church.
Blessed hearts, let us love this day! Let us enter the love feast! And let us release such a powerful love that it does cast out fear <13> in those who are desiring to seek me and know me and to walk on the road to Emmaus with me <14>–and who would walk out of their churches and follow me down the highways of life to bring in those souls who can yet save an age and can yet put to an end the very possibility of nuclear war and earth changes and all of those karmic predictions that will surely come, I tell you, if this nation does not stop the practice of abortion, legalized and government-sponsored and [tax-]supported abortion.
Blessed hearts, it is the karma of a people. It is becoming heavy and heavier until no power will be able to stop it from descending.
Therefore if you have love for those in embodiment who have been led astray [by the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize abortion] and love for those young women who are bringing forth babes, even at an early age, as Mary did bring me forth from her womb, [you must see to it that] these young ones know the Truth, for the Truth is in their hearts. They need be told only once. For these young maidens, beloved, are surely of my Heart and surely desire to truly know me.
I present myself to them, beloved, and I present myself to them through you. They must have a teaching they can understand. They must have a spiritual path instead of a path that is of a dead ritual. Religion is not necessarily spirituality. Therefore let the spiritual path be opened unto them! Let their spiritual eyes be opened!
So many of them have the courage to carry their young ones in the face of all adversity and obligations. Blessed hearts, I praise the angels who tend them and their pure hearts who are bringing forth souls. And they are bringing forth souls of Light and many of them are being reared in homes where there is Light and where there is opportunity.
This is the hour indeed to be on your knees daily in prayer unto my Mother that you might have from her again the empowerment of the Immaculate Heart. It is the day and the hour to do penance on behalf of the sin of a nation, to atone for that sin by speaking the Word and preaching it.
Do not fear the reaction of the world! Do not fear to become unpopular! Do not fear to be put down! Only call upon me and upon Archangel Michael and the hosts of the Lord for your protection and the protection of the ears and the hearts who must know this truth!
For they are thirsting for it, they are hungering after this truth and they must know that that soul is integral to that body, to that mind, to that memory, to that sheath of desire, all coming together in that embryo, in that fetus in the womb, beloved.
Now I say to you, if this entire momentum of Death and Hell be turned around, nothing shall be impossible to the Church of God upon earth, to his people! For this [abortion of unborn children] is the most deadly of all plots against humanity and the children of Light. It is greater than nuclear war itself, for the destruction of the nucleus of life that is God is the most horrendous crime that is (or can be) practiced, that is (or can be) committed against the backdrop of eternity.
Before it is too late, beloved, I say to you, take my staff this day, take my hand. I shall walk with you.
I AM he! I AM Jesus and I will keep my promise. I will be at your side in the defense of life–all life, any part of life. Wherever you defend the right of life to be the full expression of God in embodiment in a healthy body, a harmonious home and on a path of Light, wherever you defend the right of the individual to know the truth of my message of all ages that is the path of the resurrection and the ascension in the Light, I will be with you! This is my promise. May you not lose it by departing into old patterns.
Therefore I commune with you as you pray now on your knees to be delivered of the ancient patterns of going astray from the Christ into the human consciousness. [Congregation kneels.]
My angels come and attend you and the angels of Magda come. And now, beloved, know the presence of my legions. For they themselves are masterful beings and they serve your soul, they guard your soul.
In this hour surrender your burdens, your cares, your anxieties, your fears of the future, beloved–your fears of your yesterdays coming again and your resistance to taking the next step on the Path, which will require new levels of commitment of your own self-mastery, your expanding heart and less and less regard unto the selfish self.
O soul of mine, O soul of mine, I speak to you, each one. You are my brides. You are my beloved. I would hold you in the Master-disciple relationship. I say, let there be permanent change wrought this day! I, Jesus, declare it unto you.
It is by the power of my resurrection flame released this day from the Great Central Sun that you are healed! And I, Jesus, say to you, you are healed in this hour if you will accept it.
Accept it, beloved. Call unto me! Call unto God now! And do not be ashamed, for you are in the Temple Beautiful in the etheric octave in this moment and you may receive blessings without limit. [The congregation offers individual calls unto Jesus and unto God for blessings without limit.]
I now command you in the name of my God and your God: Rise in the newness of your Christhood! Rise in the wonder and the glory of the Christ Presence above you! See how your souls are clothed with garments of light, dressed by angels.
May you know the meaning of the higher walk with God. May you hold that footstep and hold that word and that thought and that feeling. Release it into the violet flame; but do not take a backward step, do not fall into the old patterns.
Struggle if you must, strive if you will to overcome the patterns of the past. Self-correct! Call to me! Call to your Holy Christ Self! For I have said to you, “Occupy till I come.” <15>
Therefore you may call to me and say, “O Jesus, my Lord and my Master, occupy my mind! Occupy my memory body! Occupy my heart! Occupy my soul! Occupy my temple, my physical body that is prepared for thee!”
And you may call to your Holy Christ Self to enter into these tabernacles of being, to enter and prepare the way for me, even as you serve as my assistant, as the handmaid of the Lord, that you might receive that Christ in your heart.
I pray that you will know that dispensations from God are limited according to your own self-limitation when you do not receive our Word and rise to it and understand that a dictation itself is the pinnacle: it is the crown upon the recitation of prayer and dynamic decrees and mantras and the imploring of God.
It is a fulfillment, beloved. And therefore when you would receive again and again the Light released in my words, offer prayers and psalms and place yourself in the highest attunement, that the blessing might come unto you by your devotions again and again [as you replay the tapes of my dictations].
Our dictations are rituals in themselves, the worded release only serving to anchor in your heart the meaning of the great Light <20>that does shower upon you and does shower upon you again and again. These dictations are rituals, they are services, they are rosaries, even to the point where you [come to] know them by heart and recite them, therefore enjoining and being enjoined by the Lord, who does speak through the Brethren<21> to you.
Know, then, beloved, [that in our dictations] you have precious cups of Light. To activate them again and again is truly to understand that each one does provide you with that ascending spiral staircase whereby the soul does mount those steps one by one from the seat-of-the-soul chakra to the very heart of hearts and the secret chamber of the heart, where the living Christ does dwell.
Lo, I will come to you! Lo, understand that the meeting place is the nexus where the Messenger stands between myself and yourself. It is the point of the Christ contact. To ascend to that place, beloved, means that you also may receive, in the great re-creation of that living Word, that Light and blessing and that healing forever and forever.
Let these dictations become recitations. Let them become your psalms. And know that the power from on high that we release in this hour comes as a dispensation in fulfillment of the hours of prayers that you offer for humanity.
Blessed ones, now is truly the time. It is the time indeed for you to cast forth the net of the consciousness that you have carefully woven by your prayers and to know that the power of God is able to tear down the erroneous teaching [of orthodoxy] that has been held too long, that is the teaching of man and not of God.
Therefore, bring in the nets! Bring in the fishes! Feed my sheep, beloved! They are there. They are waiting. They are suffering. They are dying in every nation. May you not forget to offer the prayer whereby they might be taken to octaves of Light to make progress on the Path before they must descend again, once again to enter the battle of Armageddon.
For so many upon earth life and death are just a line apart. May you know how many suffer in this hour and now give of your hearts in the greatest love the world has ever known. And that love is the love of Christ and my disciples–Christ and my disciples.
“O drink of the fount from which I have drunk and be like me!”–the words recorded by Thomas that I spake. <16> Let them become your words. When one does acknowledge your Light, say to that one: “I have drunk from the fount of the Mighty I AM Presence, truly the I AM THAT I AM. I have drunk from the fount of my Holy Christ Self. I have drunk from the heart of my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. I am filled! Wilt thou be filled, O friend? Come and drink with me, and now come and dine.”
Thus offer the friend in the way my cup, my bread, my Heart. But above all, do not leave him without the Teaching, beloved, for without it he will be led astray again and again.
Now my angels come to overshadow your Communion servers that you might receive this bread and wine, which I now bless with this prayer to my Father-Mother God:
O Alpha and Omega, I AM THAT I AM thyself below as Above and in these bodies of mine, which [make up the] one Mystical Body. And I include the Mystical Body of all Christendom who have been infired of the heart. Therefore, let the Body of Christ worlds without end be One. Let the whole Body of Christ receive, then, my Blood, my Body. |
Therefore, by the great law of transubstantiation, this wine and this bread is now become myself as I charge it with the Light of Alpha and Omega.
Drink ye all of it, beloved. Accept all of the mission or none of it!
The hour is late and the fallen ones plot again and again the crucifixion of the Christ in you and in the tiny babe in the womb.
The hour is late, beloved. It is too late to be a halfhearted disciple. It is the hour when the King of kings and the Lord of lords, it is the hour when Sanat Kumara, the Ancient of Days, does approach and there is the sifting of hearts and souls.
Go all out for the mission and behold my Presence with you! This Communion is for your sending to the farthest corners of the earth and to your own backyard.
I AM Jesus, always with you, and I say, “Onward, Christian soldiers!”
Receive ye now Holy Communion and tarry for the receiving of the Holy Ghost as never before on this Pentecost 1991.
[Holy Communion is served.]
This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Easter Sunday, March 31, 1991, during the five-day Class of the Resurrection Lightning held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The Messenger’s scriptural reading prior to Jesus’ dictation was John 21. Jesus’ dictation is available with the dictations of the Fourteen Ascended Masters Who Govern the Destiny of America, Saint Germain, and the Ascended Lady Master Magda on videocassette (152 min., GP91049) and on audiocassette (183 min., A91058). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Jesus’ direction for clarity in the written word.] Throughout these notes PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom.
2. John 20:16.
5. Matt. 21:12, 13; Mark 11:15-17; Luke 19:45, 46.
6. John 21:15-17.
7. The engrafted Word. James 1:21. See also Jesus Christ, December 25, 1985, and Lord Maitreya, January 1, 1986, in 1986 PoW, Book I, pp. 112-15, 206-12.
8. John 5:39.
9. On March 30, 1991, the Messenger conducted an all-day seminar, “Life Begets Life,” on the right to life and the Ascended Masters’ teachings on abortion. The five-part seminar included: Part 1, “Abortion from the Perspective of the Soul”; Part 2, “The Abortion of the Divine Plan of a Soul”; Part 3, “The Stages of Fetal Development”; Part 4, “Methods of Abortion”; and Part 5, “What Does the Child Feel during an Abortion?” (delivered April 3, 1991). The Messenger discussed the erroneous beliefs that support abortion and gave key teaching on the soul’s integration with the physical body and what the soul experiences in an abortion. She showed videoclips of interviews with former abortionists and footage, recorded with ultrasound equipment, of the fetus at various stages of development and during abortion. The “Life Begets Life” seminar is available on audiocassette (259 min., A91060) and will soon be available on videocassette. For information on how you can conduct the “Life Begets Life” seminar in your home town, contact the Office of Ministry at the Royal Teton Ranch. Essential to your understanding of the issues and to your seminar are the following films, excellent in their content: Ultrasound: “A Window to the Womb,“ Educational Center for Life, 28 min.; The Miracle of Life, WGBH Educational Foundation, 60 min.; The Silent Scream, American Portrait Films, 28 min.; Eclipse of Reason, Bernadell, Inc., 27 min.; and Meet the Abortion Providers, Pro-Life Action League, 58 min. Order through Summit University Press.
10. Family planning. In a dictation given October 3, 1965, the Goddess of Liberty stated the position of the Karmic Board on family planning: “You ought not to bring forth more children than you are able to care for and for whom you may adequately express your love.” Those in the pro-choice movement say that a woman should be able to choose whether or not to have a child. As the Messenger stated in her “Life Begets Life” seminar, March 30, 1991, “We all agree but we also must state that she makes her choice before conception–not after. We have better and better birth-control methods. And the time to decide whether you are going to participate in the creative process is never after conception. Abortion is not a birth-control method.”
11. The third-century Christian theologian Origen of Alexandria, an embodiment of the Messenger Mark L. Prophet, taught the doctrine of the preexistence of the soul. See Origen, On First Principles, 2.9.5-8, trans. G. W. Butterworth (Gloucester, Mass.: Peter Smith, 1973), pp. 133-37; Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Lost Teachings of Jesus I, pp. 38-41; The Lost Teachings of Jesus II, pp. 112, 542 n. 55.
12. John 5:25.
13. I John 4:17, 18.
14. Luke 24:13-35.
15. Luke 19:13.
16. Gospel of Thomas, logia 13, 108, in James M. Robinson, ed., The Nag Hammadi Library in English, 3d ed., rev. (New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1990), pp. 127, 137, paperback, available through Summit University Press.
17. May 19, 1991.
18. seed of the Wicked One
19. the Lawgiver embodied in his law of karma
20. Christ consciousness
21. the Ascended Masters
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