Lo! Lo! Lo! Let the full fire of your Mighty I AM Presence descend. Descend now! O come forth, thou purging fire! After the purging rain, so let there be the purging fire and the purging wind for the purging of the mind and the soul and the heart!
Wherefore did you come to the mount of Zarathustra if you did not reckon to receive the fire?
Therefore, welcome my fire, beloved, and thereby open your heart to me. For I come to perform a service unto your soul and unto your spirit, Atman, yet imprisoned in your temple.
I smile, beloved, for no one welcomes me.
[36-second standing ovation. Congregation gives the salutation:]
Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra!
Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra!
Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra!
Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra!
Hail, Zarathustra! Hail, Zarathustra!...
Ho! Ho! Ho! Now, beloved, by your welcome I gain necessary entrée to your heart. And truly I come from the heart of Helios and Vesta that I might give you fire for fire. And even if you have so little or none, yet I shall deliver the fire. Thus, be still in your seats now.
I ask you to meditate upon the chakras and to know that the all-consuming fire of God is just that: it is all-consuming. It is like the mighty sculptor. It does chisel away only that portion that was never real in the first place.
Oh, how I love the fire! Be fearless before the fire, beloved ones. Oh, be fearless! For in the day and in the night the gentle caressing of the flame of God and the rainbow rays—this is a great protection, this is a point for acceleration, this is Life’s all-transfiguring, all-resurrecting flame. The flame is Life! Extinguish the flame: no God, no manifestation.
Fire is central to the worship of all peoples of all time, for it is, after all, the gift of Ahura Mazda. Yes, beloved, it was the gift of Sanat Kumara when all the fires of all the hearts of all the people who had so degenerated on planet earth were self-extinguished.
Therefore, hollowed-out man we found when we came from his home star. Hollowed-out man we found, hollowed-out woman, hollowed-out child. It was a day and an hour when, as you know, the Cosmic Council had decided to cancel [opportunity for earth’s evolutions], to extinguish the planet itself as a failed experiment. But who [of the Council] could turn down the beloved Sanat Kumara, who did come offering his flame, offering to kindle the hearts of earth one by one?
Therefore none [of his devotees from Venus, his home star,] would allow him to go alone. Many did volunteer [to go with him] <1> and many of those volunteers [who reincarnated in this era] do gather [today] on the mountain here in this place.
You have been pursuing the fire and the fiery ones for aeons upon aeons. Now you know so much about the flame. You know the workings of the violet flame. You know the Dhyani Buddhas and that they do deliver the flames of the five secret rays. Yes, beloved, the flame, its coloration, its vibration, the level that it is native to—all these things you have become sensitized to and you are becoming more sensitive to daily.
You understand the harmonies of the flames, the rays of the flames, their acceleration and how they bless the body and the body cells, and this (which you know at inner levels and somewhat on the outer far more than many upon earth) does make you candidates to come to my retreat, to come to that place prepared that is a mighty retreat that is a replica of the secret chamber of the heart, your very own heart. <2>
I look forward to welcoming you there, beloved ones, yet I have not released the whereabouts of this retreat, nor shall I. For when you make attunement with your own heart, beloved ones, and when you are in that heart as the devotee of the God within your heart, then so know and so understand: you shall not be able to avoid reaching that retreat of mine that is the [replica of the] secret chamber of the heart. Thus, I will tell you one thing. It is deep within the mountains. But which mountains, beloved, you will have to discover for yourselves.
Now I come for the preparation of your beings to be, oh, so sensitized to the Maha Chohan, to the Holy Spirit, to many who are unknown to you who are in the higher octaves as Buddhas and Bodhisattvas. They have not come, beloved, because you have not yet mastered even the threefold flame of your heart and the uses of the sacred fire. For that fire can work much good but it can also be misused for ill.
Therefore, you may enter the path of initiation with me, and that path will involve your willingness and ability to be trusted with the flame and entrusted with it. So, beloved, it is the greatest element of all. And without it, no other elements would have integration, for the fire is the nucleus of all life in all octaves and the very center of a cosmos.
Thus, I am speaking to you as you are being gently warmed by the angels of fire who come with me and by the fiery salamanders. And therefore, though it may be cool, you may begin to feel a warmth that is comfortable. But by and by it will not be comfortable, beloved ones, for I bring you a heat that you can stand and withstand, whereby you can be purged within the pores and cells and molecules of being.
This, then, is an offering that can be given. For listen to the silence! Listen to the love! Listen to your heartbeats one—one with the Central Sun, one in desiring to love and be loved and once and for all to end the separation between yourselves and God.
Oh, such a holy place! Oh, such a cradle, as we call it, for the coming together of souls who can “rub souls” with one another and therefore polish one another’s auras and also know the meaning of the oneness of God in so many manifestations.
I AM THAT I AM. I AM in the heart of the flame. Ho! I AM Zarathustra and I choose to come gently in this moment, gently intensifying. Thus, I am causing the fiery salamanders to intensify the pressure: first of the light, then of the warmth, then of the fire itself.
Thus, beloved, I give what Alpha and Omega have called me to give. For they have prepared you, even as the preceding ones have prepared your auras, to assimilate absolutely the most fire that can possibly be given and received. Thus, for the moment be still and contemplate the rainbow flames all about you. [20-second pause]
Your body elemental is enjoying a fire bath. The body elementals love the fire bath of the multicolored flames. They delight in this! They are scientists beyond your ken, beloved. They know the science of the body, they know what the flames heal and how to apply them. They not only enjoy the bath but are busy directing specific rays of the flames into specific needs of the body. They produce a well-beingness and a relaxation. They produce the harmony of the spheres.
And now the flame forms the cosmic egg around you, an ovoid of Light. You can sustain the pattern of the flames, beloved, and magnetize them to yourself at will by using the mantra I have given you to the Mighty Threefold Flame of Life. This mantra, beloved, will call my Electronic Presence around you. It is not short, because through your giving of the mantra, whilst you are giving it, I am realigning your chakras, assisting you to balance the threefold flame at all costs and to bring God-control to every aspect of your life.
Thus, some mantras work well as a line or two of affir-mation. But when I wish to activate in you the spirals of the rainbow rays of God, then I must have this mantra. And while you give it, beloved, I can sustain the Presence. Thus, if it become a perpetual mantra in your heart, see where the increase of fire will bring you—closer to all of my chelas at inner levels and on the outer, closer indeed to the members of the priesthood of beloved Melchizedek. Thus, the mighty threefold flame of Life is the gift of God so pure!
Into the flame now comes your own beloved seraphim, the same, the very one who was with you in the hour of your birth in the Great Central Sun. Beloved ones, this seraphim has an attachment to you and to your twin flame and desires to bring you together. This seraphim has an attachment to bringing your body and mind and soul into the health of God, the health enjoyed by seraphim.
I would suggest you woo your seraphim and woo him to your side that he may not return to the Central Sun except according to the regular rotations and cyclings and recyclings of the seraphim from the Great Central Sun to the outer rings they form in the outermost universes [and back again].
So, beloved, seraphim are personally devoted, as they should be, to whomever God appoints them. Inasmuch as the seraphim, as you have been told, are great healers, they use these rainbow rays now for that healing purpose.
I AM in the white fire core of the flame. I AM in the pulsation of resurrection’s flame. I AM in the action of the point of your Holy Christ Self.
In this moment of our meditation, beloved, I AM one with your Holy Christ Self. Now look upon your Holy Christ Self and see the smiling face of Zarathustra. In this moment I am not in my fiercest mode but when you see me turn upon the forces of Antichrist, then you may tremble by the fury of the elements and the wind and the vortex of the fire, beloved. But remember, in all of this it is directed. It is directed, beloved ones, and under the God-control of myself and legions of Light.
Therefore, while you are in this hour of assimilation of the flame, I shall perform the service now of dealing with those forces of Antichrist.
Bind the Forces of Antichrist in the Earth!
| Ho! Mighty legions of the Light, descend! Ho! Mighty legions of the Light, descend! Ho! Mighty legions of the Light, descend! Take up your positions in the quadrants of the earth now. By the mighty sword of the Divine Mother, therefore bind the forces of Antichrist in the earth and in the sea, in the earth, in the earth, in the earth, in the air, in the mental plane, in the etheric octave! Blaze the full power of the Great Central Sun! Mighty legions arrayed and circles of seraphim of God, legions of the mighty fire beings of the Ruby Ray and all of the secret-ray Dhyani Buddhas, come forth now for the binding of the forces of Antichrist in the earth! Let all of heaven now unleash that full-gathered momentum of Elohim! ELOHIM ELOHIM ELOHIM Let the full power of God descend for the displacing in the earth, for the consuming in the earth, for the bindingin the earth, for the judgment in the earth of those who are the force of Antichrist, known or unknown, embodied or disembodied! Let it descend now, O God! Let the fire descend as you have accorded it, as you have decreed it, as you have sent it and sent me into this very midst! Therefore, let the fire descend! And let the all-consuming fire deal with that consciousness and that manifestation whose time is up. And therefore, let it be bound, let it be dissolved and let it be taken now into the very heart of the Central Sun for that action of the sacred fire which is meet! Now the rain of fire-snow descends. (“Fire-snow,” a misnomer, but fire-snow it is.) Descend, O fire-snow! Goddess of Purity, Goddess of Light, Queen of Light, all hosts of the Fourth Ray, Astrea and Purity and all legions of Zarathustra, go forth, then! They are bound by the hosts of the Lord and the hosts of the Lord shall continue the binding! |
And therefore, I seal the action of the binding in the name Ahura Mazda! And I seal your temples in the flame that will not be quenched by God, will not be quenched by the Lord Christ or the Lord Buddha, will not be quenched, beloved, by your Holy Christ Self. The only one who can quench the flame is you.
See thou do it not! See thou do it not! See thou do it not!
Salutations from all legions of Zarathustra!
[37-second standing ovation]
O Mighty Threefold Flame of Life,
Thou gift of God so pure,
Take my thoughts and energy
And make them all secure.
Under bond of Brotherhood
And understanding fair,
Send thee forth unto my soul
The gift of holy prayer.
Communication’s strands of love,
How they woo by heaven’s law
A tender blessing for the good,
Releasing holy awe
That draws me near the throne of grace
To now behold thy sacred face
And without fear dispense aright
The passions of pure God-delight
Which set me free from all that’s been
The sinful nature of all men.
Christ, raise me to self-mastery,
The living passion of the free.
Determination, now arise
And lift me ever to the skies!
Enfolding life and being all
With the God-command
“Amen!” that shatters human pall.
The free—no bondage holds me back;
I AM the fullness of Love’s law
Supplying every lack,
And consecration in full measure
Is my will and God’s own pleasure.
Saint Germain and Jesus dear,
Hold my hand with Morya’s here
And let the love of Mary then
Be the wings to raise all men.
Until they all unite in Love
To serve that purpose from above
That comes to earth at any hour
Responding to the call of Power;
Send thy shining Wisdom then
That is God’s love
Expanded for all men.
I thank thee and I accept this done right now with full power. I AM this done right now with full power. This is the full manifestation of the Law of Love that raises me to my eternal Victory, now and forever!
Taken from Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness.
This dictation by beloved Zarathustra was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, July 1, 1992, during the ten-day conference FREEDOM 1992: “Joy in the Heart” held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Prior to the dictation, the Messenger delivered her lecture “The Light of Persia—Mystical Experiences with Zarathustra” (see Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 35, no. 35). [N.B. Throughout this Pearl, bracketed material denotes words unspoken yet implicit in the dictation, added by the Messenger under Zarathustra’s direction for clarity in the written word.]
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