Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 18 - Beloved Lanello and K-17 - May 4, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


The Holy Grail Lies Dormant within Each One
The Still Small Voice Awakens It

Part 4


Therefore we open wide the door that you might see that there are many evil forces who lie in wait for the exact astrological configuration to be in place so that they might control the planets and their stations and the lightbearers themselves. Believe me, they do know and apply their astrology, and they use it to their own negative purposes.

Timing is everything. And so the highly astute, whether the evil or the good, win their chess games according to the signs in the heavens.

So you might as well admit that your victory over the forces of Death and Hell may necessitate that you follow your astrology meticulously. Otherwise you may be duped simply because you find yourself at the wrong place at the wrong time. You see, you must monitor evil. Sometimes you must allow it to peak, to completely tip its hand, so that you can make the calls and wipe it out at its zenith.

Yes, let the forces of evil rise. Let them think you have not noticed their stealth. Then suddenly, when they are about to pounce, move in your troops and call for the binding of the dweller-on-the-threshold of all who are aligned with Absolute Evil. Take advantage of your opportunity to strike while the iron is hot. Move when the forces of light move and be absolutely still when they are still. For they know when they must pounce upon the fallen angels and when they must hold back and wait for a more propitious moment for the victory.

Call to El Morya. Yes, call to him. He knows well the timetables of the powers of Light and the powers of Darkness. Yes, call to him, beloved. He has asked you to own an ephemeris so that you might understand the times and the seasons--the cycles when you will win wars and the cycles when you will lose wars--both within the psyche and within the unconscious mind where the battle of the Real and the Unreal takes place.

Be the All-Seeing Eye--Inform the Messenger of Critical Issues

Now then, beloved, we ask the members of this organization in the United States, in the Western Hemisphere and throughout the world to systematically be on guard for the safety of your states, your cities and your towns. Make it your business to be on top of crime, the hidden agendas of the godless creation in your midst, movements directed against the youth, including drugs, and corruption in the economies of nations.

And where the economies of the nations are in disarray--as in the former Soviet Union where many suffer under the yoke of the Russian Mafia--call for the power of Cyclopea. Call for the laser beam of the All-Seeing Eye of God, and let the eye of Cyclopea consume the cause and core of all out-of-alignment states that hold the soul in bondage to the lower self.

You must make known to the Messenger what are the critical issues of your state and the major cities in your states throughout the world so that she can make the calls for the most distressing situations--most notably deadly recreational drugs that kill the spirit and the soul. Not so long ago the Messenger traveled to the Twin Cities and to her amazement found many social changes such as a steady increase in drug abuse and homicide, as well as other social ills.

Possibilities Are Just Waiting to Be Acted upon

Blessed ones, you have to be on top of what is happening in your world, from the conscious mind to the subconscious mind to the unconscious mind. What is happening now is parading before you, even before your very eyes. Even so, the past is prologue and the future is yet to be unveiled. What, then, are the possibilities that are before you--possibilities that you can take advantage of to accelerate your union with God and the Ascended Masters?

Yes, possibilities are just waiting to be acted upon. That is the meaning of positive precipitation. But there is also a negative connotation connected with precipitation. For evil can precipitate through nations and through people who are not in alignment with God, Elohim.

In that case you have no alternative but to wage spiritual warfare against evil and the evildoer and to bind, in the name of the living God, all discarnate entities who, through their very “genes,” are carriers of the formulas of war. Then, when there is an opening for the forces of light to gain the upper hand over some segment of Death and Hell, you must charge! and charge! and charge! and seize that victory, ultimately unto its end.

Join Our Legions to Uncover Treachery and Intrigue at All Levels

Understand the timetables. Understand the cycles. For you have won many victories for us and for the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood. For our part, we, with our legions, will continue to ferret out the spies and conspirators who have infiltrated the highest ranks of the government, the CIA and the FBI. And we will continue to call to the attention of the nations the spy activities that compromise the security of the United States and the Western Hemisphere.

Therefore, we invite you to join us and our legions night and day to uncover the treachery and intrigue that follows those who risk their lives for the defense of their nations in peace and in war.

In consideration of our work with the Cosmic Secret Service, we ask you, the representatives of the nations of the world, to invite us into your countries that you might serve with us for the protection of your citizens. Let us enter there. Let us do battle with you, for you, on behalf of your children, your sons and daughters. And call to God, Elohim, for the judgment of the fallen angels who have occupied positions of power even while they have held the nations in a stranglehold--and that, all the way back to Atlantis.

Who Empowers the Leaders of the Nations?

Why, haven’t you noticed that some of these individuals who are heads of state already look like walking corpses? How is it that they remain in power? Who empowers them? For starters, the aliens, the reprobate angels and those who refuse to bend the knee and confess Almighty God. Yet these very ones, though their brains do rot, still lead the nations on the dark side.

Blessed ones, we come to remind you that there are goings on in the White House today that ought not to be. Therefore, I now give you Cyclopea that you might understand through his own words how critical is the hour.

Beloved Sons and Daughters of the emerald ray, we would set forth an exposé of what is Truth, what is Light, and what is right and what is wrong with the government at the highest levels of the United States of America. If what we know is to be rectified, all nations of the world must bring down those nations who move against the principles of the avatars of the ages. If this does not happen, then the nations will topple because none can be successful without the Great Pyramid of Life, the City Foursquare and the All-Seeing Eye of God as the foundations of everlasting life.

Therefore, beloved, we seal you. We walk with you. We work with you. We have not been so long away from this octave that we do not remember how it is to move against the fallen angels and to have our victories in their very midst.

In the name of the Blessed Mother, we serve. We are her champions. And therefore, the blessed Mother Mary is the one who protects and guides us, along with the beautiful Mother Kuan Yin.