Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 40 No. 22 - Beloved Peace and Aloha - June 1, 1997


Easter Retreat 1997


Let Peace Wage War Against the Forces of Anti-Peace


Let the Seven Holy Kumaras reign in the earth and in your hearts. Yes, allow the Seven Holy Kumaras to purge your hearts of the minus manifestation of negativity. Let the positive manifestation of the Lord God enter your being in the person of Peace and Aloha. Allow this peace to permeate atoms and cells of this world, of individual being, of consciousness in God that will make you whole.

We come empowered by you, by your very dynamic decrees. We multiply the empowerment that we bestow upon you that you might go forth to make war against the fallen angels again and again and again. Therefore, give “The Radiant Golden Oil of Peace” mantra in this wise:

Beloved Elohim of Peace:

From the Zenith of the heavens,

Pour Out the Radiant Golden Oil of Peace

Unto the Horizon of My World!(nine times)

Yes, the lightbearers must be saved, but if they would be saved, they must save themselves. They must enter into new dimensions of reality, rising out of the old and entering the new.

Therefore, beloved, we come to you with an urgent and mighty request. And that request is that you accelerate the flame of the Elohim Peace in your heart that none may unsettle that peace but that you might know that elements of being are ready to move at your command within your body, within the planet, within the galaxy.

Earth is a planet of war, death, starvation, fallen angels and black magic. It is also a planet of saints who move in and among this Community, going here and there to the four corners of the earth to spread the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. These pilgrims shed their Light wherever there is Darkness that souls of light who are ready to cross the bar, having balanced 51 percent of their karma, may continue to serve on earth for many decades. Their goal is truly to attain the highest blessing, the highest accomplishments, even as they continue to bring about peace on earth that cannot be broken.

Many Tolerate Their Not-Self

Why, then, do some consciously break the peace? They break the peace, beloved, because many tolerate their own inner not-self. Therefore, at war within their inner being, they shut out the living Christ and allow their own not-self to run free.

Analyze yourselves, beloved, for to allow your dweller-on-the-threshold to roam freely wherever it might wander in the canyons of the earth may cause you to make untold karma. And it could be a karma that you are not even aware of that may be made during sleep or while you are awake yet not watchful of the depths of the unconscious mind. And therefore, you are not in control and this is a very precarious position to be in. This, then, can cause your merits to go down precipitously, as often happens in the stock market.

Let Peace Wage War against the Forces of Anti-Peace

Thus, the forces of anti-peace move at sublevels of being. Beware, beloved, for not a few among you have failed to take stock of what an astral sea of troubles lies just beneath the surface of your own subconscious mind. Let there be peace, then, in every heart, in the four lower bodies, in all one’s members, in all one’s organs, in all one’s chakras. And let this peace displace the anti-peace and the sources of anti-peace.

Some of you have recognized how serious it is to neglect to cage your dweller before retiring at night, therefore allowing that one representing you to perform evil deeds, causing setback.

Therefore we come with this single announcement: All who would keep the peace on the planet must first keep the peace in their hearts, in their minds and in their beings. When you keep that peace and you are unmoved by the forces of anti-peace or any outer force or manifestation, you will be on the road to victory, to your ascension and to the victory of the entire planet.

 Beloved! hear me well: When war rages, when evil lurks, when children are molested, when fallen angels with fallen ideas persuade some to commit suicide and others go into the night and commit heinous crimes, that is the moment to challenge the forces of anti-peace one by one by one throughout the world.

Wield a Replica of the Sword of Peace

Therefore we come with a sword of Peace. It is a powerful sword. And if you would seize that sword, do it now. For at the etheric level my angels give to you a small replica of my sword. When you keep that sword, beloved, and use it daily, you will be engaged with the legions of Peace. You will turn around momentums of anti-peace that have hung around too long.

It is not enough to have balanced 51 percent of one’s karma or more. One must also take the opportunity, because you have balanced that karma, to go here and there and to wage war against the forces of anti-peace. These forces are often found lurking at subliminal levels of consciousness, having pried their way in. And once they do get in, it is nigh impossible to get them out. Therefore, let the citizens of the nations call upon the Holy Kumaras to bind the forces of war, to bind the abuses of power in the governments of nations and to bind the abuses of power by those who hold the highest offices in the United States and the world.

Peace, then, is the key to the everlasting kingdom of God. Peace is the presence of the Prince of Peace. Peace is the action of the sacred fire whereby you allow that fire to consume in you all that would hold you back, all that would cause you to pay a heavy price for the folly of indulging in human discord.

Sow Seeds of Immortality

We, the Elohim Peace and Aloha, speak to you out of the very depths of our being. We have placed our attention on the world, as have the Seven Mighty Elohim, because it is the time of the harvest. This gathering, beloved, is composed of the lightbearers who must make their ascension in this life and leave this planet at a certain preordained day and date, according to their own individual timetable.

It is of the utmost importance that you carry the flame of Peace in your heart, that you wield the sword of Peace, and that you bind every instrument of anti-peace that would move against the lightbearers and their determination to sow the seeds of immortality here and now. This we would do: we would sow the seeds of immortality within you ere any of the fallen angels can snatch from you that which you have earned.

Experience Higher Dimensions in the Here and Now

Now then, beloved, wage war against the forces of Darkness and know that it is a part of your victory to enter into this battle, which is a universal battle that is being waged on the planet, in the solar system and even the galaxy. You, then, must find the inexhaustible well within you that you might use it to fight the good fight to the victory and to seize from the fallen angels what appears to them to be the victory but which in truth is total defeat. They have come to bring a pall upon the celebration of Eastertide. I say, “They have no power!” Say it thrice: “They have no power! They have no power! They have no power!” Truly they have no power! Let your decrees consume their attempt to cause horrendous sorrow to the mothers of the world who have neither food nor shelter nor a place to lay their babes.

Let the warriors of Peace be the ones who will bring this earth to higher dimensions of being where you can live and experience Peace. You have the option, beloved, when you have balanced 51 percent of your karma to enter into Armageddon as never before, to join Elohim whose names have never been spoken on earth and to invoke Elohim to consume the forces of war.

Therefore let the aliens be forewarned: You who have come from warring planets, you who have brought your chieftains with you, you who have sullied and polluted the stream of consciousness of the living Christ that belongs to those who shall soon be the ascended ones, hear me. You shall not stand in the Day of the Lord’s judgment, but you shall be judged according to your words and your works.

Be Outraged before the Misuses of Life and Death on Earth

Let the banner of Peace be unfurled. And let the sword of the Holy Spirit be plunged into the hearts of all fallen angels who have molested innocent souls. For they have corrupted many and they have stopped some of the best plans of the Brotherhood. I say: Go out and do battle against them. Hold your peace and you will not lose the ground you have gained after having exceeded that 51 percent balancing of your karma.

Be fearless, beloved. Nothing can touch you when you take the sword of fearlessness flame and run with it. Let us see action now! Let us see many of you come to the point of being outraged before the misuses of life and death on earth.

Blessed ones, it is horrendous that such an imprint of death and suicide through the group called Heaven’s Gate should be upon the state of California and the entire nation. <1> May all of you who, with Saint Germain, have that fiery determination go forward now to the victory all the way back to the very heart of the Great Central Sun.

Many of you have earned your stripes. Others must yet earn them. But know this: To vanquish the evils of war at all levels and to emerge, the Prince of Peace will place you before your living Saviour Jesus Christ as one of his disciples; and ultimately you may become a World Teacher on this and other systems of worlds. El Morya has many plans for you, beloved. And those plans include victory in many areas of your life and beyond.

Call to Archangel Jophiel to Bind the Demons of Nicotine

This weekend is the time to plunge into the core of the tobacco industry, to bind the demons of nicotine, to strip from the tobacco companies the power they have used to corrupt the youth, causing the addiction of children.

Blessed ones, this is the time to do battle unto the victory. This is the time for the victory to manifest. May you recognize how close you are, not to one but to many victories. Once upon a time it was considered impossible to defeat the tobacco industry. But today it is being defeated by you in your dynamic decrees and by millions of others who are fed up seeing their relatives and their loved ones dying of this ugly tobacco worm and its insidious penetration into their four lower bodies.

Now go out and tackle the world. You have sealed yourself in the armour of Archangel Michael. So charge, charge, charge and let the victory over the tobacco industry be proclaimed! Clean out the earth so that the generations of the seventh root race might know a splendor and a victory throughout and a civilization that can reach the heights of the highest civilizations of Atlantis.

Yes, Atlantean technology is returning. Atlantean technology is at the very door with computer science, with reengineering, with the rethinking of ways and means of pushing right through barriers of limitation. Yes, modern technology is pushing through ignorance. But you must see to it that it comes out on the other side with a unity of the Mind of God that can inspire you day by day to accelerate and bring to new heights every lofty endeavor.

We, the Elohim Peace and Aloha, salute you in this hour. Now use your talents, O blessed ones. Fight the good fight. Have your victory and forever be able to look back and say: “We were a part of the cause of the Great White Brotherhood in earth’s darkest hour. We will move on and serve other solar systems and planetary homes where similar situations have manifested and where many are waiting for us to help them also.”

In the living flame of Christ Peace, in the flame of the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, we bless you and we honor you in the cosmic honor flame that you have earned.

With the sign of the cross of white fire, in the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, Amen.



“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation by Elohim Peace and Aloha printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Thursday, March 27, 1997. Peace and Aloha’s dictation along with the dictations from Uriel and Aurora and from Archangel Michael and the Seven Archangels are available on audiocassette B97060P (1 hr. 11 min., $7.50 plus $2.75 postage and handling).

[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Peace and Aloha’s direction.]

1.  The Heaven’s Gate suicides. During the first week of April, 1997, Marshall Applewhite convinced thirty-eight of his Heaven’s Gate followers that planet earth was about to be recycled and that a space ship behind the Hale-Bopp comet was coming to pick them up and take them to a utopian “Next Kingdom.” To rendevous with the ship, all thirty-nine committed suicide in their Rancho Santa Fe mansion twenty miles north of San Diego. Mother said, “It is spiritually unlawful to take your own life no matter what the reason, whether it’s to reach a higher source or to escape unpleasant circumstances. We can’t play God.”