Easter Retreat 1997
Celebration of El Morya’s Birthday
If You Would Attain Union with God
Bond to the Lord Krishna
Lo! I AM Afra and I manifest my presence here. And to every heart on earth I send forth needlelike rays that there might be perception, manifestation and the internalization of the white fire of God within all.
All are of the white fire of God. All races in the earth receive that white fire from the Great Central Sun in the core of their being. This fire is sent forth to gather the nations, to raise up the children of Afra, to raise up those who have not been raised up because of their absence of self-worth and a nonacknowledgment of the threefold flame that burns upon the altar of their hearts.
Today I go before the Lord Morya El to clear the way for his coming, for this is indeed his day. Will you not stand in his honor? [Congregation rises.] Out of the sun of Aries does this beloved Ascended Master come to us. And out of that sun comes the majesty of God-Control whereby all things come into union and the living presence of Alpha and Omega draweth nigh.
Know Your Mentor As Your Holy Christ
Contemplate now the presence of your Holy Christ Self. O ye sons and daughters of Afra, I counsel you to go to the secret chamber of your heart and to know your mentor as your own beloved Holy Christ Self. Only thus shall you become one with that Holy Christ Self and ultimately attain union with God through the ascension.
This is so of all peoples in the earth. Therefore, let none of the billions of souls on planet earth deny the living presence of the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood, regardless of the background of their evolution.
This is the hour when all who are on earth must understand that their branches have intertwined and been a part of each other for aeons. Therefore earth is a melting pot and we would see the dross skimmed off the top. We would see the fire descend and the gold of God consciousness be all-pervasive that everyone might walk in the dignity of the golden aura of the Buddhic presence and golden aura of the Lord Krishna.
Bond to the Lord Krishna
Now at this juncture in my delivery, I ask you to sing to the Lord Krishna, for his universal presence is manifest in each one of your hearts. I am calling home those who are of the evolutions of Afra and those of every race and nation. Therefore, in the depths of your soul reach out to this great one.
[Congregation sings song 652,”The Maha Mantra, Jaya Hare Krsna, Hare Narayana Govinda”; song 643,”Nanda-Lala Yadu Nanda-Lala”; song 644,”Govinda Narayana”; song 645,”Jai Jai Prabhu Giridhari.” Congregation is seated.]
Beloved hearts, I am sent by Lord Krishna. He does come as the court of last resort for many, not only for the sons and daughters of Afra but also for all throughout the earth who have not understood how lethal are what you have called the Martian A’s, <1> especially the manifestation of anger.
Some chelas who have passed through this organization have not understood the necessity of God-Control, and their threefold flame has been snuffed out. This is indeed a tragedy.
Therefore, the Lord Krishna asked that you might sing this bhajan to him that he might reach down into the hearts of all on earth who are associated with the Great White Brotherhood. This is the time, this is the place. This is the moment to reverse the course of negation that, if left to itself, will ultimately negate the soul in those who have not applied themselves to the highest manifestation of the Lord God and the Lord Krishna.
Renewed Opportunity
Therefore, beloved, know all aspects of the Lord Krishna’s life. Recite the mantras. Know that you play a role in the life cycles of Krishna from the time of his birth to this hour.
We give to all renewed opportunity. For many have been duped and led astray by fallen angels. Others have taken upon themselves the anger of the fallen angels when they themselves did not initially have that anger.
The hour is come when forgiveness can be given to those who seemingly know not what they do, although their souls know what they do. Beyond this, beloved, understand that if you allow yourselves to get out of alignment with the harmony of God and therefore begin to lose increments of the threefold flame, the inner soul and the Atman, you may have to return at a future time beyond this dispensation of the open door and take a chance that once again the flame of mercy will be placed upon you.
Therefore, call upon the law of forgiveness. Report to Lord Krishna. Write letters to him and then burn them as an act of profound devotion and an imploring to his heart. Neglect not the Krishna mantras as you move from place to place. For in these mantras you shall find life, liberation and tremendous illumination.
You Must Achieve Soul Resolution
This is a serious moment in the history of the lightbearers. The Messengers have preached to you for many years. The hour has come when the Lords of Karma must say: We draw the line. We move into the age of Aquarius. We cannot carry with us those who do not have resolution in their souls, in their hearts.
May each one ponder the dilemma of his future. Go to the heart of Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama and Lord Jesus Christ to make your peace, through the law of forgiveness, with all whom you have wronged. This do, beloved, and know your freedom day by day.
Some have snuffed out the flame of the Atman. They are not even aware that the process has taken place, so enmired are they in the human consciousness. Let this not be the fate of our best servants or the least of the brethren.
Give Lord Krishna’s Mantras to Fan the Threefold Flame
Now receive Lord Krishna. And if you would fan your threefold flame, remember the mantras. And when you are beset by anger, remember to seal your lips. Yes, seal the place where evil dwells and seek your resolution in God.
Many of you have served the Great White Brotherhood in this activity for decades and you have served in similar activities in recent lifetimes. You have had plenty of opportunity to fulfill your mission in this life. Therefore, for each the bell shall toll. And when it tolls, beloved, it will be the sign of your final opportunity to make resolution and peace with your inner being and the Elohim of God.
Rescue My Sons and Daughters!
I AM Afra. I have come with this message for all peoples. But I now turn specifically to my people throughout the world and I say: Many of you are angels of light who have moved through the nations, who have cut free the sons and daughters of Afra. But many others came to earth after you. These are the corrupt ones and the fallen angels who have tormented you and your children, who have tormented fathers who then leave, forcing the mother to take full responsibility for the family.
Blessed ones, many sons and daughters of Afra are vulnerable because many of them have snuffed out their threefold flames for the sheer hopelessness of their lives. And this is easily done through misuses of the sacred fire in any of the chakras.
I call to all sons and daughters of Afra and those moving with you to rescue your people. I call upon you and I say: Use the dynamic decrees given to you by the Messengers and the Ascended Masters. Call for the judgment of the fallen angels. Call for them to be bound and removed from the earth and taken to the Court of the Sacred Fire on the God Star, Sirius, where they will stand trial and be brought to judgment.
Blessed ones, this is the call of the hour. Purge your people and the people of earth. Let the shining ones rise to the top, and let the others be bound. Beware of the forces of Antichrist throughout the earth and be one in heart, soul and mind.
Invite Krishna to Live in the Secret Chamber of Your Heart
Allow Krishna to enter your temple and through his love comfort one another, love one another, bond with one another. And the flowering of your soul, your heart, your mind and your chakras shall show to the world and a cosmos what can be the full beauty of the manifestation of the Lord Krishna when the individual disciple welcomes him into his temple.
This do, beloved. Invite Krishna to live in the secret chamber of your heart, in the Atman, and chant the Krishna mantra. For thereby those who may have faltered, gone astray or lost their light might be pulled back by Krishna’s mighty power.
I, then, bow to the Light within you. And I say to all who are my sons and daughters: Beware. Be not led astray. Come into communion with the Holy Spirit. Mothers, fathers, children, recognize the tremendous light in your beings. Go after the light and expand it. For you can make your ascension in this life if you will follow this Path and this Teaching.
I thank you for your mantras. And I cede my place to the beloved Ascended Master El Morya.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
The five-day conference Easter Retreat 1997 was held March 26, 1997, through March 30, 1997, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. It included the celebration of El Morya’s birthday, April 4, 1997. The dictation by Afra printed in this Pearl of Wisdom was given by the Messenger for the Great White Brotherhood, Elizabeth Clare Prophet, on Friday, April 4, 1997.
[N.B. This dictation was edited for print by the Messenger under Afra’s direction.]
1. Martian A’s. See p. 182 n. 3, this volume.
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