Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 45 No. 36 - Elizabeth Clare Prophet - September 8, 2002


Assignments for Chelas from Vaivasvata Manu
and an Opportunity from Djwal Kul

Vaivasvata Manu has given me some very particular and specific assignments for all of us here in King Arthur's Court and throughout the world. These assignments are so precise and so meticulous that I requested that I be allowed to read them to you rather than take them as a dictation.

Assignment No. 1: Call to Jesus to Enter the Vacuum of Your Being

One of the important things that we established when we began this conference is the call to Jesus. In some parts of our being (often at the point of the belly, the solar plexus) we have a vacuum—we have empty spaces or spaces that are not filled with light but perhaps with gray or other shades of lesser light. Jesus is not happy with that, so this is the mantra that is given to us. Each time we begin a decree session we should say, “I call to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to enter the vacuum of my being.”

When we make that call, Jesus fills our temple, enters it. Then when we seal the action and we go about our daily lives and do different things here and there, we are again subject to taking in lower vibrations. So we go back to our altar, or even just in our hearts or in our minds, wherever we are, and we say this: “I call to my Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ to enter the vacuum of my being.” Then he enters and he occupies time and space within our four lower bodies.

So we ask you throughout the world to give the fiat at the beginning of each service. You can give it once, three times, or nine times, and I recommend you give it nine times as a fiery fiat and a call to Jesus. I always think the nine is the most effective but it's up to you.

Assignment No. 2: Give Your Personal Needs and Problems to El Morya and Then Work for the World

The next teaching we received is that we are to list our personal needs and problems on paper. The reason El Morya made this suggestion for us is because, he said, all of us are too caught up with our personal problems. And we need to get our attention off of our personal problems and into the world scene to look at the major challenges that we face. So he said, “I'll take your problems. You work for the world.”

This is how you do it. List your personal needs and problems on a piece of paper and put it on your right knee. Next put El Morya's wallet-size card on top of the list. Then put your right hand over the card and list. You have the full power of the Lord of the First Ray in his wallet-size card on the knee and therefore his countenance, his face, is facing your problems. He deals with those problems. Next state to him your needs and problems and make a quick call for their resolution. Turn them over to El Morya, then give your all for the raising of the planet.

We trust Morya to take care of our needs and problems. He never fails when we ask him and he would much rather have you giving your energy to him for the international crises, the world banking system, so many things that are just out of control.

Assignment No. 3: Stepping Up of Decree Services

Next is a directive from Lanello and K-17. January 1, 1997, marks the beginning of the stepping up of our decree services here at the ranch and throughout the world. Lanello and K-17 are introducing Mondays and Thursdays as decree service days in addition to all other days. At headquarters thirty-three chelas must be in attendance to hold the balance for each of these sessions, which will be held in King Arthur's Court. That means we need a quorum of thirty-three, and as many more as want to join us may do so. Each teaching center should have at least three chelas of the will of God rotating decree shifts from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m. on those days.

What we see here, of course, is that our standard nights off are Mondays and Thursdays. [laughter] So what we will do is ask for thirty-three chelas on a rotational basis. One group of thirty-three will come to one service and another group of thirty-three will come to the next service, and so on, so that we will not lose as much as it seems we are losing of our time off.

At each service the masters will place a unique mandala over King Arthur's Court. A mandala, as you know, is a thoughtform; it is a design. And this mandala will be as the hub of the wheel for our entire movement throughout the world. Halfway through the decree service, all decree energies will be directed toward the outpicturing, or completion, of this mandala.

Those who commit to a service on Monday or Thursday must begin on time and attend the entire three-hour service. All other chelas are welcome to attend any part of the service, but of course it is always best to complete a cycle by attending the entire service.

Assignment No. 4: A Major and Minor Decree Focus for Each Quadrant of the Year

Next, each year will be divided into four quadrants representing the four lower bodies, with the divisions marked by the winter and summer solstices and the spring and autumn equi­noxes. Each quarter, or three-month period, will have a major and a minor decree focus. This specific decree focus must be completed before the change of the solstices or the equi­noxes, when the earth enters the next quarter. And each quadrant of the year will be subdivided into four sections, labeled the etheric, the mental, the astral/desire body, and the physical body.

Lanello and K-17 are telling us that this is what we must do to stay the entire planetary action of war, the intent of war, the misuse of nuclear energy, nuclear power, nuclear weapons—whether directed against us or between other warring factions. As we go through the four quarters of the year, we must truly go after and transmute and challenge that which is in the quarter that we are in. We are currently in the first quarter and we would be clocking this from winter solstice to spring equinox.

Now, if we draw a circle and divide it into four quadrants, within each of these four quadrants are four sections denoting our four lower bodies. For instance, in the etheric quadrant we have four pieces of pie, one each for the etheric, the mental, the desire body, and the physical body. So within the context of the etheric energies of the heaven-world, we are still working on our four lower bodies.

An Opportunity for Assistance and Initiation from Djwal Kul for the Mastery of the Four Lower Bodies

This next announcement is from our beloved Djwal Kul. It is apart from the assignments that I've just read to you.

At the behest of El Morya, Djwal Kul will now be assisting us to master the concentration and the focus of our four lower bodies. This initiation will be unique to each devotee. It is given to us to strengthen our individual and collective service and to gain mastery over our four lower bodies. We need this mastery in order to make our ascension.

This initiation is given to you from the heart of Djwal Kul and you must put it into your heart and seal it. What the master gives you—any form of teaching or whatever he may wish to lead you through—is entirely between you and the master and it should never in any way be abrogated. If you feel you don't understand a teaching you have received, then you can appeal to the messenger or you can appeal to an ascended master.

Remember, no one may speak of his personal spiritual experiences except to the messenger or an ascended master. Each chela will receive his own personal assignment and experience, and it is forbidden to discuss what the master has given to the chela on a one-on-one basis.

Following are the points that Djwal Kul gives us to make us understand whether he will or will not work with us—certain things that he says we must comply with. He requests that those who are applying to be initiated by him meet the following requirements.

Requirement No. 1: Exercise at Least Fifteen Minutes a Day

Exercise fifteen minutes or more a day. This is important for blood circulation. It is also very important, as we know, for the lymphatic system, which does not work on its own. We have to exercise in order to keep it functioning properly. So, a minimum of fifteen minutes or more a day of physical exercise.

Another reason to exercise, apart from what I have just said, is that not only does the body get sluggish without exercise but the brain gets sluggish and you may become fidgety and eat instead of getting fresh air and exercise. And then you don't have that presence in your four lower bodies as an attunement to be one with the ascended masters.

Requirement No. 2: Surrender Sweets

Surrender sweets (desserts) and get your sugar through raw or cooked vegetables. Now, that may be very difficult; it's been a long time coming for some of you. But I think we should take this occasion of the new year to realize that if we don't change, if we don't accelerate, if we don't go up the spiral staircase as we're aiming for that secret chamber of the heart—if we don't do it now, when will we ever do it? There are things we must leave behind and when we leave them behind we have a ­vacuum and that vacuum is filled with a higher conscious­ness.

Djwal Kul says that most people eat sweets to satisfy emotional needs and to overcome depression. People eat sweets when they really crave God but don't know how to get back to him. To get back to God, pray for your union with him. Write letters to God. Sing your devotions to God. Walk and talk with God as your dearest friend. When we know how to be with God, we will no longer experience the sense of need or loneliness and ultimately we shall know perfect peace.

Requirement No. 3: Surrender Unholy Movies and TV in General

Surrender unholy movies and TV shows in general. Eliminate from your home all violence through the media.

Requirement No. 4: Give the Child's Rosary Daily

Give the Child's Rosary<1> daily using the upward fanning of the hands while reciting Hail Marys. That upward fanning is an action where you feel that you are drawing up energy from the earth, from the base-of-the-spine chakra and you are pulling up this energy and lifting that energy through your four lower bodies.

The Child's Rosary takes fifteen minutes. You don't have to be absolutely still when giving it although that is preferable. The Child's Rosary gives us an opportunity for our inner child to commune with God, for us to commune with that soul who is our inner child. And of course when we give our Hail Marys, for that day we are one with our Blessed Mother.

Purify Yourself and Continue the Upward Climb

The Golden Mantra, Om Ah Hum Vajra Guru Padma Siddhi Hum, comes to us from Padma Sambhava. According to tradition, Padma Sambhava taught that this mantra should be used in a coming time of troubles, during which warfare, disease and poverty would increase. He said the mantra would be an antidote to the confusion and frustration of that dark age. Beloved Durga has urged us not to neglect this mantra. She said, “It is your key at this level of service for the entering in to the hearts of all those Buddhas and Bodhisattvas whose lineage goes back to the Great Central Sun, back to the heart of the Godhead.”<2>

Each service, then, will begin with the Golden Mantra thirty-three times, then the Tube of Light three times and the call to Jesus nine times. This will bring the four lower bodies into harmony and ready for the work in the court.

The reason we are given this assignment now is because the world is getting darker and we must become proportionately lighter and lighter and lighter so that we have tremendous cords of light and white fire to raise ourselves upward and to be in upper levels of being.

Some of you may not realize this, but some of your time—just moving through the world, being in business, reading newspapers, making money, whatever you do—you may find yourself at the highest levels of the astral plane, those closest to the etheric octave. Just moving through the world, moving through the cities, interfac­ing with people who are at those levels, many times you find yourself coated with a heavier energy.

The reality is that we don't want to spend time in the astral plane but sometimes we have to dip down into it because we're speaking with people, interacting with people who live at that level all the time. So when we come out of the city and out of the levels where there is astral substance, we are always very happy to go home, to be in a place where we can shower, where we can give our decrees, where we can reestablish our forcefield, give our violet flame, and so forth.

Just by being on planet Earth and interfacing with people, you are drawn down to their level in order to communicate, interact, work on projects together. Many of these people, of course, are wonderful people. There are lovely people all over the world and they work very hard altruistically. But if we're mounting the spiral staircase to go up the ladder of the etheric octave, we need to remember that periodically, when we move with crowds, we are drawn down and we have to go up again. We have to purify ourselves and continue the upward climb.

So, having given all this to you right now, I would like to complete Vaivasvata Manu's dictation.

[Followed by Vaivasvata Manu's January 1, 1997 dictation, part 2.]

“Assignments for Chelas from Vaivasvata Manu and an Opportunity from Djwal Kul” is from a presentation by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet given on Wednesday, January 1, 1997, at the five-day conference A World Vigil for Youth: The Ascended Masters' Rescue Mission for the Youth of the World, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The presentation took place between the beginning and concluding portions of Vaivasvata Manu's January 1, 1997 dictation (printed as Pearls of Wisdom, nos. 35 and 37, this volume).

1. A Child's Rosary to Mother Mary, 15-minute rosaries with scriptural readings from the New Testament for adults and children. Available on audiocassette and CD,

2. Durga, December 31, 1991, “The Power of Confrontation,” in 1992 PoW, vol. 35, no. 5, p. 48.

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