Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 45 No. 48 - Beloved Mighty Cosmos - December 1, 2002


A Dispensation of Needlelike Rays for the Purging of Planet Earth

The Pattern Is Set in the Forty-Eight Hours

I place planet earth in the fire of God of needlelike rays, sealed now for forty-eight hours, for balance, for healing, for rescuing those who may be rescued, for healing those who may be healed, for opportunity to those who may have given opportunity and deserve it now.

My secret rays penetrate to the heart of the earth, where the Buddha of the Ruby Ray holds that energy of the planet that is necessary.<1> These needlelike rays affect everyone and all life. The action of the needlelike rays is for transmutation. It is for raising vibration. And it offers a final opportu­nity for those who inhabit planet earth to turn toward the Sun, to face the God of their I AM Presence—to make that about-face and to walk the path back to the heart of God.

And so, by the end of this year, this dispensation of needle­like rays shall be that which you shall make of it. The pattern is set in the forty-eight hours. Should you judge and determine that you should give the call to my secret rays daily,<2> then we may extend this cleansing period, this piercing light that will pass through all life and the planet itself.

Thus, beloved, as it has come, so it will go. This dispensation comes by the blessedness, the sustaining power of keepers of the flame, who have kept the faith through this activity, through the I AM movement,<3> and for aeons in the past. This opportunity for life in the earth to be repolarized to God comes because you know me as Cosmos, comes because you know that the secret rays can be called forth.

Let the Goddess of Light, the Queen of Light, the Goddess of Purity work with you. Let the full power of the Godhead be upon you. Let this giving of yourself be not without merit and also blessing. For as you release these rays, you yourselves may be transformed, brought to the place earlier in life than you are in years today.

These Are Hours for All Types of Resolution

I come, beloved, that you might know just how much Alpha and Omega care for you and about you.

These are hours for all types of resolution—resolution within the body, the four lower bodies; resolution with others, with those whom you know well, those whom you know very little; resolution if you have anger with God; resolution if you have anger with your neighbor. And with the warring in your members, let the needlelike rays calm the system, quiet the heart that is in sorrow. Let the needlelike rays bring you to your original state when you first came forth out of the realms of perfection and entered the earth when the earth was then already into the burdens of the laggard races and the fallen angels.<4>

Blessed ones, if you look you may find the keys in your astrology that will tell you why these needlelike rays are coming down in this hour. Let the white light, then, be your focus, and out of the white light shall come my rays. This is my ­reason for being here now. And I raise my hands, and through these palms of the messenger, in the very center, I direct to all who are participants in this weekend, I direct these needlelike rays. I direct them now for healing, for balance, for greater ability to reason, to think and to be one with the Logos.

I bring you nigh to the throne of God yet not too close, for you have any number of situations that you must resolve before all discord flees from your four lower bodies, from your soul.

Let the Purging Take Place

[Master breathes in and out once.]

Thus I have thrust forth an intense action. And each time you hear my breath you will know that the secret rays are penetrating, going deeper into the earth and into the recesses of your bodies.

[Master breathes in and out seven times.]

Earth is being bathed in the rays. You are being bathed in the rays. O five secret rays, bring God-control to every lightbearer on this planet. I, Mighty Cosmos, decree it. For I am determined that not a single light­bearer of any age or conviction should be lost. Let the fire of your being convey to those around you that you are a pillar in the temple of God and from your being these needlelike rays flow.

Go forth, O rays. Go forth, O God, in rays. Go forth. Go forth. In the white fire of your causal body you have recourse. You have recourse in my causal body also.

Now run with the Word. Run with it, beloved. And know the rejoicing, the affliction, the love, the hate and hate creation. Know it all. Deny its power. Cast it out. Move on. Do not skip a step. Your God is in you and with you. Speak to him and know your transcendent reality.

I am with you unto your ascension. Speak my name at least once a day and you will know the growing intensity of my presence. In this light, let the lightning descend. Let the fire prove its perfect work.

[Master breathes in and out twice.]

Legions of Mighty Cosmos are actively purging the earth to make way for these rays of light. Let the disintegration ­spiral begin in those who have defied God for thousands of years:

No light shall be added unto you. No light may accrue to you. You are sealed. You are now in the classification of the have-nots, and your judgment is nigh. You may rant and rave. You may move against our best servants. But you shall come to naught and that swiftly.

Therefore let the purging take place and let the fire intensify where the dark ones gather together. This is the fiat of the Lord God, Alpha and Omega. See that you become the in­stru­ment of its effectiveness. Simply make the call to Alpha and Omega and to me:

“Alpha and Omega, Mighty Cosmos, send white fire and the secret rays into those who have blasphemed against God for thousands of years. According to thy will, let it be done.”<5>

In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I now seal you in this action. Remember that it is in you and all about you. Adjust yourselves accordingly. Adjust the food you take in, the water you take in, the hours of sleep, and how you love your body enough to give that body perfect health.

Go for it, beloved. The planet is yours. Conquer and move on.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o'er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mighty Cosmos was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 14, 1996, during the six-day conference A Soul Journey: From Darkness into the Light of the New Day, held at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. A dictation by Sanat Kumara preceded this dictation by Mighty Cosmos. Sanat Kumara's dictation, “I Come to Shake the Earth,” is printed in 1999 PoW, vol. 42, no. 10. Throughout these notes, PoW is the abbreviation for Pearls of Wisdom. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press or Summit Lighthouse Library publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to

1. The Buddha of the Ruby Ray in the heart of the earth. See 1988 PoW, vol. 31, no. 69, pp. 536-37; p. 236 n. 8, this volume.

2. Mighty Cosmos is a being who has attained cosmic consciousness and ensouls the energies of many worlds and systems of worlds within this galaxy and beyond with the power of the secret rays. To invoke the secret rays, use “Mighty Cosmos' Secret Rays,” decree 0.03 in Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness, Section I; available on CD Decree 0.03: Mighty Cosmos' Secret Rays (decree given 108 times, 70 min., advanced pace, #D98119); no. 12 on audiocassette Save the World with Violet Flame! by Saint Germain 3 (advanced pace, B88083). For teaching on Cosmos' secret rays, see 1988 PoW, p. 230 n. 7; 1993 PoW, p. 553; 1994 PoW, p. 29; pp. 352, 353, 357 n. 1, this volume.

3. In the 1930s Saint Germain founded the I AM movement and released the dispensation of the violet flame through his messengers Guy and Edna Ballard.

4. The descent in consciousness of the planetary evolutions opened the way for the coming of the laggards. For teaching, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, “The Coming of the Laggards,” in Climb the Highest Mountain, 2d. ed., pp. 74-85; Foundations of the Path, pp. 19-23; the Great Divine Director, The Mechanization Concept, 1965 PoW, vol. 8, nos. 3-26, pp. 9-142; “The Future of a Planet Read from the Scroll of Cosmic History,” 1974 PoW, vol. 17, nos. 5, 6, pp. 19-28; May 4, 1980, “Anti-Life Begets Anti-Life—a Conspiracy of Absolute Evil against Absolute Good,” on 16-cassette album Life Begets Life (lecture on cassettes B83037, B83038).

5. Sections printed in bold italic type indicate fiats, mantras, affirmations, prayers and decrees that you can use in your decree sessions. The messenger has recommended that you also compose your own affirmations based on the teachings given in the Pearls of Wisdom.

Mighty Cosmos' Secret Rays

In the name I AM THAT I AM Elohim
Saint Germain, Portia, Guru Ma, Lanello
Padma Sambhava, Kuan Yin and the Five Dhyani Buddhas
In the name I AM THAT I AM Sanat Kumara
Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Jesus Christ
Om Vairochana • Akshobhya • Ratnasambhava
Amitabha • Amoghasiddhi • Vajrasattva Om

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, my very own beloved Holy Christ Self, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Helios and Vesta and the Great Central Sun Magnet, beloved God Harmony, beloved Mighty Cosmos, beloved Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
Expand thy light through me always! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
Bless and heal, illumine and raise! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
Transmute, consume, release and blaze! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
For thy love, O God, we praise! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
Raise the earth, thy flame expand! (3x)
Mighty Cosmos' secret rays, (3x)
Thy balancing power I now command! (3x)

Take dominion now,
To thy light I bow;
I AM thy radiant light,
Secret rays so bright.
Grateful for thy rays
Sent to me today,
Fill me through and through
Until there's only you!

I live, move and have my being within a glorious, victorious focus of Mighty Cosmos' secret rays from the heart of God in the Great Central Sun focused through the Five Dhyani Buddhas and Vajra­sattva, my very own beloved individualized I AM Presence, beloved Helios and Vesta and beloved Mighty Cosmos, which blesses and heals, illumines and seals me and all mankind in the victory of the ascension in the light. Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!