Sons and daughters of Afra, sons and daughters of the God Star, I come to you in this hour. For in this hour, beloved, the fallen angels and aliens who have tormented you long, long, long ago and unto the present, they are off guard. They think they have you in their grips. Will you prove them wrong? [Audience responds: “Yes!”]
There is a time to sow and a time to reap.<1> There is a time to rise and there is a time to cleave unto the rocks and the caves. I tell you, beloved, all of the forces of evil in the earth, they think they have already done you in. Well, beloved, I have come to call you home—to call you home to the heart of the Mother of the World, who is indeed your true mother.<2>
I call to you, then, to shed all those props that you have set about yourselves. I say, obey the commandments of Moses. Obey the commandments and profound teachings of Jesus Christ. Do not think that because you have been mistreated so long that now, to even the score, you can take a little here and a little there. [If you do, you will] find yourselves once again enmeshed with the very fallen ones whom I have bound.
And therefore, I am the one who does say to you, liberate yourselves by taking unto your hearts the honor of God. When you carry that honor as the white lily of the fleur-de-lis, you shall know the white fire of your great teacher, El Morya. You shall understand that one does not cross the line into conceit and deceit if one expects to make his ascension in this life.
Therefore, be honest in your heart with your heart. Be honest in your mind with your mind. Know what you are, know what you are not. But know that always and always, through your Holy Christ Self and I AM Presence, you have the honor of God—you have it within you, and it shall grow and grow until it becomes that fiery steel pillar.
None can keep you from entering the gates of heaven. But you must understand that there is no time to be concerned with getting even. One never knows, beloved, what is the karmic cause of one's condition. Have you come as angels of light to embody now among the sons and daughters of Afra? Have you come because you had very good karma or perhaps very bad karma? It is not necessary to know.
But one must know that this day, at this point in time and space before this altar, you will make your commitment to Sanat Kumara and you will keep it. And you will train your children in the way that they must go. And that way is the way of impeccability—impeccability of conscience, of profound love, and such a sword, such a steely white fire, to purge elements that no one else may see in yourself except you and God. Yet, you are transparent to all angels.
Therefore, beloved, I point out to you that the seven archangels are your champions. And so long as you keep the honor flame with them, with God, with your I AM Presence, they are at your side instantaneously. There is no end to the numbers of angels connected to this planetary home and beyond.
And so, beloved, walk upright before your God. I speak of honor, because without honor, my plan for you will fail. You must have that cosmic honor flame and never cross the line, embracing conceit and deceit as though they were [legitimate] choices to bypass [laws that are] not the laws of man but the laws of God that are translated to those who would walk this path.
There is nothing that you want that you cannot have if you walk the straight and narrow way. I am not accusing you of not walking this way. But I say for this wise, beloved: I have summoned many angels. They have come. The Mother of the Flame is determined to sponsor you.<3> So you see, beloved, we give from our causal bodies, as do many of the ascended masters. Therefore we must reiterate the principles, the first principles, beloved. And if you fail them not and walk that path, no matter what, and you are in the righteousness of God, you shall be as I AM one day. You shall know me as Afra. You shall move with me as an ascended master.
And what shall the color of your skin be? It does not matter. I do not know. And I am not concerned. And you ought not to be concerned either.
I call upon you, then, you who have developed your heart flames, you who have such a love for the ascended masters, you who have borne burdens for your people. I am here. I am not leaving this nation or this planet. There is an open door, beloved. The astrology is written in the skies, and it is written in your inward parts: this is the hour of the liberation of the sons and daughters of Afra. And I tell you, the contribution of your people, our people, shall be one that shall cover the earth.
And what we find, beloved, as many of you have descended as angels, angels to move midst my people, so you have gained a tremendous love in your beings. You move with Chamuel and Charity. You are giving of love and giving and giving of self again and again. Therefore millions of you, beloved, are walking about as comforting angels, not only to one people but to all people.
I say, then, it is imperative that your numbers increase—not that we depend upon numbers, beloved, but that many must know the glory of the LORD so that when the glory of the LORDcomes upon you and upon this people throughout the earth, you shall be their teachers. You shall move with Kuthumi. You shall move with Jesus. And you shall give to them a profound understanding of the Law so that they will not go out of the way and create karma and go down into despair again and again until they cry out—yet their cry is not heard, for they have descended so far into the depths of the astral plane that the ascended masters do not descend to that level.
Therefore, it is as though you will have a perpetual wake for the rest of your lives, calling for the cutting free of these magnificent souls who have been entrapped in the lower levels of the astral plane by the fallen angels and those aliens. These souls, beloved, have yet to have their day.
Your souls, our souls, we must make our mark in such a way as to put to shame those who do not meet our standards. See and understand this. Let people look at your countenance and see the shining of your aura. Let them say, “I would be like this one. I would be a brother to all. I would be a sister to all. I would comfort. I would console. I would seek the Holy Spirit. I would seek the Prince of Peace. I must walk in the shadow of the Almighty. For this is my day, this is my hour that I shall lead my people to the throne of glory.”
O blessed ones, I cast out now greed—greed in the very core of this people. Be stripped, then, of that desire for name and fame and money. It will kill you. It will surely kill the body as well as the soul. This is the straying on the lines of the clock of indulgence, extreme indulgence—a compensation. What for? For having gone through long travail, long travail through many aeons.
Beloved hearts, this is the Path. I say to you, walk ye in it. And any time you feel the light of your heart descend below that heart chakra, know that you are being sucked down into vials of depression—depression, despair that takes you down, down, down. And how will you climb back up that spiral staircase if you have not the Kundalini fire on the altar of the spine itself?
Yes, beloved ones, many souls are being lost today. And they are being lost because the archangels or angels require your prayers that they might descend into death and hell and cut free those souls who have been tormented, who have been bruised, who have been spat upon, who have been treated not even as human beings.
All this is as though you are seeing a motion picture on the screen as you see, ages past, how you have reincarnated in Egypt, in this land, in the next land, how you have risen, how you have fallen, how some of you have almost reached the point of your ascension so many times and yet were wooed away by clever serpents in the Garden of Eden.
Oh, yes, beloved, be smart, because you are smart. You are very smart. You are astute. You read people. You read this messenger. I need not tell you anything about her, because you know it. And that is why you are here. You have a sixth sense about many things. But what will give you the empowerment is your moving with the angels and setting an example of turning the other cheek—even if that cheek has been turned over and over again. Never stop!
Is it somehow beneath us to be humble? No. We are humble because we have seen the majesty of our God, and we know that in the last day and the last trump our God shall raise us into the victory of our ascension. And we shall see ourselves in the glory of who we are as angels, as we were when God created us.
So it does not matter what body we wear. Our body is like a uniform. We come to deal with certain souls that are a part of us, and we are a part of them, and we self-identify as one. This is the great mystery of life, beloved, a profound mystery.
I, then, pledge to you my life, my love. I stand with the Holy Spirit. And I stand through that Spirit to convey to you everything you need—everything you need, I have said, and remember it—everything you need to fulfill your mission, to conquer the evil forces in this earth, to turn around this enslavement of some people, beautiful people, beautiful children of the Mother of the World.
I tell you, this is a literal statement. You are standing before your Mother. And this Mother will never ever let you go.
Know this, beloved: This is the hour when your Holy Christ Self will release to you from your causal bodies a quotient of energy sufficient to resolve this issue of race, when race should never have been an issue ever upon this earth.
O beloved, I take from my causal body and many others with me. We are counting upon you to embrace one another, to embrace the Mother, the true Mother who loves you, and to recognize that when you come together with that intense union, you will be a fireball in the planet. And you will gather more unto yourselves of the greatest of lightbearers—those of tremendous education, those of scientific understanding, those who are capable in government, in education, and so on and so on.
Yes, beloved: The timetable is now. This is the moment; this is the open door. Take it. Open it. Seize it. Sacrifice. Give service. Surrender. And come to that point where you know that nothing, nothing can deter you from your victory.
Sons and daughters of Afra, are you with me? [Audience responds: Yes!“]
So let it be. The empowerment shall be unto you through my causal body and through the causal body of Lanello and the Mother of the Flame. Call upon us, for you must make the call. And do not let one moment of your life any longer contain even a thimbleful of discouragement. This is your hour and the power of light! As Jesus said to the devil, “This is your hour, and the power of darkness,”<4> so the tables are turned. They are on the run. Beware of spacecraft—they are making their last-ditch attempt to move against not only yourselves but all people of this earth.
I now come with a special blessing. And as you might suspect, the blessing I bring is the cosmic honor code. And that code is a circle of fire. I seal it upon you. And if you are true to yourselves, you will never again be able to violate the laws of God. And that, beloved, shall be the beginning of our victory.
I want you to know that I am a strategist. You ought to meet and plan your strategies for your nation, for this nation, for your state, for your city. Strategize, beloved. For it shall take much ingenuity and profound prayer to make this happen in this timetable.
Therefore, my blessing to you is a fiery coin the size of a dollar. And that coin has such fire in it that you can hardly look upon it. Seal it over your heart chakra. Engraven upon this coin is “I shall be true to myself and to my God.”
In the name of the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Divine Mother, I seal you in the path of everlasting life. If you do not attain it, beloved, it will not be because I did not try with the greatest of my fervor of being to accomplish this with you and through you. Call to me. I am just a knock away.
My beloved, I am grateful beyond words to all people who have come to establish this place in the wilderness, protected by millions of acres of national park, Forest Service land, and so forth. Beloved ones, it is indeed a great retreat.<5>
I am grateful, then, for all that has gone before since the beginning of The Summit Lighthouse, that those who were its founders and those who have pressed on and many who have made their ascension were true to their calling and, therefore, this day can welcome you and rejoice that in the fruit of their labors they have been able to give you the gift of themselves.
Truly, I love you. I have loved you from the beginning. I shall love you unto the ending. And I shall never leave you unless you command me to be gone. And even then, I will argue with you. [laughter]
With my love, go forth. Nothing can stop us when we are one, when we are our brothers' keepers, our sisters' keepers.
In the joy of the LORD, I bless you now with that sealing. I shall return each day of this conference for another blessing.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Afra was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 27, 1996. It was the opening dictation of the eleven-day conference A World Convocation of Spiritual Seekers, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. The dictation was first published in print in Afra, Brother of Light: Spiritual Teachings from an Ascended Master, released by The Summit Lighthouse Library in January 2003. For Summit Lighthouse product ordering information, go to The Summit Lighthouse online bookstore.
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