Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 47 No. 1 - Beloved Lord Himalaya - January 04, 2004


Pearls of Wisdom:The Keystone in the Arch of This Activity

Excerpt from the August 13, 1989 Pearl of Wisdom
(vol. 32, no. 33) by Beloved El Morya*

Count your moments now as sands descending in the hourglass moment by moment. Use your time well, for the timing is upon us.... It is not good to disregard the words from the altar and it is dangerous not to have the armor of your Pearls of Wisdom with you throughout the day that you might cherish the morsels and the words that are given. I have directed that this leaven be placed in the Pearls of Wisdom. Will you let them go unread and therefore fail to eat your daily bread and not have the leaven of the Christ Mind raising you up even as you toil and labor for the victory?

I trust not.... I trust you will understand that when I went before Alpha and Omega for the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, the keystone in the arch of this activity [was to] be the Pearls of Wisdom. And I did promise Alpha and Omega that they would go forth week upon week without interruption so that the lightbearers of the world might have the true Communion of the Universal Body and Blood of Christ

Beloved ones, I can guarantee their delivery but I cannot guarantee your assimilation of that Word. Neglect not the spoken Word [that is transcribed and printed in our Pearls of Wisdom], for it will teach you. It will keep you in alignment [with the Word who is your Mighty I AM Presence]. It will prepare you for the testings of the day....

Blessed ones, it is so essential that you drink all of it, the fire of our spirit, and that you eat of that bread and rejoice. For in this activity, in the name of Jesus Christ I AM the bread of Life which came down from heaven and I break this bread of Life of the will of God for many.

* from a dictation by El Morya given on August 8, 1989, on the occasion of the thirty-first anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. [N.B. Words in brackets were added by the messenger and were printed in the original Pearl.]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

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