Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 4 - Beloved Jesus Christ - January 23, 2005

Receive This Day My Mantle of Peace and Be Pilgrims of Peace

Thanksgiving Day Address

Part 2

You know, you know deep in your hearts, what is the malaise in America today. Could the Pilgrim fathers have envisioned what has happened to the youth of this land? Why, beloved, all over the world there are areas where children do not descend to the levels that they descend to in America, the supposedly most advanced civilization in the world. [This] must be stopped, beloved ones.

If you will call to me to resolve the problems over which you labor concerning the IRS and other lawsuits and burdens upon this community, including financial burdens, I will take upon me those burdens. I will take them upon me as my yoke and my burden, which is light,1 if you will therefore take your newfound freedom to be unburdened by these burdens that have come upon the Church. And give your calls for the youth of this country and all those who are of the seed of the wicked who have embodied, the fallen angels, to torment and to destroy the little children and the youth of all ages—to destroy them for life and for how many embodiments to come, beloved, ere they [can] contact the Holy Spirit and are able to work through those burdens.

[These] lie as sedimentary rock, layer upon layer upon layer, in the unconscious and the subconscious mind, until they require truly one of scientific knowledge, a therapist who also has the mantle of his own Christ Self and can take the key and unlock the door and liberate that one from being imprisoned in his own mind and from all that has been done to him and which he then turns and delivers upon others. And so the sins of the generations are passed on to the fathers and the children and the children’s children.

And therefore, you see why there are nations and peoples who have very similar karma and similar attitudes. For they have been evolving together and reincarnating in the very same places. And they have not been able to muddle their way through their angers, their personal psychology, to come to the point of the merciful heart, whether through my heart or the merciful heart of Buddha or Kuan Yin in or my blessed Mother, Mary, or Saint Germain.

So it is written, so it is spoken (as I have also said it) that if you go to the altar to pray and make not peace with your brother, then it is of no avail.2 For you must become one with the flame of the altar of God. And the Path begins with mercy, and mercy is the alchemy of the violet flame and of the seventh ray and of this age of Aquarius. And that alchemy must be transmutation.

And therefore, all must be willing to let go—to let go, beloved hearts, of that which they would cling to as some memory that cannot be erased, some event, something someone has done that they cannot forgive. This is the stumbling block.

Enter ye into the house of the LORD. Enter ye into the Holy of holies of your own being. Fall on your knees before the altar of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in the threefold flame that burns in the secret chamber of your heart. Be done with all of this! For I tell you, the greatest regret you will ever know in this life is to come to your final breath without having forgiven and extended mercy and walked with your brother, forgiving seventy-times-seven3 and carrying on and on and on.4

This, beloved, does not mean that you allow yourself to be a punching bag and to be traduced and moved against time and again. But it is a fire in the heart that is so powerful, beloved, that this kind of forgiveness shoots forth with the power of violet fire and consumes the cause, effect, record and memory of the sin that has been performed against you and of the sinner himself. This requires momentum. This requires daily calling upon the Lord and calling upon the violet flame.

Why has the world not taken to this path and teaching? I will tell you. It takes patience. It takes hard work. And it is not for those who say, “Jesus, I have piped your tune now for three or ten years and I have not got what I wanted. And therefore, I am going out to do it my way.”

Well, do you think, beloved, it is so easy to enter into the kingdom of God, to make your ascension? Do you see people ascending here and there on the hillsides of the world or in the streets of the cities? You do not see them because of the paltry, fragmented religion they are given, because they are not given the flame of the Holy Spirit—the flame of the Holy Spirit that is the sacred fire, the white fire that then releases the violet flame for the transmutation of the cause, effect, record and memory of sin, layers of sin, centuries of sin of many past embodiments.

So, beloved, do not be unrealistic about the Path. The Path brings [its] greatest rewards when you come up out of the mud puddle and are covered, and the violet flame does wash you clean. Now begins the hard work of delving deep into the unconscious, delving into the records and calling for that violet flame, even when you are dry* as dry can be and it seems as though nothing is coming to you and you do not feel the flame, you do not feel the fire.

And why is it, beloved? Because God has loved you so much, I have loved you so much that I am allowing a certain portion of your karma to descend. And while it descends upon you, you are in the dark night of the soul and perhaps the Dark Night of the Spirit,5 being tested by the Cosmic Christ and tested by Satan. And then you say, “Where is God? Where is God? I cannot see out from this dark place where I am.”

That is the time to give the fiats, to love God unconditionally, to not curse the day you were born, as Job did6—yes, beloved, to go through every trial and temptation and know that God and his mighty archangels are strengthening you to have the victory.

Where are the tenacious ones? Stand up, ye who are tenacious, and be tenacious from now to eternity—I command you! [Audience rises.]

And I am your brother Jesus, and I do not count myself so far above you and beyond you and from you. I simply have been tenacious a little longer than you have been tenacious. But you are becoming those tenacious ones. And I say, hang on to what you believe in and let that fire roll from your heart, from your throat chakra! Let the fire purge you, by transmutation, of every unkind word you have ever said.

And let God, God decide how long it should take you until you are delivered of your karma. And don’t you decide to decide when you have been here long enough and you are smart enough and have been long enough on the Path that you no longer need to be humble and to get down upon your knees and to recognize that you are yet in the lowly estate of the flesh. And as long as you are there, you cannot be translated unto the levels of ascended master perfection.

Therefore, be humble for your lowly estate. And remember that you have great glory at inner levels, but you must clean up the mess you have made on this earth.

Who, then, will run for me in the remainder of this decade? For I need runners who will carry my message as apostles throughout the earth in every language.

[Audience responds: “I will!”] I will. I will.

I will be with you. Be firm in that will and let nothing deter you. Be a self-observer. Engage in interior self-correction. Heal the earth. Monitor what your leaders do in your name. For in the end you will have accountability if you have not protested against actions they take.**

I to you say, beware then. Beware, then, of the intent of many to begin the proliferation of nuclear weapons all over again in Korea, in other nations where weapons are being sold to cause instability. Remember, beloved hearts, this world is a world of warring momentums. You have not yet transmuted the warring in your own members,7 even in your own families and communities.

Therefore, war as an element of all perversions of the Martian energy of the Divine Mother,8 that war, beloved, is yet there. And until it is wiped from the earth by your calls (that you know so well) to Astrea and Archangel Michael, there is the propensity of*** outer war simply because there are many in the earth who have no dedication to God or to peace or to the Christ in me or the Christ in them or to Buddha or to any of the avatars who have come.

Remember this, beloved. This is still a planet of war. And war is taking place from household to household and nation to nation. Thus, you ought to be concerned. You ought to be deeply concerned when men prefer armaments and nuclear armaments to peace with their neighbors.

Communism is still alive. What do you think North Korea is made of but of Communism? There is Communism, and [there are] those dedicated to Communism all over the planet. There are those who have been so long without democracy or a republican form of government, such as those in the [former] Soviet Union or in Russia, that they have not the slightest idea how to run their countries, how to manage their monetary systems, how to set up their economy. And they revert to the tyranny of the czars, for this is all they have known. Beloved ones, these are things that a people ought to fear.

(Won’t you be seated.)

We have spoken again and again about the violet flame being able to deliver the planet from serious cataclysm. Well, cataclysm is not our only worry as we continue through this decade. War is still a worrisome subject in the Darjeeling Council, in the Council of the Royal Teton. Yes, the angels of the LORD are concerned, and you ought to be concerned also.

And therefore, with the new threat, the mounting threat again of the production and use of nuclear weapons out of Asia and the Middle East and other places, on Saturday nights at the Saint Germain vigil (or whatever day you hold that vigil), you need to go after the planetary beast of war, whose ancient records go back to the fallen angels and the wars they waged—first in heaven, against the Mother or the Woman and her Manchild, and then in the earth, warring still against [the Woman who brought forth the Manchild and] the remnant of her seed,9 as they war this day.

War is waged through the liquor industry, the tobacco industry, through gambling, through drugs, through all manner of additives in the foods—war against the body, war against the soul, war against the mind. There is war everywhere, beloved hearts.

Continued in Part 3, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 5.

*In early use, chiefly: “Wanting spiritual emotion or unction”; “yielding no fruit, result, or satisfaction” (obsolete).

**I.e., against negative or destructive actions they take.

***I.e., the propensity to, the propensity towards.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thanksgiving Day, Thursday, November 25, 1993, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana. Part 1 of Jesus Christ’s dictation is printed in Vol. 48 no. 3. Part 3 is printed in Vol. 48 no. 5.

1. Matt. 11:29, 30.

2. Matt. 5:22-24.

3. Matt. 5:23-26, 38-48; 18:21-35; Luke 6:27-38; 17:3, 4; Rom. 12:9-21; Eph. 4:31, 32.

4. Matt. 5:41.

5. Darknight of the soul and Dark Night of the Spirit. In the ascent to perfection, the soul passes through what Saint John of the Cross describes as the “dark night.” The first dark night is experienced as one encounters the return of his own personal karma—the human creation that almost completely obliterates for a time the light of the Holy Christ Self and the I AM Presence. This “dark night of the soul” is in preparation for the Dark Night of the Spirit, which involves the supreme test of Christhood faced by Jesus on the cross when he cried out, “My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?” In this initiation, the soul is completely cut off from the I AM Presence and the heavenly hierarchy and must pass through the crucifixion and the resurrection, sustained solely by the light garnered in one’s own sacred heart, while holding the balance for planetary karma. For the mes sengers’ teachings on the dark night, including readings and commentary on the writings of Saint John of the Cross, see Elizabeth Clare Prophet, Living Flame of Love (available online as MP3 or download at and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, April 12, 1974, “The Dark Night of the Soul,”. See also Archangel Gabriel, Mysteries of the Holy Grail, pp. 173-74, 368 n. 24.

6. The Initiations of Job. While Job, in his suffering, lamented his conception and birth (Job 3:1-13), he never cursed God as Satan predicted he would (Job 1:9–12). Job did not impute his misery to God but to himself alone.

7. Rom. 7:23; James 4:1; I Pet. 2:11.

8. Martian misqualifications. The ascended masters teach that Mars in its true state is the planet that represents the Divine Mother and the base-of-the-spine chakra (muladhara). The messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet has described Mars as “the white sphere of intense fiery energy of the Divine Mother.” Long ago, the evolutions of Mars took that pure white light of the Mother and perverted it in war and misuses of the sacred fire. Through the misuse of free will and the base-of-the-spine chakra, they perverted the Mother light in what we call the “Martian misqualifications.” These misqualifications can manifest through any of the chakras but specifically relate to the misuse of the Mother light in the base-of-the-spine chakra. They include: aggression, anger, arrogance, argumentation, accusation, agitation, apathy, atheism, annihilation, aggravation, annoyance, aggressive mental suggestion, family mesmerism; criticism, con demnation and judgment; malicious, ignorant, sympathetic and delicious animal magnetism; anti-Americanism, anti-Father, anti-Mother, anti-Christ and anti-Holy Spirit manifestations in the four quadrants of Matter. The fact that so many of these misqualifications begin with the letter A indicates that they are also a perversion of the light of the Father, Alpha. The messenger has explained that “family mesmerism” is another manifestation of Martian energies. It is human attachment based on blood ties rather than spiritual ties. War and other violent conflicts also come through the vibration and aura of Mars. The ultimate Martian misqualification is the creation of mechanization man, the godless creation (see the Great Divine Director, The Mechanization Concept, 1965 Pearls of Wisdom, pp. 9-142). Astrologers see Mars as the planet of action based on desire. The messenger has explained: “Mars triggers energy that brings action, but whatever your desires are, that is where your energy will go and that is the type of action you will engage in.” She teaches that by hitching our desires to the star of our Mighty I AM Presence, we can ride and subdue Mars—we can “ride the bull” and take advantage of the true creative fires of Mars, the pure white fire of the Divine Mother. The messenger has counseled us that each time we see a Mars configuration in our own astrology, we must determine to have a “Martian victory” in order to not be overcome by the perversions. Through mastering the Martian energies, we can gain our victory in the white fire of the Mother.

9. Rev. 12.

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