Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 11 - Beloved Mother Mary - March 13, 2005

I Come for the Healing of the Very Depths of Being

1991 Summer Solstice Address

Part 2

Now, beloved, understand that these times are not easy for any ascended master or archangel to sponsor anyone upon earth. These are trying times for those of us who would go before the Lords of Karma and the Court of the Sacred Fire for dispensations. In order to get those dispensations, there is required of those in embodiment far greater dedication and sacrifice than heretofore [demonstrated].

Therefore, know and understand that when I have gone as Mediatrix before the Father-Mother God, before the Cosmic Christ in your behalf in this healing matter, I have met the following as a dispensation that is qualified. What I may bring to you personally through the messenger through the healing services, I may bring solely to those who are willing and able and desire to make the commitment to be communicants.

Communicants of this Church are received as chelas, are given initiations and are expected to walk a life of the calling in God, whereby they set an example of the fulfillment of God’s laws and certain fundamentals of the code of conduct of life that issue from the Ten Commandments and go beyond them—central of which, of course, is the heart developed in love that is a fountain of joy and givingness to all.

Central, of course, is the guarding of the sacred fire itself and the flame of the Divine Mother and all those things that they know are right for followers of Christ and Buddha, the keeping of those tenets in their private lives and with all whom they meet. Thus, beloved, those who are willing to give this much light to God may receive the following light from me.

Understand, beloved, that these are the times we live in. And those of us who would help the many, who are truly the lightbearers of the earth and the children of light gone astray, cannot afford to give dispensations where that light can be misused, thereby incurring karma for ourselves and thereby being limited in the next round of the giving of ourselves. It is almost as though I would apologize, beloved, but I do not apologize.

But I say to you, let those who have cups and desire to have them filled come, then, to this fount. And let all heaven know that, just as those on the etheric octave are waiting for your victory that they too might ascend, so you in this earth must manifest the highest of the dispensations that have been given unto you. Truly there is none higher than to be a communicant of the Church Universal and Triumphant. It is part and parcel of entering the path of the bodhisattva under Lord Maitreya, Gautama and Sanat Kumara. It is truly being the disciples of Jesus Christ.

This, then, is the dispensation that I have been given and that I have made known to the messenger. By my Immaculate Heart, beloved, so it is ordained that I might bless a portion of water placed in a bottle for you that this blessing might be transferred by myself through the messenger, that you might receive this water as holy water and that you might use it, that you might take it—and take it with the recitation of your favorite mantra, healing mantras, mantras of the resurrection flame or those which strike a chord in your heart—making you one with me, one with Jesus. For it is we who come forward with our beloved Raphael, with our beloved Magda and in the chain of this lineage of hierarchy to assist you.

Therefore, beloved, the messenger has prepared these vials under my direction and has assigned the staff to do so. These bottles, then, containing this water, may be had by yourselves. In the giving of the mantra of your choice, which may be a Hail Mary, you must give it nine times; and then you would take from the bottle, using the dropper, nine drops of this water and place it underneath your tongue.

This you may do three times a day, but not more, until you have used up the bottle. And if you must come again to the altar, you may come again to the altar. You must understand, beloved, that you may receive again and again.

What I am giving to you is a substance that I shall bless personally for you. And I will use this substance in many ways to assist you as it is in your body. For as it carries my vibration, it will therefore have, as that substance, the capacity to carry that which I would do for you in the physical octave.

I desire you to know that the healing masters use every form of healing known.*1 There is none excluded. Whether it is diet or alternative cures or medical science or whatever you can name, we will use the appropriate method.

Therefore, you must open your eyes and ears to the blessings of modern science and technology, even while you sustain your faith that I am your cosmic helper, I am your Mother and I am willing to assist you in paying the price for the restoration of wholeness of your soul and wholeness of the four lower bodies. I am willing to give of myself; and I give you, beloved, at inner levels a golden elixir. This, therefore, shall be unto you when you come to this altar.

I have instructed the messenger to receive from you, on a card, your full name and any name changes you have had since your birth, the three major signs of your astrology and the writing of everything—every condition in your body or mind or soul that you desire to have healed. I limit that which you can write by confining the writing to a card that is three inches by five inches. And therefore, beloved, this will be your prayer and your plea to me.

It is essential that, in the blessing of this water, the messenger maintain a high and exalted attunement with me. And therefore, in this healing process, the messenger will not speak to you or touch you. But rather I have instructed her to have made a cloth chalice to be worn around her neck over her heart. And the one who assists at the altar will take from you this card and place it in this cloth chalice. At that moment, the messenger will take the bottle of water and I, working through her, will charge it.

I have opened her heart this evening to receive a greater portion of my Immaculate Heart. And as you can see, the ruby focus of the Lord of the World is for the charging of that heart and also for the charging of what you have written on your card. What you have written by your own hand therefore represents the current of your life and your energy. Within this cup, this cloth chalice, there will be the Emerald Matrix and the topaz consecrated to the Holy Spirit by the first Mother of the Flame.2

You will then receive this bottle and you will receive back your card. Now that you have received the blessing, you will place the card in the basket to be consecrated in the sacred fire, to be physically burned. In that burning, beloved, which will be done at the conclusion of each service, you must pray on your own that the conditions within you be also cast into the sacred fire.

Then following this receiving of this holy water at the altar, you must maintain your own vigil with me to sustain your contact to my heart that I might daily transfer to you the light for the weaving of the deathless solar body and for the magnetizing of the components of the soul and the selfhood.

You may do this through the Child’s Rosary or through a combination of the Kuan Yin Rosary with my own.3 You may do it, beloved, as you wish and as you desire. But I pray that you will do it; for as you know, the mending of the flaws of thousands of years in the etheric envelope, in the astral sheath, in the mental body and in the physical takes some time.

And so, by that attunement and by making calls with those who are your health practitioners who assist you, you can use each session of any therapy whatsoever, of any kind, as a period of meditation upon my heart. It is my heart, beloved, because I am the one who has applied for and received this dispensation.

Therefore, let your lives be turned around. May you be illumined. May you know the gift of calling to Cyclopea and all of the healing masters.

Beloved, there is more to this process and this science than I can tell you in this dictation. One thing I assure you, that I will do my part and the messenger will do her part. If you bring to the altar, then, the other half of this whole—the Omega of your being to the Alpha of the presence of hierarchy—you will see and know blessings, blessings untold, beloved. This is my message to you in this hour. [13-second pause]

I am preparing you in your lower vehicles to come up higher on the Path that you might be the instrument in this magnificent retreat in these mountains of God to draw many lifestreams by your wholeness and by the wholeness you will create by being a part—truly a cell in the mystical body of God—of this Church.

Yes, beloved, the law of the Church is the law of the tithe. Yet it is part of the price that you pay for the pearl of great price. When you give back to God what is already his as that tenth of your portion, beloved, know truly that you are giving to him the substance of self which he immediately will turn around and give to me that I might use it for the gathering of the soul. Truly this is the crying need of the hour and a need that not so many are aware of, not so many know that they have. [28-second pause]

My angels are creating an inner matrix upon this altar. [5-second pause] And they are going about fulfilling duties and responsibilities connected with this healing service that need not trouble you and about which I need not speak. [5-second pause]

There are angel devas, builders of form, agents of Elohim, archangels and those who come in the chain of Sanat Kumara. [5-second pause] Wherever the Brotherhood shall send the messenger on the earth, I shall perform this service. [8-second pause] May you understand, beloved, that karma is always karma, that what can be done for you will be done for you. What cannot be done for you that you must do for yourself, for the Law requires it, you can and will do. By your calls to the violet flame, by your knowledge of every erg of karma you balance and by every [negative] karma that you stop from making, you increase the possibility of my help, my perpetual help, my aid to you.

I will always do the maximum that the Law will allow. But you will also recall that Jesus has asked you to bear your own burden that he might bear burdens of others.4 This is my way of helping you to bear that burden, beloved, at the same time not being able to absolve you of those conditions that come from an unmitigated willfulness or some area in your life that is unresolved with God. Truly those energies must be freed so that you can have resolution and therefore have healing.

I cannot go against your free will. Therefore, you must probe levels of your being where that free will has tied up much energy in subtle and unconscious resentment, for example, or other momentums. Or if you defy all laws of chemistry and diet and good health, then, beloved, you see, you will neutralize what I can do for you in part.

In all things, then, be practical, beloved. In all things, take my hands and participate with me in the regeneration of your life, the re-creation of your soul and the unification of all forces of your being that are positive around the central seed atom of your lifestream.

I speak now with the softness of my heart that you might open your heart to me and receive my gift, God’s gift to you in this hour. I seal you in the immaculate conception of the Father-Mother God whereby your soul was conceived in the Beginning and whereby the divine pattern was impressed upon it.

Let us go to now to reactivate and restore that pattern. Let us see that it is lowered through the dimensions of the self, finally to the physical body. Clean house, beloved, and clear the way! For surely a new light is come upon you in this hour.

May you know that Jesus is present, for it is the hour of his ascension on summer solstice. It is the hour, beloved, when he was given his ascension in the etheric retreat of Shamballa at the conclusion of his life in Kashmir at the age of eighty-one.

Know, then, beloved, that you will always celebrate summer solstice as Jesus’ ascension day. And always know that this day—as his causal body has multiplied my own and my own, his own—we have come to our own to receive you.

May you truly know, beloved, what blessings are possible. And therefore, treasure the pearl of great price—that having sold all that you have and therefore having received it; having sold all that karma and, by the violet flame, received the Holy Spirit instead—you might know the true oneness with your God.

May this proffered gift be unto you the greatest stimulus for spiritual self-discipline and the expansion of the heart and coming up higher on your path. Yes, beloved, it is something you must do so that I can do what God has allowed me to do.

*I.e., every form of healing that is allowed by cosmic law

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, June 22, 1991, at the Royal Teton Ranch, Park County, Montana.

1. Only some forms of healing are sponsored by the ascended masters. Elizabeth Clare Prophet, in her lecture “Healing in the New Age,” December 30, 1974, discussed psychic healing, the laying on of hands, faith healing, metaphysical healing and healing through the Holy Spirit. She said that the masters warn us about psychic healing and “caution us to be careful in laying on of hands, to be careful in our ministering unto the sick.... We can make karma by transferring to the sick... the impurities of our aura or by taking on the impurities of the sick one.” Or we may interfere with the individual’s karma, taking it upon ourselves. “The safe way to heal is to begin our prayer for the sick: ‘Father, let this cup pass from them; nevertheless, not my will but thine be done.’... God has released [many] methods of healing as an action of the mercy flame.”

2. The first Mother of the Flame. (See the Maha Chohan, “Conquer Pride and Receive the Gifts of the Holy Spirit” in 2005 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, no. 1, January 2, 2005, pp. 6-7 n. 2.)

3. See A Child’s Rosary to Mother Mary, 15-minute rosaries with scriptural readings from the New Testament for adults and children; and Kuan Yin’s Crystal Rosary, MP3 album with booklet.

4. Jesus’ request that we take back the karma he has borne for us. (See Jesus Christ, “The Way Is Cleared for the Saints to Occupy the Earth!” in 1989 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 32, no. 65, December 31, 1989, pp. 814-15.)

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