Let people decide for themselves, of their own free will, which path they will follow—but let all understand the ascended masters’ viewpoint concerning psychic thralldom. Those who seek phenomena, the manifestation of ghosts and spirits, the apporting of objects and communion with the dead may enjoy the search and the experiences that will come to them in the séance circle. But there is no compatibility whatsoever between psychic phenomena and the glorious revelations that come forth with power and light and love from the ascended masters’ octaves. Here the purity of truth, manifest in the vibratory actions released by the ascended masters, rekindles the spirit of the resurrection flame within the being of man. This action of the flame, which raises every atom of his four lower bodies to the place where both God and man are glorified, bears testimony to the fact that the individual has made contact with the highest source of inspiration.
The path of the ascended masters leads to the ascension. The path of psychic phenomena, as we have said, leads to the bottomless pit that is the hell of the astral realm. Saint Paul described those who follow the leadings of chaos and old night in his Epistle to Timothy. He prophesied that they would come in the last days, “ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.”1
In the final analysis all should be forewarned that psychic thralldom is the perversion of the seventh ray of the ritual of communion with God and the transmutation of the misuse of the sacred fire. It involves the misuse of the seat of the soul, the chakra governing the production of the divine seed of the Christ in man and woman, and the misuse of the mental body, which is intended to receive the impression of the Christ from the Higher Mental Body and impress it on the seed.
On the other hand, to deny the existence of spirits is just as bad as indulging in spiritualism; for thereby people turn their back on them and they are left to carry on their unwholesome activities. Only by squarely facing the fact that such is the reality (albeit in the relative sense) and then making calls to the masters and the angels for their deliverance can people be truly free from their unwholesome influence.2
Let all who have the courage to withdraw from the curious attractions of psychic involvement know that the legions of Archangel Michael and the Elohim Astrea stand ready and waiting to buoy their consciousness into the higher domain where angels, masters and cosmic beings commune with unascended men and lead them into the highest truth of their destiny as sons and daughters of God.
Those who engage in psychic activities cause a great burden not only to themselves but also to the planet as they become the open door for the energies of the astral plane to enter into the physical. In order to prevent this, the God and Goddess Meru in 1964 announced a dispensation whereby a “golden chain mail” would be draped around the entire planet to protect us from the psychic planes, the planes that are astral and of death and hell:
“There flows now the wondrous outpouring of our love from the Andes unto the world. And as this love flows forth, we urge that the golden armour of holy illumination’s flame be placed in the consciousness of all as though it were wrapping and enfolding them round, so that the arrows and pestilences that infest the world to this present hour may be stayed and by the gift of divine illumination men may walk in robes of righteousness.
“The right use of divine power will make this planet reflect the golden age radiance, which it is our will to expand now. And so, as I come to you this morn, it is my wish that you will feel the sweet gift of our grace imparted to you through the angelic messengers who issue forth from this retreat, carrying to your heart strands of golden substance that you may feel also the illumination of this precious substance as it is placed by angelic hands as a circlet of light around your brow....
“As I am come to you this holy morn, I then come with cosmic purpose in view, bearing tidings of kindness and grace from the lovely Lady Meru, who is my consort. Today we shall not experiment, but we shall perform—we shall weave a network of light over the planetary body. And because this is the day called Sunday, we shall utilize the energies and devotion of many hearts to weave this great garment of light over the planet.
“And it is our intent this day that this garment of light shall resemble a coat of golden chain mail so that we may plug the gaps in mankind’s consciousness where the penetration of psychic substance passes and causes them to reinfect various areas of the world after the decrees and calls of the students of light have effectively rendered them antiseptic....
“The Christ of the Andes, this magnificent statue of light, is now being charged while I am speaking to you by angel devas from many parts of the world and is also being touched by a rod of power held in the hands of the Angel Deva of the Jade Temple. This action of purity is talismanic in action and designed to cause a spiritual white radiance of cosmic light to be released from this statue in commemoration of the Cosmic Christ. And as this takes place, it is beamed out in an omni-directional manner so as to contact the entire periphery of the earth’s surface.
“These currents, then, follow the curvature of the earth and will incite a cosmic action of love and light wherever they contact the spires of worship of mankind this morning, weaving together the energies of both Christian, Moslem, Jew and Buddhist, and the many religions of the world into a consecrated chalice and forcefield that the angelic hosts will take up and offer to the Karmic Board. This offering is intended to be carried directly to the Great Central Sun and laid before your precious Alpha and Omega....
“We hope to insulate mankind from the psychic realm as much as possible and establish a curtain of great power so that this realm will become somewhat isolated from mankind and exceedingly difficult to pierce. It is our hope that this will bring about a great wall of light between the octave of psychic substance and the human consciousness of mankind, making it extremely difficult for those individuals engaged in psychic practices to actually contact the psychic octave....
“It is the intention of the great Goddess Meru this morning to intensify the feminine ray in your midst while I amplify the masculine ray so that you will understand that the action of building this coat of golden chain mail is not an action of one second but is being accomplished in part while I am speaking and will be intensified in the days to come as you call for the amplification of the action that took place this morning....
“Now, precious ones, with the great release of substance of light that is pouring forth across the planetary body this morning, I would like to tell you also that we are using some of the political focuses of the world, such as the Washington Monument, and we are tying in to the mighty ray that is anchored there as a silent sentinel for and on behalf of America. The action of light this morning is actually weaving strands of great cables and extending these cables to tie all of the monuments that are constructive across the face of the earth into one vast network of light.
“Then the angelic hosts are contacting persons and places and conditions and things that are vibrating with an action of light, and all are being interwoven into this marvelous pattern.
“This is going to mean a tremendous boon to the earth in this day and age, but it will require the attention of the students in order to reinforce and establish it so that it may be a permanent action for the earth.
“Do you see what I mean, blessed ones? This is an etheric gift that we are conferring upon the earth this morning. And this gift requires a specific action of mankind’s attention being fed into it in order that the power of light may retain this power of the golden chain mail armour anchoring mankind into the purity of his divine radiance.
“I thank you and I am counting on you, as is the lovely Goddess Meru, to sustain this action of mighty assistance poured out in this day to the earth and all mankind upon it.”3
In 1969 El Morya announced a new dispensation reinforcing the golden chain mail: “The will of God is strengthening itself in the world net, and we are formulating a new concept whereby the great chain mail that was placed between the psychic realm and the human shall now be coated with fiery blue-white diamonds. And there shall be builded into these diamonds a magnificent power of repulsion.
“We have brought forth and evoked from the Lords of Karma an activity where when the psychic world breaks forth into the human and penetrates it, whether it is through the willing admission of individuals or against their will, [through] the God flame in the heart of these diamonds that shall coat the chain mail armour placed long ago between the psychic and the human, the Lords of Karma shall invoke against those lifestreams that actually are doing despite to the law of love such an activity of karmic recompense that these individuals shall find that they no longer have that time delay that they have had in the past whereby they seem to feel that they can escape with impunity as they bring forth their arrows of destruction against the sons of God.”4
In spite of these dispensations, we have seen since the decade of the 1960s a spilling of the energies of the astral plane into the physical bodies of the planet and her people. The puncturing of the astral plane has come not only through psychic activities, but also through drugs, through rock music and through bloodshed that has occurred in satanic rituals and voodoo, as well as in war. We have certainly seen amazing distortions of human life and human behavior on the planet since that time, and it was to prevent this that the great dispensation of the golden chain mail was given. However, as Serapis Bey explained in 1985, this endeavor was not entirely successful because there was not sufficient reinforcement of the golden chain mail by the calls and decrees of those in embodiment:
“Angels have begun to weave a filigree net of blue flame, a most intense fiery blue. It is a tight crocheting of an armour of mail made of light substance impervious. It is draped now between the physical manifestation and the astral plane for the protection of the earth from further eruption of astral hordes and darkness that began when the hour struck midnight December 31, 1959.
“It was then that the spilling over into America and the world of the subcultures of rock music and drugs paved the way for all astral horror and death and hell to come into the physical plane. There was therefore established on July 26, 1964, a golden chain mail connected at the great monuments of the world. But, beloved ones, this golden chain mail was not sufficiently reinforced with dynamic decrees by those in embodiment, inasmuch as the numbers of Keepers of the Flame and individuals decreeing at that time were not nearly so great as they are today.
“Therefore, I trust you will review this dictation concerning the golden chain mail and realize that we enforce this now and reinforce it with this blue chain mail of fiery blue energy and powerful protection.”5
In 1995 Apollo and Lumina spoke further of the golden chain mail and of the importance of this dispensation: “We speak out of the heart of the God and Goddess Meru and we say to you each one: You may call for a personalized segment of the golden chain mail to be designed for you that you might wear it as an armour to seal your soul and your etheric body from the astral plane and the levels of death and hell. “Understand this, beloved. We have called you to reestablish the golden chain mail. And the etheric pattern of that mail is now being strengthened as the light of God quivers the strands—quivers them, beloved. And you see the strands shimmering and yet becoming more concrete as that tightly woven golden chain mail is draped over a planet.
“The question arises: Why have we called you to reestablish the golden chain mail? It is because that evil that came to pass in the last days of Atlantis is come to pass again in your day. Just as there were black magicians in high places of Church and State and priests who used their powers to work evil thousands of years ago, so there are black magicians and priests in embodiment today who are using their powers to destroy civilization.
“The very ones who were instrumental in causing the sinking of Atlantis have reincarnated in this century, and their focus is a staggering agenda of world destruction. Among them are the Atlantean scientists who experimented with recombinant DNA, breaking up and splicing together DNA from human and animal sources, thereby spawning creatures that were half man and half animal. Their evildoings ultimately brought forth the LORD’s judgment....
“We wish to point out that the golden chain mail is the greatest weapon you have to thwart the agenda of the reincarnated Atlanteans and the false hierarchy of fallen angels who support them. We desire to see you accomplish, as the messenger has stated, the corking of the bottle of hell. In other words, we desire to see you drive back the Antichrists who have wreaked havoc in their determination to destroy this civilization.
“Let them be driven back and confined to the depths of death and hell where they belong, until the hour of their judgment is come! And let it be accomplished by the powerful decrees of stalwart Keepers of the Flame who read the signs of the times—yes, who read and run with the message of salvation unto the righteous and the message of judgment unto the reprobate.
“This dawning day of Aquarius is a wondrous time for the alchemy of the golden chain mail! It is a wondrous time for rethinking and remaking civilization!”6
Jesus explains the part prayer can play in freeing individuals from psychic thralldom: “Many people fear to take to God those distressing problems that involve their own personal guilt, whereas others, working in the opposite direction, seem to almost enjoy telling God how very unworthy they are. We would clarify for the benefit of all. Insofar as impure acts and thoughts go, bringing them to God for purification is in a very real sense bringing your iniquities to heaven for judgment ahead of time, thus removing from the karmic record, in many cases, the need for future recompense. ‘Some men’s sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.’7
“As a mother comforts a sobbing child, so God can and does quiet the restless energies that you seem unable to govern. When you keep your problems to yourself, as though they could thus be hidden from his eye, often they are only intensified, and your distress increases rather than lessens. In the matter of those who tell God how unworthy they are and appear to revel in so doing, this in most cases is the overriding of a rebellious entity or discarnate that manipulates their feelings to no good end.
“You know, precious ones, the evil spirits that have lived in the world in the past and who are now out of the body, together with those possessing entities that attach themselves to individuals because they love darkness rather than light,8 enjoy performing acts that they suspect might give distress to the Creator of the universe. This attitude is difficult for many to understand; but like that psychological trait known as masochism or self-abuse, the attempt of these spirits to flagellate the Deity by acclaiming their own dire condition actually feeds their egos and is intended to make those whom they control enjoy being sinners.
“When the sincere disciple brings to the Father all of his energy for purification, God is truly able to wash and to regenerate with his love and attention the developing son and bring him to maturity. In cases where extreme perversions have been practiced, it will be necessary that the individual make application for forgiveness with deep sincerity and follow the injunction ‘Go, and sin no more.’9 Those in the latter category must of necessity strive until they have won a relative state of victory over the outer condition and understand that the demons of ego and rebellion must be put down.
“There is a law involved here that states that man is accountable for that which he creates. Those who have created or harbored a rebellious spirit must themselves bring it under control and then approach God with humility that they, too, may be received and their energies purified. There is never any question whatsoever concerning the will of God to receive the prodigal son10 back to his heart. Therefore, no one should make unworthiness an excuse for not engaging in holy prayer. The worthy need to progress and the unworthy to disentangle themselves from the enchantments of the world.
“More things are indeed wrought by prayer than the world dreams of. Yet ordinary prayer, strenuously engaged in, that cries out for emergency help in time of need is not to be compared with that steadfast outreach for God that understands communion as a most fortunate means to the end of personal freedom.”11
Let all who have the courage seek the Divine Presence of life, which is above all psychic thralldom and which leads men to the feet of the master. There the disciple can become truly God-centered, God-taught and God-inspired.
Let us close this chapter with a final word of advice from Astrea: “The LORD God has given to man dominion over all things. But this dominion does not of necessity include entanglement in the astral world of thought and feeling. The source of all human imperfection is old astral records. Buildings and houses, people and even animals in the world of form are filled with these old records. Your tube of light must be made strong and resilient that it may bend when necessary but never break under the onslaughts of psychic disturbances.
“You must learn to move in the world of form as victors over death and misqualified energy. The vortices of evil and of psychic disturbances may move all around you, but you may call upon your Divine Presence for release and deliverance. You may call unto me, and I will assist you by locking my cosmic circle and sword of blue flame around these vicious foci and providing not only yourselves with deliverance but also those whom you love.
“You must be persistent in your calls and determined in your conviction that the light of God will not fail to answer them, and you must, under no condition, yield an inch of ground to those forces that are not of the light. Beloved ones, these forces could not survive a single day if it were not for the feeding of mankind’s energies into them. There is only one source of life, and that is God.”12
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
“Psychic Thralldom” is chapter 2 of Paths of Light and Darkness, Book 6 of Climb the Highest Mountain series by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet. Parts 1-9 of “Psychic Thralldom” are published in 2005 Pearls of Wisdom Nos. 14-22. The publications listed in these notes are Summit University Press publications unless otherwise noted. For ordering information, go to The Summit Lighthouse online store.
1. II Tim. 3:7.
2. For deliverance from such spirits, it is recommended that you give the following decrees from Prayers, Meditations, Dynamic Decrees for the Coming Revolution in Higher Consciousness: “Violet Fire and Tube of Light Decree,” 0.01; “Lord Michael,” 10.00; and “Decree to Beloved Mighty Astrea,” 10.14. The decree to Astrea and “Binding of False Spirits and Psychic Energies” are printed in “Psychic Thralldom” Part 5, in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, no. 18.
3. God Meru, July 26, 1964, “The Coat of Golden Chain Mail,” in “The Radiant Word,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 15, April 13, 1986.
4. El Morya, December 28, 1969.
5. Serapis Bey, December 28, 1985, “The Descent of the Mighty Blue Sphere,” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 29, no. 15, April 13, 1986.
6. Apollo and Lumina, June 25, 1995, “Turn This Civilization Around!” in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 38, no. 31, July 16, 1995.
7. I Tim. 5:24.
8. John 3:19.
9. John 8:11.
10. Luke 15:11-32.
11. Jesus, “Unceasing Prayer,” in Jesus and Kuthumi, Prayer and Meditation (1978), pp. 10-12.
12. Astrea, “Freedom from the Psychic World,” in Keepers of the Flame Lesson 23. (To learn more about the Keepers of the Flame lessons or to become a Keeper of the Flame, please contact 800-245-5445 or visit http://www.SummitLighthouse.org/community/keepers-flame-fraternity/
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