Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 28 - Beloved Gautama Buddha - July 3, 2005

Freedom ’83 in the Heart I

Crystal of the Heart of Saint Germain

Part 1

Hearts of gold who come in answer to the call of Saint Germain, I AM Gautama of the ages. Walking in the hills and mountains of our God, I contemplate the love of this blessed servant, your own Knight Commander.

And I would speak of the Son of Light, for the “Ode to Joy”1 is the ode of freedom. And by the grace of our Father, I therefore introduce this seminar on freedom by the Chohan of the Seventh Ray and the God of Freedom to the earth, even the hierarch of the Aquarian age, your own beloved Saint Germain. [35-second applause]

He stands where I stand. He is where I am. And we are one with the messenger, that you might understand the union of the Buddhas of cosmos with the noble knight of old who has served the cause of freedom and whose crystal heart has been the focal point of our light, of our love!

Therefore, Buddhas from the far-off worlds gather. As the one thousand have gathered here, so we gather.2 And I give to you now the image of the crystal of his heart that you might know that this crystal of the heart of Saint Germain is the focal point of rays of light from far-off worlds beaming to earth and becoming the transformer of the Buddhic light by the power of this freedom flame.

Therefore, I would show you the image of a physical crystal that you might realize just what is the heart of Saint Germain to a hierarchy, to a cosmos and to the entire Great White Brotherhood. [Messenger holds up a multicolored crystal.]

Visualize now this crystal as the focus of the heart of Saint Germain, all of the vastness of the great blue causal body— the blue and the violet and colors not seen by the physical eye—refracted by the heart of Saint Germain and the golden man of his heart and the threefold flame.

Now understand how a million rays of light from only those of Buddhic attainment may send forth that ray of promise—the rainbow ray of the great blue causal body— and, passing to and through his heart, may then anchor and lower into manifestation, through the chelas of the will of God, the Buddhic matrix empowered by freedom and the Aquarian dispensation to earth and her evolutions.

Now contemplate this Purple Fiery Heart of Saint Germain that may be clear as crystal fire and take on any property of the sun. And understand how the hierarch of the age is the open door to immortality to all souls evolving beneath that crystal heart and moving upward in the spirals of the Matter universe to rejoin, by the hand of the Mother of the World, even the God of the earth.3 For I would take you by the hand and receive you by the hand of the Mother and deliver you, therefore, unto the grand matrix of the kingdom of God in manifestation—as Above, so below!

Blessed hearts, be seated in the crystal fire of Saint Germain.

The thoughtform of the blue violet-fire crystal now becomes your own heart matrix—the definition of purpose of your own threefold flame.

I am Gautama Buddha. I keep the threefold flame of life for earth and her evolutions of light. I keep the flame as a starry diadem. And my heart surely is the open door to souls’ reunion with The LORD Our Righteousness.

Understand completely the meaning of the path of the threefold flame as taught by Maitreya, my beloved co-servant. Understand the science of discrimination, of discipline, of discernment. Understand the way of the threefold light and of the five secret rays. Understand, beloved hearts, how the development of the fiery potential of freedom within your heart is the only key to individuality, to independence as it has been foreseen by Saint Germain and to which this land has been dedicated.

Understand the necessity that with all thy getting, the getting of the understanding of the threefold flame is paramount—walking in the light of the inner crystal, expanding that light as a sun, determining therefore, by God-determination, to protect each precious plume of light.

Let us begin with love; for love is the fulfilling of the whole law4 of freedom, alchemy, transmutation and all that Aquarius holds in store.

You are the avant-garde of a two-thousand-year dispensation; and you clear the way by the Holy Spirit, by Shiva, in the walking of the light of love. If this people cannot learn love, then I say, who can? Who can melt the elements of hatred with a fervent heat5 except the man, the woman, the child who has dedicated love as the intense and all-consuming fire of Yahweh?

O Mighty I AM Presence, O Ancient of Days, O Great I AM, I, Gautama, am the servant of thy love. And therefore, I demand these crystals of human pride and fear and hardness of heart now be melted by the action of the love-fire of my heart!

I AM in the heart of the psalmist. I AM in the heart of David. I AM in the heart of the one who is the fire of love emboldened by the very Word of the LORD. Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, behold, thou art with me.6 Thou art, as love, a living flame all-consuming that does indeed devour the enemies of Israel.

And who are the enemies of Israel? They are the unreal who are not part of that central fire that is in the very midst of Jerusalem. For I AM the fire in the midst of thee, saith the LORD, and I AM the wall round about thee.7 For I AM real. I AM Reality and I AM thy God. And I AM the crystal-clear Reality of that destiny that comes forth from the diligence of thy heart, beating in consonance with the rhythm of God’s own will.

Therefore, if you accept it, I take the ruby fire, I isolate it in the crystal heart of Saint Germain, and all Buddhas with me direct that ray of the sun, even Padma Sambhava.

O thou art come, O soul, to anoint the daughter of Zion, to anoint the Holy City and the soul thereof, even the Mother flame within thee, even the one who holds the office of Mother of the World—and even thy very soul!

O devotee of freedom, be stripped now by perfect love of these encumberments that would surround the heart, not with a swaddling garment but with cords that bind thee to the unreality of the synthetic self that has no part with thee and thy God.

Blessed is the man that walketh not in the council of the ungodly.8 Therefore, heed not the word of those devoid of the threefold flame; for though they imitate truth, they can never be the instrument for the transfer of truth.

Let thy teachers be, then, those who have the attainment of the threefold flame. And let this mark be the standard of those who would earn the mantle of minister of the sacred fire in the Church Universal and Triumphant.

Understand that the office of chela must therefore be defined by love that is perpetually all-consuming, that cleans the very vessel, even as it burns, and allows no soot to gather, no dust to remain.

Even as crystal drops of fire as living rain purify the vessel, so I, Gautama, am come. And I come to lift you on high to the holy mountain of God. I come to exalt you in the name of your own Christ Self, that you might meet the standard of the standard-bearer who is Christ the Lord. And for this age, the Lord in Saint Germain bears the standard and the mark of discipline, which is required of the career sons and daughters of God.

This is not the era when there are no prophets or kings in Israel, but this is the era of the divine standard of the sons of God conveyed to you and demonstrated precisely by the chohans of the rays, by the Buddhas, by the archangels.

Therefore, follow not after thine own devices. Think not unto thyself, “Now I will take these specific teachings of the ascended masters and these alone, and I will steal away and I will chart my course and I will plot my trek. And I will take this and this according to my understanding. And I will show how I may arrive at the point of oneness also.”

Beloved hearts, no one can wrest the teaching from the Word incarnate. No one can take the teaching of Jesus Christ and reject him as the ascended master and Lord and Saviour and World Teacher in this hour with Kuthumi.

Understand, therefore, that forever and forever the Word itself is wed to the person of God, to the Lawgiver, and to the very movement of the Word itself—the ongoing nature of the I AM THAT I AM that moves in and through and among you as God’s holy will outplayed and outpictured in your very own steps when these steps are the footprints of the LORD himself.

What? Do you not think that your footprints on the road of life do not leave imprints of fire because they are the footprints of your God? Well, I say, holiness to the LORD9 on the part of the priests of the Most High God. Let there be reverence in thine own heart, for thy oneness is nigh thee.

And the absence of reverence replaced by the commonplace and the mundane by those who ought to do better because they know better—because they have had not only the teaching but the very presence of the living teacher and the fire of our abode—these ones ought not to go out in outer darkness thinking that that which is common and unclean can be made pure and holy merely by the inclination of the head or by the pronouncement of a few words of that human logic that seeks to justify the human consciousness and endow it with a holiness that is not intrinsic to it.

For inherent in the LORD thy God, and him only, is the holiness of thy life. And therefore, think not to say, “Because I perceive it is right and it feels good, therefore it is right and there is nothing wrong with my state of being or consciousness.”

I remind again and again: There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof are the ways of death.10

I AM Gautama, and the exponent of freedom that I AM is scarcely known by you. For the path of the Buddha is the path of perfect freedom, perfect liberty and soul liberation. And therefore, I say to the worshipers of this light: Set the captives free, and begin with your own reasoning mind. Hearken not to it but call upon the mind of Christ, and let it be in you11 as the mighty standard of the Ancient of Days.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 29.

I AM the Light of the Heart

by Saint Germain

I AM the Light of the Heart Shining in the darkness of being
And changing all into the golden treasury Of the Mind of Christ.

I AM projecting my Love Out into the world
To erase all errors
And to break down all barriers.

I AM the power of infinite Love, Amplifying itself
Until it is victorious, World without end!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Gautama Buddha was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, June 30, 1983, during the seven-day retreat, Freedom ’83 in the Heart, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Park County, Montana. This dictation is available for audio download at

1. Beethoven’s “Ode to Joy” was the meditation music for Gautama Buddha’s dictation.

2. Prior to the dictation, the messenger read from scripture including chapter 4 of the Book of Micah.

3. Rev. 11:4.

4. Rom. 13:10.

5. II Pet. 3:10, 12

6. Ps. 23:4.

7. Zech. 2.5.

8. Ps. 1:1.

9. Exod. 28:36, 39:30; Isa. 23:18; Jer. 2:3; Zech. 14:20, 21.

10. Prov. 14:12; 16:25; Rom. 6:21-23.

11. Phil. 2:5.

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