Dear ones of the light, your efforts have been great, and I must propel you into a greater greatness than you have thought you could muster and ensoul.
We are determined that there shall not be a crossing of the line into physical [manifestation] of those elements of darkness that are plotted even in this hour in Moscow. And therefore, let us be on top of the news and events day by day. Disarmament talks in Geneva, bargaining concerning the defense of the nation, and all that is under consideration must have the needle ray of your attention, your concern, and your prayer.
If all you can offer is a prayer to me, it will be the necessary key whereby I may send K-17 and his legions to reinforce the will of God. But if you do not speak, you do not warn, you do not give a mighty fiat and a shout for victory, others may not also. And there is a tendency to feel that “someone else is making the call and therefore I will go about my business, my personal divine plan, and our Saturday night session will take care of it.”
Well, beloved ones, I tell you, your homelands are at stake in this hour and the future of your life and your children!
I do not give a dire warning merely for effect and I do not come to repeat and repeat again what has been said. My statement is a new statement for 1983. It is not a cumulative statement of past decades but it is a reassessment of the current hour and of current forces.
You must realize that it is neither the skill nor the overshadowing of the president alone, but it is, in fact, the power elite and the forces that move around him that are more deadly than you realize. These must be counteracted—every nefarious influence including, and by all means, the factor of spacecraft and the conspiracy of a galactic false hierarchy that is determined to snuff out the flame of freedom on earth.
This group assembled here, if their very numbers and dedicated hearts could be swiftly duplicated at Glastonbury and in this area of Montana—meeting regularly, dedicating their entire life and lifestyle (underscored!) to the Word, to the sacred science, and to the holding of the line of freedom— could make all the difference in the turn of events in the coming decade.
I tell you it is so, because it is so. And I tell you, your hearts united for these days means more to me than any separate effort made by any group or leaders or movement anywhere on the face of the earth.
I urge you to understand that I speak to you with a tear in my eye for what I see and what the LORD God Almighty has shown me that could come upon this earth! And I cry out for assistance from among you, and I cry out for all practicality that you might also preserve your families, your households, your income and make available to yourselves and your friends, in a group effort, that which must be provided—a mighty chalice of ongoing twenty-four-hour decrees by hundreds of souls of light who become astute and aware of world conditions.
And I envision that this group of light, [this] community gathered here, delivering the message of the analysis of the news, of the psychology of the plots and the behind-the-scenes activities—by satellite, by radio, by shortwave, by television if possible, by any means of communication—to the most people upon this planet, can bring a flame of illumination and enlightenment that will galvanize them on the side of the freedom-fighters of every nation long before they can accept the spiritual teachings of the ascended masters.
Let there be, therefore, the understanding of the importance of the daily newspaper, of the Royal Teton Ranch News. Let it be understood that the views of Keepers of the Flame and their knowledge and all that is in our files put by the spoken Word and the written Word itself could already be starting those fires of freedom that we have anticipated must be started in the nations of the earth as a focal point of our heart to be a receiving station of light to save those nations from the very destruction, in spite of themselves, of their own subconscious will to failure and to death.
I tell you, beloved hearts, that these momentums within the collective unconscious of the people of light can be turned around, overturned and bound once they have the enlightenment and the illumination. I pray with all my heart in this hour that there will be a turning of the tide, that you will sharpen your pens and your swords and you will look to yourself to refine your talents and to know, of a truth, that ascended master youth of every age, that dedicated hearts can make the difference.
Let us not succumb within this organization to that world momentum, that hypnotic consciousness of socialism and centralism, where you think that all that will happen will come from the top, will come from headquarters or will come from the white fire core and therefore [you] only await direction.
Dear hearts of light, the staff now engaged in holding the line is [taxed to] the maximum strength to produce what is being produced, and nothing more can be done or increased unless there be reinforcements of chelas of the first order who will quit the sin of rebellion and witchcraft, who will be obedient to their heart and to the word that is given and who will not create more problems than they are worth and assert themselves as knowing more than all others and therefore not needing to become a part of one single flaming sword, the sword Excalibur, the sword of Archangel Michael, the sword that keeps the way of the Tree of Life in the Garden!
If the Mystery School is to endure, I tell you, if America is to endure, if the knowledge itself of the path of eternal life is to be made known, then the mighty cherubim who stand with a flaming sword must become physical in your own hearts and minds, and you must see yourselves as the “I AM the Guard” protecting the way of the Inner Retreat, protecting the way of the gift of true knowledge from the Holy Spirit. And if the path of initiation is to be had, the instrument also must be protected and there must be thousands who will stand for the new order of the ages.
Dear hearts of light, your mere presence in this state in this hour has become a force of defense and a force of respect. There is no respectability unless the power of the very forces of freedom is seen and known in defense of the One Sent.
I AM Saint Germain. The LORD God has sent me to you and to planet Earth. And I have called you and I have sent you. Now let us realize that it is the physical action, it is the moving into greater dedication of the entire movement, and it is the breaking down of the walls of barrier that have been artificially set by the betrayers of the movement and its enemies. And these walls of the enemy—of fear, of gossip, of superstition, of maligning, of disinformation and of slander—are becoming, therefore, as a Berlin Wall to separate the lightbearers of the world from the white-fire core of freedom.
I say, let the legions of light tear down these barriers! Let the light and the Word go forth. For I, Saint Germain, now multiply the focuses for the release of the Word of the ascended masters.
Now here from the Inner Retreat, now from the Oval Office, let the increase, let the multiplication occur that this my Word, my heart, my plea, may be translated directly to the inner ear of lightbearers worldwide from those strategic points of light set up by dedicated Keepers of the Flame where they have dedicated the altar of the Most High God, and of the Ark of the Covenant and its flame, and of the Shekhinah glory.
Wherever that altar is physically, so I say, let it be now etheric, and let there be my transformer, and let there be the flowing forth of my Word. And let there be the remembrance that 1987 has not changed as the date for the necessary alignment of your worlds.1
In the name of Freedom, I speak! And I will continue to speak in the delivery of the Word of the messenger! And I will speak through your dynamic decrees if you will infuse them with heart and desire and will and one-pointedness and a mighty fervor whereby there is no longer a division of forces in your own temple and subconscious but only a drawing together and a summoning of all flow in one direction—the service of the light!
Therefore, my beloved hearts, I embrace you as companions of eternity. I hold you in the mighty Presence of my being that you might intensify and increase and receive directly from me now that initiation of my heart whereby a coil of fire and freedom will mount upon the pole of being. And the Polestar of your I AM Presence will keep that mighty awareness as you affirm it of yourself as God’s unfailing, unfailing instrument for world freedom.
Let vision increase! Let the mighty eagle of the LORD be upon you! Let love for community know just how important it is for this endeavor of light and freedom to succeed!
No matter what the forces of darkness say, this is the Great White Brotherhood’s effort of freedom! And this is the sponsorship of the entire hosts of the LORD! And you are sponsored and the messenger is sponsored and I stand in the very midst! And this is by dispensation of the Lords of Karma, which dispensation they have not withdrawn!
And therefore, think not that another shall come in its stead to provide the answer. For this is the final opportunity of this century for souls of light to manifest the victory! And our mantle and our authority and our light and our Word will not be given to another, for there is no other cradle that can be trusted as a chalice of light.
Therefore, it must be done! It shall be done! The LORD God has decreed it! We decree it! You decree it!
Now increase your sense of self-worth and responsibility and your sense of the all-power of God in you. And then you will know, as I have known for centuries, that if I, if you do not do the job, then the job will not be done!
If Job had not stood in the face of Satan, a line would have not been drawn against the world momentum of doubt of the LORD God Almighty. If you do not do the job, I repeat, it will not be done!
Therefore, neglect not what you have been taught as the way in which to walk. And do not devise other ways when we have taught you diligently by example how to decree, how to work, how to pray, how to love, how to cherish and obey.
Beloved hearts full of the fire of God’s love, listen and listen well. Be imitators of the masters and the messengers and not counterfeits. Be one-pointed and, above all, look to Sirius, your home, as the source of light for the victory! In all things, be victorious!
I, Saint Germain, anoint you now. Receive it in full fire, you who are the pilgrims of light!
I place my hand upon the etheric brow of each one. I place it on the third eye. And my hand there releases a momentum of my fire.
Now until the end of this conference, build the momentum of the magnet in your four lower bodies. And then I will come and touch you physically that the initial blessing I now give and your own momentum might be therefore the fusing of Alpha and Omega and the anchoring in your heart of the net gain of your fervor, of your love, which I cherish always, always, and always.
Ever with you in love, I AM the servant of the light of freedom blazing where you are!
I AM Saint Germain, the God of Freedom to the earth! Earth is Freedom’s Star and shall be forevermore Freedom’s Star!
[2-minute 45-second applause]
Hail, Saint Germain! (Messenger, congregation give salutation 12x.)
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Friday, July 1, 1983, during the seven-day retreat, Freedom ’83 in the Heart, held in the Heart of the Inner Retreat, Park County, Montana. Parts 1 and 2 of this dictation are printed in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48, nos. 30 and 31.
1. On April 4, 1982, Archangel Michael said, “The date is January 1, 1987. I ask you to call to me personally for the protection of your life, your soul, and your family that you are found in the right place on that date and that all things moving in your life in this hour will move toward your oneness with our bands in that hour. I do not say that place for you personally is the Inner Retreat, but I do say that you have a right place, and you have a right to know what that place is when God desires to reveal it to you. And there are steps necessary for you to take in order to be present with your own Mighty I AM Presence on that day. You may be guided to take those necessary steps before it is revealed to you your ultimate destination. I make known to you that you have need to call to me to ascertain the point of your arrival....”
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