Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 48 No. 39 - Beloved Kuthumi - September 18, 2005

The Realities of God

Part 1

Gracious ones, “Away in a manger, no place for his head”—these words from the hymn do remind mankind today who meditate upon them that there seems to be little room in the inn of mankind’s being for the head of man’s being, which is Christ.

The radiance of the pure white light is a tangible manifestation and is no imagination or any state of not being. Rather, it is a state that is akin to immortal being, to realization of the fullness of that which shall be when the darkened manifestations of men in this present hour have long since ceased to be, and the dying struggles of this age are no more.

We—who have observed, by his grace through the centuries, the burning desire in the hearts of the faithful for a greater measure of Christ communication and understanding—are aware today that there is a struggle in the being of man for his own spiritual heritage, that he might come to a state of consciousness that belies all that he has done of a carnal sort.

For today the world, as in centuries past, continues unabated in an activity of continual struggle with one another. The rounds of this struggle are, historically speaking, a manifestation of war builded upon war. And the Prince of Peace and the message thereof is frequently even used as a measure of excuse for mankind’s crusading forth to do the will of God.

In reality, men are often schooled in a state of consciousness where they know not, nor are aware of, the realities of God, considering those realities to be figments of some men’s idle imaginations, as the dying manifestations of a bourgeois culture. This, of course, to the hearts of the faithful is an intolerable thought. And men and women who are familiar with the bonds of the Cosmic Christ and who know the tangible reality of heaven can never accept the Communistic and atheistic doctrines.

Yet I call to mankind’s attention today that there is a most insidious and deliberate plan, a plot of far-reaching dimensions, that has crossed the lines of race and creed, of politics, of religion and even of science to cause a wedding of sorts to be made between various discordant elements, negative elements, as it were, of these diverse manifestations.

This wedding of negative elements for a purpose is often invisible and not perceived on the surface of life, and therefore the whole manifestation of world negativity sometimes manifests in positive forms. And not knowing the nature of [the deeds of the fallen ones] because they work in the dark, in the darkened realm of mortal personality, men are from time to time embroiled in an activity that doeth great despite to their brothers upon the planetary body.

In fact, precious ones of the light, many today who are zealots in the Communist realm are sincere workers, [striving] to produce good for their fellow men. They are atheistic in their consciousness but devoted to the idea of world humanitarianism. And it is time that individuals recognized this so that they do not lump together all of the people in the world who are Communists (or who are of any race, creed or color or political affiliation) so that mankind accepts that a certain segment of humanity is of little value and indeed is a negative manifestation, when in reality there are segments of segments. And men must learn to discern the deeds that men do and not to classify mankind in masses that they themselves categorize and bring despite to within the folds of their consciousness, thus harming themselves as well as their fellow men.

Now, in connection with the Communists who are devoted to world good, let me call to the attention of mankind throughout the planetary body that neither capitalism nor Communism have the approval of the ascended masters. I wish to call to your attention that what has the approval of the ascended masters is a golden-rule order where the nature of mankind is served by the power of the light from within one heart extending to another heart, where each part of life seeks to benefit another part of life, and all work together for a universal manifestation of Christ-good to the family of nations.

This cannot be brought about where there are manifestations of extreme poverty, whether or not the individuals responsible for this are actually the people who are themselves victims of this awful outreach of world poverty. In other words, among the family of nations and in the nations of the world, there are various segments of the community who refuse to serve and to work and who refuse to understand, and who do not understand, the modes of life which they see paraded before them. And they desire at the same time withal (without of necessity putting forth human effort) to reap a reward which they themselves have not merited.

In this sense, of course, we support the elements of capitalism where capitalism seeks to create in man an awareness of responsibility. But we cannot support those aspects of capitalism which are oppressive to their brother and refuse to allow some measure of a corrective sort to be instituted in the world community to raise those levels of consciousness that are manifesting below the level of common decency even and, in other cases, [in those] who are victims of themselves.

We call to your attention, then, that strict and glaring honesty must be practiced by all mankind, that they may be able to have compassion upon the world order and to see that there are self-corrective media within the world order. For many of the professors of the world who are inclined toward justice and fair play have also themselves concluded certain noble efforts of thought and feeling, which, if calculated and accepted by the masses of mankind, would have produced in the world of cause and effect a greater manifestation of brotherliness and opportunity to mankind.

We understand full well that there are among the capitalist domains any number of individuals who are opposed to unionism. And we also understand that among the union men there are those who are both in favor of unionism and opposed to it in the world order. Now, the ascended masters do not support world political ideologies in most cases, but we do subscribe to those manifestations of justice among mankind which will produce opportunities of fair play to all peoples.

And therefore, it must be understood by the peoples of the world that the manifestation of unionism is neither good or bad. But it is the administration, and the administration alone, of those principals that seek negotiation with management that are either manifesting for good or ill. And they can be a means of great world good. For the banding together of people opposing a way of life that seems to delete from them the bare necessities of life can often be productive of great good when those bonds are not misused or abused and turned into some form of political oppression which seeks to rob mankind of reality.

This is what has actually taken place in the name of Communism. For Communism itself is not solely a communal effort, but it is, in fact, an activity that caters to the world’s needs but robs the world of its freedom—its freedom to worship God, its freedom to think for itself and to bring into manifestation in the world order those creative and noble efforts which stem from attunement with the Divine Presence of life.

Therefore, those who are bound by Communist oppression may indeed outwardly appear to be making gains because their living conditions and standards are raised. But in reality they have sacrificed a great deal when they have lost the spiritual opportunity to express their God-oriented, positive design that flowed forth in the beginning of the creation into manifestation but has not been taken up by them and used because it is forbidden and not taught by their political system.

You may wonder why I am discoursing upon this today, and I am doing it for a two-pronged reason. I am doing it to set straight, in the minds and consciousness of people, that there are benign and kindly individuals manifesting on all sides of the Iron and Bamboo curtains. I am also doing it in order to call to the attention of those who live under the star of freedom that the banner which they enjoy and the opportunities of life which have come to them through the noble efforts of many, guided by your own beloved Jesus and Saint Germain, are indeed a prize of first dimension, which all mankind ought to esteem most highly and seek to preserve. For once it is lost, I assure you that it will be a frightful condition that will bring about its restoration into manifestation.

And the world today, because of politics and because of backstage politics, is often not supporting the way of truth and justice. I would call to your attention today that there are many individuals who fail to support the president of the United States1 in his bid for freedom to the people of the world. It is understandable that the mothers of the world, and especially of those soldiers today who are engaged in mortal combat in Vietnam,2 should also have a great antipathy toward war and a desire to see their sons restored to them. But simply to restore their sons to them at the cost of a great loss of freedom would in no way give to mankind en masse the freedom they seek.

It is most regrettable that by force and force meeting force, freedom must be preserved in the world community. For it is far more to be desired that the Prince of Peace, the Son of God, would go forth to war and make his bid for the spirits of mankind, for their devotion toward cosmic principles en masse and therefore, in response to his going forth, that the people of the world would accept his riding forth and would hold with the great cosmic consciousness which he manifests. And therefore world brotherhood would be a fait accompli.

But because it is not so in the world domain and because mankind themselves are still embroiled in struggle, their consciousness being torn within itself, you can plainly see that that effort for freedom would manifest of necessity in an outer form, although we would far rather have it be a manifestation of the great tides of cosmic reality in their hearts.

But the students of the light must learn to discern and to understand the great tides of cosmic reality which are within. They must understand that not by becoming ostriches with their heads in the sand and refusing to look honestly upon the world order can they perceive it as a thing apart from the Divine Presence of Almighty God. For his eyes, which are too pure to behold the inequities of mankind, are actually lifted up to behold new dimensions of wonder that he may convey to the creation which he has made.

But this creation cannot receive the great blessings of that wonder, seeing that it does not yet, even now, enjoy the tremendous blessings which he has already made and created that men should enjoy here below in the world of form! And yet men are divided one from another, schisms being almost universal throughout the world order. And this prevents them from enjoying the fruit of cosmic effort and beneficence which God would long ago have bestowed upon the world order and would have done so from the day when Messias* came into manifestation two thousand years ago in Bethlehem of Judea.

I call, then, to your attention how the struggles of the world in the outer cannot help but of necessity spill over into ascended master endeavors. But it is not our desire to perpetuate them, and we are anxious to see great walls of light erected, not only between the activities of light but between the activities of individuals and the world order, so that they can preserve those spiritual states of consciousness that will prevent them from becoming victims of their own spheres of darkness, which abide in the continents of their being. They must reckon with those manifestations of darkened, untransmuted substance and realize that until that substance is transmuted, the prince of this world will indeed come and find something within them to which he may attach himself and amplify, producing unrest in the very students of light who are intended, by divine decree, to manifest in the world the burning and shining light of the eternal sun.

* Messiah

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 48 no. 40.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuthumi was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, August 20, 1967, at La Tourelle in Colorado Springs, Colorado.

1. Lyndon Baines Johnson was president of the United States from 1963 to 1969.

2. The Vietnam War, 1954–1975, was between the government of South Vietnam, aided by the U.S., and Communist insurgents, aided by North Vietnam. From 1961, the U.S. supplied support troops to South Vietnam, with as many as 550,000 by 1969. Between 1969 and 1973, U.S. troops were withdrawn from Vietnam. The fighting continued despite a 1973 cease-fire agreement. The war ended in 1975, when the North Vietnamese launched their final offensive and routed the South Vietnamese army. In 1976, the country was reunited as the Socialist Republic of Vietnam. On March 22, 1975, Saint Germain said in a dictation, “As you have seen on the frontlines of the battlefields of the world, when the lightbearers desert the battleground, the dark ones move in. And they will push farther and farther, and continue to push when they know that the lightbearers will turn their back when the going gets tough. We do not approve of the take-over of Cambodia, of Vietnam. We do not approve of the position of America, of these United States, failing to defend to the victory, the freedom, and the honor of these people, children of God who are without the necessary defenses, or advanced scientific preparations to engage in the warfare of the Luciferians. And therefore, as you see, the landed areas of the world where freedom burns shrinking before the shadow of the dragon.”

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