Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 50 No. 7 - Beloved Mother Mary - April 1, 2007

The Promise of the Ascension

Be still, my children, and know that the I AM in you is God. Your keeping of this vigil with me has meant more than your outer self may know.1 It has meant a manifestation of the Christ consciousness for some yet unborn; and for others who are leaving this planet, it means the difference between their freedom or their remaining in bondage.

I come tonight with a very short message; but I choose to enfold you in such love that as you sleep tonight in the consciousness of the arms of the Father Presence around you, you shall know that you are sustained by a mother’s heart.

And so, beloved one 2 [Mother Mary speaks directly to Clara Louise Kieninger], thou who hast served so long, may thine eyes be touched as the stars from heaven. For unto thee at the close of this embodiment, the Great Divine Director has told me, shall come thy ascension. This has been promised to thee for the faithfulness of thy service to the light. And it is as sure as the starry path that leads back to the heart of God—the shining light.

And thou shalt meet first Serapis Bey, thy teacher; and then I shall stand and say to thee, “Welcome Home, thou Mother of the Flame, to the heart of God—to go no more out, to remain forever in the heart of the eternal One, and to do his eternal will.”

[Beloved Clara Louise Kieninger addresses the messenger, “May I kiss your hand for her?” The messenger Mark L. Prophet extends his hand, and the Mother of the Flame kisses it in honor of Mother Mary.]

The gift that has been given, the service rendered, is done in the holy name of the Christ of everyone—my Son, your brother.

And now I thank you all for the offering of yourselves to me within the silent recesses of your heart. In the stillness of the night, realize that in the so-called mystic light of God that shines from yon distant stars there is a unity and oneness, threads of light weaving together a comprehensible union of many hearts of light. You are one—e pluribus unum, e pluribus unum—one out of many. And like the stars in the flag of this blessed nation, you can make your lives sublime and leave behind you those precious footsteps in the sands immortal, sands of light.

Thank you and good night.

The Reward of the Mother of the Flame

Clara Louise Kieninger made her ascension, as Mother Mary had said she would, from Berkeley, California, on October 25, 1970. The mantle of the office of the Mother of the Flame had been transferred to the messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet on April 9, 1966. On that day Elizabeth received the scepter and the ring of the Mother of the Flame and Clara Louise became Regent Mother of the Flame, an office which she still holds as the ascended lady master Clara Louise.

In Gautama Buddha’s annual New Year’s address on January 1, 1973, Clara Louise was present at inner levels throughout the service. Gautama spoke of the return of her youthful appearance in her ascended state and announced that she would present to the Mother of the Flame a torch of illumination to the age:

As I stand here addressing you then this evening, it is my desire to acquaint you with a circumstance concerning your own activity here in Santa Barbara, in Colorado Springs and in many parts of the world. Some of you may recall one who passed from you some time ago, the first Mother of the Flame, who later became the Regent Mother. Well, I want you to know that tonight at inner levels she is with you. Her name upon earth, Louise Kieninger, will kindle in many of you a response of her great love.

I want you to understand that her body is no longer gray or crooked in any way; her form no longer reflects age, but only the beauty of her earliest youth and maturity. Upon her face there is a glow of hope and sweetness and love. Her keynote is indeed that which was played to you upon the violin this very evening, “Calm As the Night.”

I want you to know that she will be with you until this service shall break up. Until you shall leave and depart these doors, she will be with you this night, giving her love and her counsel at inner levels to you, conveying her blessing to you as the first Mother of the Flame. And she shall, ere the night pass, give to the present Mother of the Flame a torch charged with the vital fires from God’s heavenly altar and the conveyance of a vast mission to illuminate the world’s children and produce the blessing of true culture to the age and unto all people everywhere.

Is this then not a great blessing to those of you who can understand it-—and even to those who cannot? It is the conveyance of a soul into its higher octave of light, into the ritual of its ascension. Do you understand, then, that as this goal that was once given to her and promised unto her by Mary the Mother of Jesus herself has been achieved and fulfilled, this blessed soul desires that you should feel the currents of her love even now? And heaven itself asks that the angels that accompany me, the beautiful devas, will fold their wings, as it were, in adoration to her Divine Presence.

Thus from the hand of the Buddha through the hand of the messenger, Elizabeth received the torch from the ascended Clara Louise. Two months later Mark made his ascension, on February 26, 1973, and Elizabeth assumed the responsibility for directing the expansion of the ascended masters’ teachings throughout the world. By fall she was teaching over seventy students at the newly founded ascended masters’ university in Santa Barbara. On the anniversary of Clara Louise’s ascension, as the students paid tribute to that great and noble lady and concluded the day’s lectures with a meditation to “Calm As the Night,” Clara Louise came forth to deliver her first dictation from the ascended state.*

*The first dictation of the ascended lady master Clara Louise, “In the Twinkling of an Eye,” is included in Ich Dien, chapter 14, pp. 155-162, along with all of her other dictations.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance oer All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Mother Mary was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Monday, July 2, 1962, during the Freedom Class held in Washington, D.C. It is published in Ich Dien, the memoirs of Clara Louise Kieninger, compiled and edited by Elizabeth Clare Prophet and published by Summit University Press.

1. Acting in the authority of her office of Mother of the Flame, Clara Louise Kieninger conducted a vigil for youth on Monday evening, July 1, 1962, at Saint Germain’s Freedom Class in Washington, D.C. She conducted songs and decrees for and on behalf of the youth of the world, the incoming children, their parents and teachers. After Clara Louise’s two-hour service, Mother Mary gave this dictation.

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