I AM the light of healing flow to a planet. I AM in the mainstream of the cosmic consciousness of the Virgin Immaculate, who releases now the energies of the sacred fire from the very heart of Omega for the healing of a solar system, the healing of a planet in distress.
I AM Hilarion in the fullness of the law of the Christ consciousness of the chohans. My responsibility is to release, through the fiery core of my heart, energies for healing, for science, for truth, for the enlightenment of souls—by the law of mathematics, of the energy flow, the energy systems that can and will contribute to wholeness and the integration of souls with the life that is God here on the planet Earth.
As I come this day, speaking for the healing masters, I come bearing a scroll. I come from the Halls of Karma. I come from the deliberations of a session of the Karmic Board—with the Keeper of the Scrolls, with the beings of the elements, the healing masters and with cosmic beings who are concerned for the fate of mankind.
Our perceptions of the population of the planet we lay before you, and our deliberations and our conclusions. First and foremost, there has never been a time in human history when mankind have been so plagued by disease of every form. Often these are diseases which are not perceptible to the people themselves, for they are the diseases of the mind, the diseases of character, diseases within the subconscious.
This energy of malfunction, of disturbance, of an unnatural activity within the cells of the body of God on earth is reaching alarming proportions—in fact it is an alarm that has sounded across the cosmos itself. For if mankind be not whole, then how can they be overcomers in this age? How can they solve the larger problems on the world scene when their four lower bodies are so far from the center of reality?
We have seen, then, that Saint Germain and Morya, masters of the age, require the support of the healing masters and of cosmic beings from many sectors of cosmos. We have seen that the dream of Morya to free the earth, that the fires of transmutation and freedom for the Aquarian age in the hand of Saint Germain, cannot be realized unless mankind be made whole, unless there is a quickening.
And therefore we have appealed to the Holy Spirit, to the Maha Chohan. This noble one was summoned to our meeting by the Goddess of Liberty, the spokesman for the Karmic Board. And we placed the dilemma before the Maha Chohan and he gave his reply, stating that he was aware of the proportions and his concern was also a mounting one. And he expressed gratitude for the converging of the healing masters for the solution to the problem.
His statement was that at the very foundation of the problem of disease, of sickness of every type, was the estrangement of the soul from the flame of the Mother, the estrangement of the soul from the Spirit Most Holy. In the light of this assessment he pointed out how troubling world conditions, manufactured to a large extent by the fallen ones, were specifically calculated to separate the soul from the security of the Divine Mother and from the energy flow of the Holy Spirit.
Examining the world scene and world conditions in this light, we set about to propose solutions to the problem. First and foremost, we perceive that a guardian action of the mind of mankind is required. And therefore, the dispensation was invoked and granted from cosmic councils for a special legion of angels, who serve closely with the Mercurians, to come forth for the sealing of the mental body and the minds of mankind in a forcefield of a brilliant emerald-teal light—a light glowing now as green, now as an aspect of the hue of blue. This sealing action is a very fine line of mercurial energy around the chakras of the crown and the third eye and the head area—protecting, then, and sealing the consciousness of mankind from the projections of the astral hordes, not only of this planet in this system but of other hordes that have perceived the victory nigh on Terra.
Understand, then, that just as there is mounting support for the cause of freedom, just as there is the great gathering of the elected hosts of the LORD at inner levels, so there is that counterpart of the fallen ones, who concentrate their energies to see if they can break the spine of the Great White Brotherhood and its endeavors through embodied mankind. They shall not pass! They shall not pass!
Therefore, the dispensation, then, of the sealing of the mind is at hand. Now then, I ask that those who are in embodiment as devotees of the sacred fire understand that with every dispensation comes the responsibility to reinforce it from this level through invocation in the name of the Christ. Will you remember, then, when all else fails—especially when you find that somehow there is a distortion in your mind, in your vision, in your ability to cope with life—to instantaneously invoke in the name of Jesus the Christ the sealing of the mind with the dispensation of the emerald-teal ray.
Now then, it was considered expedient, inasmuch as there are various forms of disease that seize various segments of the society, that the various healing masters assume responsibility for a concerted effort on certain problem areas. Inasmuch as I am the chohan of the fifth ray, inasmuch as the chohans of the rays are the guardians of the Christ consciousness of that ray [on which they serve], it was given to me to organize legions of light for the protection of the Christ mind in the children of the light by the flame of truth. Therefore, you may call upon this contingent of healing forces to reinforce the Christ consciousness and to saturate the minds of mankind with the healing flame.
Know, then, that in answer to your call, I come forth with millions of angels and ascended hosts of light—some even newly ascended from Terra, some newly ascended from Venus—who have determined to join in this specific endeavor of locking the light of healing around the consciousness of mankind for the protection of that light, that Logos, that logic of the Divine Mind, that it might mesh with the lower mental body, the brain, chakras and central nervous system, and be accessible to the race.
Now then, there are other problems of healing. Pallas Athena (serving on the Karmic Board, focusing the flame of truth in her temple) stands before you, scepter in hand, challenging the Serpent and the dragon of the carnal mind. Pallas Athena is concerned with those manifestations of disease that are brought about specifically by the return factor of karma. Her committee of ascended hosts will assist mankind in dealing with their karma coalescing in the four lower bodies. They will assist with inner instruction, with a dispensation for the taking of souls so afflicted to the healing temples while their bodies sleep, to the Hall of Records where they will be shown, by the Keeper of the Scrolls and the angels of record, past performances that have resulted in present conditions.
Souls who have not yet even contacted the ascended masters and their teachings will then be shown the manipulation of cosmic energies, the use of the healing ray. They will be introduced to Kuan Yin, the Bodhisattva of Mercy. They will be shown how that karma can be set aside and how they can work out that karma by service, by invocation, by communion with the Holy Spirit and the Cosmic Virgin.
Therefore, there will be, beginning in 1975, a more-than-ordinary, an unprecedented release of the tutoring of souls who are required, ere they pass through the portal of the unity of the ascension, to balance the karma through some form of sickness, accident or disease. And in that instruction they will be taught how mastery is a flame that rises, as the phoenix bird rises from the ashes, which signify the transmutation of past records and the breaking of old forms. This instruction, this understanding, this perception by the ray of truth, will provide mankind with hope—hope that will spring within the heart—a sense of victory, a sense of overcoming, the sense that it can be done, that we can win, we can overcome.
Where you perceive, then, karma closing in upon yourself, upon loved ones—the karma of age, decrepitude, senility— whatever the age, whatever the condition, will you remember to call upon Pallas Athena and the committee for the instruction concerning karmic causes of disease. And you will find a tremendous assist given to those [dealing with that karma]. You will find a compassion developing within yourself and within them. And you will see what the ascended hosts can do for mankind.
The ascended lady master Meta, daughter of Sanat Kumara, has volunteered to tarry with earth’s evolutions, just as Sanat Kumara came and remained with earth until some should respond to the flame. Meta, then, will occupy etheric levels of the atmosphere of the planet, serving in the various healing temples. Her assignment is to minister to the needs of children—the healing of their minds of the impositions of parental influence, the influence of teachers, all extraneous influences coming through the media.
Meta, then (the ascended lady master who tended the flame of healing in the healing temple of Atlantis now focused in the etheric plane over New England) will be at hand when mothers and fathers, in distress and anxiety for problems with their children, require help. And when they make the call or you make the call for them, there are the priestesses of the sacred fire who have tended the flame of healing for thousands of years, who are prepared, as temple virgins, to come to the bedside of the children.
Meta, working with all the healing masters and the angelic hosts, will carry in her consciousness of the Motherhood of God the immaculate concept, the pure and perfect crystal design, for every child coming into embodiment, every child maturing in the way. So then, you may appeal to Meta to transfer the crystal matrix for your children, and you do not have to wait until they are sick in body. You can call for the healing angels and the healing thoughtform and the crystal of the immaculate concept to be anchored in their etheric bodies, even now in this very moment. And each day, call upon Meta and you will see how your children will preserve the crystal clarity of the consciousness of God which they had upon entering the world scene.
Now come the Elohim Cyclopea and Virginia—the mighty Elohim with a mighty power of God’s All-Seeing Eye—with their vision of mankind. As they look upon the ills of the world, they see the cause of all suffering as mankind’s loss of vision, the fall of consciousness and of energy from the level of the All-Seeing-Eye chakra to the lower chakras, and the dissipation of that energy in the ways of duality and relativity.
Therefore, the Elohim, with their cosmic helpers, will serve to assist mankind in the restoration of the power of the All-Seeing Eye, the restoration of the emerald ray in that third eye, the restoring of the lost estate of the Eden consciousness. And they will assist specifically with those diseases of insanity that come from the misuse of the third eye, those conditions of a lack of coordination of the physical body, that which you call epilepsy, and various other forms of the disintegration of the mind and the body. Many such incurable diseases stem directly, then, from misuse of the third eye in long ages past.
So then, Cyclopea and Virginia come in the healing consciousness of the Cosmic Christ to assist mankind who are determined to reverse the downward spiral, to resurrect the energies of life, the energies of the Mother, and to raise that energy for purity, for wholeness. The dispensation given unto them by cosmic councils is a tiny crystal, a precipitation of the crystal ray, that will be placed within the third-eye chakra of all who are determined to reverse the trend, to raise the energy. And that crystal will be an assist to the raising of the energies of the Mother to the total integration.
If you desire to have that crystal, then make your vows for the turning of the tide, ceasing to dissipate the energies of the Spirit. And make your call unto the Elohim. The dispensation will be given where the Elohim determine that they may sponsor those lifestreams who make the appeal.
That crystal, when placed in the third eye, is a magnetic energy field. It can work miracles, I assure you. All of its properties I may not reveal this day, but I can assure you that a dispensation worth giving is a dispensation worth having. You will find that when the worthy are raised up and the diligent receive that crystal, it will be a leaven of the seed-consciousness of Almighty God in the body of humanity.
And as one by one mankind raise the energies of the Mother on high, so as the brazen serpent is raised in the wilderness, the symbol of the physician will be that caduceus action culminating in the third eye for the victory, the wholeness, of the entire planetary body.
Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 52, no. 23.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Hilarion was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, December 30, 1974, during the New Year’s Class, “New Beginnings in the Flame of the Holy Spirit,” held in Anaheim, California.
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