Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 12 - Beloved Jesus Christ - June 15, 2010

A Love for the Child So Great That It Transcends All Lesser Concerns

Establishment of the Ritual of Holy Communion

Part 2

As I recall the moments when I sat upon my mother’s knee and felt the purity of her soul entering into my being, so remember that your children treasure the moments when they can be held close to your heart. And you also treasure that moment, for you know that the impartation of love to a child is one of the highest and purest experiences that you can have in an entire lifetime.

For you know that to smile upon the face of a child that looks up to you with hope, with courage, with faith and to return that gaze with the confidence and with the vow within your heart, “I will not fail you, O child of my heart”—this is a mutuality of flow, of cosmic cycles that reenact the flow from father to son, from mother to daughter, and the fusion of the family in the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Remember when you call your children to table that it is always the Lord’s table and the Lord’s supper. And I tell you that there is not a table in the world where, if there is dedication to the Christ, I am not also seated there, present to break the bread of life, to listen to the stories of the children as they recount the day’s experiences.

Allow Your Child to Tell You All Things

It is so important to the child to be able to have the ear of the parent listening to what is so important to the heart of that child as the day comes to the end and some of the difficulties of the world and life must be heard. For you see, blessed parents of the New Age, to allow your child to speak and to tell you all things is allowing the child to be relieved of subconscious patterns, energies and problems that unless they are spoken will remain there to cause disturbances later in life.

If you allow your children and encourage them to tell you of their day’s activities, their joys and their sorrows, they will feel comforted. And because they know you as God, they will believe in their hearts that because mother and father have heard them, then all will be well.

And they free themselves in this manner and they are unburdened, much in the same manner that you are unburdened when you confide your problems to a friend. Somehow, you give that friend your problems, and in this ritual there is the consuming of the problem by the action of the threefold flame of the friend. And so each day there must be opportunity for the child to speak, for the child to listen, for the child to ask questions.

Mothers and fathers, you mother and father a planet, and many, many lifewaves are under your care and under your wings. And as you fulfill the responsibility to the little ones, so you fulfill your responsibility to the Christ in all mankind. And thus you have opportunity, also, to minister unto me, as Jesus, and unto all of the saints and ascended beings. For inasmuch as ye have done it unto the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.1 The least of these may be the children ofthe world. The least of these may be your neighbor or a stranger that is within thy gate.

So remember, also, elemental life. As you serve the elementals, so they return in kind and you contribute to the liberation of the children of nature.

Embark upon a Life of Sacrifice

I come in the flaming presence of the Christ. I come to release—by worded instruction and by the power, the wisdom and the love of my causal body—the love of family, the love of children, a love that is so great that it transcends all lesser concerns and lays down its life that all might live.

It is inconceivable to the hierarchy of light that man and woman should not consider the joy of the responsibility of caring for the young and for children. The idea that people are too busy to raise up a family and to dedicate that family to God remains a mystery to those who are in the ascended octaves and who see from this level those whom they have nurtured in previous lives growing and waxing in grace and in the wisdom of the Law because we have taught them, because we have entered into the relationship of father and of mother.

If you would have these little ones follow in the footsteps of your own Christ flame, remember that you embark upon a life of sacrifice. But sacrifice is the only life that is worth living. For he who seeks to save his life will lose it, but he who gives his life, surrenders his life, lays it upon the altar of the heart of another, will find that life again multiplied tenfold, a hundredfold, a millionfold.2

If you would create ripples on the span of consciousness of a planet, then impart love, impart truth by example. And see, then, that the giving forth of your flame to an incoming child is one of the greatest services that you can render in all time.

Some of course will find, many times in the final embodiment of incarnation, that this is not their calling. This is understandable, for many of you have served well and nobly in the past raising up large families and training them in the laws of God. But there are also those who for selfish reasons reject the idea of family. And these, then, deprive themselves of a glorious karma and an opportunity to serve those whom they have wronged in the past. And, of course, all that you give to your children will be returned to you in full measure and running over, for this is the law of cycles.

I come, then, with Saint Germain, with Mother Mary, and we will establish here, in the flame of Mother Cabrini,3 a resurgence of the family and of the life of the family for the golden age and the Aquarian cycle. And this matrix will not be broken, will not be turned back. And you will see as you go forth—having quaffed the elixir from the sacred cup, the cup of the Last Supper, the Holy Grail—that you will be a part of the new family, the world family that becomes the body of God because each unit is the balance of the threefold flame and the sphere of white fire of a mother’s purity.

A Portion of Myself Imparted to You

Angels of my bands stand before you now to extend to you the etheric replica of the Holy Grail. Will you rise to receive the cup. [Audience rises.]

And this is the Communion which I bring. This is my Body, which is broken for you. Take. Drink ye all of it! And partake of the bread of life.

Take now with your right hand the cup that is extended and take it to your lips. [17-second pause]

So by my presence here, I have imparted to you this day a portion of myself—the essence of my blood, which is the flow of regenerate energies, and my flesh, which is the body of the Mother. And by the ritual of transubstantiation, you are become more of the Christ and one with my being and consciousness. And the Alpha-to-Omega currents flow now through you. And you are no longer of the species, a kind of animal, called mankind; but you are set apart by the ritual of Communion as God-free Christed beings—a gender of God, the handiwork of God.

Male and female created he them to be sons and daughters and cocreators. So is the creation. So is the re-creation of identity and consciousness.

The Sacrament for the New Church

I instruct, then, the Mother of the Flame, whom I have anointed as the Vicar of Christ in this age,4 to serve you once in each month (once for each of the twelve hierarchies of the Christ consciousness) this Holy Communion. Wherever she may be across the margent of the world, so let that be a sign of my coming and my presence and a sign of the new order of the ages, the sign of the Church Universal and Triumphant.

And to all who come to the altar to be ordained as ministers of this Church Universal and Triumphant will be imparted, by the hand of the Mother, the authority and the office to administer Holy Communion in my name. And those who receive this ordination shall then be empowered of my Spirit, of the Holy Spirit as well, that as they bless the bread and the grape juice, symbols of the Body and the Blood, there will be imparted from my heart and mind the flow of my being.

And there will be the alchemy in that substance whereby the very atoms and the electrons will be transformed; and those who absorb that substance will find that the lower nature will decrease and the higher nature will increase. And thus is the purpose of the sacrament of Holy Communion.

Thus do I ordain and establish this ritual for the new church5—the church that always was, that always shall be, that is built, stone upon stone, of the lives of the saints of all ages, of the children of light and sons and daughters of God throughout this planetary home. This is a temple made without hands, eternal in the heavens.

And I will give forth, in a dictation to the Mother of the Flame, the tenets of the word of this Church, that all who read these tenets may know and determine whether they are counted as a part of the body of God and as a member of this Church. And membership in this Church consists of the light that is in the heart and the affirmation of the word of the true teachings of the Christ, restored in this age through our messengers the Prophets.

I come before you, and my presence here in this place is a transforming power whereby the old church becomes the new church, and all who are a part of the faithful become one under the aegis of the Father-Mother God.

I AM the presence of the Christ within your heart. I AM the flame. I AM the Saviour of your consciousness from all insanity, all divisions, all schism, all that is not of the light. Speak my name within your heart and you will know the wholeness of the Christ that you are.

So expand, O borders of the kingdom of God!—from the individual to the family, to the community of the Holy Spirit and to the nations, which will become the kingdoms of our Lord and his Christ.

So let the fount of the heart of Mary now overflow to include all children of light in the one fold. For there shall be one fold and one shepherd.6 And all shall come to know me, from the least of them even unto the greatest.7

And now I say, let the children come forward as the firstfruits. Let them come forth as the members of the new church. And let them be the foundation for the child mind and the child heart. The innocence and the purity of these holy ones is for the building of the New Age. I shall stand before you as you bring them forth to be anointed with the flame of the Holy Spirit.

I AM with you alway, even unto the age of the fulfillment of karmic cycles within you, within Terra.8 I AM with you alway, even unto the hour of your victory and your ascension in the light!

[Children come forward for Jesus’ anointing with the flame of the Holy Spirit.]

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Saturday, June 16, 1974, during the two-day seminar Family Designs for the Golden Age,em> held in Burbank, California. Part 1 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 11.

1. Matt. 25:40.

2. Luke 17:33.

3. Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917), known as Mother Cabrini, was born in Italy, where she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart, which set up a number of institutions, including a free school and a nursery. In 1889 Pope Leo XIII sent her to the United States to help the Italian immigrants. Living primarily in New York City and Chicago, she directed the establishment of hospitals, schools, nurseries and orphanages throughout the United States, South America and Europe. Mother Cabrini was canonized in 1946, thus becoming the first American saint. She has made her ascension.

4. On July 2, 1973, the ascended lady master Portia announced that Elizabeth Clare Prophet, the Mother of the Flame, had been anointed as the Vicar of Christ in this age: “It has become necessary and it has been decided by the Knight Commander, by Jesus the Christ and by the Darjeeling Council that the Great White Brotherhood should vest the authority of the Vicar of Christ and the head of the true church, the Church Universal and Triumphant, in the Mother of the Flame. Although she has not desired to make this known to you or to tell you publicly of the visitation which she received a year ago from Jesus the Christ in which he anointed her as the Vicar of Christ, we have desired to make this announcement to this body this day” (1973 Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 16, no. 51).

5. The new church. On February 10, 1974, the ascended master Johannes (Pope John XXIII) announced the formal inauguration of Church Universal and Triumphant.

6. John 10:16.

7. All shall come to know me, from the least of them even unto the greatest. Heb. 8:11; Jer. 31:34.

8. Matt. 28:20.

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