Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 15 - Beloved Diana with Oromasis - August 1, 2010

Elementals Await Your Word

Part 1

Hail, sons and daughters of flame! I AM in the light of the Great Central Sun. And I stand before you this day to proclaim to you the use of the sacred fire as the instrument for the deliverance of earth and her evolutions.

I have come in the flaming principle of the feminine ray to ordain you as priests and priestesses of the sacred fire. I come with my legions, and Oromasis comes and his legions. And we stand upon the earth this day on certain lines of force that govern the distribution of the energies of the sacred fire throughout the planetary body—from the sun of even pres sure to the poles, to the equator.

So these lines of force are for the distribution of light and the alleviation of tension in the planetary body. They are like the veins and the arteries in your body and your nervous system, carrying the light to the chakras of your body.

The earth itself is similar to your own body temple, to your own four lower bodies. And the pollution of the earth and the gathering of that substance misqualified by mankind—adding layer upon layer of substance to the earth’s crust and all the way to the center—has resulted in the same condition which is now manifesting in the body temples of mankind: it is the clogging of the arteries, the veins and the channels of the flow of the fluid of the nervous system. And therefore we find that the necessary release of the sacred fire, from the center of the earth all the way back to Helios and Vesta, is not accomplishing that to which it is sent forth, even as the threefold flame within your heart in the distribution of its energy is blocked by the calcification of substance in your own temple of light.

Therefore we come for the cleansing action. But more than this, we come to educate mankind. For we may clean the temple today, and tomorrow it may be filled again with dead men’s bones.1

Cleansing the Earth by Fire

Understand, then, that this earth is the responsibility of all of its inhabitants, even as your temple is your personal responsibility. The cleansing of the earth, then, must take place by the sacred fire, and the fiery salamanders must not be inhibited in their work.

When mankind deliver their refuse into the seas, into the air and into the earth, furthering the pollution of the planetary body and failing to take advantage of the physical fire that is brought by the salamanders, they prolong the day of purification and pollute that precious body of the earth. Even in the interring of loved ones’ body temples in the earth, they do cause the pollution of the earth and the underground waters. And this is why the Lords of Karma have always recommended cremation (and the cremation, therefore, even of animal life that must pass from the screen of existence) and the use of physical fire to keep clean the planetary body.

The beings of earth and air and water depend on the fiery salamanders, and they look to the salamanders to come and assist them. And instead mankind have evolved their own methods of the elimination of refuse, and they have feared the pollution of the air by the very necessary action of the fire that must take place.

I say you should be among those who are lobbying for the inventions whereby the fire itself will also be so intense that it consumes the side effects of that fire so that there is nothing left to pollute the atmosphere. This is very important in the hour of transition, beloved ones. If you could see the tons and tons and tons of waste and refuse that is not consigned to the flame on earth, you would understand why there is such a burden on elemental life.

Now then, this is only the physical body. I appeal to you who know the use of the sacred fire, who understand the Science of the Spoken Word, to understand that mankind’s four lower bodies are so burdened with misqualified substance that they cannot even respond to our coming or to our teaching.

A Release of Energy to Expand the Threefold Flame

The four beings of the elements stand with me this day.2 They come in a concerted action to focalize the cosmic cube under the light of Lord Gautama Buddha. They come to anchor the light of the threefold flame on behalf of elemental life. And the anchoring of that flame is within your hearts, precious ones. For we must wait for the delivery of that action to elemental life until they themselves begin to call upon the name of the Lord after the fashion of your invocations.

It is altogether necessary, then, that a mighty push and a thrust and a “ho!” be given by the embodied sons and daughters of God. For without the assistance of elemental life, there can be no salvation for earth. And therefore first must come the assistance to these beings of light. Therefore does Gautama Buddha send forth his ray in this hour, sending forth the momentum and the consciousness of the threefold flame, that all elemental life might come before that flame and receive thy calling that will one day be theirs to retain permanently as sons and daughters of God.

Will you not now meditate with us upon the flame at Shamballa, the mighty threefold flame. Visualize it before you at the altar of the Lord of the World, and visualize it on the altar of your heart.

Now I release the energy for the expansion of the threefold flame within you. Let that flame expand. Let power, wisdom and love be brought into balance. And let the added momentum of the sacred fire from our twin flames increase the transmutation in your temple this day and throughout this conference.

We will increase! We will intensify! We will give to you all of the energy that you call forth, multiplied by our causal bodies in this conference. For we desire to see the burning up of the entities and the discarnates and the curses and the debris that is collected in the subconscious of our chelas as well as in the lightbearers of earth.

Therefore we come in the tide of the resurrection flame to intensify life! We come to release the flame of the Holy Spirit to the blessed beings of the elements. We come therefore and we intensify that action through your hearts.

Let the flame of the Holy Spirit burn now in those who are the devotees of that flame. Let it expand now to include elemental life. And let there be the leaping of the arc of consciousness and of sacred fire from the individuals who are keeping the flame of life with the Maha Chohan. Let it be extended to the elementals.

The Extension of the Threefold Flame to Elemental Life

Now, beloved ones, as we come forth from the heart of Helios and Vesta, we are going to deliver to all elemental life on earth this day, through your own threefold flames, for a period of one minute, the action of the threefold flame transferred to their consciousness, being and world, that they might have a foretaste of the flame of immortal life, which will one day be their own. This extension of the threefold flame comes from Helios and Vesta, from Lord Gautama Buddha and from the Maha Chohan, working in consonance with your own Christ Selves.

You now become the electrode for the extension to every elemental being of the experience of the presence of the threefold flame within the temple of being. This is designed to teach elemental life the goal of life and to give them hope—hope, eternal hope, for the immortal reunion with identity in the God Source. [1-minute 28-second pause]

Now the angelic hosts have withdrawn that forcefield and that energy. There was a moment given for the penetration of consciousness and the gentle introduction of the flame into the being of elemental life. And then the flame was intensified to the level comparable to that which the being of the element could absorb and understand and include in his self-awareness, then the sustainment of the flame for sixty seconds, and then the gradual withdrawal of the flame.

Now all of elemental life on Terra have the momentum of that resurrection flame, which is your threefold flame,3 from the heart of beloved Jesus the Christ. And they have the awareness of the goal of life. And many of them will retain upon their cells and their body consciousness that memory of the experience because of the very nature and quality of elemental life—that they have the capacity to receive an imprint of the cosmos and to retain the memory of it.

After all, precious ones, understand that elementals must memorize the very complex DNA formulas for life in man, in all of Matter, in plant life and in all of the elementals who are inhabiting animal life on earth. This is the part of the engram of their consciousness, a part of the formulas of nature that are held by the elementals, that they might outpicture every manifestation, including the planetary body itself, which you behold in the nature kingdom.

Think of this: how the consciousness of the elementals, endowed by the Elohim and our beings of the elements, how that consciousness can contain the scientific formula which has taken thousands of years for your scientists to discover. Think of the great talent of these mighty beings of life, which range in size from an inch high all the way to the size of your large mountain ranges.

These beings, precious ones, adore the flame within your heart. They adore your lifestreams as the Christed Ones. Now they have the awe and the reverence of the coming of the Christed Ones to earth, for they have experienced the coming in of that threefold flame.

Send Forth the Call to Your Legions of Elementals

Understand, then, that these precious ones will have opportunity as you increase your decrees for them and as you use the invocations made by the Mother of the Flame and the decrees which were given this morning. As you give yourselves in the service of nature, I tell you all of nature will come and serve you. And you will find that wherever you go and wherever you walk, thousands of elementals will follow after you—singing and anchoring the light of the violet flame, making your burden light, going before you, and making life that joy, that compassion, that bliss of divine experience.

You may send forth the call to your legions of elementals, to the magnificent fiery salamanders who are in your midst, standing fifteen, twenty, thirty and fifty feet high, some one hundred feet high, focusing the rainbow rays of God in such solemn reverence for the flame of life. These fiery salamanders, then, and all of the beings of the elements can be called forth by you and sent on a mission of light to clear the cities, to rescue all of the lightbearers and earth’s evolutions who are in persecution for their love of Christ, of the Buddha and of the one God.

You can send forth elementals to gather around souls of light, to draw them into the Teachings of the Ascended Masters. The elementals simply await your word for the clearing of the waters and for the taking charge of all nuclear energies that are being used on the planetary body and that which is garnered in destructive forcefields for use by man against man. These beings of the elements have the power and the know-how to take care of a planetary body.

What is man that thou art mindful of him and the Son of Man that thou visitest him?4 Do you not know that by intensifying the wind, the rain, the hail, the wave or any manifestation of fire on earth, elemental life then hold in their hands the fate not only of one lifestream but of thousands of souls. Do you not understand, when the Lords of Karma send forth the decree of the Lord of the World for cataclysm, for the balancing of conditions on earth, that it is these elementals who carry forth that command. And therefore you might say that mankind live by the grace of God outpictured in elemental life.

When a simple flood, or the lowering or the raising of the temperatures, can take life, do you not realize that all of this is the return of mankind’s karma—which is implemented by the elementals simply because either they themselves do not have the capacity, or they are not allowed by the Lords of Karma, to make that balancing action which is necessary in order to sustain conditions (in the climate and in the day-to-day functioning of the elements of earth) that make the best conditions for the life of the children of God on earth.

Teach Mankind How to Call to the Elementals

See, then, how man considers himself independent and tries to hold all things in his grasp. And all that it requires are a few elementals who go forth in the name of the Holy Spirit and that life will change and conditions will change, and sud- denly there is a drought and the crops will not come forth.

Why is it, then? It is because mankind do not have the Science of the Spoken Word to send forth the sacred fire to consume their abuses of the Law before elemental life must outpicture these in the planes of Matter. It is because mankind do not send forth the sacred fire as the violet-flame action to transmute the cause and core of that burden and to reform their way of life.

And why do they not send forth this energy?

Can you not imagine that there are thousands and millions of people of goodwill on earth this day who—if they knew how to solve the questions of weather, of climate and of pollution—would immediately step forth to give those invo- cations if they could but see us and see the ascended hosts? Are you not convinced that many among mankind would step forth and meet the requirements of the hour?

Well, we are convinced, precious ones! For we have seen their hearts and we have listened to their prayers. And we know that it is because the fallen ones hold mankind in the bondage of ignorance that these necessary requirements of cosmic law are not being fulfilled daily.

Therefore we come. And millions and millions of ele- mentals are gathered this day on this campus, coming as they are to salute the Keepers of the Flame. They come to petition you with the request that you will make their identity known to the evolutions of earth and that you will teach the evolutions of this earth how to call in the name of Jesus the Christ, how to call in the name of the Christ Self and the I AM Presence, that mankind might release the energies necessary for these guardian spirits to guard life.

Elementals Are Looking for Leadership and for Example

Do you know, precious ones, that each time there is the passing from the screen of life of one individual son or daugh- ter of God, the elementals gather in mourning. And they pray and they wonder how they can better serve mankind so as to protect life from the calamities of nature.

They are not the willing instruments of mankind’s de- struction. But in order to free themselves of the burden and to fulfill the edicts of the Lords of Karma, many times it is necessary for them to be the ones who are indeed crucified by the experience of the sinking of continents and the mighty upheavals of the earth body.

Elemental life, then, would cooperate with you, precious ones. They would cooperate in a mighty release of the sacred fire. And they ask that you remember that among the most important actions of the Holy Spirit is elemental life itself! For elemental life carries the action of the Holy Spirit from person to person, from heart to heart. And they would like you to remember that they are the instruments of the Trinity as you invoke that Trinity.

They come, then, and they say, “Here I AM, Lord! Send me.”

Who are they speaking to? They are speaking to you, pre- cious ones. For they salute you as God’s overseers on earth. They are saluting your I AM Presence and your Christ Self. They are looking for leadership and for example. They are looking, even as mankind are looking: Where are the lightbearers? Where are the sons of promise? Where are the teachers of righteousness? Mankind are asking these questions and the elementals know the answer.

Therefore they have come. And therefore they prod and they prompt you to give forth these calls. For they understand the dispensation that comes from Helios and Vesta this day: that if there is a tremendous rising and an intensification of calls going forth from Keepers of the Flame and an expansion of this movement as it should take place, then there will come to elemental life that freedom and that conveyance—first of the momentum of the resurrection of Jesus, intensifying that action which was already brought forth through your own beloved messenger Mark Prophet, and then intensifying that momentum of the resurrection—until one day, perhaps even in the not-too-distant future, you can look up and you can realize that certain of the most advanced beings of the elements now have a threefold flame anchored in their hearts.5

That day will come, precious ones. And then they will be appointed leaders of the elemental kingdom under the four beings of the elements.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 16.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Diana with Oromasis was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, April 6, 1977, in Pasadena, California. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 16.

1. Matt. 23:27.

2. The four beings of the elements (the hierarchs of the nature kingdom), the elements they gov- ern and the elemental beings who serve with them are as follows: Oromasis and Diana, fire element, salamanders; Aries and Thor, air, sylphs; Neptune and Luara, water, undines; Virgo and Pelleur, earth, gnomes.

3. “The resurrection flame is an acceleration of the threefold flame whereby the pink, blue and yellow plumes blend as one flame having the rainbow iridescence of mother-of-pearl.” See Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and the Spiritual Path (Summit University Press, 2001), p. 88.

4. Ps. 8:4; Heb. 2:6.

5. The momentum of the resurrection of Jesus. In a dictation given March 29, 1964, through Mark Prophet, Jesus Christ announced that he was endowing elemental life with the flame of his momentum of the resurrection so that they would “never again have the sense of death.” He offered a portion of his own heart flame and said that this gift to elemental life “will make it possible for them to feel... a part of the radiance of immortality.”

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