Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 53 No. 23 - Beloved God of Gold - December 1, 2010
with the God Tabor

The Flow of Energy in the City Foursquare

The Reestablishment of the Gold Standard

Part 1

Sons and daughters of the Most High God, I salute you in the flame of gold, and the God Tabor stands with me. We have come to address you this evening on the subject of the gold of God in Spirit and the gold of God in Matter and the just apportionment of the great cosmic flow of this energy in the City Foursquare.

The City Foursquare is a matrix for the proving of the light of God in each of the seven rays. The action of the God of Gold is the instantaneous precipitation of the mind of God through the alchemy of the emerald and crystal ray. Thus, the second and the fifth rays1 become twin flames for the precipitation of God’s will as the flow of supply and demand, which from this night forward we direct that children of God must demand as the abundance of God upon earth.

We have come to teach to you a lesson on the economy of the nations, an understanding which is held by some among the students of light. But the majority among earth’s evolutions do not stop long enough in the day to take the trouble to appreciate the meaning of supply—as a flow of energy, of commerce, of interchange and of consciousness—and the fact that all of life depends upon the proper working of that supply and the medium of exchange in the economies of the nations.

Gold as Precipitated Sunlight for Balance
in the Planes of Mater

The term golden age did not derive from nothing. Golden age means an age based upon the gold standard—the standard of the gold of the Christ consciousness, of the golden rule, of gold as precipitated sunlight for the balance of the mind and the emotions and the flow of life even in the physical temple.

Gold, beloved ones, is necessary for the stability of consciousness as well as for the stability of the economies of the nations. Unless there be a certain portion of gold even on the body temple, the balance of the elements is not held. When the people no longer hold gold in their possession or wear gold, there is far greater mental and emotional disturbance.

Gold is the lodestone of Alpha and Omega. It is a reminder to every child of God, at the soul level, of the great throne of grace, of the great throne room that is white and gold in the Great Central Sun. It is from this room that souls of light took leave of the octaves of Spirit, descending in the planes of Mater.2

It was my commission from Alpha and Omega aeons and aeons ago to establish the focuses of gold in the Matter planes among the galaxies and, thus, to teach elemental life (under the four hierarchies and through the Elohim) how the balance of forces in the four planes of Mater would be anchored through the magnetic quality of this precipitated sunlight. Thus the elementals learned to precipitate gold. And thus gold does grow in the earth, veins expand; and this balancing of energy corresponds directly, first of all, to the blueprint of the Christ consciousness of the evolutions of earth or of a system of worlds and, then, to that which has been outpictured through the threefold flame.

That which is the gold in circulation represents attainment in the outer. Gold that remains undiscovered represents that portion of potential of the Christ mind which remains to be brought forth. You cannot have a demonstration of light and of the consciousness of the Christ without a corresponding manifestation of gold in your world.

What has taken place since the fall of the fallen ones and others who have come as laggard generations is that they themselves have not possessed the Christ consciousness. In lieu of this, they have sought to amass the gold of the world, taking it from circulation, placing it in their own coffers and offering the people of the earth a paper substitute. Thus, while it is the Christ consciousness of the sons and daughters of God that is actually responsible for this gold in circulation, it is the fallen ones who have it in their possession and thus, quite naturally according to the law of cosmos, do control events upon the earth.

Beloved ones, when you accept paper as a substitute for the promise from Alpha and Omega, as a substitute for that necessary focal point of the Cosmic Christ, you cut yourself off from a very necessary flow of energy. The absence of gold, pure gold, and its formation into coins is one of the key reasons why there is such a serious condition in the psychology of men and women and children on earth today.

Beloved ones, there are many children who have never in their entire embodiment touched a piece of gold that is pure gold. And there are many individuals who are lured by the fallen ones to spend their paper money on all manner of objects and luxuries and personal adornments; and yet, they have very little gold in their possession. Better to exchange all of these for a single piece of gold that you wear upon your person, for it is a necessary part of the alchemy of holding the balance for the flow of light in Spirit and in Matter.

Study the Issue of Gold

I have a direct ray to the councils of the fallen ones who are meeting on the economies of the nations. I am aware at all cycles in the universe, wherever I am in consciousness, of the deliberations of the fallen ones in this and other systems of worlds as they attempt to manifest their anti-gold consciousness. Though it seems that the fallen ones are bent on the destruction of civilization through government, in fact it is a reality today that they are in the process of destroying civilization through economics and through the manipulation of gold.

Therefore, beloved ones, because this action of the flow of supply and demand is absolutely essential to the maintenance of Camelot, of the City Foursquare and of America herself and of the free nations, it behooves those committees which will be formed, as representatives of the Elohim in the Matter plane, to immediately take up the subject of the study of the issue of gold.

Beloved ones, it requires lightbearers and initiates on the Path, because of the great darkness of energy concentrated around gold. First of all, there is a great light. The light of gold is so intense that it will change the forcefield and the consciousness. If there be any residue in people at subconscious levels of greed and selfishness, possessiveness and attachment, then the presence of gold will amplify these tendencies and the individual will make the karma for the misuse of that gold. And therefore, this is why there are many, many souls upon earth who have not supply or abundance—because abundance produces in them greed, debauchery, immorality, the misuse of light and, hence, causes them to create greater and greater karma.

Thus, in meting out the karma of mankind, the ascended masters have allowed some who are paying the karma of their debt to the God of Gold to remain without an abundance of supply. This balance of power on earth, then, ought not to be interfered with or tampered with by such systems as Communism, socialism and the totalitarian form of economics which is behind those forms of government.

It is necessary, then, in taking up the question of gold and its study, to be prepared for mass entities that are vicious and virulent upon the earth, such as the entities of the beast of Wall Street, the money beast and all of those manifestations of the tentacles of the money beast. This beast has been bound and cleared many times by the hosts of the LORD in answer to the calls of the students of light. It is re-created daily, by those who deal in the commodities market and on the stock market and in the Federal Reserve System, for the manipulation of inflation and deflation and the putting forth of currency which is not backed any longer in this nation by gold.

Beloved ones, if you would right the wrong that has been done to the people of Israel in this nation,3 you must be prepared to wage one of the greatest battles of the battle of Armageddon. It is the battle to reinstate the flow of gold and to wrest from the fallen ones that gold and to return it to the lightbearers. It is, as it were, almost an impossible task and yet, I tell you, with God all things are possible. The Almighty has infinite resources of gold with which to bless you and release into your lifestream the necessary balance.

Thus we deal with the equation of greater light and greater darkness. And in the midst of the balance of this equation through the cloven tongues of fire of Alpha and Omega focused in the All-Seeing Eye, there is the necessity of amassing all information pertaining to the use of gold, to the Federal Reserve System, to the economies of the nations of the earth, to the reserves of gold and the sources of gold and the use of gold in those nations.

It behooves you, then, to do research with individuals who have much greater information than I could set before you this evening in this dictation. When all facts are at hand, then a committee should be formed to study these facts. And if you will call to me, I will assist you.

Mind you, you must perpetuate your calls to Archangel Michael, calling for the ring-pass-not. For this is, above all, the great key and the most important work that you can undertake, for all else hangs upon it.

Challenge and Reverse
All That Is No Part of the Divine Plan of America

It must come to pass, then, that the people of America, first and foremost, will have access to the knowledge which you assemble from many sources as well as the Teachings of the Ascended Masters on the subject of gold. It will be necessary to write a pamphlet on gold and its meaning in civilization and to distribute it widely. It will be necessary to publish in this pamphlet a formulation of your deliberations, a modus operandi, a call to action, a deliberate step-by-step reversal of all that has been created through the secret meetings at Jekyll Island and the formation of the Federal Reserve System.4

This must be challenged and reversed, because it is no part of the divine plan of the United States of America. And it must be reversed by the process of alchemy and not by the process of sudden collapse, else it will be more destructive to the earth than any other activity that could be taken. And therefore, great safeguards must be employed.

You must realize that the violet-flame action of the Holy Spirit in the hands of Saint Germain, the Great Alchemist of all times, is adequate to effect the transfer back to the gold standard without collapsing the economy. For mankind have not reckoned with the infinite sources of gold, almost infinite, available to the people of earth, nor have they reckoned with the energy of the violet flame and the Great Alchemist. Therefore do not despair, and never allow yourselves to become negative but only well disciplined and determined.

The reason I set this before you this night rather than going to others who may be more skilled in law or in economics is because, one and all, those who have perceived the plot of the Liar and his lie have not been able to move in because of (1) an absence of a definite plan guided by the Darjeeling Council, and (2) an absence of reinforcement of their protection by direct tie to the ascended hosts of the LORD.

In this age, to challenge this manifestation requires the full backing of hierarchy, and you require that backing through constant decrees. Therefore, beloved ones, you see, we come to you because you are not conditioned in areas of specialization, and therefore your consciousness has not been trained to such a narrow extent that you will be unfree to tap the great secrets of the universe, the mysteries of gold, and to give a creative input for an absolute genius solution to the problem.

Therefore, we select those who have less training rather than more, and we call upon those students of light who are well versed and who do have the fine understanding of the subject through education. Let all work together and let all come to the conclusion that the salvation of the soul of America depends upon the reestablishment of gold.*

Transfer One Percent of Your Supply into Gold

Now, beloved ones, I recommend to you, all of you, that you reestablish your personal economy on the gold standard, that you take from one-half to one percent of your monthly earnings and transfer this into gold. It may require the savings of several months or longer, but it is necessary that there be a steady transfer of at least one percent of your energy as supply into gold as a matrix, as a focal point. And it would be well that some of this be worn upon your physical body and that the remainder be placed in a well-secured place.

Your body temples must become adjusted to the vibrations of gold. Your children must become adjusted to its vibrations. And therefore it is well that they will carry the medallion of beloved Mother Mary of the Miraculous Medal, which focuses not only the gold of my consciousness but the Mother consciousness of gold in her protection and in the Electronic Presence of the Virgin Mother, whose golden consciousness was able to receive the Divine Manchild. And through this gold, you see, we anchor the immaculate conception of the Cosmic Virgin whereby your children and you yourselves may receive within your heart flame the true birth of the Divine Manchild, the Christ consciousness in this age.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53 no. 24.

*i.e., the gold standard

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the God of Gold with the God Tabor was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Monday, October 10, 1977, at Soul Liberation, held in Pasadena, Los Angeles County, California. Part 2 is published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 53, no. 24.

1. The masters and the messengers have said that the crystal ray is the counterpart of the emerald ray. Wherever there is an emerald ray, behind it is the crystal. Both are aspects of the fifth ray of truth, science and abundance. The second ray is the yellow ray—the ray of wisdom, enlightenment and the mind of God.

2. Mater: Latin for “mother.” Mater is the mater-ialization of the God flame, the means whereby Spirit acquires, ‘physically,’ fourfold dimension and form through the feminine, or negative, polarity of the Godhead. The term is used interchangeably with “Matter” to describe the planes of being that conform to and comprise the universal chalice, or matrix, of the descent of that light of God that is perceived as Mother.

3. The people of Israel refers to the ten lost tribes of Israel, who reincarnated in the European nations, the United States of America, the British Isles and the Commonwealth nations, and Kashmir. The tribes of Judah and Benjamin and some Levites make up the “people of Judah,” who also reincarnated in Europe and America. Both peoples eventually migrated and reincarnated throughout the world. Generally, the ten lost tribes reincarnated among the Gentiles, while the tribes of Judah and Benjamin are the modern-day Jews. The twelve sons of Jacob are the progenitors of the twelve tribes of Israel. See Gen. 49:2-28.

4. The plan for the Federal Reserve System was worked out in November 1910 at a secret meeting of bankers held at J. P. Morgan’s estate on Jekyll Island, Georgia. Their plan became law when Congress passed the Federal Reserve Act on December 23, 1913.

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