Friends of the ages, beloved ones serving the unfailing light of God, I, Saint Germain, bid you please be seated.
How marvelous it is to see an activity of the sacred fire manifesting in the hearts of men. With what joy do the angelic hosts and cosmic beings come wherever there is a focus of the sacred fire manifest! In this day dedicated to cosmic freedom, the hearts of heaven are ever active—active to bless the earth with the splendor of the diamond-shining mind of God and the power to make men free once again to walk the earth in the dignity of ascended master freedom.
There has been no change in the pattern of heaven’s perfection. Perfection today is exactly as perfect as it was in the days when beloved Jesus walked the earth and in the days when I won my own freedom. You today are dedicated chelas, those among you who know the meaning of the sacred fire. And I speak directly to you first. And I implore you to accept the mantle of your own Cosmic Christ perfection and the identification with that perfection, which will make you truly masters in Spirit and masters in manifestation.
Today I am not wearing the usual regalia of a Knight Commander, but I am wearing a white garment with a magnificent hem of pure solid gold, which trails to the floor and curls gently upward. This is a garment similar to that which is mentioned in Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence.1 Beloved ones, I would like to call your attention to the fact that each one of you is destined to wear a garment of equal splendor.
For God, who is no respecter of men’s persons, offers the transcendent crown of light and ascended master love and perfection to every child from the moment of its nativity. And I would like to point out that antedating the physical nativity, in which a physical body is born of a mother, there is a spiritual activity which takes place wherein a lifestream comes forth from the heart of God into its own virgin purity to manifest as a spark of God’s holy and pure sonship.
This nativity, blessed ones, is one to which I also refer. And therefore I implore you, beloved ones of the light, to catch the vision of your own cosmic birth and to realize that that birth is the birth of immortality, which can never be taken from you. For it is your eternal birthright.
However, just as night falls and there is the shadow of the dusk and the approach of evening, so mankind, because of a lack of faith, pass through that change called death. And they find that their body temples are no longer tenanted by their souls, and therefore there is no movement or life. For the animating principle of that body temple is the spirit of life within. This life, moving forth from that body temple and house, passes on into the realms of light to once again manifest and reembody upon the scene of time. And upon this world’s stage, all of you have indeed played many parts in the past.2
But I ask you now to be aware of your eternal destiny, which is to play, in the greatest drama, the greatest role which any of you can ever play. And that is to make your ascension in the light, as beloved Jesus has done. I ask you, beloved ones, to stop for a moment and think: What is the highest destiny which anyone could possibly manifest? Is it not to follow this great example?
This beloved Jesus made his ascension in the light, and he has been called the great and perfect example. If he is the great and perfect example—and we of the ascended master octave know that he is—then it does follow that you also, in following after him, ought to do at the climax of your own embodiments the very act which he did. For he declared, “The things that I do shall ye do also; and greater things than these shall ye do, for I go unto my Father.”3
Beloved ones, from the time you first came forth from the heart of God, your ascension in the light will be the most transcendent experience you will ever have. Until that time comes, I ask you to tarry and wait patiently for the manifestation of your own Christ-identity. But I do not ask you to wait in lethargy. I ask that your hearts be stirred! And as Morya declared, “I hope to stir those impulses” [so that you will] shake out “the ash of transmuted substance”4 and be prepared to move forward in the light until mankind en masse may receive the cosmic blessing of their own freedom and ascension in the light.
Do you think, beloved ones, that mankind who suffer misfortunes and karmic recompenses, which are leveled upon their heads, are sinful above and beyond other people in the world who have not yet had the full manifestation of their karma? I tell you no. For the hammer of karma, like a juggernaut, has fallen upon many and shall fall upon many who do not know the power of the violet fire and the power of the ascended masters.
I ask you then: Should you not bend the bow of effort, every effort possible, to see that these precious souls—who are esteemed by God and the hosts of heaven on an equal basis with your own—receive the blessing of this light and this knowledge of the sacred fire so that they, too, can escape? I ask you, beloved ones, to increase the diligence and the focus of diligence within your own hearts that you may be about the Father’s business.5
How often, as I gaze upon the chelas calling for help, do I perceive in their lifestreams that they themselves have been troubled and concerned about many things. And yet they have not always given all of the attention that they ought to give to their own Great God Presence! Yet when there is trouble manifesting in their worlds, they call to me and they say: “Beloved Saint Germain, take care of this matter for me. Please take care of it. I am going to park my car here. I am afraid, perhaps, that vandals may be in the neighborhood and disturb my automobile. Will you protect it for me?”
And I assure you that I have rushed forth on innumerable occasions and sent angelic beings to guard the properties of our chelas. And yet later those same chelas, for a long period of time, have been completely unconcerned with the activities of the sacred fire. And then they have experienced a renewal of their interest and have once again decided that they are going to walk the way Home.
Well, blessed ones, let me tell you this: I am not going to hold it against them, not in the least. I assure you that you are absolutely free, as far as I am concerned, of anything whatsoever. But the great cosmic law itself must receive the fullness of its demands, do you see?
And therefore I am urging you today, not for my sake or for the sake of the other Brothers of light, or even for the sake of mankind (as much as I love them), but I am asking you, for your own sake, to enter into the heart of your own freedom and to obtain your freedom today by a God-determination to let nothing interfere with that freedom!
Once you have established that freedom which we have won, you then will be able to render, by the crystal-clear mind of God, whatever is the required service to those who call upon you. But until you have won your freedom, it must necessarily be that you will perceive through the eyes and the mind of distorted human consciousness.
Now, I am well aware that there are many of you who have purified your worlds to a great degree, and you are no longer perceiving through a great cloud. You are perceiving now rather dimly the light of God, and I say this in comparison to [the way] the ascended masters [perceive].
But I am interested in taking the strong wind of the Holy Spirit and sweeping it across your consciousness and removing this cloud entirely until you can perceive the absolute freedom of the cosmic law in vital manifestation. And when that action has taken place in your own lifestream, I hasten to assure you that you shall never again know want.
Will you for a moment, just for a moment, stop and pause to consider what I have said. You shall never again know want! Blessed and beloved ones, it is because the vital law of precipitation of all substance, the power to call forth on the instant the desires of your heart, will be granted to you because those desires are purified by the unfailing light of God and you will not ask amiss. Do you perceive this?
And then there will be a restoration of the Christ-power to break the bread and divide it to feed the multitudes.6 There will be a restoration of the power to infuse the wine with the very living power of God’s life. And even those who partake of water which you hand them will be partaking of the water of Life because it is endued and imbued with the sacred power of God.
Just as beloved Jesus exercised this power at Cana of Galilee at the marriage supper and changed the water into wine,7 so will you be able to do so tangibly as well as spiritually.
For there is no gracious gift that the great ascended beings have today which cannot be [possessed by] anyone who will exercise the diligence to receive his own immortal birthright and then to realize that it is true.
I want you to know that I AM here today! I want you to know that I AM here! I AM here! [Audience stands.] My mantle surrounds this place. And the radiance of the violet-fire angels is invoked here. And their power is soaring through your consciousness, and it is even penetrating the cells of your bodies. After you leave here today, some of you will retain this for a long period of time because you are able to drink in the sacred fire essence. Others will find an exhilarating feeling entering into their consciousness for a period of time. But as the cares of the world once again enter in, this will pass away.
But, blessed and beloved ones, I want you to get a sense of permanence, a sense of the power of God. The divine spiritual essence which penetrates your bodies is active at all times. Pay diligence,* therefore, to that Divine Presence of yourself, which is above you in the atmosphere. Adore your God Presence and your own Holy Christ Self, and you will find that they will flood you with every requirement that you need. And in time the answer to every request that you make will come as a matter of instantaneous fulfillment.
This is not only a hope; it is a gift which some of the students have begun to exercise. And they have been amazed at the speed with which their calls have been answered. Blessed and beloved ones, do not be concerned if some of you find there is a delay or that your call is not answered just the way you would like to have it. For I hasten to assure you that we are here, and we are also with you at the time that you make that call.
Won’t you please be seated.
Now, it is a sad thing, perhaps, from the standpoint of mortal minds, that individuals lack faith in our great existence. But someday those who lack faith today in our being, in our reality, will have the scales removed from their eyes as did beloved Paul,8 who is now Hilarion. And then they will have the power and vision to see clearly and to know that not only is each one of us a tangible, spiritual, divine being and presence, but we are as Real as Real can be.
When that moment dawns for the unbelieving, it will be a bright day. They will find, then, that as they perceive the Christ of their own being and as they perceive us, they are entering into that which they perceive. And the action of that will cause a great rejoicing to arise within them.
Beloved ones, I want you to obtain today a sense of spiritual rejoicing. Realize that it is the will of God that all of you should be happy, and not only those who are here but all of mankind everywhere. If you are truly free, you are happy. And if you are happy, then you are truly free, providing that that happiness is a divine happiness, which takes its delight, blessed ones, in those things which exalt and those qualities and gifts which are the gifts of heaven.
I know that many people find their happiness in the sense world. And these, of course, would not be satisfied with the gifts of heaven, for hey would not realize their value. They would cast them off as diamonds in the rough. But you, blessed ones, are more fortunate. You are blessed with perception. Hold on to that perception today and forever. To perceive the mind of God, to perceive the will of God is a passport to your freedom. Do you see, blessed ones?
I wish to thank you for your time and for your attention placed upon your God Presence. I wish to thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for the energy you have given in the service of the light. I wish to tell you today that this focus and this activity ought to expand. Therefore, urge those that you know to be spiritually minded to attend here, for we are expanding this focus. And during the Easter class, we expect to bless these people with transcendent blessings without limit.
The robe that I now wear shall soon dissolve. For I am about to dissolve it and I am about to remove myself from this place, for I am needed in the Grand Teton at this moment.9 But before I go, I wish to tell you that those of you who would like to attend a very special service are welcome this evening to attend that service which we are preparing in the Grand Teton. This is not a regularly scheduled service in the outer. It is a service on the inner which is connected with the destiny of the United Nations, with the destiny of mankind’s experiences in getting along with each other around the world—in other words, in divine harmony.
And the ascended masters are working today with beloved Sanat Kumara and the Holy Kumaras from Venus. We are anticipating a sacred service this evening. And we invite those of you who are able to understand the methods [of traveling to our retreat] to come as you fall asleep this night and to be a part of that service. It will only do you a great deal of good. As you would say in your own words, “It would do us a world of good!”
I thank you now and I take my leave of you, asking that the mighty I AM Presence surround you with its radiance.
O thou wondrous unfailing light of God, thou pure Christ image of all mankind, I invoke thy manifestation for each of these thy children. I call for the instantaneous purification of the thoughts of their worlds that are not the highest. I call for the instantaneous purification of their thoughts that come over from past embodiments. And I ask that there be an action of the sacred fire of the coals of heaven upon their heads today that shall bless them and shall make them radiant manifestations of the Christ image. May their auras receive the diamond-shining mind of God that they may be endowed with a realization of their Christ image, and may it be held within their consciousness and hearts.
May the liquid light from our octave feed their souls with manna and with the sacred Eucharist of God that all may come, in due order, to a place of complete freedom to wear a robe such as I am now dissolving in the sacred light of God.
Peace be unto all in the name of the ascended Jesus Christ.
Thank you and good afternoon.
*diligence: attentiveness (obsolete). Shakespeare sometimes used diligence to mean “careful attention.”
I AM the immortal Flame of Cosmic Freedom!
I demand that all of my energies in outer concentration submit to the great God Flame within my heart!
I demand that all outer conditions come within effective God-control!
I demand that all that is not of the Light be transmuted and changed and that I be the fullness of all that which I already AM!
For I AM the full perfection of God!
I AM the living Flame of Cosmic Freedom!
I AM the buoyant, dancing joy of God that passes through my entire four lower bodies and descends from the heart of my Presence to give me my Freedom now!
I AM the raising power of the Spirit of light and fire which lifts me to the victory of my ascension and is the full-gathered momentum of victory of the saints and ascended beings of all ages to ascend back to the very heart of God and the immortal consciousness thereof. So help me, God!*
*This decree is printed in the decree book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation , p.138, no. 7.30.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Saint Germain was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark Prophet on Sunday, March 18, 1962.. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added by the editor for clarity in the written word.]
1. See Godfré Ray King’s Unveiled Mysteries and The Magic Presence (Saint Germain Press).
2. “All the world’s a stage,/ And all the men and women merely players; / They have their exits and their entrances, / And one man in his time plays many parts, / His acts being seven ages.” Shakespeare, As You Like It, act 2, sc. 7, lines 138-42.
3. John 14:12.
4. In a January 31, 1961, letter to the “Beloved Chelas of God’s Own Will,” El Morya said: “I AM interested in frequent contact, it is true. But I AM also interested in the development of the faith in one’s own God Presence, I AM, wherein there is a real invocation and breathing into reality of divine qualities by the students themselves as a direct response to their own heart’s impulse! By this letter I hope to stir those impulses, to shake out other impulses and the ash of transmuted human concepts, and to stimulate all within our orbit to greater God-awareness by the daily use of the sacred fire, thus serving our ultimate purposes for the freedom and enlightenment of all mankind, many of whom have never heard of us, let alone cognized our message.”
5. Luke 2:49.
6. Matt. 14:15-21.
7. John 2:1-11.
8. Acts 9:1-31.
9. The Royal Teton Retreat, congruent with the Grand Teton Mountain (near Jackson Hole, Wyoming) is the principal retreat of the Great White Brotherhood on the North American continent. This physical/etheric retreat is an ancient focus of great light where the seven rays of the Elohim and archangels are enshrined. The Lords of Karma, Gautama Buddha, and all members of the Great White Brotherhood frequent this gathering place of the ascended masters and their disciples, while also maintaining the specialized functions of their own retreats. For a description of the Royal Teton Retreat, see Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet, The Masters and Their Retreats, pp. 462-65.
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