Love from the heart of Christ. Love from all who were privileged to partake of that journey, that life, that demonstration of Victory.
Greetings in the flame of overcoming joy. May I express my gratitude to the Lords of Karma for allowing me to speak to you on this occasion of the expansion of the rose of the Mother’s love in the City of the Angels, on this occasion of the great triumph of our Lord here on the Pacific Coast, where many souls will be brought into captivity* through the flame that we anchor in this class.
Through the spiritual center and the fountain of flame that is forever a witness to the light (which was consecrated here tens of thousands of years ago during the height of Lemurian culture and spirituality), truly this ground is magnetic; truly this is hallowed space. But how mankind have trampled upon all that is holy. How they have cast the pearls of the Master’s consciousness to the swinish element of human nature.1
Wherever there is light there come the vultures of the night to steal that light, to corrode the holy purpose, to corrupt and defile the virgin consciousness. Those of you who know your destiny and your origin can sense the holiness of purpose and the plan that is here, even beneath the debris and the effluvia of mankind’s consciousness. And so you have come to consecrate and to hallow anew this ground as a resting place, as an activating place, as a place of fulfillment of life’s energies.
I have also come to renew the spirit of victory, to proclaim freedom and to show you how Jesus, by his mastery of the seven rays, was able to stand before me when I was in that condition of being seized with darkness in every chakra, in every center.2 He compelled the darkness to leave by transferring to my centers the victory of his own, by transferring to me the Electronic Presence of his being. Thus the demons fled, and sin was no more. The light of devotion burned, as did the candles of the wise virgins who kept their lamps trimmed with oil.3 So the holy oil of gladness in the joy of the Lord was bright in the centers of being.
Some of you know the love that one feels for the one who is the instrument of healing, of forgiveness, and for the coming of the Christ into one’s life. How can we repay the one who has prepared himself to be the instrument for our liberation? And so he was and is my Lord forever.
I came to realize, as on Easter morning when he came to me and in the period of communion in the Upper Room,4 that his message contained not only the worded release but also the potential for victory. And I realized that as he had been the saviour of my soul, of my life, so I too could be that instrument. Like a giant electrode, I could focus the flame of the Christ and expand it to all generations. And so it was granted to me to be reborn again and again in this service.
In each succeeding life I retained the memory of that precious moment, that experience when the darkness fled and light filled my body. And I found that the testing of the Lord was given in order for me to master, as he mastered, each of the centers of being. The Lords of Karma gave to me a lifetime for each of those centers in order to gain mastery and victory. This was so that I might bring forth the fruits of victory in all of the seven rays for the glorious return of the ascension.5
There comes a time on the Path when the Christ consciousness comes before you to initiate you in the spirals of the transfiguration, the crucifixion, the resurrection and the ascension. There are intermediate testings of the soul that are preparatory to these four initiations. And then comes the Christ to announce to you that you are a candidate for the ascension, which takes place when you have balanced 51 percent of your karma. At that hour there is a decision to be made, a choice: Will you remain with the evolutions of earth to serve another round or another ten rounds, or will you take your ascension as it is offered? By your free will you determine the answer.
Many have decided to tarry with earth, for they have seen how great is the need, how many desire to be filled. When you decide to tarry, and if you do, you are then given the opportunity to pass those initiations which will anchor in your four lower bodies a greater manifestation of mastery so that you can walk the earth as an unascended ascended master, anchoring a greater and greater momentum of hierarchy within your centers for the healing of the nations, for assistance to others on the way. You will find, then, that if you continue in service, you will have a greater harvest of spiritual fruit to offer upon the altar of the Lord when you finally do achieve that victory.
It has been said by the masters that some who have insisted on taking their ascension the moment it was offered have regretted that they did not remain to render just a little more service, to give a little more love.
How well I remember the words of Jesus that he gave to us concerning his final ministry, how joyous this period was to him. It was not a period of pain and suffering such as mankind experience. And so that experience can be garnered upon earth, as Jesus in his victory and in his joy proclaimed.
Once you have the mastery, once you have [achieved] the balancing of karma, [to tarry to serve another round] is indeed worthy of your consideration. For that pain and that suffering which mankind experience prior to the attainment of self-mastery dissolves at that point of the balancing of 51 percent of one’s karma. And though it appears from without that individuals suffer, truly within, they are joyous on the homeward Path. Thus what appears to be a life of sacrifice in Jesus is a life of triumph, of overcoming victory.
Consider, then, the joys of hastening the day of mastery, of overcoming, so that you may walk the earth as unascended ascended masters—dispensing light, holding the balance for transition, assisting mankind into the glory of the golden age.
Consider what your own beloved Lanello has told you, that you can set the mark of balancing 100 percent of your karma, that you can pursue those initiations that will make you, at the hour of your ascension, a part of the Order of Melchizedek and other orders that are especially for those who had greater attainment prior to the translation of the soul and the four lower bodies.
You live in an age that is a turning point wherein mankind shall feel the inner glory of the light, the inner glory of the path that the saints have trod, of the record of the Law that remains as a quickening action in the very soil and sand.
You live in an age when you will see transformation before your very eyes, when you will see that through this ministry of the two witnesses thousands and eventually millions will come to know the true teaching of the Law. It is a time to be prepared. It is a time to get the understanding of wisdom and to know the Law, to practice the Law, to know the fine points of the Law and to practice the precepts and the concepts of the Law.
Sometimes, as the angels and the masters look down upon you who have such a glorious opportunity to share in the life triumphant, they would, if they could, have a moment of envy, of thinking how wonderful it would be to be in form, to participate in this glorious expansion of the light. And so the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, appropriate even among the masters.
For we know also that as you pass through the valley that is maya, intensified by the Mother so as to make your initiations as real as possible, you will be able to prove your courage and your steadfastness. As you are here in the valley of struggle and the sense of struggle, you long to be in the Elysian fields with the angels, and the angels long to be here. For they also say to themselves, “If we were there in the valley of struggle, we would remember that maya is not real, that all that presents itself as illusion, as turmoil, as the difficult situation, is contrived by the Mother’s love so that her children might learn the practice of the Law.”
So you see, when you think of Mater as Matter and of Matter as Mater, you will see that all of the testings of the soul and all that you experience here is not necessarily an energy veil of evil or a temptation of the dark ones or of the fallen ones. It is not necessary to blame every test upon the supposed enemy that lurks at the door. For remember that if he did not exist at all, it would be necessary to create the illusion of his existence so that you could have the testing of the mettle.
And so you must understand that even in the farthest reaches of nature, there the Mother will intensify that mayic veil so that you might have the opportunity to scale the summit heights and to prove your courage all the way on the homeward Path.
*captivity to the flame; to come into the teachings, the fold
Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 61, no. 14.
“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”
This dictation by Ascended Lady Master Magda was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, April 10, 1974, during the Easter class, The Convocation of the New Birth in the City of the Angels, held at the Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.] Part 2 of this Pearls of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 14.
1. Matt. 7:6.
2. Ascended Lady Master Magda is the twin flame of Jesus. In biblical times she was embodied as Mary Magdalene, from whom Jesus cast out seven demons. See Luke 8:2.
3. Matt. 25:1—13.
4. John 20:11—23; Acts 1:12—14; 2:1—12.
5. In her final lifetime (1890—1944), Magda was embodied as the beloved and renowned evangelist Aimee Semple McPherson, who opened the Angelus Temple in Los Angeles in 1923. There she preached to thousands, sometimes dressed in a costume that represented her sermon’s theme. She ascended at the conclusion of that lifetime. For further information about Magda and her past embodiments, see The Masters and Their Retreats, by Mark L. Prophet and Elizabeth Clare Prophet (Summit University Press), available at the bookstore at
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