Pearls of Wisdom

No. 9 - Beloved Thor - March 1, 2019

The Release of Geometric Thoughtforms
from the Very Heart and Mind of Alpha

Maintain the Authority of the Christ in All Things!

I AM Thor of the air, and I AM concerned that you grasp a very specific idea. For I desire to impress upon you this day the idea that the beginning of the pollution of the air element is in the mind of man.

When man begins to send forth imperfect ideas, imperfect concepts, these are like imperfect geometric forms—forms that do not follow the design of the triangle, the circle, the square, the rectangle, the cube, or the ovoid. And thus when there are warps in mankind’s thinking, there will be warps in the geometrization of thought patterns that go forth in the mental belt.

Thus when the energies of the air, which are directed by the sylphs, coalesce around these imperfect geometric forms, there is no opportunity for perfection to manifest. For the original design in the heart of man, who is indeed a co-creator with God, is an imperfect matrix.

Mankind wonder why the weather is unpredictable. The weather is unpredictable because mankind’s consciousness is unpredictable. But when you begin to be able to determine what you shall think and how you shall think it, when you learn the basic precepts of the patterns of the mind of Christ, then you will send forth, through the chakras of the mind, those patterns upon which can hang the most glorious energies that flow through the mighty sylphs.

I stand before you in the fire of the Fatherhood of God, for I AM Father to the entire kingdom of sylphs. Thus, precious hearts, I am concerned with admonishing mankind that they must not look here and there and say, “Lo, this or that one is responsible for pollution.”

Look within and there find the stains of sin, the imperfections, and root them out by the flushing action of the sacred fire in consonance with the sacred breath.

Let the mind and the mental belt of mankind be purified this hour. For through my consciousness, as I stand in this place, I release and I hurl into space millions of geometric thoughtforms from the very heart and mind of Alpha that shall serve to anchor in the mental belt the original patterns of the cell and the atom, the building blocks of creation. Thus the energies that flow through the elementals shall coalesce around perfect patterns, and you shall see the outpicturing in the very air of the beauteous designs of the Holy City.1 This is in answer to your prayer.

Precious hearts, I have come to initiate the spiral of the perfectionment of these ideations—idea-actions—that should originate within you. And since they do not, God in his mercy has provided in this hour, as he has done in the past, another glorious outpicturing of a cornucopia of divine design that shall refute the chaos of mankind’s thinking.

Guard the citadel of your mental bodies. Take care that you do not imbibe those fluorides, those chemicals, those pesticides that cloud the brain, that are an insult to the Holy Ghost, that make mankind dense, that reduce his capacity to resist evil and that make of him an animal creation.

What has happened to the fervor of those defenders of truth, called patriots, who are in every nation upon earth? They capitulate without even a fight because of the density of chemicals infesting the physical body.

The physical body is the vehicle for each of the other three bodies. The energies of fire, of air, and of water must flow through the physical body. And if the physical body is clogged with impurities, then these energies get backed up and you have stagnation, lethargy, degeneration.

I AM Thor! I blaze the power of the air element into your midst, and I call now from the heart of God for the flushing out of your consciousness!

Stand in the presence of the beings of the air and be free!

I AM the oneness of the mind of God! And there is a mighty fervor that burns in my heart and in the hearts of the other hierarchs of the elements in this hour for the freedom of the four lower bodies of mankind.

You who participate in demonstrations for small freedoms and great, do you not know, one and all, that you are encased in a form over which you do not exercise the total majesty of a disciplined mind and heart?

You, then, are in bondage to your four lower bodies instead of being in the Christ consciousness, being in the driver’s seat. The four horses, as your four lower bodies, should be marching in formation but they are running away with your souls, running away with your opportunity to become the Christ!

I say, do not indulge your four lower bodies or your senses, but maintain the authority of the Christ in all things! Be temperate and follow the Middle Way.2 It is wrong to suppress the four lower bodies and their basic needs. It is wrong to deprive them of the necessary energies. But, precious hearts, the four lower bodies are as children, and if you spoil them they will demand more and more of your energy that should be channeled into the energizing of your total being in the Christ consciousness.

Those who have “spoiled” the etheric body are constantly going over the records of the past—what they did yesterday and the day before and a year ago and ten years before. And the subject of their conversations and their thought patterns is always the going over of these records, and in some cases it is the energizing of resentments, of jealousies, and of all types of human conditioning patterns. This is not the purpose of the etheric body. The etheric body is the memory of God, the blueprint of God. It should be trained by you to follow the patterns of perfection!

I challenge you in this hour to cease from your reveries, to cease from the wanderings of your mind that cannot even focus its attention for five minutes upon the Deity without roaming about the room and looking at someone’s hat, someone’s hairdo, someone’s clothing!

Do you not understand that this lack of discipline is because you have allowed your four lower bodies to be as spoiled children and therefore these four lower bodies have become flabby?

I speak of the mental body and its misuses and abuses—the constant rationalization of error instead of meditation upon the Logos and the Word of God, and the intellectualizing of the desires of the carnal mind. Those who use their mental bodies to find excuses for all manner of indulgence, these are misusing that precious mental body.

Let that mind be in you which was also in Christ Jesus,3 and draw in the reins of your mental body and let it be used in consecration to the holy will!

If you think that I am fervent this day, then I say to you: What do you think hierarchy does when it looks and searches among mankind for one, for ten, for fifty souls who can hold the focus of light and use their four lower bodies for the purposes that God intended?

When hierarchy cannot find even a few who for a twenty-four hour period can hold the harmony within their four lower bodies, I tell you, we hang our heads in almost a state of mourning for the deplorable state of mankind’s consciousness.

What are mankind taught in the schoolrooms of the world? Mastery is overlooked. Self-mastery is not the order of the day, but self-indulgence. “Indulge yourself,” the psychologists say, “and be free of all human problems, all psychological problems.” I tell you, this is not the way of becoming an avatar of goal-fittedness!

And what of you who emote at each passing flurry of emotion? Your bellies shake and quake and you find that you cannot hold yourselves to any idea! For you flow here, you flow there. And because of a lack of matrix within the mind, the waters—the mighty waters of Life—have not a chalice in which to flow.

I say, tether your feelings to the feelings of God and be not moved by the mass pressures of the mass consciousness!

Hold your flame of love, and let that love be without dissimulation! Let it be a love that is a total givingness, a love that is a discipline that, like a two-edged sword, does not compromise with the human consciousness yet walks all the way with the child of God until he can walk and stand on his own and be free.

What of you? What of you who are not able to control the appetite of the physical body? I speak not only to this group but to all mankind.

The conclusion is that you must not really love yourselves or your soul or your opportunity to become the Christ! For that which is taken into the physical body, the indulgence of the appetite, causes the early death of the vast majority among mankind and the cutting off of the opportunity to serve the Christ.

You need not take in any more than that which is required to sustain the physical body in service. You need not indulge the appetite of the senses. You need not partake of food for the taste of food, for thereby you are tricked into taking in those chemicals, those poisons and impurities that tear down the house of the LORD. I say, watch and pray. For never in the history of mankind has there been such a pollution of the food and the water that you imbibe.

I stand forth this day, by request. And that request has come forth from your own Christ Selves, who are determined that you shall have the opportunity to fulfill your ascension and to have placed before you the fact that if you abuse your four lower bodies in this manner, you will not be able to win or to attain the goal!

You must build a square foundation, and within that foundation of the Christ there must be the discipline of each of your four lower bodies. These are the vehicles that your soul must master, and in this mastery you overcome time and space.

These thoughts I leave with you. I ask you to meditate upon the perfect geometric forms which I have released into the atmosphere of earth, into the mental belt, and into your mental bodies. For these are for your freedom.

When you have expanded the sacred fire into the mental body and have established there the concentration and the discipline of the mind of God, you will find that you can carry that discipline into the emotional body and then into the physical body.

And so the opportunity is ongoing, ever unfolding, ever transcending. Ten years from this moment—even twenty, thirty, fifty years, a thousand years from now—you can still use these geometric forms. The thoughtforms which I have released this day will be as real and tangible on the planetary body then as they are now. And thus all who read and follow these words can appeal to me, as long as there is time and space. For I AM Thor, sent from the heart of Alpha to reclaim the balance of mind and heart!

So be it. I have come in the name of Saint Germain, in the name of the Knight Commander, to render this service. I trust that some among mankind will heed my word and be blessed.

I thank you, and I bid you an airy good afternoon.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Thor was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, September 2, 1973, during the New Atlanta Seminar on the New Order of the Ages, held in Atlanta, Georgia. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Rev. 21:2, 10-27.

2. The Middle Way. For teaching on the Middle Way, see Pearl no. 5, this volume, n. 7.

3. Phil. 2:5.

Golden Victorious Light

by the Cosmic Being Victory

In the name of the beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM in me, Holy Christ Selves of all mankind, beloved Mighty Victory, beloved Guru Ma and Lanello, the entire Spirit of the Great White Brotherhood and the World Mother, elemental life—fire, air, water, and earth! I decree:

I AM the golden victorious Light, the full-orbed flame of Illumination from the heart of God that refuses to accept any concept of limitation concerning my eternal reason for being here and now made manifest in the chalice of the present hour.

I AM the radiation of that Victory which sweeps across the face of the earth, removing barriers by the power of Faith that will not be denied its immortal birthright.

I AM the flame of Illumination that sweeps all continents, awakening peoples of every walk of life from the lethargy and sleep of the ages to a vital, breathing awareness of the wisdom that transcends dogma, sense consciousness, and personality functions, threading the eye of the needle with the thread of light-determination whose sewings upon the garments of the Lord of Creation produce elevation, consummation, radiation, purification, and freedom for every man, woman, and child upon this planet.

O world, awake,
Your dusty selves now shake;
Purify and rectify,
New ways of thought to make! (3x or 9x)

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!*

*Mighty Victory, January 23, 1966, “Golden Victorious Light,” Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 9 (1966), no. 4. This decree is in the Prayers, Meditations, and Dynamic Decrees Decree Book, p. 249, no. 20.14.

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