Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 22 - Serapis Bey - June 8, 2020

For Those Who Will Accept the Rebirth:
A Course on the Ascension

Part 2

Do not be dismayed at the requirement of the Law for perfection! Perfection is the requirement of the Lord Christ, who said, “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.”1

Perfection is a tangible reality here and now. I think that those who think they cannot be perfect imagine that perfection is a straitjacket or a sterile quality lacking any verve or energy or joy or spontaneity. Nay, perfection is the flowering of the lilies, of the gentle violets. Perfection is a smile upon a face.

God does not measure perfection by human standards! After all, how can the human have a standard of perfection? God measures the motive in the heart, the love in the heart. And that which mankind criticize, God ennobles as perfection.

God is not concerned with whether or not the drawing of the little child is letter-perfect according to the great artists of the times. God is concerned that the little hand has drawn a flower as the little heart has seen the flower, and unto God this is a perfect offering and need not be transformed but only sustained in the white-fire core.

Let the children execute the grand designs they see within. Let them be called, as with a project in school, to draw the elementals, to meditate on the Chart of the Presence, and then to set forth what they are impressed with. And you will begin to see scenes from the etheric planes in their drawings, and you will see that these little ones are far wiser in their discernment than you will ever imagine.

Therefore count perfection as a noble effort, as working the works of God the best you know how, and striving for the better and making it better again, a new level of perfection that is your best.

God is a God that transcends himself perpetually! Shall we say that yesterday’s God was imperfect because today’s God has transcended that state?

Shall we say that man and woman are God today but not yesterday? He is the same yesterday, today, and forever,2 and the sameness does not imply stagnation or sterility but an eternally unfolding, golden spiral of energy increasing God consciousness within your heart.

Be all light, I say! Be all the light you can know, all the light that can glow here below within your chakras! And receive the reward daily of the divine approbation, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.”3 God can be pleased today! You need not postpone pleasing him, for God is pleased with all that you are when all that you are is the purity of love.

This, then, is the requirement of perfection. This is how you are measured. And you should know this because the angels of record, who record your words and deeds, your thrusts of feeling and energy from your chakras, have several columns in the book of ledger in which they write their recordings. And these columns are listed as “Motive,” as “Act,” and as “Energy Intensity” that is marked by a certain degree of positive or negative charge. And these angels of record fill in with dexterity the reading that they take, and that reading is read in their chakras, in their centers of God-awareness. And these centers are endowed with “clocks,” as it were, that measure, as meters of energy, all that you are and all that you do.

And so when you take the total of all of the qualities that are measured, then there is a final tallying at the end of the line in order to see what it is that the expression has brought forth. And there is a measuring for each of the seven rays—the seven rays that contribute to every effort and every endeavor and every work of your hands and your heart. And so you see that ascension’s flame and ascension’s fire is the ray to be pursued, for out of the white light comes forth the mastery of the seven rays of God.

Now I AM releasing from the very fiery core of your heart flame that inner God-desire to be perfection and to be purity, to be the clarity of life to all mankind. I desire that the intensity of my flame shall be a magnet, shall leap from heart to heart so that mankind, even without the outer awareness of the ascended masters, will feel the pull of the ascension, the pull of perfection and of the goal of self-discipline.

Let this be marshaled within the students of the world, and let it come forth because you are focusing perfection where you are, with diligence. Perfection is measured according to the cosmic clock and the cycles thereof.

Turn over a new leaf. Turn the leaf in the Book of Life and let the clean, white page be marked by your own cosmic clock and the science of your own karmic cycles. And then apply it and see how you can clear your lines, how you can clear them swiftly and be free to have a crystal chalice on every line of your cosmic clock—a chalice that is waiting to receive the gentle drops of light, the rain of the Spirit that comes from the hierarchies of the Sun.

And let your house, circular, the temple of your being, be the place where souls can come and drink successively at each of the fountains of the twelve hierarchies that fill the chalices. Let these twelve fountains in a circle form the protection of souls and invite the souls of life into the temple, into your heart’s chakra, where there is this cathedral of the heart. And those who are the poor in spirit, drinking thereof, shall never thirst again. For these waters are enlightenment and the flow of love and mastery, and they are contact that is permanent with the central atom of being.

Come unto me, all ye who labor. Come unto me, all ye who are burdened.4 Come unto me and drink of the waters of life, which I give freely.5 These waters are the life of the soul, and these waters transmute that burden into light.

See how your house can be a place of rest for the weary traveler. See how your home of light can be a replica of the home of the Mother. Welcome the children of God into the place you have consecrated within and without. Receive them and give them the nourishment of the teaching. Impart the teaching, and all will go well. Impart the fire of freedom, and all will go well. Impart love and truth and righteousness and good example and self-discipline. Impart the flame, and be a flame forevermore!

I call you to Luxor! I call you to take your entrance exam. For we are receiving students for a course that will endure throughout this year—a course on the ascension.

Come, then, and see if you can qualify to enter this class of ascension’s candidates. I ask you all to apply. For when you take the entrance exam, whether you pass it or not, you will know (because you will have an interview with one of our instructors) why you passed or why you did not pass. And therefore you will know how to make up the difference for the next cycle, when you can take the exam again. And if you passed, you will see why, and you will see what areas of your being require further enhancement and development.

And so our entrance exam is like an achievement test—more for you than for us, for we see the aura. But we give the opportunity for the soul, who is seated at the desk and taking the exam, to summon the light of the Christ and the I AM Presence and to complete that exam with greater light than even that which has been contained within the four lower bodies. And therefore the measure of the soul is never tallied until the test is given.

Hierarchy is organized. The retreats of the Great White Brotherhood are organized. And if you could see all that heaven holds in store for you, you would be swift to take the wings of the eagles and to fly into our retreats in the highest crannies of the mountains. You would come! You would run from your earthly involvements! You would not tarry in Terra! You would rise and rise and rise on the fountain of light within, and then you would bring forth fruits of innovation, creativity, newness, ideas, blueprints—oh, so many wonders that the children of mankind are waiting to know and to hear about.

I come with Hope, the archeia. I come with Gabriel. I come with Astrea and Purity. I come with the hosts of the LORD, who bid you welcome to your ascension. Make it your goal today! Do not think it is so far away, that it is not an urgent goal, one that requires all of your striving and all of your love.

I bid you, then, this day, to walk among the mighty seraphim who have come to consecrate this New Year’s Eve and to sustain the action of light within you. Meditate on purity and purity in your goals. Meditate on what counts, what is most important.

Well, the obvious is most important. The obvious is always self-discipline. I AM Serapis, and wherever I AM, discipline is most important! And I give that discipline to all of the chelas of the masters, and then I give the chelas back to their masters so that they can continue the uses of the seven rays.

See, then, that we are the ones preparing the armed forces of the etheric plane. We give the basic training to all branches of service.6 We give the fire of the discipline of life.

Take it, then. Take it into the new year and make this a year of light! Make this a year of light as you have never had a year of light before! And isn’t this the marvel of cosmos—that no matter what you do, the future is wide open as opportunity to do it better, to increase perfection, to increase the cosmic cube, to increase the cosmic sphere, to live in an expanding cosmic consciousness!

And this is the challenge of initiation, that every day and every hour you can excel! You can excel! You can excel!

This is the excellence of ascension’s flame! Go forth and excel, brothers and sisters of sacred fire!

I AM Serapis, always.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Serapis Bey was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Wednesday, December 31, 1975, during The Challenge of Initiation conference, held in Anaheim, California. Part 1 of this Pearl of Wisdom is published in this volume, no. 21. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Matt. 5:48.

2. Heb. 13:8.

3. Matt. 3:17, 17:5; II Pet. 1:17.

4. Matt. 11:28.

5. John 4:14, 7:37; Rev. 22:17.

6. Branches of service. On February 6, 1988, Elizabeth Clare Prophet stated that “Serapis’ ray of the Divine Mother is a ray of purity and discipline. He is the one who would discipline all of the armed forces and the legions of light on earth and in heaven.” In Lords of the Seven Rays: Mirror of Consciousness, those who come to classes at Serapis’ retreat are described, including: “Military and intelligence strategists and all who serve in the armed forces, security and police departments of the cities—all receive special training here in the defense of the flame of Life” (p. 153).

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