Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 25 - Beloved Lady Master Leto - July 1, 2020

Becoming the Christos

The Path of Science

Part 1

Souls moving to the center of God-awareness, know that life is God within you. Know that there is a path to be forged and won. It is the path of science, which I would speak to you about this day.

There is an inner science and an outer science, and both paths are open to the initiates of the sacred fire, for we come to infuse life with the flame that is God.

We desire to see men and women of science endow Mater with the flame of the Spirit. And then you will see fulfilled in this age the raising of the culture and the science that was the Mother flame of Mu whereby the children of Mu conquered the elements of Mater to achieve a science and a religion far beyond that which is known today.

We have need of those who see the path of Christhood as one of experiment, an experiment with the energies of self as on the path of raja yoga, the path that is the integration of all of the yogas that mankind have known, and all of the asanas, all of the meditations. It is the integration of the God flame, the flame of Spirit within the crucible of Mater. You are co-creators with the Great Alchemist of life, and therefore it is ordained by the flame within you that you should endow life with Spirit.

How do you endow life with a flame? Why, the same way in which you give joy and flow and laughter and love here below. Have you not seen your joy catch as a flame across the faces of children and loved ones, just as you have seen your sorrow and your darkness and your gloom and your madness bring that cataclysm of sorrow to your loved ones?

And so you are already a scientist in the laboratory of life, and you are quite familiar with the uses of energy and manipulation and control, both by yourself and upon yourself. And you are aware that a certain combination of elements within your being can produce the very same results each time they are combined. This is science. It is the science of the inner man becoming the manifestation of God.

I desire that you should prove the way of the Christ and the Buddha scientifically, for it is Law. It can be demonstrated. It is physics. It is chemistry. It is psychology. It is beyond the senses and yet provable. It is intangible, yet tangible.

To be scientists along the way of that royal road of reintegration, the action of the eighth ray of the Buddha must be employed, for it is an integration of the flow of energies from Spirit to Matter. And as Spirit enters Matter it gives Matter the impetus to rise back to Spirit, and therefore movement is the key to the inner science.

Experiment, then, with all of the aspects of the crystallization of the God flame and study the components of the crystal. Take the microscope and look into Mater and see its components, and then determine the structure of those components at molecular and atomic sublevels and see how Matter was created to be the cradle of a flame.

See, then, as you look under a microscope at the cell, at the crystal, how you can visualize within that which is revealed as invisible. See how you can project, by the vision of the emerald ray, a flame—first as a picture of a flame that you see in your mind’s eye and then as the vision of the flame taking on the qualities of warmth and love from your heart, the outline of the will of God, the flow of wisdom, and the aspects of the seven rays that you feel in your soul as purity, as transmutation, and as ministration to life.

Show your children, with the joy and the excitement of the discovery of the invisible worlds of Mater, that Mater is certainly theirs to conquer. Show them how crystals are formed of salt and of sugar. Show them how crystals form and how within the crystal is the opportunity for the God flame. Show them how the flame makes permanent the creation—man—how within the soul the endowment of the flame gives wholeness to life and being so that they will not inherit the shell of a mechanization concept and of a way of life that is mechanical, robot-like, following after the Martians and their misuse of the Mother flame, following after so many who have conquered the vast reaches of space but who have failed to endow that hallowed space with the flame of God Self-awareness.

They trample upon the virgin territory of Mater with their profanity and their vanity and their carnal-mindedness. They have not the flame of Mother, for they have subjugated that flame to a material science. And when I say “they,” I speak of many evolutions of other worlds and systems of worlds who are all around you, observing your evolution, coming in their spaceships and with their extravaganza of their science that makes mankind look like primitives on the cosmic highway.

And yet we smile as we see their consternation when they observe the chelas of the sacred fire invoking the flame that changes Matter, that transmutes energy. For they have the ability to see the effects of invocations upon the consciousness of those who follow the path of the ascended masters, and therefore they have made of the chelas a laboratory of study and observation.

Well, I say, the bird that is watching you can also be watched by you, and you can observe the goings and the comings of these objects of interplanetary travel. And you can remind yourself that the great yogi of Tibet, Milarepa,1 did not require a spaceship to journey through the skies, nor do the ascended masters or quite a number of their unascended chelas. And therefore in your science and in your proof of the Law that is truth, prefer, then, the way of the yogi and learn to levitate by the inner science.

Is this so impossible? Is anything impossible with the God of science? Nothing is impossible! But you must submit the totality of your consciousness and your energy! You must pursue the raising of the light of the chakras! You must realize that these discs of light whirling within you are given to you for a purpose, a cosmic purpose!

And what was the chariot of fire into which Elijah rose?2 Was it a spaceship? I say, no. It was the great chakra of the causal body of Elijah spinning to receive him in the cycling of energy in the ritual of the ascension. And yet those who see only a materialistic science would interpret all activities of the scientists of the Spirit in terms that they understand, and this is understandable.

But though we understand, must we submit? Must we relinquish Terra to the hands of the mad scientists who are not concerned with the dangers of their experimentations with nuclear energy, with their pollutions of the atmosphere and the earth, with all of the poisons of chemicals that they inflict upon the bodies of the children of light as well as the children of darkness? I say, no. We shall not relinquish Terra as long as you will take your stand and refuse to relinquish Terra.

You are the authority! You are the scientist! God sent you forth as scientists to take dominion over the earth, to subdue the earth, which means to take dominion in the planes of Matter, to control the energies of Matter, to demonstrate the laws of alchemy. Jesus was obedient to that code and to that mandate. But you have been convinced by the fallen ones that it can only be done through a material science.

I say, make Matter the instrument of your God flame and see what inventions and discoveries and creative concepts you will bring forth. For the Lords of Karma have told me to tell you that there are opportunities for the advancement of culture into the age of Aquarius for those who will become spiritual scientists pursuing the conquest of time and space and planes of consciousness. And therefore, while you advance your knowledge of current science, remember to go within to the fire in the core of the atom of Being and to meditate with Christ and with Buddha on the holding of the lines of force of energy.

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 26.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lady Master Leto was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Thursday, April 15, 1976, during The Path of Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Milarepa (1052–1135) was one of the greatest saints and yogis in the Tibetan Buddhist tradition. After having practiced black magic against his neighbors and relatives and causing the deaths of many, Milarepa became apprenticed to his guru, Marpa. Marpa put Milarepa through many torturous labors, including building, destroying, and rebuilding the house for his guru many times. By these labors Milarepa expiated the karma of practicing black magic. When his pride had been broken, Marpa gave Milarepa the highest initiations of any of his disciples. Milarepa spent twelve years in caves meditating, engaging in spiritual practice, and eating nettles and water. Through intense devotion Milarepa mastered the power of levitation and was seen by many people to be floating around the skies in the lotus posture. Upon the passing of Milarepa at the age of 84, he merged into the “Clear Light” as rays of light were sent down upon each of his disciples. Milarepa’s life demonstrates the victory of the path of spirituality and of the inner science over the path of mechanization. Speaking on the power of levitation, Serapis Bey has explained: “In the past, many of the saints who levitated into the atmosphere did so by reason of the intensity of their magnetization of the energy of the God flame above. The floating into the air of these saints was an attest to their devout and intimate relationship with the God Presence.” For further study, see W. Y. Evans-Wentz, ed., Tibet’s Great Yogi Milarepa: A Biography from the Tibetan,; Serapis Bey, The Dossier on the Ascension, p. 175.

2. The Chariot of Fire. Commenting on the ascension of Elijah, which was witnessed by his disciple Elisha, Elizabeth Clare Prophet explained: “‘And it came to pass, as they still went on, and talked, that, behold, there appeared a chariot of fire, and horses of fire, and parted them.’ [II Kings 2:11] Now, if they were alone and Elijah ascended, there was only one left to tell the story and write a record, and that was Elisha. And therefore Elisha did see. What did he see? What looked like a chariot of fire and horses was the intense activity, the whirling of the wheels within wheels and the flaming consciousness of the I AM Presence of Elijah. Elisha saw the I AM Presence of Elijah descend and come closer to Elijah in frequency as Elijah was being drawn into that mighty sphere of light. And that whirling energy impressed Elisha’s consciousness, translated down to the human understanding of daily activities into a chariot of fire and horses. . . . Elijah went into the plane of Spirit; Elisha remained. And Elijah went up by a whirlwind, a vortex of energy sent from God to carry him bodily, and in that carrying of him, to translate him atom by atom, cell by cell.” (lecture, April 7, 1977) Erich von Däniken, in his popular book Chariots of the Gods, suggests that in Elijah’s ascension, Elijah may have been carried off to heaven in a spaceship. Elizabeth Clare Prophet commented that “the spaceship theory. . . completely mechanizes divine intervention. And it subjects the intercession of the [spiritual] hierarchy to the fraud of the mechanization concept” and the mechanical ascension. She states that the “flying saucer” theory ignores the ascended masters and their “walking and talking with mankind.” (lectures, April 7, 1977, and June 20, 1974)

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