Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 41 - Beloved Lanello - November 1, 2020

Forty Days of Teachings in the Upper Room
A Report from an Eyewitness

Part 1

My beloved in Christ, among the most precious of memories that we have—those of us who have ascended since our discipleship with the Lord Christ—is the memory of the forty days in the Upper Room when Jesus spoke to us of the things that would shortly come to pass. And he spoke of life as we would encounter life in the next two thousand years and of his own glory and public demonstration of the great victory of the ascension.

The Lord Christ anointed those of us who shared in his ministry. There was an inner circle of the twelve, the one who had departed,* and then there were the holy women and other disciples, making thirty-three surrounding the Master in the next increment of the inner core.

These thirty-three were assigned the holding of the witness of the thirty-three initiations of the cross that were to be outpictured in the next two thousand years as the fulfillment of the Piscean Conqueror and his demonstration of the Victory. For the mission of the Christ in each two-thousand-year cycle begins with one or two who bear witness to that truth, but that cycle of consciousness must be carried diligently by the inner circle of devotees, who when they take embodiment are well aware that their mission is to carry on that nucleus of energy that the Master has provided.

Therefore theirs is a long-term initiation, but, then, not so long. Theirs is an initiation, albeit two thousand years, yet in time and space as compared to eternity, these cycles are actually not as long as they seem.

And so I was among those who were appointed to carry the flame through the centuries and to give forth an accounting of the teachings. A portion of that accounting, a very small portion, was left for public record. And although in succeeding embodiments I brought forth some of the depths and the mysteries of Christ that he revealed to us, not all was permitted. And of that which was permitted, for the most part it was burned in the fire of Alexandria1 or it was tampered with by the fallen ones, or it was lost and has not been preserved through the Church.

For those who would truly bear the flame of initiation and carry the increment of our light and of these two thousand years into the New Age, the fragments are few. And therefore in order to complete that mission, I was trained to be a messenger of the Brotherhood so that Jesus might give directly through me, and through the matrices held dear in my causal body, that very special teaching that did not survive the continuity of the flame of his word, of his light, of his person, and of his ministry.

Therefore I come to you as the scribe Mark** as I was then—younger than most and yet close to the Lord in the household of some of the disciples. And I am grateful for those hours that we shared, for in those hours there was the impartation of a love and a dedication and the mantle of our Master that has carried us through many walks and many climes, and even in various religions. But all the while our mission was to anchor the flame of Jesus the Christ.

Those teachings, then, were more than teachings. They were initiations. They were the transfer of the Word that could not be lost because it was anchored within our souls, within our hearts in the fiery core of the threefold flame, and within each of the seven chakras—energy coils and dispensations that would come to the fore of our consciousness, one by one, embodiment by embodiment.

This, then, is an example of the computer of the mind of God. God projects the divine plan of an age and he selects in every age key carriers of that divine plan. These are the serious ones, the ones who are determined on a mission of service, who though they be torn asunder or sawed in two will not leave their devotion to the flame and to the cause. These are the sons and daughters of God who are marked by a special sense of responsibility because that responsibility, as the commission of the LORD God, is written in letters of living flame within the very core of being.

Therefore one of the most important experiences, which continued for many days [in the Upper Room], was the Master’s outlining of the coming civilization, which is recorded in the twenty-fourth chapter of Matthew but is a very small fragment. He spoke of the dispersion of the Essenes and the Hebrews and the true Israelites. He spoke of the usurpation of the flame of the chosen ones by others of the Semitic races who were embodied in the Fertile Crescent.

He spoke of the fact that these would come forth to steal the light, as wolves in sheep’s clothing, stealing the light of those who were given the flame of the twelve tribes representing the twelve hierarchies of the Sun. Today, therefore, you can scarcely identify the true Israelites and the true Hebrews from among those who call themselves Jews.

Jesus spoke again of these concepts and allowed John the Beloved to record them in the Book of Revelation, saying that those who call themselves Jews were not Jews and that they had entered the temple of the LORD and the LORD’s house and made of it the synagogue of Satan.2

Beware, then, the false prophets,3 for these are the usurpers of the light of the true Israel and of the nation Israel founded on this continent and on this soil, and of the New Jerusalem, the Holy City—that flame of the City Foursquare that is right here in your own Los Angeles.

This is the land that has been called the New Israel. This is the land where those who are the lost tribes of the House of Israel have gathered from every nation and people and kindred and tongue, and therefore in the dispersion of the tribes there was the founding of other nations and other peoples. The people of the British Isles represent one of the twelve tribes (that is, some among them), as well as the white Russians and some of those who are of the Scandinavian and Germanic tribes.

The dispersion, then, of the true Israelites has made of them a people who identify with their current nationality, for they have long forgotten that they were part of those who surrounded the mission of Jesus.

Jesus told us that by the conclusion of the Piscean age the children of God would no longer recognize one another, that there would be such confusion and chaos that not only would the children of light not recognize each other but they would not recognize the sons and daughters of Belial, and nor would they understand that their [true] leaders are the sons and daughters of God and not the fallen ones, who come with the wings and the power of satanic substance and of the Luciferian consciousness. And lo and behold, through that dispersion it has come to pass that the American people do not recognize their heritage as those who were chosen to receive and to carry the light of the Christ.

Then the Master spoke to us of the governments that would come forth. And because the governments would be made up of those representatives who are the mingling of the tares and the wheat—the children of light and the children of darkness—there would be conflict. There would be the rumbling and the discussions and there would be the extremists on the Right and the Left. They would come forth, and by the momentum of the prince of this world4 they would push their hatreds, their prejudices, and their pride, resulting in schism and division of the people who ought to be bearing the light of the Christ.

And then he spoke to us of the coming of the witnesses of the truth and of the teaching and of how these would be sent—a certain series of messengers who would present the Law so that the true Israelites would come out from among them and out from the impostors and be a separate people unto God,5 who would know one another and who would be known by their affiliation with the name of God I AM and by their use of the science of the spoken Word.

He said that they would come forth and that he would shortly give unto John that revelation that would describe them as they who overcame by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and who loved not their lives unto the death.6

Continued in Part 2, published in Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 63, no. 42.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Lanello was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, April 18, 1976, during during The Path to Attainment conference, held at the Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, California. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. The fire of Alexandria. This refers to the burning of the Library of Alexandria. The Egyptian city of Alexandria, founded around 332 B.C. by Alexander the Great, had two celebrated libraries, one housed in the Royal Quarter as part of the Mouseion or House of the Muses (the Museum) and the other in the Serapeum, the Temple dedicated to Serapis, the protector of Alexandria. The library was founded by Ptolemy I Soter in the late third century B.C. At one time, the combined collection of scrolls represented the greatest knowledge of the Greek, Egyptian, Persian, Indian, Buddhist, and Judaic cultures, including works on science, religion, mathematics, drama, and literature, which numbered around 700,000 volumes. A great center of learning grew around the museum and attracted scholars throughout the ancient world. The slow destruction of the libraries began with the invasion and conquest of Alexandria by Julius Caesar in 48 B.C., when he set fire to the Egyptian fleet in the harbor and it accidentally spread to a portion of the city. Ancient writers report that the fire destroyed part of the library’s collections, amounting to possibly 40,000 scrolls. During the Roman period, the library experienced a decline, but for most of the fourth century A.D. the Serapeum (both library and temple) is said to have housed a large collection of books. However, in 391 A.D. the Christian Emperor Theodosius I ordered the razing of all non-Christian temples and structures within the Roman Empire. The Serapeum was completely demolished.

2. Rev. 2:9.

3. Matt. 7:15.

4. John 12:31; 14:30; 16:11.

5. See II Cor. 6:17.

6. Rev. 12:11.

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