Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 63 No. 44 - Beloved Jesus the Christ - November 22, 2020

The Gift of My Resurrection
and Ascension

To Our Gracious Readers Dedicated to Love’s Service the World Around,

O thou immortal threefold flame of life—thou beautiful blue flame of goodwill, thou towering golden flame of illumination, and thou enfolding flame, thou pink flame of divine love!

O immortal threefold flame of truth in the hearts of all mankind, quickly illumine this entire planet to the acceptance and the realization of the flame of resurrection!

May life, which has been conscious of shadows here, learn now to accept my feeling of victory, my feeling of perfection, my feeling of resurrection and triumph over all the seeming discord and all the seeming unhappiness that has occupied the minds of men for so long a time!

I, Jesus, greet you today in the full glory of my own ascen­sion. But you will recall that before I made my ascension I overcame death in the glory of the resurrection, which although two thousand years have passed, is as full of meaning today as it was on the day of my Victory.

Children of earth, will you accept my consciousness of Victory?

Will you recognize the practical knowledge that I am offering to you in the Lighthouse?

Will you realize how long mankind have held themselves under bondage and have desired in their search for God to make of their religions, in many cases, a cult; have desired in many cases to make of their religions merchandise?

I do not mean that the rank and file of the people themselves were so charged, but I do mean that many times, many of their leaders were so inclined to make merchandise of the followers of the faith.

And so, long ago I said, “The blind lead the blind, and all fall into the ditch.”1 Today it is not my desire to see mankind fall into the ditch but rather to see them emerge from the tomb of past errors and mistakes and to enter into the meaning of the glory of my Victory in the same beautiful sense as it actually occurred two thousand years ago on that first Easter morning.

And so I urge and I call to earth today, to the children and the people of earth, to the mature individuals on earth—the spiritually mature from every race and every creed—to come out from among them in this sense: I do not ask for your separateness but I ask for your togetherness. I ask that you shall realize the need to have a unity of love for one another.

Man may say in contention, as they did long ago to me, “Some say there is no angel nor resurrection, and others say that there is. And therefore we do not agree, and how can we love one another?”2 For the Pharisees and the Sadducees did differ in their thought, and therefore because of the pressures of their differences, which they accented, they were unable to agree to even love one another.

Well, I would remove the cause and core of that condition. For surely, as mankind enter into a oneness and harmony with their own beloved I AM Presence, there will just naturally unfold in their worlds the understanding that will make it possible for them to enter into the glorious resurrection, where there is no longer an accent upon differences but an accent upon unity.

For the thing that amazed so many people was my resurrection. It has enthralled their minds for years. And yet I tell you, it was the unity between the Maha Chohan and the various members of the Great White Brotherhood, and the angelic and archangelic kingdom and even the elemental life, that made possible the restoration of the life in my physical form.

Now, it is true that when mankind are able to harness through loving cooperation all of these kingdoms again in their personal world—feeling the great outpouring love for elemental life and being concerned with its freeing, and when mankind shall also have that love for the angelic kingdom and then shall make sure that they do not exclude [their love for] man, even those who are bound with them in the cords of flesh, and when therefore this triune group shall cooperate in love together—shall anything be impossible unto them?

I think not. But I think that the meaning of my Victory shall be magnified in their minds and hearts until, as it grows and as it expands and expands quite naturally into its all­enfolding light and love, they will actually have my conscious­ness and my Victory.

And I tell you also that my consciousness and my Victory, which I had on that first resurrection morning, has expanded itself today until all of the billions of earth who are presently upon this planet will be able, if they will reach up simultaneously, to attune themselves with my glory and my consciousness, and then all of them can be blessed.

For the consciousness of an ascended being is somewhat of this order—that as I took the loaf and broke the loaves and fed the multitude of people, the five thousand,3 so I am able today to take this great bread of heaven, the bread of the angels, and to break it and give it to you today and say, “Take. Eat. For you are all members of my body, who will partake of my consciousness and will enter into Life itself.”4

The glory of my resurrection, the glory of my ascension, these are all my gifts that I give to you who will receive them in the most practical manner possible in order to use them today for the freeing of this world and for the release of all human impositions upon that pure and holy consciousness called the image of God—which I say to you was so pure and holy that it would never need to be resurrected, and therefore that which needs to be resurrected is that which is far less than the original beauty of the divine plan.

O hearts of love, be persistent and call this forth. For I AM with you always,5 even today.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Jesus the Christ was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Elizabeth Clare Prophet on Sunday, February 1, 1976, at La Tourelle, Colorado Springs, Colorado. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. Matt. 15:14; Luke 6:39.

2. See Acts 23:6–8.

3. Matt. 14:15–21; 15:32–38; Mark 6:30–44; 8:1–21; Luke 9:10–17; John 6:1–14.

4. Matt. 26:26; Mark 14:22; Luke 22:19; John 6:51, 53.

5. Matt. 28:20.

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