Pearls of Wisdom

August 8, 1958

Chelas Mine!

To so possess you is for me but to do God’s will!

The highest offering of my heart is ever to reveal to you the opportunities known to us who are of the ascended host. For, if taken, these opportunities will afford your lifestreams the necessary experiences and avenues of service that will make possible the release of the greatest good to all, individually and collectively, according to divine wisdom.

Such service, if you lovingly and willingly give it, will also expand the service and light of that great hierarchy of light, so well named the Great White Brotherhood.

How often have you felt my vibrations!

How often have you responded to the magnetic power of my love as I sent forth the Call!

Now once again, I have found through the necessity of cosmic law that I must direct my energies along a new line of activity. Thus I call upon certain of my unascended chelas to assist me in this undertaking.

When the first waves of my endeavors faintly began to stir in the heart of the beloved Daddy Ballard, few among mankind dreamed in their outer consciousness just what a magnificent activity was being born or how tremendous would be the result of the members’ applications made therein.

Many—most of you—were fortunate enough to have been included among those who experienced the powerful drive of my radiance as it charged forth the first impetus of fulfilling God’s divine will in the I AM Activity. You all saw the tiny beginning expand and expand into a truly magnificent blue plume of faith, whose radiance has covered this planet with the blessings of goodwill.

In the midst of apparent victory, however, some of you were startled to find that I had begun formulating yet another plan of action to found the Bridge to Freedom. Once again you responded to my call and formed the heart of that most hopeful endeavor, which was intended to bring hope to the hearts of children of men the world around who yearned for more light. That wonderful stimulation of hope was to manifest through the Bridge to Freedom as the golden plume of the threefold flame.

Now, when you remove a chair from behind one who is just being seated, it is not too difficult to know what the result will be. For the law of gravity, as you know, plays no favorites.

Just as the law of gravity dictates that all things ultimately return to earth, so the age old habits of mankind’s thought and feeling cause their outer minds to view most problems in a negative way. They look for the shadows rather than instantly calling for our light to be directed into the problem, which would dispel the shadows and make all things right. Quite naturally, I forgive you for so doing, even before you ask me.

Given the human consciousness, do not be surprised when I tell you that even our most sincere chelas will feel that the apparent schism between the Bridge to Freedom and beloved Mrs. Ekey is a personal one. They will quickly look to the personal worlds of all concerned to behold what manner of fault there be and to determine, if possible, upon whom to fix the blame.

Now lift up your heads! Lift up your eyes! Behold the living hand of God in all of this! And as you do, you will see the higher way we are presenting to you for incorporation into this new activity. You will also realize that the real reason for this expansion does not stem from the mud of human personality.

The purpose behind this new cosmic burst is to promote progress in the activities of the seventh ray of Saint Germain, whose glorious achievements inaugurate the coming age.

The potent cause behind it I reveal to you as the flame of charity, the pink flame of divine love in cosmic action. Thus shall divine love be the alchemy whereby the blue ray, tempered by the pink ray, shall lay the foundation of the New Age as the violet ray. And Saint Germain shall have a two-thousand-year dispensation to bring the violet flame into everyday use for the transmutation of all human problems. Let charity be, then, the open door to world freedom and enlightenment. And may the presence of the Goddess of Mercy, Kuan Yin, as a sponsor of this organization, be the supreme example of God’s mercy and love in action as the only lasting solution to world and personal strife.

Having established the flame of faith in the I AM Activity and the flame of hope in the Bridge to Freedom, we must now complete, with the flame of charity, the trinity of the threefold flame so earnestly begun. Therefore, beloved chelas, I announce to you herewith that the third activity that I am sponsoring is the Summit Lighthouse of Freedom.

This is the Law, beloved. Do you see? We are marching into greater light, unconditioned by human conduct. In the name of heaven, in the name of Almighty God and your own beloved I AM Presence, I ask you: Do you think that God and the Great Karmic Board must develop their plans in the vagaries of human thought? Nay!

Our ideas are born within the flaming heart of Truth itself, and fortunate is every one of you who can share in the glorious karma of producing the perfection that we shall externalize through you, if you care willingly and lovingly to serve this cause in the name and by the authority of divine love itself.

This divine love is now flowing and shall continue to flow to you and to all who will lovingly serve with you in this activity of the Lighthouse of Freedom, not only from my heart and that of beloved Nada, Saint Germain, Jesus, beloved Mary and all of the arisen host, but also from the great Helios and Vesta, with the glorious fiery imprint of Alpha and Omega themselves from the Great Central Sun, in the most buoyant aspects of their holy natures.

We are hoping to see personified in you, each one, this tremendous release of divine love, which is the very light substance of our beings. This I decree shall come to pass; and I sustain the thoughtform thereof as a beautiful ascended master prayer for each of you, which shall be kept in our octave as a divine decree until each of you is wholly ascended and free.

O children of my heart, feel my boundless love for you! I am aware of the scope of your service and the physical suffering some of you have taken on voluntarily on behalf of humanity. This world karma you have selflessly assumed for transmutation by your violet fire decrees so that the race may be more quickly set free.

I know, too, that it is not pleasant to the outer self to be constantly experiencing changes. When your roots have scarcely reached down to the water level and have not yet achieved tenacity, you are not yet comfortable in pulling them up and transferring them to the barren desert of uncertainty. Yet I ask you to realize, if you can, that we are forming this third activity in the interest of the forward march of progress.

If you will think upon it for a moment, I am sure that each of you will realize that both Saint Germain and I, as well as every one of the ascended host who has trod earth’s way, have passed through similar trials, always loving life enough to cooperate selflessly with Life’s onward push to its ultimate goal. You know that obedience is but loving cooperation with Good and that it is written, “Obedience is better than sacrifice.”1

Now, I want to tell you something of the positive beauty and magnificence that I am asking you to physically externalize at this time in this Lighthouse of Freedom activity to complete the threefold flame of my endeavor.

This activity is anchored in the power of the blessed Elohim Hercules and his divine complement Amazonia, with the full Christ protection of our beloved Lord Michael and the boundless cooperation of my limitless legions of blue flame, as well as the full power of myself in action as Chohan of the First Ray.

The integrity of the corporate officers of The Summit Lighthouse must be beyond question. They must be made of moral and spiritual material sufficient to hold the chalice of my diamond heart as the centerpiece of our activity. The honor of the lifestreams that will make up that heart is known to me at inner levels.

Nevertheless, I say to all present and future members of the board and all who will serve the cause of God’s holy will in this endeavor: Strife must be a forgotten record, one that is cast into the flame and kindled no more! Your loving cooperation with the members of the Darjeeling Council, with me and with one another, must be your divine fiat of light.

You who have volunteered to be cells in the body of God by serving in this heart center here in the eastern United States must make every effort to bring forth the crystal clarity of the momentums of your Holy Christ Selves. They must blaze this crystal light through their entire beings as the radiant quality of the pink plume, divine love, to all life everywhere and set that life free by the glorious effulgence of the Light that never, never, never fails!

The new teachings that we shall release in this forward surge of progress are based on the hope that faith charged by love will transmit to you and to all who—by application made to their own I AM Presence—will lovingly serve our cause, a boundless expansion of the threefold flame that beats their hearts.

As you come into this greater knowledge that we shall release and that shall be your joy to externalize, all of you shall find that peace which passes all understanding of the outer mind.2 For this new Lighthouse activity shall bring the greatest release of Freedom to life since the days of the former golden ages!

No longer shall ascensions be solitary releases from earth. For there shall be mass ascensions when the sons and daughters of God love life free and transmute their karma by loving service and the violet flame. Then shall the children of the light give the command of God:

“Beauty, Love and Truth, be manifest!” And the light shall obey. This, my chelas, is something every one of you can accomplish as you serve to set life’s energies free and then direct them to outpicture the patterns of the Christ.

Now, dear hearts, do not think me unaware of the confusions that may have manifested in your minds and feelings in connection with the current appearances of distress. Just see to it that you give this force no more power! Hold fast continually to your own beloved I AM Presence and to me.

I shall not fail to pour the light of my very life into all of you who will call it forth with a sincere heart and who will steadfastly hold to it. With a high faith in the present and the future, hold steadfast as well to a firm hope and a benign charity. You must sustain these qualities on behalf of every child of earth who yearns to find surcease from all distress.

In the future the decrees of our Lighthouse activity must be graded to different levels of consciousness. The instruction must be given forth so simply that all can understand it. And your service must be constant, as the calling of a keeper of the flame implies.

As you thus serve and develop these God-qualities within yourselves, individually and collectively, you will become a spiritually picturesque Lighthouse builded on the rock of Truth. This rock of Truth will be the solidification of all the living grains of Truth that have been embodied in both previous activities.3

This Lighthouse shall be an edifice that, strongly builded upon and anchored within the rock of Truth, shall raise its great superstructure into the heavens for all to behold. Then with fixed attention will the uplifted eyes of mankind remain constant upon the light and perfection of the ascended host. And the symbol of the Lighthouse will be the most magnificent beacon that has ever flashed its pulsation through the night of human consciousness since Lord Michael took the first root race Home in the victory of the ascension.

Such is the need of the moment. Doubt neither your ability nor mine to perform it! God and Good are on your side. You can help us expand the all-powerful light of this Lighthouse—the universal Christ consciousness of divine love—until its radiance shall bless the solar system and reach to the very end of your planetary chain, filling all space with the pure fragrance of the flowers of Freedom.

The love that gave birth to the beauty of God’s goodwill in our first activity, the I AM movement, is yet eternally sustained by our beloved and gracious Obedience, Daddy Ballard, who is always so near and dear to you.

Now I clasp your hand and heart to mine as together we gaze at the divine pattern of God’s eternal perfection that is embodied in every cell of the beings and worlds of the ascended masters.

To their love and light I now commend you, hoping to see their qualities outpictured through you, even as I AM—

Faithfully yours,
El Morya Khan

The Summit Lighthouse on its founding had two centers: the headquarters in Washington, D.C., and a sanctuary in Philadelphia directed by Frances Ekey. The Summit Lighthouse, and particularly the Philadelphia branch, was sometimes known as the Lighthouse of Freedom at that time. This letter from beloved El Morya (delivered through the Messenger Mark L. Prophet) regarding the founding of this new activity was sent to the students in the Philadelphia group, many of whom had previously been members of the I AM Activity, founded by Saint Germain in the 1930s through Guy and Edna Ballard, and the Bridge to Freedom, which was founded by El Morya in 1951 to further expand the teachings of the masters. Mrs. Ekey herself had been one of the leaders of the Bridge to Freedom before she left to join Mark Prophet in the founding of The Summit Lighthouse.

1. 1 Sam. 15:22.

2. Phil. 4:7.

3. The I AM Activity and the Bridge to Freedom.

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