Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 9 - Beloved Godfre - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

Let Your New Activity Be a Happy Activity

You Are the Light of God, Which Cannot Fail!

In closing the addresses of the ascended host, I wish to have my voice heard in this new activity. For there are those who think of me as one who has come lately to join the ranks of the ascended host.

I am now one of the Sons of light. I am now one of the radiant beings who have ascended in the light of God, which cannot fail.1 But a few years ago, I sat among you and led you in your decree work in the I AM movement and gave my benedictions and the peace of my lifestream and my energies to you.

Do you see, then, that it shall not be too long, even if it be a hundred years, before you will all also sit at the same table at which I now sit, supping with the ascended host?

Therefore, dear hearts, do not be weary. Do not be weary in well doing. For when the time comes for your ascension you will find that just as easily as wax drops from a candle so you will rise into the most beautiful and glorious world that God has ever created.

Not only will the pain and suffering of the outer self be completely melted away, but also the energies you wasted in feeling sorry for yourself and for the various sufferings through which you passed (as I myself sometimes did) will be changed to rejoicing by the Great God Self.

Stripped of the overlay of self-pity and requalified with the joy of the LORD, these energies will be charged back into the worlds of the children of light on earth to help them and free them so that in due time they may join the light and life that we are.

And now I want to say to you, Frances, do not be afraid in any way, in anything that you are doing for the light. Remember that God is I AM; and because he is I AM, it does not matter how you externalize his light as long as you give your adoration to your mighty I AM Presence and work for the ascended host.

Likewise, do not be concerned as to the name of the activity. For the outer name of the activity is of no consequence, because it is the light of God itself that cannot fail. And it is this light of God that cannot fail that we ourselves are and that we ourselves put into the activity that will determine its success.

Therefore, dear Frances, I, who have been your friend and have many times held your hand in the earth life, say to you that we shall meet in heaven as ascended beings and we shall once again clasp hands. And you shall then say to me, “Beloved Daddy” (for by that name you called me), “I am most grateful for that afternoon when the contact who was willing to serve us gave me your message to hold fast to the light of God, which never fails, and let go of all else.”

And you will rejoice in that moment and say, “That afternoon in Philadelphia was one of great joy and service to me because it was after a very dark night in which I had toiled in much uncertainty and doubt.” And you will lift your head to rejoice because you will then know that all is well in the light of God.

You will know that “God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain; for the former things are passed away.”2 And you will know that this is not an empty statement of heaven but one that bears fulfillment, which fulfillment you will witness in your day—if you remain steadfast in your allegiance to the light.

Therefore, I say to each of you, hold fast to the qualities of God Ling, the God of Happiness, and let your new activity be a happy activity. For truly the years shall roll swiftly by. And the completion of its structure shall be a thing of beauty and a joy forever if you will all get together and give of your energies and your time, even as you hold high your attunement with your mighty I AM Presence.

And one day you will reunite with us and you will come “trailing clouds of glory,”3 as the poet said, bringing with you from among the unascended of mankind a large number of lifestreams who will be able to make their ascension much more quickly because of the light that shall have come through the I AM Activity, the Bridge to Freedom and The Summit Lighthouse. Bear in mind, therefore, that the capstone that is placed on the pyramid must have its place even as the cornerstone of the pyramid must be the foundation upon which it is builded.

And now, Frances, I bid you good afternoon with all the sweetness of our old friendship. And you who are present at this meeting of your board, know that the ascended host stand around you as though in the bleachers of a football field. And we watch your activity with hope and we smile upon your endeavors, because we know that you are the best hope that heaven has at this time and we know that you freely give what you give.

And of course, as the widow gave her two mites in the days of the great Master Jesus (which he said was more than all others had given),4 so because you have given that which you have, it is acceptable to us of the hosts of heaven, and we rejoice together. It was thought well by the Karmic Board that I should conclude the addresses this afternoon. For as you began with me in the I AM Activity, so shall you end with me in the Lighthouse.

I AM, I AM, I AM the light of God, which cannot fail! I AM, I AM, I AM the light of God, which cannot fail! And the ascended masters are that light!

And you are the light of God, which cannot fail, as you externalize that light from your own mighty I AM Presence, which I now charge forth into your beings!

Peace, be still.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the seventh in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 15, June 15, 2008.)

1. Godfre made his ascension December 31, 1939.

2. Rev. 7:17; 21:4.

3. “But trailing clouds of glory do we come / From God, who is our home.” William Wordsworth, “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood” (1807).

4. Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4.

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