Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 1 - Beloved Kuan Yin - August 3, 1958

Divine Love and Mercy:
Twin Beacons of Our Summit Lighthouse

Hail, Sons and Daughters of Freedom!

I greet you tonight with the blessing of my full-gathered momentum of the ages—the culmination of my soul’s expression of divine love and mercy.

And I greet you as one who has served as a Divine Mother of the World for a very long time. My love has been known and felt for many, many centuries in a land far across the sea—in China, where they call me Kuan Yin, for I AM the Goddess of Mercy to the earth.

I am reminded tonight of the description of the quality of mercy from The Merchant of Venice: “The quality of mercy is not strained! / It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven / Upon the place beneath: it is twice blessed: / It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.”1

With such feelings of understanding and forgiving love, and with such mercy to their fellowman should the activities of all servants of God be qualified. For with this vibration do the ascended host ever direct their light rays to the dear followers of God.

Impersonally yet personally, and unconditionally yet conditionally, do we release the feeling as well as the actual substance of mercy. And never have we stopped to discriminate as to who among God’s children or what manifestation amongst elemental life is worthy to receive our blessing—any more than the heavenly Father discriminates in the outpouring of his blessings to all the creation.

In this wise spake Jesus to his disciples in his Sermon on the Mount:

Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, and pray for them which despitefully use you, and persecute you;

That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

For if ye love them which love you, what reward have ye? do not even the publicans the same?

And if ye salute your brethren only, what do ye more than others? do not even the publicans so?

Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect.2

Suppose that that glorious and comforting presence of the beloved Maha Chohan, who is the divine representative of the Holy Spirit to the earth, should discriminate when daily pouring forth God’s life-giving energies to the nature kingdom. Suppose that the master should send that life force only to that which is perfect, only to that which blossoms large and abundantly.

I assure you that if this Great Lord were to selectively withhold the essence of his Spirit, there would be many little flowers (which have the potential for Be-ness if planted in good soil with sunshine and rain) that would shrivel up and cease to be, simply because they did not present to his eyes the full beauty and perfection that God had intended them to be.

Of course, we all know that in the beginning all nature was pure, beautiful and perfect in every way and that it was mankind’s release of impure thought, feeling, spoken word and deed over a long time that finally contaminated the forces of nature and imposed upon them the blight and imperfections that appear in the earth bodies of the people and their planetary home.

However, when serving from the level of absolute God-perfection we never allow our attention to be held upon the imperfections that manifest either in the nature kingdom or in mankind themselves. We do not allow the Buddhic mind and its manifestation within us to focus on any negative situation but instead pour out the full power of our perfecting love and mercy wherever possible, when we are given even a little opportunity to do so.

However, we simultaneously serve from the level of the Cosmic Christ, the Divine Mediator, who is represented to you in the person of your Holy Christ Self. And it is the discriminating faculty of the Christ that assists the soul, who is yet functioning at the human level, to separate the chaff from the wheat within herself.

Thus the Christ love and mercy we impart uplifts and strengthens the soul that she may disassociate herself from un-Christlike qualities. And is it not fitting that you, too, as our chelas should endeavor to express this divine love and mercy to your fellowman, since it is in this manner that we treat you?

I know that deep within your hearts (and our beloved Mother Mary has assured me that this is so) there is a most sincere desire to do only that which is right. I know that in the secret place within your heart there is the desire to do God’s will—which is always in keeping with that which we of the ascended host would have you do (for we are, after all, the embodiment of God’s will)—and that at no time do you desire to betray your Higher Self by expressing through your personality anything less than the perfection that you really are.

Yet many times, on impulse and before even your outer consciousness can prevent it, betrayals of your own soul and Christhood have occurred through old habits of thought, feeling and spoken word and you have expressed, whether in thought, feeling, spoken word or physical act, that which you in your right mind would rather not have expressed.

Nevertheless, at such times we have radiated to you the understanding, forgiving qualities of love and mercy together with the radiation of our strength. This has reinforced your will not only to pull your spirit and your four lower bodies back into alignment but also to be more on guard next time and not repeat that human mistake. In this way you also discriminate between right and wrong, and by free will you choose the right and eschew the wrong.

Regardless of the apparent gentleness of my nature, I still can and do wield whatever God-power is required to assist you to triumph over every limiting condition of the human. And I still can and do make myself heard and felt to you, even though the mechanical sounds and noises of this world might try to prevent my words and thoughtforms from reaching you. [At this point in the address a very noisy jet plane passed over the building where the dictation was being given.]

Now, there are probably many unascended beings who would think and say that because I am the Goddess of Mercy and therefore of a gentle nature and expression I could not and would not wield God’s power in defense of his little ones or in rebuke of their waywardness. I assure you that the gentlest of the Sons of heaven has but to think of that which he desires and instantly it is available to him.

You see, in our pursuit of the will of God we have become the fullness of our very own beloved I AM Presence, which is all of God’s love, wisdom and power in perfect balance! Believe us when we say that in God we are equal to any emergency. For the power of God and God’s light that is required to control and correct any negative situation of persons, places, conditions or things is, as I have said, instantly available to us whenever and wherever the need may arise.

Sometimes I smile as in my service to mankind I see the thoughts and feelings of apparent foolishness that pass through the human mind as unascended beings attribute to the heavenly host the various notions of self-limitation with which they have bound themselves. Dear ones, if the Great Cosmic Law would permit it, even the gentlest among us could, by raising our right hand, still any and all of the chaotic conditions that appear on this planet today, individually and collectively—and we could do it right now! But the Law does not permit it.

Then, of course, when we make such a statement the thought comes to mind even in our students: “If you are possessed of such tremendous power, why do you not cause all human suffering and distress to cease? Why do you not put an immediate end to all the distresses of mankind that are so apparent in this world of form, especially if it is not the will of God that these distresses should continue to express?”

Let me here remind you that all the energies of this planet and its evolutions as well as those of every part of this system of worlds, and for that matter the entire universe, operate by divine law. Because of mankind’s God-given use of free will, they all must be allowed to express themselves as they will, regardless of the fact that much of the time these expressions produce the ill effects of physical, mental, emotional and financial distress.

By cosmic law we are required to permit all life to have the same freedom that we once enjoyed before our ascension, the freedom of releasing the energies of one’s own lifestream qualified as one desires. This includes the freedom to experience within one’s own lifestream the effects of the qualifications one has imposed upon others.

I am speaking of the crystal clear “stream of life” flowing from the Source. And the Great Law requires that one bear the burden of light or darkness that one daily superimposes upon this pure, natural resource. For only thus can the soul become the master of self and circumstance and gain a God-identity.

Quite naturally, we are fully aware that there are many among the children of men today (and I regret to have to say it but there are even some chelas in this category) who are not as yet expressing the qualities of divine love and mercy that we would like to see them express. However, I do ask you to be patient with them even if they do not always mirror and express the beauty of divine love and its manifestations that are within their own lovely I AM Presence.

O beloved, let the feeling of loving, forgiving mercy be amplified these days. For surely such an expression from you shall transmute a multitude of sins, both your own and others!

You know, dear hearts, that if a record were to have been kept of all the mistakes that those of the ascended host made in their earth lives before the ascension, it is possible that some of you (if you were to have read such a record in your present state of mind) might not have permitted us to have our ascension!

Nevertheless, in the tremendous mercy of divine love from the heart of God himself, the great Karmic Board granted us our eternal freedom, that glorious God-freedom that we enjoy today and that we have enjoyed for a long time now. And if today you begin in earnest to extend that understanding and forgiving love to all life, keeping your attention on the good and the beautiful in each heart, one day you, too, shall enjoy that same freedom. For through the constant and dynamic use of the violet transmuting flame, that mercy flame of pure divine love and forgiveness, you, too, shall have all your energies purified and you shall be free!

O how I truly yearn for you to be able to enter the realms where we abide with complete freedom and without those limitations that bind you so. You see, I am well aware of the limitations of the flesh body, for long ago I, too, wore a garment of flesh. Many times was I born into the world of form in a flesh body similar to the one you wear today. In those days, especially in China and the East, we knew austerities that you who live in the West cannot imagine, even though you read the history of that land.

In ages past the womankind of China and the East were given little (if any) freedom, for we were bound in many ways by customs that caused us much distress. Of course, the same lifestream embodies many times, and not always in feminine form. Sometimes the lifestream takes a masculine embodiment.

This is in accord with the wisdom of the Karmic Board and the cosmic law as they apply it to each one’s lifestream, as they see the soul’s need for certain definite illuminations through the experiences of life on this earth. (Conversely, those of predominantly masculine incarnations may take a number of female embodiments to balance certain qualities of tenderness and sensitivity to life that come with the blessing of motherhood.)

My beloved, I urge you to hold steadfast to the light and to the God-quality of mercy. For in this Lighthouse activity the expressions of thought, feeling, spoken word and deed of mercy and mercy’s flame must be amplified! ! That I might give you my personal assistance to the end that you might intensify mercy in your own world, beloved Morya El and the Karmic Board did ask me to address you tonight.

Beloved Mother Mary has joined these ascended masters in requesting me to give my loving assistance to the chelas in the West, where haste, impatience and insensitivity to the needs of others seem to be in fairly full expression, often to the exclusion of divine love and mercy. The children of the West can well learn the important lesson of patience from him who will now speak to you and for whom I shall humbly stand aside.

Therefore in the action! action! action! of divine love and mercy that are the twin beacons of our Summit Lighthouse and of divine love and mercy that are the twin beacons of our Summit Lighthouse and the key to your ascension, I seal you in my heart’s desire for your immortal freedom. May you soon desire it as much as I desire it for you.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Kuan Yin was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Sunday, August 3, 1958, in Washington, D.C.

1. Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice, act 4, sc. 1, lines 183-86.

2. Matt. 5:44-48.

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