Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 3 - Beloved Archangel Michael - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

Protection for The Summit Lighthouse
by the Sword of Blue Flame

A Nucleus of Seven

Hail, Legions of Heaven!

Hail, Ascended Masters!

Hail, Children of Earth Yearning to Breathe the Air of Freedom!

Freedom! I, Michael, Lord of the archangels, charge forth the radiance of my Presence into the dawn of this new activity, that the pulsations of protection shall be firmly established, for the simple reason that the light of God that never fails cannot fail!

And because it is fixed by cosmic law that the light of God cannot fail and because it shall be the action of this activity to externalize the beautiful light of charity and love itself, it is impossible that this activity shall fail in any way.

I AM spreading over you the canopy of my love and my protection in the very beginning of this endeavor. The sword of blue flame is established in the upper atmosphere over the city of Philadelphia. And its pulsations and radiation account for the great beauty of this day, for this is the day in which I have begun working with the lifestreams who shall form the first three points of the triangle of light.

I assure you that there shall be three others to form the three points of a second triangle, making a six-pointed star. And then to crown it with the Presence of God in the center, I shall give you a seventh. And so there shall be seven who shall form the physical governing body of this organization.

Hold high the chalices of your hearts. Bear in mind that the energies of the sons of heaven are not lightly given. It is relatively easy for people in the outer world to tune in to the daily radio programs and various releases of man’s communication in the physical octave. And so people presume that it is equally easy for us to charge forth our energies from our octave to theirs.

Little do they realize the tremendous amount of effluvia of darkness there is on the astral plane. Little do they realize the tremendous amount of waste material that has been cast off from the human consciousness through which we must move and through which we must drive our energies in order to reach the children of the light on earth. Little do they realize the cosmic grant that we must secure before we can be the bulwark of protection for an activity such as this.

Even though the activity be linked to light and be intended only for good, it may still require a great sacrifice of its sponsors in the sense that we must sublimate many things in you. And you yourselves, as cosponsors, must sublimate many things in yourselves, that you may be able to be heaven’s chalice.

Do you realize, beloved, what a gracious opportunity this is, in that you shall be a chalice of heaven into which I, Michael, shall charge the ray of protection for the God-plan made manifest in this which is to be the highest activity that I shall have sponsored since I took the first root race Home?

Do you realize the tremendous power of love that is to be externalized to the world through this Lighthouse? You have often heard the scripture, “And now abideth faith, hope, charity, these three; but the greatest of these is charity.”1 Now you shall have the opportunity to behold this same love, this same charity, in cosmic action as it works through you.

Bear in mind, dear hearts, that labor is needed and firmness and resoluteness in the truth. Let no human consciousness sway you from the path that you embark upon. Realize that the hopes of heaven are to establish this organization in all purity of consciousness as a means of the ascended masters’ communication to their chelas in embodiment.

Thus may the beautiful Silent Watcher Immaculata2 feel within her loving heart the boundless joy of knowing that this activity shall be firmly established in the absolute perfection of your Holy Christ Selves and that the untransmuted human shall be kept from acting in this activity in any way as you surround yourselves completely with the immaculate concept of God’s All-Seeing Eye.

It is the wish of heaven’s Sons and of the angelic host that you shall surround yourselves with the violet flame of Saint Germain and that you shall hold fast to that action so that you will have the purity to be in constant attunement with us.

Bear in mind that I am of the blue ray. But it is much easier for me to charge forth the blue ray where the opposite end of the spectrum (i.e., the violet ray) has been called forth with its purifying power, so that there are not accumulations of human effluvia to hinder the progress of my light as, from the very sun itself, it bursts forth to the earth with all its accompanying benefits and radiant qualities.

Now, beloved, lift up every bit of your consciousness towards the light. Shed, shed, shed the human cocoon and feel the radiant qualities of the threefold flame as it expands from your heart and as your soul beholds this light, which I AM!

Oh, how protection is needed! And I have charged it forth. And now, because this is an action of cooperation between the angelic hosts and the ascended masters, I shall stand aside (sealing you with my blessing and my love) for one who would speak a few gentle words to you.

I present my beloved brother in the light whose radiant qualities are of the realm of the Elohim, the beloved Peace.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Archangel Michael was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the first in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51, no. 9, May 1, 2008.)

1. 1 Cor. 13:13.

2. Silent Watcher is the office of the Elohim of the fifth ray, Cyclopea, whose divine complement, Virginia, has been called Immaculata in her role of holding the immaculate concept of the Cosmic Mother for all life.

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