Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 4 - Beloved Elohim of Peace - August 7, 1958

The Founding of The Summit Lighthouse

My Peace I Give to You

Mighty I AM Presence,
Pour Out the Radiant Golden Oil of Peace!

Peace I leave with you. My peace I give to you.

We of the Elohim are ever happy to just be the embodiment of a quality of God that belongs to the Father of life. The fires of God’s love have long since burned away any discontent or any quality of shadow from those of us who serve from heavenly realms. We are alone, all-one in the radiant light. We have externalized the qualities that we are to the fullest extent of our God-free beings.

The quality of peace is a living thing. It is only fitting, therefore, that as you have the protection of Lord Michael, so you should have my peace surrounding you at every moment of the way.

It cannot be promised to you that you shall not at times feel the lash (because you are yet unascended beings) of conditions that might seem to be an attempt to rob you of the quality of peace. But I ask you, in such moments, to lift up your eyes to the zenith of heaven and visualize a beautiful golden orb at the zenith of the sky and call to your own beloved mighty I AM Presence, saying:

Beloved mighty Presence of God, which I AM in me, and beloved Elohim of Peace: from the zenith of the heavens pour out the radiant golden oil of peace unto the horizon of my world—to the 360 degrees of the circumference of my being that extends to the borders of time and eternity!

Fill the circle of my world and the worlds of all children of the light with such an effulgent light and love as is the manifest power of the Elohim of Peace that no dissonance or any other variant of peace can manifest where I AM—in the heart of Peace!

And the answer to the Master’s command that he gave to the Sea of Galilee, “Peace, be still!”1 will be recognized as issuing from me as the representative of the quality of God’s peace.

In the name of God, I AM Tranquility2 evermore, evermore, evermore. Peace abide with you always.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by the Elohim of Peace was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Thursday, August 7, 1958, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is the second in the series of seven landmark dictations that mark the founding of The Summit Lighthouse, which was based in Washington, D.C. These dictations, all delivered the same day, were prepared for print by the Messenger Elizabeth Clare Prophet and were first published in 2008, the 50th anniversary of the founding of The Summit Lighthouse. (See Pearls of Wisdom, vol. 51 no. 10, May 8, 2008.)

1. Mark 4:39.

2. Tranquility is a quality of the Elohim of the sixth ray, but not his name or title. The masculine and feminine Elohim of the sixth ray go by the appellation Peace and Aloha.

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