Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 14 - Beloved El Morya - September 5, 1958

A Simple Daily Call to Me
for Your Divine Plan

To the Hare and the Tortoises Who Get There—
  May You All Win in the Next Round!

The slogan “Slow but Sure” certainly is not always true. For comparatively few lifestreams unascended quickly respond to a need for action at just the moment it is needed, and it seems to take them time to make up their minds to serve a cause, even though that cause be a very good one. Then sometimes even more time is consumed in getting ready to serve, getting the affairs of their world in order so that they may proceed to the doing of the task at hand.

Then there are the people who are always beginning something, always wishing and hoping for success in their undertakings but never seeming to be able to summon into sufficiently powerful action the will required to stay with and complete the desired service. The attention of such people is too much fixed upon the appearance world and its ever-changing forms.

Therefore without someone being aware of the existence of those God-ideas that would give greater assistance to mankind from our octave, and without someone placing his attention upon them in order to bring them into fulfillment, those magnificent patterns of perfection that could bring such help and comfort to mankind remain in our octave as but holy thoughtforms of light.

These thoughtforms are God-ideas of things and conditions which are awaiting externalization in this world of form, waiting until some interested lifestream seizes the divinely qualified energy embodied therein and breathes the love of God into them by a living demand and act of faith to bring them into the outer world visibly and tangibly manifest here.

I AM the chohan (lord) of the first ray and my activity concerns the bringing into visible, tangible and practical manifestation right here the will of Good for the planet Earth and all her evolutions. Believe me, dear hearts, when I say that most people who hear of me for the first time (and, alas, some who have heard of me many times!) regard me as some mystical being in a fairy tale who for fancy’s sake alone they hope exists. However, in their hearts they secretly question my reality.

Now, many of you know that I am a real, living, vibrant being of divine love and light who when in embodiment in similar situations to yours today, before my ascension, once faced the same kinds of conditions and feelings of joy and sorrow that some of you are facing. When I finally made my ascension into the realm of the ascended host (in 1898), that victory was accomplished only after I had fully repaid all my karmic debts to life through service rendered by drawing forth the full purity and power of my own beloved I AM Presence.

This I AM Presence is the only light that lighteth every man that cometh into the world1 and it is the Beloved One who lights everyone’s way all the way “Home” to the realms of eternal life. This fulfillment of all my long-awaited hopes came about only after I had consciously united myself with that ever-loving and enfolding God Presence which I AM.

When such a union of my inner and outer consciousness took place in the victory of my ascension, it did not mean that I ceased to be. Rather, my consciousness merged completely with my own God Self. Thus I attained my eternal liberation from all things human in its boundlessness of divine love, wisdom and power. This divine being of light and love of which I have now become a part—and which I AM—radiates forth constant grace and much silent help to this entire planet and all its evolutions, of which you are presently a part.

Although invisible to the physical sight of unascended mankind, I am indeed a divine friend to all life, one wholly free from all human limitations and distresses. These I learned victoriously to master while here in embodiment by the use of the selfsame laws that you are being taught today. Now, if you will accept it, I constantly offer loving help to all, particularly to everyone who will consciously accept my reality and call to me.

Would you like to have my loving and willing help to enable you, too, to be free more quickly from everything human and to be able to abide in this realm with me, beloved Saint Germain, Jesus, and many, many more of your divine friends and loved ones of the past?

Then make a simple daily call to me in the name of your own beloved I AM Presence—and be faithful in the daily giving thereof—asking me to help you externalize right here in your daily living your own individual divine plan, which is the will of God for you. Such calls faithfully offered up will open the doors of your world wider and wider each day to a bit o’ heaven manifesting in your world and thus increase the scope of your loving service to all. Thus will you be giving obedience to that part of the cosmic law which is so powerfully expressed in the Lord’s Prayer as “Thy will be done on earth.”2

Your decree could be something like this:

Beloved mighty victorious Presence of God I AM in me and beloved Ascended Master Morya, help me and all sons and daughters of God today and always to so live and bless life that we easily, quickly and perfectly fulfill the divine plan of our lifestreams, which is the doing of God’s holy will. I consciously and gratefully accept your assistance to this end.

If you will make this call for yourself and your own world, you can and will be freed from the disease of delay, the regretful procrastination of the human. Then, because all life is one, as a few lifestreams begin to make the call and faithfully continue to do so, the radiance of their faith will expand and expand until more and more lifestreams will avail themselves of this tremendous help now being offered.

Mankind are living in times when unusual opportunities for their freedom are at hand. Wise is he who takes full advantage.

Hopefully awaiting your daily calls, I remain—
Your obedient servant—
El Morya Khan

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. John 1:9.

2. Matt. 6:10.

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