Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 15 - Beloved Godfre - September 7, 1958

I AM Is the Creative Power of All Infinity

Heart friends of light, just a few moments ago the beloved Divine Director, whose address preceded my few words to you this evening,1 told you that he had clasped my hand in blessing as I stood with him here, pouring to you my love and light and full-gathered momentum of my God-quality of obedience.

As you count time, so few years have elapsed since I walked and talked with you and the people of America in a flesh body such as you are now wearing. Therefore, because of my recent contact with the earth and the conditions thereof while I was in the unascended state, I can more readily convey to you my feelings of victorious accomplishment. For that reason I am so grateful to have been given opportunity to reach you in this manner today.

Sons and daughters of heaven, you who have signified a willingness to serve cooperatively with the Father and his Holy Spirit, expanding his love, light and comfort to all life everywhere, I speak to you tonight from the ascended realms, where I have become fitted to dwell. I know that you are aware of at least something of the tremendous power which is embodied in the creative word I AM, which power can be brought forth into outer physical action right here in this world of form.

The word I AM is the creative power of all infinity, the name of God himself. And I AM embodies all that is now in existence, ever has been or ever shall be. From the authoritative vibration of that word sent forth into electronic light, which fills all earth’s atmosphere everywhere and even interstellar space itself, all comes forth into manifestation. The sincere, constant and faithful use of the word I AM will bring the answer to every call, for I AM is the fullness of life itself and can be called into action to make perfection manifest.

Try to realize just what I AM really means and what it represents. It is the very being of God himself, radiant white fire. Therefore, when the word I AM is called forth into action, that which is not of the light cannot stand against it.

You see, dear hearts, the distressing experiences of the personal worlds of the human race, which so torment them, as well as planetary distresses, are the results manifesting today of the misuse of God’s pure life and light in the past through the forgetfulness of the correct use of his name. Those accumulations of shadow have been manifesting in, through, and around them for a long time, sometimes many, many centuries.

In some among mankind this shadowed substance has been of such long duration that it actually has become solidified about them. Now, much of that energy lies dormant in the aura of the individual and has become the cause of their pain, lack and general unhappiness. Of necessity, this cause and core must be removed in order to have the distressing effects disappear. This can only be done by the use of the sacred fire.

The I AM is the sacred fire of life itself manifesting in seven rays of God’s perfect light like a clear beam of light passed through a prism, showing forth the colors of the spectrum. In that crystal fire of the I AM are the seven primary virtues of God expressed, and the violet transmuting flame of mercy and compassion is one of the rays therefrom. It requires the authority of the word I AM to set this violet fire into action here. And when this does come forth at your call, do you not see that it must transmute that which is not of itself, even as does physical fire in the world of form? Of necessity, this use of the violet fire will bring about changes in your worlds. Think about this!

Now, I say to all men and women everywhere who want relief and release from their distresses and yet feel that they do not want to experience changes in their worlds as they call the I AM into action in, through and around themselves, it is quite impossible for anyone to use the creative word I AM and its merciful gift of violet fire and not have changes take place as a result. Changes must come. Do you not really call for changes when you want to be relieved of your distresses? The changes that come from calling light into action in your worlds are good changes, much needed changes, and in many cases they are long overdue. Therefore, such changes should not be resented or rebelled against but welcomed.

My message to you tonight is that within yourselves as well as within everyone and everything upon this planet, within it or in its atmosphere, there should be welcome for the light and its blessings as expressed through the right use(righteousness) of the word I AM together with the good changes that it brings to all.

Resistance to change, even to good change, is a very strong feeling in mankind, which has gathered much momentum all through the ages. However, especially in those who really love the light and desire to serve it, desiring its blessings to manifest to and through them, that feeling should be immediately and completely eradicated from the consciousness.

This feeling of resistance to the changes that light brings should be replaced in every sincere student by feelings of welcome to such changes. Then, since all life is one, those feelings of joyous welcome and gratitude to and for light and its loving, freeing service to all will begin to expand until they have saturated the entire consciousness of the human race. After all, when this word [I AM] is used, it means “you are” (or “it is”) “welcome.”

Therefore, since some part of life in embodiment here must begin to express the fullness of this God Presence through the outer form and personality as beloved Jesus did, won’t you at least be among the first to just let the Christ consciousness come into outer manifestation and expression through you, letting that immortal threefold flame of eternal truth expand itself and draw forth through you from your causal body all the stored-up treasures of the ages of your own lifestream’s service to life? If you will do this, you will much more quickly join me in the higher realms.

You well know that but a short time ago I gave my very life to the establishment of a movement that brought to the people of this earth a simplified and clearly understandable explanation of the word I AM and the simplicity of its use in daily, practical ways. This I AM movement, of which I was the original messenger for the ascended master Saint Germain, yet abides to do much good upon this dear earth.

However, as a member of the ascended host and Great White Brotherhood, of course it is impossible for me to be biased, partial or prejudiced in any way. For I see only the full light of God as it expresses itself in many ways and through many messengers. Therefore I no longer serve just one expression or activity of God’s will, but I now serve all mankind. Remember beloved Saint Germain’s statement in the early days of the I AM instruction, “I AM here and I AM there! I AM God in action everywhere!” This in reality is a God truth.

Especially when one has so recently ascended as I have, it is so good to be able to reach through the veil of the outer consciousness of mankind and say to your unascended friends, “I know your victory is certain as you stay upon the Path, for I too have trod the way you are treading and have won that very same victory you shall win one day. Hold steadfast to the light. Know that it will not and cannot fail.”

You see, dear hearts, there is the tendency on the part of the human to fear and accept the idea of failure. But if you will hold fast to the light, you will soon come to know that that which is of God cannot fail. The flame of God which lives within your own physical heart and gives it the rhythm of beating, that flame can never be extinguished. That flame is you, your life, and can never be put out.*

Do you not see that I AM is the light and life of God himself and therefore your own life too? Then how could it possibly fail in anything? So as I said, if you will welcome your own God light and its authority into you, your world and affairs, knowing that whatever changes take place for you by its presence are good changes, you will more quickly ascend out of your octave of expression into ours.

Beloved Saint Germain gave me the name Godfré Ray King, which means that the God-free ray (of light) is king of all creation. I remind every one of you that just as I was, everyone of you is too a ray of light from the heart of the Father of all. Therefore anyone could well use the name Ray as a middle name. That ray of light gives you consciousness in this world of form and sustains your body’s life here. So reverence your life, which is God’s life, flowing through you and endeavor to expand his love, which gives beauty to life.

Soon these years of chaos upon the earth and in its atmosphere will have passed. But there is still much energy needed to be expended here in service to mankind right now and in the years immediately ahead. The landmarks of this instruction on the I AM and its practical use should be physically recorded for the future and anchored now into the outer consciousness and worlds of those abiding here so that in the coming years mankind may have some foundation and guidepost to show them the way to be free.

Of course, there will be many coming back here into embodiment in the future who were not able to win their ascension in the past, and I know that every one of you wants to make their abode here free from as much travail as possible by making secure for them this anchorage of the knowledge and use of the word I AM, which we of the ascended host have endeavored to establish in all three of these activities: the I AM Activity, the Bridge to Freedom, and the Lighthouse of Freedom.

As you know, there is never any criticism or condemnation from us toward any religion or religious endeavors upon the face of the earth. For we cooperate lovingly with everyone and everything that is expanding good to the best of their ability.

However, our specific service in these activities has been and still is to bring to mankind the conscious knowledge of their own individualized I AM Presence and teach them the simplicity and efficacy of its use to control every experience of their daily lives. It is imperative that they realize completely that when they use the word I AM they should always follow it with constructive words, expressions and feelings and not follow it with any negative, binding words or statements, which after all is really writing their own epitaph, in one sense of the word.

Remember always the word I AM is the creative word of God. It is his sacred name and it is his power in action. Therefore, being absolutely impersonal and obedient to every rate of vibration which it is commanded to manifest, you, as the authority in your world, command this name to create for you that with which you follow the word I AM.

Therefore, as beloved Jesus called Lazarus forth from the tomb,2 so should mankind be called forth from the binding wrappings with which they have allowed themselves to be bound through the unfortunate negative use of the word I AM, this having come about through the forgetfulness of their Divine Source.

May all mankind learn this truth quickly and follow the word I AM only by constructive expressions such as “I AM well,” “I AM happy,” “I AM God-supplied,” and so forth, never using it carelessly or in a thoughtless manner to give expression to every vibration that happens to pass through their minds and feeling worlds.

May all mankind quickly learn the magnificence of this gift and the truth thereof, for it is given to all as a glad-free gift of love from God himself. It is given without money and without price3 and it is the pearl of great price.4 What greater gift could be given to man than this conscious use of the word of power, by the use of which eternal God himself and all his divine messengers govern the entire universe and all the life therein.

Tonight I decree for you divine rest, peace and harmony in your worlds. And I decree this in the full power and authority of God which I AM! [This was given with a tremendous release of energy, after which Godfre said:] You see, I have not forgotten how to decree!

Now I leave you with my loving benediction and my sincere hope that you will all graciously externalize through this Lighthouse activity all the knowledge and manifestations of the light that you have received from both of the former activities of which you were privileged to be a part. These God-expressions of your divinity should now come forth in service in this Lighthouse activity by your being true keepers of God’s flame in your own hearts, keeping sacred and reverent the light of the I AM which is there, and by being willing servants of that light to radiate it out to all mankind.

I thank you, sweet hearts of light, and bid you good night.

*The threefold flame never goes out, but it may be withdrawn from an individual who denies God. The threefold flame is also withdrawn from the physical body at the time of death as the soul departs for higher realms. When the soul reembodies, the threefold flame is reignited in the physical body at the moment of birth.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

This dictation by Godfre was delivered by the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood Mark L. Prophet on Tuesday, September 7, 1958, in Washington, D.C. [N.B. Bracketed words have been added for clarity in the written word.]

1. No recording has been found of the dictation by the Great Divine Director that preceded Godfre.

2. John 11:38–43.

3. Isa. 55:1.

4. Matt. 13:45, 46.

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