Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 21 - Beloved El Morya - October 17, 1958

The Practical, Invincible Power
of Light’s Protection

To You Who Understand the Need for God’s Protection
  and Would Call It Forth on Behalf of God’s Children:

Invincible God-protection—God’s pure light—consciously called forth around persons, places, conditions and things that are constructive and therefore in accord with the will of God for all his creations is really a great necessity today, especially for those who serve our light.

The average person in embodiment today is not consciously aware of the forms of destructively qualified astral substance that float in the lower atmosphere of earth and almost completely fill it. This is particularly true of the lower sphere, which is closest to the planet, in which unascended mankind live, move and have their being at least all of their waking hours, which is about two-thirds of the twenty-four-hour day.

When we speak of the need for invincible protection, we are quite aware that because they cannot see things as clearly as we do, often the wisdom of God is as foolishness to men—even as the wisdom of this world is foolishness with God.1

The counterpart manifestations of mankind’s thoughts and feelings are invisible to their physical sight, particularly as these radiate out from the physical form and lower bodies of incarnate lifestreams either gently or not so gently. Therefore mankind do not see the necessity for spiritual protection from “thoughtforms” and “feeling forms.”

Sometimes, and all too often, these mental or astral forms are sent forth in sudden and violent lightning-like charges of anger, condemnation and artful accusation. Then there is the gross sense of personal injustice (“He done me wrong!”) that begets resentment and the desire for restitution or revenge.

Impatience and abuses of power are also sent forth, then fear and doubt and all those shadings of human emotion which unfortunately express as less than divine love (and their name is legion). Yet even in the midst of this troubled sea, mankind do not cognize the necessity for the spiritual protection afforded by the heavenly hosts.

Through mankind’s release, waking or sleeping, of discordant thoughts, feelings, spoken words and deeds, this effluvia continues to be thrown off from the minds, auras and astral bodies of the race into the earth’s atmosphere twenty-four hours a day. Because of the low vibrations of these thoughts and feelings, whose energies actually congeal into forms that can be seen by clairvoyants around people and places, they cause distress at some time or another to everyone on earth!

Such thought and feeling energies, whether they are released consciously or unconsciously, will not simply evaporate. They remain as a record in the memory (etheric) body and as misqualified substance that is a karmic liability to the sender and a grievous burden to the receiver.

This discordant energy must then be lived through, worked through—with or without real resolution. Or, by the grace of God, it can be consciously transmuted by those who understand our God as “a consuming fire”2 and will call forth the violet flame of mercy and compassion from the altars of heaven to transmute all wrongs given or received.

A few of mankind have been consciously calling forth the violet fire of the Holy Spirit in selfless service over the last twenty-five years, and therefore your dear earth is being daily purified of layers upon layers of discordant human creation which for so long have prevented the will of God for the lightbearers on the planet from coming into manifestation.

Beloved ones, by way of taking personal responsibility for his own individual protection, every sincere student on the Path must of necessity learn to call forth his tube of light. This protection must extend to his four lower bodies (etheric, mental, emotional and physical), which interpenetrate each other so that what affects one affects all. But is each one of you receiving the maximum blessing of the protective power of your tube of light?

The protection of the tube of light is real! It is a gift of great love and mercy from your beloved mighty I AM Presence to protect you not only from “the terror by night” (general destruction present in the atmosphere of earth and in the collective unconscious that your outer self is not aware of) but also from “the arrow that flieth by day”3 (sharp, critical, impatient, belittling statements, cursings, foul language or selfish releases which may even be projected directly at you by students of the Law who have not as yet brought their own thoughts, feelings or speaking habits under God’s control).

Now, the great Arcturus, Elohim of violet fire, and the mighty Zadkiel, archangel of that mercy flame, have both suggested that you never allow such misqualified energies to be personalized, even though they be driven deliberately against you. They have asked that you use every such experience as an opportunity to transmute all discordant vibrations into the pure white light by blazing the violet fire through them and then calling for pure God-harmony to be sent back and anchored in the world of the offending individual, to establish and maintain that God-control that shall prevent their ever repeating this unfortunate mistake.

So can such unhappy occurrences be consciously turned into miracles of help to the erring one. After all, is it not written, “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God”?4

Gracious readers, may we very gently and yet quite firmly impress upon each of you this week the imperative need for you to call forth round about you from your mighty I AM Presence a tube of pure, scintillating electronic light substance, which is the essence of your beloved Presence. Visualize this tube of white light as a shaft of radiant, glistening substance directed from the hands of your Presence as a steel-like cylinder, its walls having a depth of at least three feet and extending from your heart center for a radius of about nine feet, surrounding you with its God-protection of blazing light.

This tube of light is instantly formed at your call! It acts as a sieve to keep from entering your world the denser vibrations of shadowed human thought and feeling substance, which may be in the atmosphere around you in which you live and move or which may be consciously driven at you.

Now, this is important. If the individual calling forth this tube of light were to hold absolute, invincible harmony within his thought and feeling world inside that tube of light for just forty-eight hours continuously, he could positively keep screened out of his world all distressing experiences and vibrations of unhappiness. He would be able to move in the harmonious atmosphere of his own individualized God Presence, which would then radiate naturally from his Holy Christ Self.

I have seen this done in India many times by unascended masters who attained a great deal of what would be considered phenomenal power. These masters have been known to draw this tube of light about them so perfectly, although it may be invisible to the physical sight of the average person, that they could stand calmly poised before another who was aiming directly at them with an elephant rifle, which as you know takes large bullets. I have heard such an unascended master command the one aiming the rifle to fire at him, and I have seen the bullet instantly fall to the ground upon contacting the tube of light, the bullet as flat as a ten-cent piece of your money!

Such is the practical, invincible power of light’s protection. Not I alone but thousands of visitors to India have seen this done. Sometimes the onlookers are just curious tourists, not necessarily conscious students of the law of life.

Dear hearts who love us and who are endeavoring to do God’s will to the best of your ability, I ask you to call daily, faithfully and confidently to your mighty I AM Presence to secure this tube of electronic light substance about you. And since it takes but a moment to make the call and visualize the perfect focus of its blazing protection, it would be well to repeat your call three times a day at rhythmic intervals (morning, noon and night).

Then, of course, one must endeavor to express full faith in the invincibility of this light essence to do its perfect work of protecting the one who has called it forth or the one for whom it has been called forth. For when calling forth the tube of light for oneself, one can and should naturally call it forth for one’s family members and all children of the light in need.

As a matter of fact, parents have a tremendous opportunity to call this invincible God-protection around their children each day, at least until each child has been taught to call forth his own personal protection for himself and does so regularly. Remember, a child’s mind is often much more receptive to light and its manifestations than that of an adult. For it has not been so long since the children have come from the realms of light, where such instruction is known to be true.

Beloved ones, no matter how great the spiritual light within or around any unascended lifestream becomes, until the ascension is attained this need for the invincible protection of the tube of light cannot be overemphasized. You must never neglect or dispense with your personal call for your tube of light, even when you are in the presence of another who may be considered to have very great light. No one should consider that he of himself is completely protected against human disturbances while he walks the byways of earth in an unillumined flesh form, especially in these days of such chaos and confusion in the outer world.

O beloved ones, once you have confidently called forth this tube of light around you (and around those for whom you have called it forth), trust it to do its perfect work. Expect that what you have called for will manifest by the power of your mighty I AM Presence multiplied by your vision and your faith in God’s law, which ordains this protection for his own.

Be sure to do your part to hold uninterrupted harmony inside that tube of light within your thoughts, feelings, spoken words and deeds, keeping your motives always pure, honest, earnest and sincere to serve and expand only the light and love of God everywhere.

Now, why does the cosmic law demand uninterrupted harmony from the individual who desires this invincible protection from the tube of light? Is it just an arbitrary demand? No! There is a perfectly logical and scientific reason for it.

You see, until this tube of light has been allowed to remain absolutely undisturbed from within for at least forty-eight hours so that it can assume its full strength, it is as delicate and as gossamer as a chiffon veil! However, if this light substance is allowed to set, just as liquid gelatin takes the form of the mold into which it has been poured, the tube of light becomes absolutely impenetrable to anything unlike itself that would seek entrée into the individual’s world from without.

Therefore, should any angry, impatient or violent thought, feeling or spoken word be released or acted upon by the lifestream who has called forth this tube of light, that sharp and lightning-like thoughtform of shadow (in very dark, dull and lifeless colors) will charge through that tube of light, tearing it open from within, just as if one were to throw a sharp knife through a chiffon veil. Do you see? Therefore the loving mercy of the Law admonishes the student for his own good to constantly control his aggressive energies if he would have the perfect protection that he needs and desires.

From now on let us all firmly resolve (and we shall help you to do this if you will ask us) to be as conscious of this tube of light as we are of our own heartbeat. One does not see it, yet one knows it is there sustaining his body’s life. Feel the presence and security of this tube of light about you all ways, and as you grow in grace, so will you grow in faith and confidence in its presence there.

Thus you will keep your world in a constant state of greater readiness and ability to serve us as an arm of our presence, consciously or otherwise. For many times we walk by your side and use your lifestream as a focus for the outpouring of our light, giving assistance through you to all the life you contact. Of this your outer self may know nothing. If you are sincerely endeavoring to serve us, you do become a focus of our presence in action wherever you move.

I AM the obedient servant of your light,
El Morya Khan

We offer you herewith a short statement for the calling forth of your tube of light’s protection:

My very own beloved mighty victorious Presence of God, I AM anchored within my beating heart: now project, permanently sustain and constantly intensify around me and my world a brilliant, scintillating tube of thy light substance!

Let this tube of light be an invincible Christ protection to my four lower bodies, especially my physical form, thoughts, feelings and affairs. See that it holds me and my world in constant perfect attunement with thee and thy harmonious perfection as well as with that of thy divine messengers, the ascended masters and angelic hosts, and holds me absolutely invisible and invulnerable to, untouched by and uninterfered with by discord of any kind from any person, place, condition or thing.

With all my heart I consciously and most gratefully accept this gift of thy love. Project, sustain and expand it also around every constructive person, place, condition and thing in the earth, on or beneath its surface or in its atmosphere!

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

1. I Cor. 2:14; 3:19; 1:17-25.

2. Deut. 4:24; 9:3; Heb. 12:29.

3. Ps. 91:5.

4. Rom. 3:23.

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