Pearls of Wisdom

Vol. 1 No. 24 - Beloved El Morya - November 7, 1958

Let the Twinkle of Mirth
Abound on Earth!

The twinkle of mirth is needed on earth in many a situation in which mankind find themselves. A happy, confident approach to any situation, even what appears to be quite a serious one, is of tremendous assistance to all concerned in bringing about a divinely just and satisfactory resolution thereof.

To possess a good sense of humor is to be greatly blessed; but if you are not so naturally blessed, you can always call to any of us and we shall be, oh, so grateful for that call which will enable us to give you the sense of humor that is so much a part of the consciousness of the ascended host.

Unaccountability is a word that does not apply to man’s use of God’s life. Everyone is always accountable to the cosmic law for the release of his energy (life) through his thought, feeling, spoken word and deed.

Of course, divine love is the master presence and authority of the entire universe, and its law supersedes all others. However, as applied to those who will not use that law of love, the karmic law by its very nature must return to its sender the energy sent forth qualified by human shadow, and always gathering more of its kind with accumulated energy of the same qualification. At times retribution for the misuses of God’s life follows like a swift arrow that action which set the cause in motion and produces the effect of returning karma.

The chalice of the heart is the generative point in man from which the gentle, godlike feelings of divine love emanate; and these feelings qualify the thoughts, spoken words and actions of each lifestream. You see, feelings account for the greatest percentage of man’s qualification of his daily allotment of energy—about 90 percent—whereas thought uses only about 10 percent.

As the individual releases his feelings from his heart and solar plexus, often as on swift wings, they travel around the world fulfilling the law of the circle, and they never fail to return to their source! Therefore, watch the feelings you allow to pass through your lifestream. For they are even more important than your thoughts.

It is easy to test this truth. For instance, if there is a difference between your thoughts and your feelings, most of the time your feelings will win out, because they represent the greater pressure of energy that is acting. Do you see?

So while standing watchful guard over your feelings, be sure to restrain the unhappy mood. And as quickly as you are aware of its presence, turn your attention to something pleasant in your surroundings or, better still, to one of us, and thus change that mood instantly from that which distresses you to that which gives you light and its joyous expression.

So, to bring you divine illumination that emanates from above the stars and is sent from my heart to yours with a twinkle, again I say:

Let the twinkle of mirth
Abound on earth!

For joy is one of the virtues of divine love. And joy and mirth are vibrations that in your application of the Law assist you to attain much more quickly your daily as well as your ultimate victory. Such victory I AM expressing—all ways!

(The Ascended Master Morya El)

Our beloved Ascended Master Morya, as well as the staff of The Summit Lighthouse, sincerely thank you for promptly seizing the opportunities offered you to help sustain and expand the humble service of the Pearls of Wisdom at this time.

Consciously expect and accept beloved Morya’s blessings to you and yours which will manifest perhaps in ways that you do not know of at this moment. Just know that as you have made yourselves a part of his expanded endeavor to free all life here on earth, so you have become a very real part of his heart. And his tremendous love cannot ever fail you in any way! We love you all.

“The Summit Lighthouse Sheds Its Radiance o’er All the World to Manifest as Pearls of Wisdom.”

Sweet Surrender to Our Holy Vow

by the Ascended Master El Morya

Meditation upon the God Flame:

  Our will to Thee we sweetly surrender now,
    Our will to God Flame we ever bow,
        Our will passing into Thine
          We sweetly vow.

Affirmation of the God Flame merging with the heart flame:

  No pain in eternal surrender,
  Thy Will, O God, be done.
  From our hearts the veil now sunder,
  Make our wills now one.

  Beauty in Thy purpose,
  Joy within Thy name,
  Life’s surrendered purpose
  Breathes Thy holy Flame.

  Grace within Thee flowing
  Into mortal knowing,
  On our souls bestowing
  Is immortal sowing.

  Thy Will be done, O God,
  Within us every one.
  Thy Will be done, O God—
  It is a living sun.

  Bestow Thy mantle on us,
  Thy garment living flame.
  Reveal creative essence,
  Come Thou once again.

  Thy Will is ever holy,
  Thy Will is ever fair.
  This is my very purpose,
  This is my living prayer:

  Come, come, come, O Will of God,
  With dominion souls endow.
  Come, come, come, O Will of God,
  Restore abundant living now.

And in full Faith I consciously accept this manifest, manifest, manifest! (3x) right here and now with full Power, eternally sustained, all-powerfully active, ever expanding, and world enfolding until all are wholly ascended in the Light and free!

Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM! Beloved I AM!

This decree is in the book Prayers, Meditations and Dynamic Decrees for Personal and World Transformation, no. 10.18. The song version is available from

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